Azure Devops Build Cancel with multiple Agents - azure-devops

I am using Azure devops as a service. I have a build with multiple agents. This is partly to organize the build tasks into logical groups and also because one the Agents is used with a Multi-Configuration/Multiplier to perform a set of tasks n times. Each agent has a dependency on the one before it.
It appears the pipeline queues all the agents. The problem is when I cancel a build, the current agent may be canceled -- but the next agent queued continues.
For example, the Multiplier agent queues n instances. Canceling the build only cancels the current agent - the next one in the queue then starts up.
How do I get the build to cancel in it's entirety when you "Cancel" the build ?


Waiting on job "x" to finish in pipeline "1" before running job "x" in pipeline "2" (Azure DevOps)

We're using SonarQube for tests, and there's one token it uses, as long as one pipeline is running, it goes fine, but if I run different pipelines (all of them have E2E tests as final jobs), they all fail, because they keep calling a token that expires as soon as its used by one pipeline (job). Would it be possible to have -all- pipelines pause at job "x" if they detect some pipeline running job "x" already? The jobs have same names across all pipelines. Yes, I know this is solved by just running one pipeline at a time, but that's not what my devs wanna do.
The best way to make jobs run one by one is set demands for your agent job to run on a specific self-hosted agent. Just as below, set a user-defined capabilities for the self-hosted agent and then require run on the agent by setting demands in agent job.
In this way, agent jobs will only run on this agent. Build will run one by one until the previous one complete.
Besides, you could control if a job should run by defining approvals and checks. By using Invoke REST API check to make a call to a REST API such as Gets a list of builds, and define the success criteria as build count is zero, then, next build starts.

How to make and control of parallel execution of Azure DevOps Pipeline?

I am using Windows Self hosted agent for my Azure DevOps pipelines. Currently the pipelines are executed sequentially. If more than one pipelines triggered from different ADO projects, then it has to wait in queue to get the agent. In order to execute the pipeline in parallel, I came to know from some tutorials if we increase the paid parallel jobs for self hosted agent under billing section of Organization setting. Is my understanding correct? If so what are the precautionary steps I need to take. Do we have any control of when the pipelines to be executed in parallel?
In order to run self-hosted parallel jobs, you need to purchase parallel jobs and register several self-hosted agents.
For parallel jobs, you can register any number of self-hosted agents in your organization. If you want to run 3 jobs in parallel, then you must register at least 3 self-hosted agents in one agent pool. DevOps charges based on the number of jobs you want to run at a time, not the number of agents registered. There are no time limits on self-hosted jobs. For private projects, you can have one job and one additional job for each active Visual Studio Enterprise subscriber who is a member of your organization.
About how to purchase parallel jobs, please refer to Buy parallel jobs.
For how to control the use of parallel jobs, please refer to the following:
For classic pipeline, you can specify when to run the job through dependencies and Run this job in Additional options in the agent job. Then the pipeline will run in sequence according to your settings.
For YAML pipeline, you can specify the conditions under which the job should run with "dependsOn" and "condition".
For example:
For more info about conditions, please refer to Specify conditions
If you don't specify a specific order, the jobs will run in parallel based on the parallel jobs you purchased.
I don't know if my experience can help. I'll try. I started a new job and we use self-hosted TFS / Azure DevOps. I am changing our build process to create 3 product SKUs (it uses conditional compilation). Let's call them Good, Better & Best.
I edited the Build definition. First I switched to the Variables tab. I created a Process variable named SKUs and set it to Good,Better,Best. The commas are important.
Next I switched to the Tasks tab. I located the Agent Phase. Mine was called Phase 1. Select it. On the right, under Parallelism, I selected Multi-configuration. In the Multipliers text field I entered SKUs. I set Maximum number of agents to 3.
What I don't yet know is the TFS back-end administration and options that the company purchased beforehand.

Azure DevOps Pipelines - how agents in an agent pool are selected for running jobs

I have the following question on how jobs are scheduled onto agents in an Agent pool.
AzDO Job Scheduling on Agents
This pertains to HOW the AzDO pipeline decides to pick which of the agents from the pool to run jobs.
The expectation is that jobs will be evenly distributed across the agents in the pool. However, we are noticing that only one of the agents is repeatedly the target of job executions, and this is skewing up the agent usage and rest of the agents are idling, while jobs are waiting.
I examined if there are any demand/capabilities placed on the agents and there are none.
Questions: -
What is the algorithm or job scheduling policy used to pick the
agents? Is there any default stickiness once the job starts landing
in an agent, meaning once an agent is selected from a pool then
subsequent jobs get sticky to the same agent?
Why is only a single agent out of multiple agents in a pool getting used, while rest of agents are idling.
ADO does not pick an agent. The agents "ask" ADO if there is new work for them:
You mention "jobs". I'm not sure if you mean the technical term of an ADO job. If so: Jobs belong to a stage. An entire stage will always be executed on the same agents. Subsequent stages might be running on different agents.
I assume you are not using "Capabilities"?! Otherwise that might explain the behavior that you are seeing.

How to queue multiple runs of same azure pipeline on one agent

My pipeline triggers on resources, schedule and merges. Sometimes these can happen almost at the same time and many pipeline runs can be created. I've noticed that the jobs that run don't always belong to the same run.
one pipeline A includes 2 jobs j.1 and j.2
a resource triggers A.1 and starts j.1
another resource triggers A.2 also and queues j.1.
A.1 finishes a job and instead of starting j.2 it is A.2 j.1 that starts.
How do I lock the run so that A.1 j.1 and j.2 runs to completion before A.2 starts?
On the agent, the queue is for the job-level not pipeline-level. So, normally the agent will be allocate to the higher priority jobs in the pipelines regardless of whether the jobs are in the same pipeline run.
Currently, we have not method or settings to manager the sort of the queued jobs.

How to ensure that a release stage is executed by every agent of the agent pool

I have set up a multi-agent job for an Azure Release Pipeline. There are two agents in the agent pool. The job needs to be executed by every agent in the agent pool.
The settings shown in the above schedule two agent jobs whenever a release is triggered. If both agents are idle while the deployment starts, everything works as expected and both agents execute the job. But, as soon as one agent is busy at that time the behavior becomes unexpected and both jobs are executed by the same agent consecutively.
How can I ensure that every agent of the agent pool is executing the defined agent job?
This is as designed. If one agent pool has two agents A and B, while A is busy, the build job will running with B. So in pool, if some agents are busy, the pipeline will running with other free and available agent.
The precondition of Parallel job is that you must has enough agents free and available. That's why as soon as one agent is busy at that time the behavior becomes unexpected.