"How to embed resources" or "How to access a Resource" - embedded-resource

I am struggling with embedded resources or resources in general with Dynamics365. My goal is to add a xml-file as resource to a model and use that resource in some testcode.
I tried to add the xml as resource-element but it seems this does not embedd the xml into the compiled dll so i don't know how to pick up that xml-file in my testcode. Currently my testcode loads the xml from "C:\Temp\test.xml" where i copied my xml to, but thats not a viable solution and i thought adding the xml as resource would be ok. Or is there a better approach to this scenario ?

You can use class SysResource to interact with resources. I used the following code in one of my unit tests to load the content of a file resource into a file and create a CommaStreamIo instance from that file. You should be able to modify that to do your stuff with an xml file.
ResourceNode textFileResourceNode = SysResource::getResourceNode(resourceStr(MyTextFileResourceName));
str textFilename = SysResource::saveToTempFile(textFileResourceNode);
CommaStreamIo commaStreamIo = CommaStreamIo::constructForRead(File::UseFileFromURL(textFilename));
Also take a look at reading a resource into a string.
You could also take a look at how some of the standard resources are used. For example, there are several .xslt file resources that are used to transform bank statement formats.


Is there a way to know filenames generated with MultiResourceItemWriter?

I'm writing a spring-batch application with spring-boot support and I'm looking for a way to know which files were generated by MultiResourceItemWriter. The first solution I have in mind is to have a folder for only the files generated and check the content, but if there is something already implemented on spring-batch would be great!
The intention is to encrypt and then upload each file to an sftp server.
The file names generated by the MultiResourceItemWriter are the combination of the resource name + the suffix created by the ResourceSuffixCreator. For example, if you create the writer like the following:
MultiResourceItemWriter<String> writer = new MultiResourceItemWriter<>();
writer.setResource(new FileSystemResource(new File("data.txt")));
writer.setResourceSuffixCreator(index -> "part" + index);
Then the generated files will be data.txt.part1, data.txt.part2, etc.
MultiResourceItemWriter doesn't perform write directly but delegate this job to other components.
All those components are ResourceAwareItemWriterItemStream implementors so you may write a ResourceAwareItemWriterItemStreamDelegate, intercept setResource() method and store resource into current step execution-context as a collection.
If you want to pass this list of resources to next steps you may use an ExecutionContextPromotionListener.

"Two output file names resolved to the same output path" error when nesting more than one .resx file within form in .NET application

I have a Windows Forms .NET application in Visual Studio. Making a form "Localizable" adds a Form1.resx file nested below the form. I also want to add a separate .resx file for each form (Form1Resources.resx). This is used for custom form-specific resources, e.g. messages generated using the code behind.
This is set up as follows:
It would be tidier to nest the custom .resx file beneath the form (see this question for details about nest how to do this), as follows:
However, this results in the following error when I build the application:
Two output file names resolved to the same output path:
"obj\Debug\WindowsFormsApp1.Form1.resources" WindowsFormsApp1
I'm guessing that MSBuild uses some logic to find nested .resx files and generate .resources file based on its parent. Is there any way that this can be resolved?
Note that it is not possible to add custom messages to the Form1.resx file - this is for design-specific resources only and any resources that you add get overwritten when you save changes in design mode.
The error comes from the GenerateResource task because the 2 resx files (EmbeddedResource items in msbuild) passed both have the same ManifestResourceName metadata value. That values gets created by the CreateManifestResourceNames task and assumingly when it sees an EmbeddedResource which has the DependentUpon metadata set (to Form1.cs in your case) it always generates something of the form '$(RootNamespace).%(DependentUpon)': both your resx files end up with WindowsFormsApp1.Form1 as ManifestResourceName. Which could arguably be treated as the reason why having all resx files under Form1 is not tidier: it's not meant for it, requires extra fiddling, moreover it could be confusing for others since they'd typcially expect to contain the resx fils placed beneath a form to contain what it always does.
Anyway: there's at least 2 ways to work around this:
there's a Target called CreateCustomManifestResourceNames which is meant to be used for custom ManifestResourceName creation. A bit too much work for your case probably, just mentioning it for completeness
manually declare a ManifestResourceName yourself which doesn't clash with the other(s); if the metadata is already present it won't get overwritten by
Generic code sample:
<EmbeddedResource Include="Form1Resources.resx">

How to make a section optional when mapped to optional data in a Word OpenXml Part?

I'm using OpenXml SDK to generate word 2013 files. I'm running on a server (part of a server solution), so automation is not an option.
Basically I have an xml file that is output from a backend system. Here's a very simplified example:
<my:Name>Customer Template</my:Name>
<my:Date>19/04/2017 10:16:04</my:Date>
<my:Date>20/04/2017 10:16:04</my:Date>
Then I use Word's Xml Mapping pane to map this data to content control:
I simply duplicate the word file, and write new Xml data when generating new files.
This is working as expected. When I update the xml part, it reflects the data from my backend.
Thought, there's a case that does not works. If a customer has no order, the template content is kept in the document. The xml data is :
<my:Name>Some customer</my:Name>
(see the empty order list).
In Word, the xml pane reflects the correct data (meaning no Order node):
But as you can see, the template content is still here.
Basically, I'd like to hide the order list when there's no order (or at least an empty table).
How can I do that?
PS: If it can help, I uploaded the word and xml files, and a small PowerShell script that injects the data : repro.zip
Thanks for sharing your files so we can better help you.
I had a difficult time trying to solve your problem with your existing Word Content Controls, XML files and the PowerShell script that added the XML to the Word document. I found what seemed to be Microsoft's VSTO example solution to your problem, but I couldn't get this to work cleanly.
I was however able to write a simple C# console application that generates a Word file based on your XML data. The OpenXML code to generate the Word file was generated code from the Open XML Productivity Tool. I then added some logic to read your XML file and generate the second table rows dynamically depending on how many orders there are in the data. I have uploaded the code for you to use if you are interested in this solution. Note: The xml data file should be in c:\temp and the generated word files will be in c:\temp also.
Another added bonus to this solution is if you were to add all of the customer data into one XML file, the application will create separate word files in your temp directory like so:
Here is the document generated from the first xml file
Here is the document generated from the second xml file with the empty row
Hope this helps.

GTK/C and GtkBuilder to make a single executable

In my project I call gtk_builder_add_from_file function to load an xml file with the ui objects designed with Glade previously. So, I have my binary program and (in the same folder) the xml file.
What is the best way to pack all into a single executable? should I use a self-extracting script? or there is something else to compile all together?
Thanks to all
You can use the GResource API available in GIO. GResources work by defining the assets you wish to ship with your application inside an XML file, similar to this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gresource prefix="/com/example/YourApp">
<file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">your-app.ui</file>
Take note of the prefix attribute, because it will be used later.
Once you've added your assets, you use the glib-compile-resources binary shipped by GLib to generate a C file that includes all your assets, encoded as byte arrays. The generated code will also use the global constructor functionality exposed by various compilers so that the resources are loaded once your application is loaded (and before main is called), or, in case of a shared object, once the library is loaded by the linker. An example of glib-compiler-resources invocation in a Makefile is:
GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = $(shell $(PKGCONFIG) --variable=glib_compile_resources gio-2.0)
resources = $(shell $(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) --sourcedir=. --generate-dependencies your-app.gresource.xml
your-app-resources.c: your-app.gresource.xml $(resources)
$(GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES) your-app.gresource.xml --target=$0 --sourcedir=. --geneate-source
Then you have to add the your-app-resources.c to your build.
In order to access your assets you should use the from_resource() function that is exposed in various classes; for instance, to load a UI description in GtkBuilder, you should use gtk_builder_add_from_resource(). The path used is a combination of the prefix you defined in the GResource XML file and the file name, e.g.: /com/example/YourApp/your-app.ui. You can also use the resource:// URI when loading from a GFile.
You can find more information on the GResources API reference page.

How to write an Enterprise Library dataConfig.config file?

I have 'inherited' a test harness application which uses Enterprise Library for its SQL data access. In the app.config file (enterpriselibrary.configurationSettings), it references a "configurationSection" with a path to "dataConfig.config", which is encrypted. I would like to change the database connection properties, but EntLibConfig.exe will not open the dataConfig.config or app.config (I have the FileKeyAlgorithmPairStorageProviderData file).
The test harness application runs, so its configured ok.
I can, in code, using (Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetConfiguration("dataConfiguration")) read the data configuration, and can navigate all the instances and connection strings (security isn't an issue for this test harness). I can dump everything I need to a hand-crafted XML file (using GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName to get the full name for the classes which read the config file) and then change the app.config to read my new, unencrypted, xml dataConfig file.
All is fine, I can now change my database config settings.
However... given that ConfigurationManager.GetConfiguration("dataConfiguration") returns a fully populated instance of a DatabaseSettings object, is there not a method I can call which will write the XML file (dataConfig.config) for me ?
I appreciate that this is probably a really big hammer way to edit the data configuration, but after half a day of trying, I fell back on the old coding maxim... if you can't find the tool to do what you want, write your own !
Well... turns out that its not that hard.
I added a new "configurationSection" to my app.config (dataConfiguration2), with encrypt set to false, with a path pointing to an new empty text file (dataConfiguration.config2). I then copied my encrypted dataConfiguration details using the following code:
using Entlib = Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Configuration;
DatabaseSettings settings = (DatabaseSettings)Entlib.ConfigurationManager.GetConfiguration("dataConfiguration");
Entlib.ConfigurationManager.WriteConfiguration("dataConfiguration2", settings);
...and it filled the empty file with the (unencrypted) configuration details.