data-service Compiling and running versions greater than 0.18.1 - wavesplatform

I can't start the API starting from version 0.18.1. Example version 0.20.0 I get an error:
return new TSError(diagnosticText, diagnosticCodes)
TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
src/index.ts(15,34): error TS2497: This module can only be referenced with ECMAScript imports/exports by turning on the 'esModuleInterop' flag and referencing its default export.
src/index.ts(26,35): error TS2345: Argument of type '{ expose: string; header: boolean; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ expose?: string | undefined; header?: string | undefined; query?: string | undefined; }'.
Types of property 'header' are incompatible.
Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'string | undefined'.
I tried different versions in different variants. But the errors are almost the same.
what versions and what do you use for compilation? Maybe I am launching wrong?
There is one nuance that makes me roll back to jest#23.6.0
Because it is needed for ts-jest.
How correct?

We don't actually use ts-node to launch the app. One of the reasons we've stopped using it is that it sometimes produces cryptic errors even when the tsc compiles fine.
Try launching this way (requires ENV vars):
npm run build
node dist/index.js

It seems that you're using an old version of TS.
We use:
ts-node 7.0.1
typescript 3.2.2


Deno: unable to import a library which contains relative imports

I'm trying to write some code that uses Deno and rdflib. And failing miserably.
Here's my test program:
// #deno-types=""
import { Namespace } from ''
when I ask deno to cache the remote packages, it fails:
$ deno --unstable cache rdflib.ts
Check file:///home/ian/projects/personal/deno-experiments/rdflib.ts
error: TS2502 [ERROR]: 'thisArg' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own type annotation.
bind<T>(this: T, thisArg: ThisParameterType<T>): OmitThisParameter<T>;
at asset:///lib.es5.d.ts:350:22
TS2614 [ERROR]: Module '""' has no exported member 'Query'. Did you mean to use 'import Query from ""' instead?
import { Query } from './query';
TS2614 [ERROR]: Module '""' has no exported member 'UpdatesSocket'. Did you mean to use 'import UpdatesSocket from ""' instead?
import { UpdatesSocket } from './updates-via';
TS2614 [ERROR]: Module '""' has no exported member 'UpdatesVia'. Did you mean to use 'import UpdatesVia from ""' instead?
import { UpdatesVia } from './updates-via';
TS2749 [ERROR]: 'Store' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof Store'?
... many more lines ...
TS2614 [ERROR]: Module '""' has no exported member 'termValue'. Did you mean to use 'import termValue from ""' instead?
export { termValue } from './utils/termValue';
Found 44 errors.
As far as I can tell, the problem is with lines in the remote code that do relative imports. Do such relative imports not work with Deno, or am I missing some vital step, or is my approach doomed?
Version info:
$ deno --version
deno 1.12.2 (release, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
typescript 4.3.5
The problem is not that they are relative specifiers, but that they are not fully qualified. From section 6.6 in the manual:
Can I use TypeScript not written for Deno?
Maybe. That is the best answer, we are afraid. For lots of reasons, Deno has chosen to have fully qualified module specifiers. In part this is because it treats TypeScript as a first class language. Also, Deno uses explicit module resolution, with no magic. This is effectively the same way browsers themselves work, though they don't obviously support TypeScript directly. If the TypeScript modules use imports that don't have these design decisions in mind, they may not work under Deno.
Also, in recent versions of Deno (starting with 1.5), we have started to use a Rust library to do transformations of TypeScript to JavaScript in certain scenarios. Because of this, there are certain situations in TypeScript where type information is required, and therefore those are not supported under Deno. If you are using tsc as stand-alone, the setting to use is "isolatedModules" and setting it to true to help ensure that your code can be properly handled by Deno.
One of the ways to deal with the extension and the lack of Node.js non-standard resolution logic is to use import maps which would allow you to specify "packages" of bare specifiers which then Deno could resolve and load.

How to add Babel support for nullishCoalescingOperator to vue project?

In my Vue-CLI project, when I tried using the ?? operator, I got this error:
Syntax Error: SyntaxError: /Users/stevebennett/odev/freelancing/v-map/src/components/Map.vue: >Support for the experimental syntax 'nullishCoalescingOperator' isn't currently enabled (30:29):
Add #babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator ( to the 'plugins' section of your Babel config to enable transformation.
I installed #babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator (its name seems to have changed), added it to my babel.config.js:
module.exports = {
presets: ['#vue/app'],
plugins: ['#babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator'],
Now the error message seems to have gone backwards, no reference to the operator name at all:
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (39:35)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| case 8:
| points = _context.sent;
console.log(sheetID ?? 37);
What am I doing wrong?
For me, the #babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator plugin would not work, which is the one you are using.
I had to use the #babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator plugin which is the one that the error message suggests you use.
Additionally, I noticed this on the page for the #babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator plugin:
I can't say for sure if this will fix your problem, but it certainly fixed mine

Could not find openssl in backend

Error I get:
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: could not find `openssl` in `backend`
--> ...\src\...\swagger-0.12.1\src\
41 | native_tls::backend::openssl::TlsConnectorBuilderExt::from_openssl(ssl);
| ^^^^^^^ could not find `openssl` in `backend`
error[E0433]: failed to resolve: could not find `openssl` in `backend`
--> ...\swagger-0.12.1\src\
85 | native_tls::backend::openssl::TlsConnectorBuilderExt::from_openssl(ssl);
| ^^^^^^^ could not find `openssl` in `backend`
Compiling hyper v0.2.1
error: expected identifier, found `"rustc-serialize"`
--> ...\hyper-0.2.1\src\
129 | extern crate "rustc-serialize" as serialize;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected identifier
Generated a server stub user swagger. Ran into issues where cargo couldn't find openssl, giving an error like 'custom build something openssl-sys 0.9.24'. This was a known issue and I overcame it by downloading vcpkg, and using vcpkg to download openssl. Then using environment variables to point to the download folder so cargo could use openssl. But now the error seems to be that openssl doesn't exist in backend?
It also seems to specific to windows, any ideas?
Tried changing the version of native-tls to the most up to date version but it doesn't seem to have an affect at all. It looks like swagger's dependencies need updating but I literally just generated this stub...
You've landed on a flaw from the Rust documentation tools; it picks up what is in a package, but doesn't show the limits.
The backend module definition is defined as:
#[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))]
pub mod security_framework;
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub mod schannel;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "windows", target_os = "ios")))]
pub mod openssl;
In other words, the situation is the following:
If you are on linux (i.e. not macOS, not windows, not iOS), then openssl is available
If you are on windows, then schannel is available
If you are on MacOS or iOS security_framework is available
You should, however, not be trying to target a specific backend, as this defeats the purpose of the library. Instead of importing native_tls::backend::openssl::TlsConnectorBuilderExt, import native_tls::TlsConnectorBuilder and let it decide what backend you need.
This may be easier said than done, however, since by the looks of your error this is caused by a third-party library, which indicates that it was only tested on Linux.

Can't use imported class as a return type in TypeScript

I can't use imported Command class as a return type even if it is possible to create Command instance like (let parser = new Command();)
My tsc version is,
$ src git:(master) ✗ tsc --version
Version 1.8.0-dev.20151222
Am I missing something?
That's because commander.IExportedCommand.Command is not a type but a variable. You can either use typeof Command or use the actual name of that type commander.ICommand.
function create(args: string[]): typeof Command;
// or
function create(args: string[]): commander.ICommand;

Doing git pull in Engine Yard

I am deploying my rails app to Engine Yard.
What i had so far:
1. created SSH hey
2. Install public key to Engine Yard app.
3. ssh deploy#my.server.ip.address
I was put at home/deploy, which is not a right place to perform git pull.
The reason I need to deploy in this way, is because my app is using nmatrix gem, which need to be installed manually using c++ compiler. The automatic bundler got an error while fetching that gem, and stopped.
I guess my question should be, how to install nmatrix to EngineYard. This is the error message I got from calling gem install nmatrix:
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing nmatrix:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
/usr/bin/ruby21 extconf.rb
checking for main() in -llapack... no
checking for main() in -lcblas... yes
checking for main() in -latlas... no
checking for clapack.h... no
checking for cblas.h... yes
checking for cblas.h... yes
checking for clapack_dgetrf() in cblas.h,clapack.h... no
checking for clapack_dgetri() in cblas.h,clapack.h... no
checking for dgesvd_() in clapack.h... no
checking for cblas_dgemm() in cblas.h... yes
using C++ standard... c++0x
g++ reports version... Hardened
creating nmatrix_config.h
creating Makefile
make "DESTDIR="
compiling nmatrix.cpp
In file included from nmatrix.cpp:331:0:
ruby_nmatrix.c: In function ‘VALUE nm_mset(int, VALUE*, VALUE)’:
ruby_nmatrix.c:1378:108: warning: format ‘%u’ expects type ‘unsigned int’, but argument 4 has type ‘size_t’
ruby_nmatrix.c: In function ‘VALUE nm_xslice(int, VALUE*, void* (*)(const STORAGE*, SLICE*), void (*)(NMATRIX*), VALUE)’:
ruby_nmatrix.c:1556:91: warning: format ‘%u’ expects type ‘unsigned int’, but argument 4 has type ‘size_t’
ruby_nmatrix.c: In function ‘SLICE* get_slice(size_t, int, VALUE*, size_t*)’:
ruby_nmatrix.c:1903:104: warning: format ‘%u’ expects type ‘unsigned int’, but argument 3 has type ‘size_t’
ruby_nmatrix.c:1903:104: warning: format ‘%u’ expects type ‘unsigned int’, but argument 4 has type ‘size_t’
compiling ruby_constants.cpp
compiling data/data.cpp
compiling util/io.cpp
compiling math.cpp
In file included from math.cpp:140:0:
math/rot.h: In function ‘void nm::math::rot(int, DType*, int, DType*, int, CSDType, CSDType) [with DType = nm::Complex<float>, CSDType = float]’:
math/rot.h:123:40: error: ‘cblas_csrot’ was not declared in this scope
math/rot.h: In function ‘void nm::math::rot(int, DType*, int, DType*, int, CSDType, CSDType) [with DType = nm::Complex<double>, CSDType = double]’:
math/rot.h:128:40: error: ‘cblas_zdrot’ was not declared in this scope
In file included from math.cpp:141:0:
math/rotg.h: In function ‘void nm::math::rotg(DType*, DType*, DType*, DType*) [with DType = nm::Complex<float>]’:
math/rotg.h:99:125: error: ‘cblas_crotg’ was not declared in this scope
math/rotg.h: In function ‘void nm::math::rotg(DType*, DType*, DType*, DType*) [with DType = nm::Complex<double>]’:
math/rotg.h:104:125: error: ‘cblas_zrotg’ was not declared in this scope
make: *** [math.o] Error 1
Gem files will remain installed in /home/deploy/.gem/ruby/2.1.0/gems/nmatrix-0.0.9 for inspection.
Results logged to /home/deploy/.gem/ruby/2.1.0/gems/nmatrix-0.0.9/ext/nmatrix/gem_make.out
One of the prerequisite to install nmatrix is to have gcc > v4.7, but EngineYard is having v4.5.4 only. Anyone know how to upgrade gcc? I think I am running Gentoo.
The question actually should include what you want to git pull.
When you ssh in, you are put into /home/deploy which is your home directory.
The Git copy of your app is located in /data/APPNAME/shared/cache-copy/ on the App Master
You can have multiple apps on one instance and each one can have a different deploy key so you use a GIT_SSH wrapper
GIT_SSH=/data/APPNAME/shared/config/pulse-ssh-wrapper git pull
(in all the above commands remember to replace APPNAME with the name used for the app)
If you want to find the actual location for a bundled gem, you can look in
/data/APPNAME/shared/bundled_gems/ruby/2.0.0/gems (version will depend on Ruby ABI)
if your Gemfile uses a :git remember that only a single deploy key can be used for both the app clone and bundle phase, you cannot select different keys per gem.
Most likely the issue with installing the nmatrix gem is that the ATLAS libraries are not installed yet and those would be installed with the system's package manager (Portage for Gentoo and Apt-get for Ubuntu). You can add them via "Edit Unix Packages" on the UI, just select sci-libs/blas-atlas and sci-libs/lapack-atlas. Currently this will fail because the EC2 instances are Xeon processors and the libraries do not build on these yet.
You can see the CPU type on your Linux instance with "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and will see something like
model name :Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 0 # 2.00GHz