Missing binaries for postgres_fdw and uuid-ossp - postgresql

I'm upgrading my database from 10.4 to 11.3 but when performing the check when using pg_upgrade, I am getting the following errors:
could not load library "$libdir/uuid-ossp": ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/uuid-ossp": No such file or directory
could not load library "$libdir/postgres_fdw": ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgres_fdw": No such file or directory
I am using CentOS 7 and to see if I need to create the extension first, I tried the following and got the following error:
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;
ERROR: could not open extension control file "/pgapp/postgresql/11.3/share/extension/postgres_fdw.control": No such file or directory
So it doesn't seem like the FDW binaries were loaded when I did the yum install documented on the postgres page. Is there a way to install these files separately or is there another way to get this to work so that I can finish my upgrade?


postgis extension install fails to find file though it exists

Working on macOS / catalina
Did a binary install with postgis, but having some trouble. Downloaded both postgresSQL and postgis with homebrew, seemingly successful
Ran psql -U postgres and then ran CREATE EXTENSION postgis but got the error:
[ERROR: could not open extension control file "/Library/PostgreSQL/13/share/postgresql/extension/postgis.control": No such file or directory
thought it was because my install was in my homebrew cellar directory, so I just copied it over to the above directory the create extension command went to, but when I re-login and rerun the create extension command, it gives me back the same error even though the file now exists in "/Library/PostgreSQL/13/share/postgresql/extension" - can't understand why this is happening / how the system is thinking when it gives this error, is this because it can't access the directory due to permissions?

Postgresql 12 doesn´t find PostGIS extension on CentOS 8

I´m trying to get PostGIS working, but it seems that Postgresql doesn´t find the extension. My server is running on CentOS 8, the Postgresql is version 12. I installed Postgresql 12 first via dnf module enable postgresql:12 etc..
Afterwards I installed PostGIS and followed the description on the PostGIS website (https://people.planetpostgresql.org/devrim/index.php?/archives/102-Installing-PostGIS-3.0-and-PostgreSQL-12-on-CentOS-8.html). But when I try to run CREATE EXTENSION postgis; I get the error ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-3": No such file or directory SQL state: 58P01 I figured out that the needed files reside in a subdirectory "bitcode". Therefore I tried to symlink the content in the $libdir directory above - but didn´t help. Even copying them in the directory didn´t - same error. What am I missing?
Thank you and best regards,
You have a mix of packages installed: Some from the CentOS distribution, some from the PostgreSQL site. That will lead to trouble.
Uninstall the PostgreSQL packages that do not have PGDG in them and make sure to disable them as shown in the link you show. Then install the PGDG packages for PostGIS

Cannot install plv8 for Postgres 12 on Windows

I have downloaded the plv8 installation package from xTuple using this link.
I have run the installation batch file in that package.
I've checked the relevant files are now in bin, lib and share/extension.
I have given my user superuser permissions with:
ALTER USER administrator WITH superuser
When I try to create the extension, I receive a Permission Denied error:
> ERROR: could not open extension control file "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/12/share/extension/plv8.control": Permission denied
I can't work out what's wrong.
First of all, thank you for providing the link to the packaged extension.
I installed the PLV8 extension using the .bat file, and then I had to restart the PostgreSQL service on my Windows machine.
After that, running the create extension plv8; command in pgAdmin worked without a problem.
I verified that the extension is installed by trying to execute the same command again and getting an "ERROR: extension "plv8" already exists" message.
I think you have have forgotten to restart the PostgreSQL service after installation of the extension package.

Could not find libhdf5.so.6 during CREATE EXTENSION postgis

i tried to create extension for postgis in postgresql 9.5. I've already follow from here
But it doesn't work like i expected. I got error ERROR: could not load library "/usr/pgsql-9.5/lib/rtpostgis-2.2.so": libhdf5.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory when i execute CREATE EXTENSION postgis
I have had install this on my other machine which run ubuntu. But this machine using centos 6. am i missing something? please help.
Looks like the package you need is hdf5
There have been a fair number of problems reported with this library (a quick google search is helpful), but you may try making sure you can find libhdf5.so.6 on your system and if not reinstalling the rpm.
If that doesn't work, build the library from source or find an alternate version for download?

PostgreSQL failure on test database for Rails application

Upon running rake db:test:prepare my test database was dropped, but failed to be rebuilt. After researching the errors, I simply attempted to load the database with rake db:test:load to repopulate based on the schema.rb file. That call resulted in the following message
PG::Error: ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/pgsql-9.1/share/extension/postgis.control": No such file or directory
I've spent the day reinstalling postgresql-9.1 and postGIS 1.5.3 on a test server in every way I can find on the internet, and none of those installations produce the ever-elusive postgis.control file. Is there a special install I need to run on a CentOS6 machine to produce the binary? Or is there another way to run the rake tasks to test the psql database?
This message is shown for CREATE EXTENSION postgis; however the newer extension method was introduced for PostGIS 2.0. The version that you have installed does not support this method.
Either upgrade to PostGIS 2.0 (excellent RPMs for YUM here), or spatially enable a PostGIS 1.5 database using either a template or using enabler scripts. Details here.