How can I list all customElements defined? - dom

In looking at CustomElementRegistry type I cannot find any method that would allow me to iterate over all customElements defined.
Is there a way to enumerate over existing customElements without knowing their 'names' (as per .define() 'name' parameter)?

The only way that I know of would be to override customElements.define and have your function save off the info you want and then return the value from the original call. Then things still work the same, except that you can track everything in your own data.


Apache AGE - Creating Functions With Multiple Parameters

I was looking inside the create_vlabel function and noted that to get the graph_name and label_name it is used graph_name = PG_GETARG_NAME(0) and label_name = PG_GETARG_NAME(1). Since these two variables are also passed as parameters, I was thinking that, if I wanted to add one more parameter to this function, then I would need to use PG_GETARG_NAME(2) to get this parameter and use it in the function's logic. Is my assumption correct or do I need to do more tweaks to do this?
You are correct, but you also need to change the function signature in the "age--1.2.0.sql" file, updating the arguments:
CREATE FUNCTION ag_catalog.create_vlabel(graph_name name, label_name name, type new_argument)
Note that all arguments come as a "Datum" struct, and PG_GETARG_NAME automatically converts it to a "Name" struct. If you need an argument as int32, for example, you should use PG_GETARG_INT32(index_of_the_argument), for strings, PG_GETARG_CSTRING(n), and so on.
Yes, your assumption is correct. If you want to add an additional parameter to the create_vlabel function in PostgreSQL, you can retrieve the value of the third argument using PG_GETARG_NAME(2). Keep in mind that you may need to make additional modifications to the function's logic to handle the new parameter correctly.
The answers given by Fahad Zaheer and Marco Souza are correct, but you can also create a Variadic function, with which you could have n number of arguments but one drawback is that you would have to check the type yourself. You can find more information here. You can also check many Apache Age functions made this way e.g agtype_to_int2.

Get children of Dom_html.element

In js_of_ocaml, is it possible to get the child nodes of Dom_html.element?
I know that the class inherits Dom.node, and thus has the childNodes method. But since it is a method from Dom.node, it returns values of Dom.node types. And I need those nodes to still be Dom_html.element, or else most methods will not be available.
Since downcasting is not possible in OCaml, I do not find any possible solution for this issue. Am I missing something or is this really impossible?
childNodes cant't be typed as a collection of Dom_html.elements because the nodes returned can, and are likely to, include nodes that are not elements, such as text nodes.
The DOM standard defines a property children on Element which would only return the elements, but that still wouldn't get you to Dom_html.element. And unfortunately it also does not seem to be included in JSOO's Dom.element.
You can use the element function of Dom.CoerceTo to safely coerce Dom.nodes to Dom.elements, but I don't think there is any generally reliable way to go from Dom.element to Dom_html.element, because the DOM is unfortunately too dynamically typed.
You might have to check the tagName manually and (unsafely) cast it using Js.Unsafe.coerce.

How to ignore a return value in Common Lisp

I'm working with some code which calls ADJUST-ARRAY. I am getting a warning message from the Lisp interpreter (CMUCL) that the return value of ADJUST-ARRAY should not be ignored.
In the code I am working on, ADJUST-ARRAY modifies its argument in place, if I am not mistaken. So it's not necessary to do anything with the return value. Is there a designated way to ignore a return value in Common Lisp? Of course, I could assign the return value to some variable, and then ignore the variable. But that feels clumsy.
I could also assign the return value to the ADJUST-ARRAY argument, something like:
(setq my-array (adjust-array my-array ...))
but that seems to suggest that I'm not sure if ADJUST-ARRAY will modify MY-ARRAY in place.
Any advice is welcome, thanks in advance.
You are correct. As the documentation states:
The result is an array of the same type and rank as array, that is
either the modified array, or a newly created array to which array
can be displaced, and that has the given new-dimensions.
If the result is a newly created array then of course the function would have had no effect on the argument.
Common Lisp almost always require you to use the returned value rather than old bindings in order to have portable code.
The specification of adjust-array is that the adjusted array is the one returned.
What you can expect of the argument array afterwards to be is a bit complicated and may differ between implementations in some cases.
Just use the one returned. You might use setf to modify or let to create a binding.

List of Tuple<int,string> in PowerShell

I want to create a List<Tuple<int,string>> in PowerShell, but
New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.Generic.Tuple[int,string]]
does not work. What am I missing?
Lee's answer is the correct way to create a List of Tuples (although you can make the statement much shorter by omitting the System namespace). However, the better questions to ask in while programming in PowerShell are:
Why should I return a strongly typed object?
Do I really want to output a list?
The first one has its pros and cons. Strongly typed objects are useful to return if they have methods or events that will be useful for the next step in the pipeline. If, on the other hand, you just want to return a bunch of items with a name an int, I'd use something like:
This will create a property bag (what most devs know as a Tuple) containing the data you need, with more descriptive names than a .NET tuple will give you on the object. It's also pretty fast. If, on the other hand, the data is meant for an API, then by all means created the strongly typed object it expects.
The second question is a little bit harder to understand but has a much clearer answer. In many cases, you'll want to accept input for another function from the output of one function. In this, for many reasons, a strongly typed list is not your best friend. Strongly typed lists do not always clearly convert into arrays (this is especially true for generics), and, as arguments to a function, severely limit the different types of data you can put into the function. They also end up providing a little bit of a misleading and harder to use output (especially when piping in objects and producing multiple results), since the whole list will be displayed as one outputted item, instead of displaying each item on its own. Most annoyingly, strongly typed lists behave differently than arrays in PowerShell when you "over-index" (i.e. ask for item 10000 in a list of 5 items) Arrays will quietly return null. Lists will barf loudly. More practically, accumulating items into a list and then outputting the list will "hold" the pipeline until all items are in. This may be what you want, but in most cases it's nice to see output coming out of a function as it runs. Finally, lists add to the memory overhead of the function, as you need to accumulate a set of objects in the function's stack.
What I generally do is simply emit multiple objects. That is, I avoid using the return keyword and I take advantage of PowerShell's ability to return objects that are not captured into a variable. If I assign the result into a variable, the items will be accumulated within an arraylist and returned to you as an array. This quick little demonstration function shows you how.
function Get-RandomData {
param($count = 10)
foreach ($n in 1..$count){
It's worth noting that specialized collections are still quite useful. I very often use Queues and Stacks when the need arises. However, I very rarely find myself using generics or lists unless I am working with a part of .NET that specifically requires generics or lists. This is pretty personally ironic, since I was the person who tested support for generics in PowerShell V2. It's absolutely required when you want to work with a piece of .NET that can only take a list of tuples. It's slightly to severely counterproductive in all other cases.
You can create it with:
New-Object 'Collections.Generic.List[Tuple[int,string]]'
You are spelling Generic wrongly, and the Tuple types are in the System namespace, not System.Collections.Generic.
This is what worked for me. I am also providing sample code to insert into the list:
$myList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
#add range
[Tuple]::Create(1,"string 1"),
[Tuple]::Create(2,"string 2"),
[Tuple]::Create(3,"string 3")
#add single item
$myList.Add([Tuple]::Create(4,"string 4"))
#create variable and add to list
$myTuple = [Tuple]::Create(5,"string 5")
$myList.Add( $myTuple)
Write-Host $myList
Using and Understanding Tuples in PowerShell
You can create a tuple with up to 7 elements like this:
$tuple = [tuple]::Create(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
and you can get the value of an element by naming its item (starting with item1):
If you have 8 or more elements then use another tuple for the 8th element:
$tuple = [tuple]::Create(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,[tuple]::create(8,9))
internally, the 8th element is called "rest". You can get the values like this:
If you need to specify a type for each element then do it in front of each value:
$tuple = [tuple]::create([string]"a", [int]1, [byte]255)
Finally, adding a tuple to a list works like this:
$list = New-Object 'Collections.ArrayList'
$tuple = [tuple]::create([string]"a", [int]1, [byte]255)
There is no need to specify the tuple-details for creating the list.
Keep in mind, that you cannot change a value of a tuple later and the default sort-method sorts ascendig in the order of items1, item2 etc. (or you need a custom IComparer), but using them is super fast (way faster than working with large lists of PsObject or PSCustomObject and also faster than an import-Csv)!

Can we say that using "pass by reference" is always better than "pass by value"?

In C# or php or other languages, there are 2 ways to pass a value to a function, pass it by value and pass it by referece.
Pass parameter by value make the value copied in the function, so this need a extra memory space although the memory space will be reclaimed after running outside the function.
But passing parameter by reference no need to copy a value, it's save the memory. From this perspective, can we say that using "pass by reference" is always better than "pass by value"?
Pass by reference and pass by value are semantically different and sometimes one is correct approach and sometimes the other one is. In many cases the task at hand already prescribes which approach is needed and in contexts where only one option is supported you often need to manually work around it (e.g., if you need a copy in Java you'll need to clone() the object).
In the context of generic functions the answer is rather the opposite way of your proposed preference: pass arguments of deduced type by value! The reason is that you can use something like std::ref() to obtain reference semantics but there is no way to get value semantics if the functions use reference semantics.
There are tons of cases where you'd want to pass by value.
An example might be when you need both const Type& and Type&& overloads. Passing by value just handles both cases without having to duplicate any code:
void function(Object o) { do_something_with(std::move(o)); }
As opposed to:
void function(Object&& o) { do_something_with(std::move(o)); }
void function(const Object& o) { do_something_with(Object(o)); }
Of course there is much more to the subject, but since you're only asking for "is it always better?" I feel a single disproving example is enough. ;)
Edit: the question was originally tagged c++ hence my very specific answer.
Another, more language-agnostic example would be when you need to make a copy of your parameter because you don't want to modify the original object:
void function(int& val) { int v2 = val; modify(v2); use(v2); }
// vs
void function(int val) { modify(val); use(val); }
You get the idea...
Pass by reference requires copying a reference to the object. If that reference is comparable in cost to the object itself, then the benefit is illusory. Also, sometimes you need a copy of the object, and passing by value provides you one.
Also, there's a key error in the reasoning in the question. If passing by value, and there is no need to copy the value, nothing requires that the value actually be copied. Most languages have an "as-if" rule that states that the program only has to act as if the compiler did what you ask for. So if the copy can be avoided, the compiler is free to avoid it. If the copy can't be avoided, then you needed the copy.