How to create a struct or type from a dictionary in Julia? - matlab

I have imported a bunch of data from a .mat file (MATLAB format) and they come as dictionarys, but it's kind of anoying using them, so I wanted to pass it for a struct. I know I can do this:
using MAT
struct model
vars = matread("data.mat")
Is there a way to do this without typing every key of the dictionay?

There's probably no way to avoid directly accessing the relevant keys of your dictionary. However, you can simplify your life a little by making a custom Model constructor that takes in a Dict:
using MAT
struct Model
function Model(d::Dict)
h = d["hmm1"]
Model(h["trans"], h["means"], h["vars"])
d = matread("data.mat")

If you're only worried about the dot-access syntax à la hmm1.means, you could instead use a NamedTuple:
julia> vars = Dict("hmm1"=>Dict("trans"=>1, "means"=>2, "vars"=>3)) ;
julia> hmm1 = (; (Symbol(k) => v for (k,v) in vars["hmm1"])...)
(trans = 1, vars = 3, means = 2)
julia> hmm1.means
(Taken and adapted from Julia discourse: How to make a named tuple from a dictionary?.)


Adding elements to a MLMultiArray

I have a CoreML model (created using TF and converted to CoreML). For it
input is: MultiArray (Double 1 x 40 x 3)
output is: MultiArray (Double)
I will be getting these [a,b,c] tuples and need to collect 40 of them before sending into to the model for prediction. I am looking through the MLMultiArray documentation and am stuck. May be because of I am new to Swift.
I have a variable called modelInput that I want to initialize and then as the tuples come in, add them to the modelInput variable.
modelInput = MLMultiArray(shape:[1,40,3], dataType:MLMultiArrayDataType.double))
The modelInput.count is 120 after this call. So I am guessing an empty array is created.
However now I want to add the tuples as they come in. I am not sure how to do this.
For this I have a currCount variable which is updated after every call. The following code however gives me an error.
"Value of type 'UnsafeMutableRawPointer' has no subscripts"
var currPtr : UnsafeMutableRawPointer = modelInput.dataPointer + currCount
currPtr[0] = a
currPtr[1] = b
currPtr[2] = c
currCount = currCount + 3
How do I update the multiArray?
Is my approach even correct? Is this the correct way to create a multi array for the prediction input?
I would also like to print the contents of the MLMultiArray. There doesn't appear to be any helper functions to do that though.
You can use pointers, but you have to change the raw pointer into a typed one. For example:
let ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>(OpaquePointer(multiArray.dataPointer))
ptr[0] = a
ptr[1] = b
ptr[2] = c
I figured it out. I have to this --
modelInput[currCount+0] = NSNumber(floatLiteral: a)
modelInput[currCount+1] = NSNumber(floatLiteral: b)
modelInput[currCount+2] = NSNumber(floatLiteral: c)
I cannot use the raw pointer to access elements.

Matlab load mat into variable

When loading data from a .Mat file directly into a variable, it stores an struct instead of the variable itself.
myData.mat contains var1, var2, var3
if I do:
load myData.mat
it will create the variables var1, var2 and var3 in my workspace. OK.
If I assign what load returns to a variable, it stores an struct. This is normal since I'm loading several variables.
foo = load('myData.mat')
foo =
struct with fields:
However suppose that I'm only interested in var1 and I want to directly store into a variable foo.
Load has an option of loading only specific variables from a .mat file, however it still stores an struct
foo = load('myData.mat', 'var1')
foo =
struct with fields:
I want var1 to be directly assigned to foo.
Of course I can do:
foo = load('myData.mat', 'var1')
foo = foo.var1;
But it should be a way of doing this automatically in one line right?
If the MAT-file contains one variable, use
x = importdata(mat_file_name)
load does not behave this way otherwise load would behave inconsistently depending upon the number of variables that you have requested which would lead to an extremely confusing behavior.
To illustrate this, imagine that you wrote a general program that wanted to load all variables from a .mat file, make some modification to them, and then save them again. You want this program to work with any file so some files may have one variable and some may have multiple variables stored in them.
If load used the behavior you've specified, then you'd have to add in all sorts of logic to check how many variables were stored in a file before loading and modifying it.
Here is what this program would look like with the current behavior of load
function modifymyfile(filename)
data = load(filename);
fields = fieldnames(data);
for k = 1:numel(fields)
data.(fields{k}) = modify(data.(fields{k}));
save(filename, '-struct', 'data')
If the behavior was the way that you think you want
function modifymyfile(filename)
% Use a matfile to determine the number of variables
vars = whos(matfile(filename));
% If there is only one variable
if numel(vars) == 1
% Assign that variable (have to use eval)
tmp = load(filename, vars(1).name);
tmp = modify(tmp);
% Now to save it again, you have to use eval to reassign
eval([vars(1).name, '= tmp;']);
% Now resave
save(filename, vars(1).name);
data = load(filename);
fields = fieldnames(data);
for k = 1:numel(fields)
data.(fields{k}) = modify(data.(fields{k}));
save(filename, '-struct', 'data');
I'll leave it to the reader to decide which of these is more legible and robust.
The best way to do what you're trying to do is exactly what you've shown in your question. Simply reassign the value after loading
data = load('myfile.mat', 'var1');
data = data.var1;
Even if you only wanted the variable to not be assigned to a struct when a variable was explicitly specified, you'd still end up with inconsistent behavior which would make it difficult if my program accepted a list of variables to change as a cell array
variables = {'var1', 'var2'}
data = load(filename, variables{:}); % Would yield a struct
variables = {'var1'};
data = load(filename, variables{:}); % Would not yield a struct
#Suever is right, but in case you wish for a one-line workaround this will do it:
foo = getfield(load('myData.mat'), 'var1');
It looks ugly but does what you want:
foo = subsref(matfile('myData.mat'),struct('type','.','subs','var1'))
Use matfile allows partial loading of variables into memory i.e. it only loads what is necessary. The function subsref does the job of the indexing operator "." in this case.

Matlab: iterate over multiple structs

I have 5 Matlab structs. I would like to iterate over them. My current solution is the following:
all_structs = [struct1,struct2,struct3,struct4,struct5];
for single_struct = all_structs
% do stuff to each struct here
However, each of the structs above has a matrix with a lot of data (including some other properties). Also, whatever I change in the single_struct is not passed back to the original struct.
Question: How do I fix that? Does Matlab copy all that data again when I create the vector all_structs? Or is the data from each of the structs (struct1,...,struct5) passed by reference? Is there a better way to iterate over multiple structs?
Thanks for helping!
struct will not be passed by reference. You will need to loop over the elements in all_structs using an index and then access and modify using that index. If you need something to be treated as reference you will need to define a class for it and make the class inherit from handle. Suggested reading
for i = 1:numel(all_structs)
% do stuff to each struct here
all_structs(i).data = ones(10,5); % your code here
I would suggest also reading on arrayfun, though it is useful if you want to do an operation and get results. From your description it sounds like you want to modify the structs.
In case you want to modify content of original structs, without making a copy, you can use a cell array of structs names.
Then iterate the names, and use eval to modify the content.
Using eval is inefficient, so don't make it a habit...
See the following code sample:
%Create sample structs (each struct has a data element). = 1; = 2; = 3;
%Create a cell array containing structs names as strings.
struct_names = {'struct1', 'struct2', 'struct3'};
%Iterate all structs names
%Modify data elements of each struct using eval.
for i = 1:length(struct_names)
sname = struct_names{i}; %Get struct name from cell array.
%Evaluate a string like: ' = + 1;'
eval([sname, '.data = ', sname, '.data + 1;']);

Is it possible to parse struct by reference in Matlab?

Say I have a dynamically built struct (such as data.(casenames{c}).t25s). Accessing this dynamically quickly makes very cluttered and hard-to-read code with lots of duplication (e.g. plot(data.(casenames{c}).t14s.x,data.(casenames{c}).t14s.y);).
So my question is:
Can I pass a struct by reference to another variable?
Something like the following:
for cno = 1:length(casenames)
data.(casenames{c}) = struct;
... % do some file reading and fill in .x and .y
for cno = 1:length(casenames)
case = #data.(casenames{c}); % Naïve parse by ref
case.z = case.x + case.y
This should then cause data.(casenames{c}).z to be assigned the value of data.(casenames{c}).x + data.(casenames{c}).y
With basic data types, no. You can get handles to objects, so if your structs and data methods are sufficiently complex, that may be worth a thought. Otherwise, it's usually possible to simply refactor the code for clarity:
for cno = 1:length(casenames)
data.(casenames{c}) = struct;
... % do some file reading and fill in .x and .y
for cno = 1:length(casenames)
% read-modify-write idiom
data.(casenames{c}) = dosomething(data.(casenames{c}));
function case = dosomething(case)
case.z = case.x + case.y;
Side note: since Matlab's "pass by value" is actually "pass by reference with copy-on-write" internally, it's possible to exploit this from MEX functions, but it's entirely unsupported and may cause unexpected behaviour.

Clever way to assign multiple fields at once?

Due to legacy function calls I'm sometimes forced to write ugly wrappers like this
function return = someWrapper(someField)
a = someField.a;
b = someField.b;
% and so on, realistically it's more like ten variables that
% could actually be grouped in a struct
save('params.mat', 'a', 'b'); %etc.
% then, on another machine, a function loads params.mat, does the calculations
% and saves the result in result.mat containing the variables c,d,...
load('result.mat', 'c', 'd');
return.c = c;
return.d = d;
% again, it's more than just two return values
So the basic idea is to create variables with the same names as someField's fieldnames, run a function and create a return structure using someFunction's return variable's names as fieldnames.
Is there some way simplify this using some loop e.g. over fieldnames(someField)?
Or should I actually use some different approach? Since some further processing is done with someField and result I'd like to keep using structs, but maybe a second question would be
Can save and load redirect varibale names? I.e. could e.g. the variable a in params.mat be stored using someField.a as value instead of having to assign a = someField.a first?
Why not something like this?
if this is s:
Then this command creates a matfile named "arguments" with variables a, b, c:
save arguments.mat -struct s
And this command loads a matfiles variables into a structure
r = load('arguments.mat')
How about using ASSIGNIN and dynamic fieldnames to loop over the structure fields and create the appropriate variables in the workspace:
function struct2base(s)
for f = fieldnames(s)'
assignin('base', f{:}, s.(f{:}))
Have a look at the deal() function.