Get constructor parameter values using scala reflection - scala

Working in a codebase with scala that wants you, for certain classes, to define a sort of "make a new version" - so for instance if you have a class x(a :int, b:String, c:double)... it would have a function like this:
class x( a: Integer, b : String, c : Double) extends CanMakeNew
def newValue() = x( a, b, c)
I have no control over that - but would prefer not to implement it every time. Or, well... ever. Is there a way in scala, with reflection - to iterate over the constructor parameter values? I can use reflection to look at the parameter types - but as parameternames has not been turned on for this module, and I can't turn it on - I can't correlate those with the stored values in the class. Fundamentally, I'm looking for anyway of implementing a trait like:
trait CanMakeNewDoneForMe extends CanMakeNew {
def newValue() {I need the code that goes here}
So does scala reflection have any way of either inspecting the constructor or inspecting the object and seeing "ahh, this was the third parameter in the constructor"?

If you make X a case class it will have apply, copy... generated by compiler automatically.
And basically it’s not my codebase, so I can’t really change any of the shape of things...
When you make a class a case class you don't actually "change shape of things", you just add autogenerated methods.
Anyway, you can create a macro annotation that generates method newValue.
import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
class newValue extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro newValueMacro.impl
object newValueMacro {
def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
annottees match {
case q"$mods class $tpname[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...$paramss) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents { $self => ..$stats }" :: tail =>
val tparams1 = {
case q"$_ type $name[..$_] >: $_ <: $_" => tq"$name"
val paramss1 = {
case q"$_ val $pat: $_ = $_" => pat
$mods class $tpname[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...$paramss) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents { $self =>
def newValue() = new $tpname[..$tparams1](...$paramss1)
case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "not a class")
/*case*/ class X(a: Int, b : String, c : Double) {
override def toString: String = s"X($a, $b, $c)"
val x = new X(1, "a", 2.0) //X(1, a, 2.0)
// val x1 = x.copy()
val x1 = x.newValue() //X(1, a, 2.0)

I might be wrong here, but usually this is achieved using pattern matching and the apply() and unapply() methods defined in your companion object.
I've done a small test of your above code in a REPL session. I didn't understand the purpose of the newvalue() function so I skipped it.
class x(val a: Integer, val b : String, val c : Double)
//def newValue() = x( a, b, c)
object x {
def apply(a: Integer, b: String, c: Double): x = new x(a,b,c)
def unapply(m: x): Option[(Integer, String, Double)] = Some((m.a, m.b, m.c))
x(1, "hello", 99.0d) match {
case l: x => println(s"this the the 3rd arg in the constructor: ${l.c}")
The unapply() function def above allows the pattern match deconstruct on the object.
The alternative is to use a case class to define class x (this will define the apply() and unapply() functions for you).


Type class instance for case objects defined in sealed trait

In Scala 2.13 I have a case where I define some operation for all of types extending some sealed trait EnumType. I made it working but I'd like getTypeClass function not to be dependant on concrete types extending EnumType. Now I have to visit this function any time EnumType changes and add or remove some pattern. Is there a way to get instances of Operation type class for EnumType types but without pattern matching on all of them?
sealed trait EnumType
case object Add10 extends EnumType
case object Add50 extends EnumType
trait Operation[+T] {
def op(a: Int): Int
implicit val add10: Operation[Add10.type] = (a: Int) => a + 10
implicit val add50: Operation[Add50.type] = (a: Int) => a + 50
def getTypeClass(enumType: EnumType): Operation[EnumType] = {
// I need to modify this pattern matching
// every time EnumType changes
enumType match {
case Add10 => implicitly[Operation[Add10.type]]
case Add50 => implicitly[Operation[Add50.type]]
// I'd wish it could be done with without pattern matching like (it does not compile):
// implicitly[Operation[concrete_type_of(enumType)]]
// value of enumType is dynamic - it can be even decoded from some json document
val enumType: EnumType = Add50
println(getTypeClass(enumType).op(10)) // prints 60
That's the way I wish it was called without using explicit subtypes of EnumType (using circe in this example to decode json) :
case class Doc(enumType: EnumType, param: Int)
implicit val docDecoder: Decoder[Doc] = deriveDecoder
implicit val enumTypeDecoder: Decoder[EnumType] = deriveEnumerationDecoder
decode[Doc]("""{"enumType": "Add10", "param": 10}""").map {
doc =>
Since you only know that statically enumType has type just EnumType and want to match based on runtime value/runtime class of enumType, you'll have to use some kind of reflection:
either runtime compilation with reflective toolbox (resolving implicits at runtime)
// libraryDependencies += scalaOrganization.value % "scala-compiler" % scalaVersion.value
import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror => cm}
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val tb = cm.mkToolBox()
def getTypeClass(enumType: EnumType): Operation[EnumType] =
def getTypeClass(enumType: EnumType): Operation[EnumType] =
silent = false
def getTypeClass(enumType: EnumType): Operation[EnumType] = {
val cases = typeOf[EnumType] => {
val module = subclass.asClass.module
val pattern = pq"`$module`"
cq"$pattern => _root_.scala.Predef.implicitly[Operation[$module.type]]"
tb.eval(q"(et: EnumType) => et match { case ..$cases }")
.asInstanceOf[EnumType => Operation[EnumType]]
or a macro (automating the pattern matching)
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
def getTypeClass(enumType: EnumType): Operation[EnumType] = macro getTypeClassImpl
def getTypeClassImpl(c: blackbox.Context)(enumType: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val cases = typeOf[EnumType] => {
val module = subclass.asClass.module
val pattern = pq"`$module`"
cq"$pattern => _root_.scala.Predef.implicitly[Operation[$module.type]]"
q"$enumType match { case ..$cases }"
//scalac: App.this.enumType match {
// case Add10 => _root_.scala.Predef.implicitly[Macro.Operation[Add10.type]]
// case Add50 => _root_.scala.Predef.implicitly[Macro.Operation[Add50.type]]
Since all the objects are defined at compile time I guess that a macro is better.
Covariant case class mapping to its base class without a type parameter and back
Getting subclasses of a sealed trait
Iteration over a sealed trait in Scala?
You can even make a macro whitebox, then using runtime reflection in the macro you can have Add50 type statically (if the class is known during macro expansion)
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox
def getTypeClass(enumType: EnumType): Operation[EnumType] = macro getTypeClassImpl
def getTypeClassImpl(c: whitebox.Context)(enumType: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val clazz = c.eval(c.Expr[EnumType](c.untypecheck(enumType))).getClass
val rm = scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror
val symbol = rm.moduleSymbol(clazz)
//q"_root_.scala.Predef.implicitly[Operation[${symbol.asInstanceOf[ModuleSymbol]}.type]]" // implicit not found
//q"_root_.scala.Predef.implicitly[Operation[${symbol/*.asInstanceOf[ModuleSymbol]*/.moduleClass.asClass.toType.asInstanceOf[Type]}]]" // implicit not found
// "migrating" symbol from runtime universe to macro universe
object App {
val enumType: EnumType = Add50
val operation = getTypeClass(App.enumType)
operation: Operation[Add50.type] // not just Operation[EnumType]
operation.op(10) // 60
How to accept only a specific subtype of existential type?
In a scala macro, how to get the full name that a class will have at runtime?
def getTypeClass[T <: EnumType : Operation](t: T) = implicitly[Operation[T]]
In fact, you don't even need getTypeClass at all:
def operate[T <: EnumType : Operation](t: T)(param: Int) = implicitly[Operation[T]].op(param)
The Foo : Bar notation I used above is equivalent to this:
def operate[T <: EnumType](t: T)(param: Int)(op: Operation[T]) = op.op(param)
Note, that you are not actually using instances of Add50 and Add10 anywhere. They could just be traits rather than objects (IMO, that better reflects the intent):
sealed trait EnumType
trait Add10 extends EnumType
trait Add50 extends EnumType
trait Operation[+T] {
def op(a: Int): Int
implicit val add10: Operation[Add10] = (a: Int) => a + 10
implicit val add50: Operation[Add50] = (a: Int) => a + 50
def operate[T <: EnumType : Operation](param: Int) =

Use Scala macros to generate methods

I want to generate aliases of methods using annotation macros in Scala 2.11+. I am not even sure that is even possible. If yes, how?
Example - Given this below, I want the annotation macros to expand into
class Socket {
#alias(aliases = Seq("!", "ask", "read"))
def load(n: Int): Seq[Byte] = {/* impl */}
I want the above to generate the synonym method stubs as follows:
class Socket {
def load(n: Int): Seq[Byte] = // ....
def !(n: Int) = load(n)
def ask(n: Int) = load(n)
def read(n: Int) = load(n)
The above is of course a facetious example but I can see this technique being useful to auto generate sync/async versions of APIs or in DSLs with lots of synonyms. Is it possible to also expose these generated methods in the Scaladoc too? Is this something possible using Scala meta?
Note: What I am asking is quite different from:
Also please don't mark this as a duplicate of this as the question is a bit different and a lot has changed in Scala macro land in past 3 years.
This doesn't seem possible exactly as stated. Using a macro annotation on a class member does not allow you to manipulate the tree of the class itself. That is, when you annotate a method within a class with a macro annotation, macroTransform(annottees: Any*) will be called, but the only annottee will be the method itself.
I was able to get a proof-of-concept working with two annotations. It's obviously not as nice as simply annotating the class, but I can't think of another way around it.
You'll need:
import scala.annotation.{ StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly }
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
The idea is, you can annotate each method with this annotation, so that a macro annotation on the parent class is able to find which methods you want to expand.
class alias(aliases: String *) extends StaticAnnotation
Then the macro:
// Annotate the containing class to expand aliased methods within
#compileTimeOnly("You must enable the macro paradise plugin.")
class aliased extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro AliasMacroImpl.impl
object AliasMacroImpl {
def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
import c.universe._
val result = annottees map (_.tree) match {
// Match a class, and expand.
case (classDef # q"$mods class $tpname[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...$paramss) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents { $self => ..$stats }") :: _ =>
val aliasedDefs = for {
q"#alias(..$aliases) def $tname[..$tparams](...$paramss): $tpt = $expr" <- stats
Literal(Constant(alias)) <- aliases
ident = TermName(alias.toString)
} yield {
val args = paramss map { paramList => { case q"$_ val $param: $_ = $_" => q"$param" }
q"def $ident[..$tparams](...$paramss): $tpt = $tname(...$args)"
if(aliasedDefs.nonEmpty) {
$mods class $tpname[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...$paramss) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents { $self =>
} else classDef
// Not a class.
case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Invalid annotation target: not a class")
Keep in mind this implementation will be brittle. It only inspects the annottees to check that the first is a ClassDef. Then, it looks for members of the class that are methods annotated with #alias, and creates multiple aliased trees to splice back into the class. If there are no annotated methods, it simply returns the original class tree. As is, this will not detect duplicate method names, and strips away modifiers (the compiler would not let me match annotations and modifiers at the same time).
This can easily be expanded to handle companion objects as well, but I left them out to keep the code smaller. See the quasiquotes syntax summary for the matchers I used. Handling companion objects would require modifying the result match to handle case classDef :: objDef :: Nil, and case objDef :: Nil.
In use:
class Socket {
#alias("ask", "read")
def load(n: Int): Seq[Byte] = Seq(1, 2, 3).map(_.toByte)
scala> val socket = new Socket
socket: Socket = Socket#7407d2b8
scala> socket.load(5)
res0: Seq[Byte] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> socket.ask(5)
res1: Seq[Byte] = List(1, 2, 3)
res2: Seq[Byte] = List(1, 2, 3)
It can also handle multiple parameter lists:
class Foo {
#alias("bar", "baz")
def test(a: Int, b: Int)(c: String) = a + b + c
scala> val foo = new Foo
foo: Foo = Foo#3857a375
scala> foo.baz(1, 2)("4")
res0: String = 34

How to do generic tuple -> case class conversion in Scala?

Let's say someone provided a function:
def getTupleData[T](source: String): List[T] = {
// ...
I need to write a function which takes a case class C as the type parameter and return List[C] with the help of the above function. Here is what I have got so far:
def getCaseClassData[C](source: String): List[C] = {
// Somehow get T from C.
// For example, if C is case class MyCaseClass(a: Int, b: Long), then T is (Int, Long)
// How to get T?
getTupleData[T](source) map { tuple: T =>
// Somehow convert tuple into a case class instance with the case class type parameter
// C.tupled(tuple) ?? Type parameter cannot be used like this. :(
More specifically, it seems to me I'm asking two questions here:
How to explicitly obtain the type of the tuple from a type parameter which represents a case class so that it can be used as a type parameter?
How to create a case class instance from a tuple instance without knowing the actual name of the case class but only a type parameter?
You won't find any reasonably simple or direct way to do it. If you' re ready for the more involved solutions, bear with me.
Every case class has an apply method in its companion object, which instantiates the class. By calling tupled on this method (after eta-expansion), you'll get a function that takes a tuple and creates the corresponding case class instance.
Now of course the problem is that the every case class's apply has a different signature. We can get around this by introducing a type class representing a case class factory, and provide instances of this type class through a macro (which will just delegate to the case class's apply method).
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
import scala.language.experimental.macros
trait CaseClassFactory[C,T]{
type Class = C
type Tuple = T
def apply(t: Tuple): C
object CaseClassFactory {
implicit def factory1[C,T]: CaseClassFactory[C,T] = macro factoryImpl[C,T]
implicit def factory2[C]: CaseClassFactory[C,_] = macro factoryImpl[C,Nothing]
def apply[C,T]: CaseClassFactory[C,T] = macro factoryImpl[C,T]
def apply[C]: CaseClassFactory[C,_] = macro factoryImpl[C,Nothing]
def factoryImpl[C:c.WeakTypeTag,T:c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context) = {
import c.universe._
val C = weakTypeOf[C]
val companion = C.typeSymbol.companion match {
case NoSymbol => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Instance of $C has no companion object")
case sym => sym
val tupledTree = c.typecheck(q"""($companion.apply _).tupled""")
val T = tupledTree.tpe match {
case TypeRef(_, _, List(argTpe, _)) => argTpe
case t => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Expecting type constructor (Function1) for $C.tupled, but got $t: ${t.getClass}, ${t.getClass.getInterfaces.mkString(",")}")
if (! (c.weakTypeOf[T] <:< T)) {
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Incompatible tuple type ${c.weakTypeOf[T]}: not a sub type of $T")
new CaseClassFactory[$C,$T] {
private[this] val tupled = ($companion.apply _).tupled
def apply(t: Tuple): $C = tupled(t)
With it you can do something like this:
scala> case class Person(name: String, age: Long)
defined class Person
scala> val f = CaseClassFactory[Person]
f: CaseClassFactory[Person]{type Tuple = (String, Long)} = $anon$1#63adb42c
scala> val x: f.Tuple = ("aze", 123)
x: f.Tuple = (aze,123)
scala> implicitly[f.Tuple =:= (String, Long)]
res3: =:=[f.Tuple,(String, Long)] = <function1>
scala> f(("aze", 123))
res4: Person = Person(aze,123)
But more importantly, you can require an instance of CaseClassFactory as an implicit parameter, allowing to generically instantiate your case classes. You can then do something like:
scala> implicit class TupleToCaseClassOps[T](val t: T) extends AnyVal {
| def toCaseClass[C](implicit f: CaseClassFactory[C,T]): C = {
| f(t)
| }
| }
defined class TupleToCaseClassOps
scala> case class Person(name: String, age: Long)
defined class Person
scala> ("john", 21).toCaseClass[Person]
res5: Person = Person(john,21)
Pretty neat. Armed with this type class, getCaseClassData then becomes:
def getCaseClassData[C](source: String)(implicit f: CaseClassFactory[C,_]): List[C] = {
getTupleData[f.Tuple](source) map { tuple: f.Tuple =>

Scala - return a type

I want to return a type from a function. For example:
class Super
case class One(a: Int) extends Super
case class Two(b: Float) extends Super
case class Unknown extends Super
def decide(criterion: String): ??? = {
criterion match {
case "one" => One
case "two" => Two
case _ => Unknown
So I want to return the type itself, to store it in a Map so that I could apply it somewhere later:
val test = Buffer(
("ahaha" -> "one")
("ohoho" -> "two")
("lalala" -> "one")
var map = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Super]() {pair =>
map(pair._1) = decide(pair._2)
So that later I could like:
def act(code: String) {
map(code) match {
case One => doSmth[One]()
case Two => doSmth[Two]()
case _ => doNothing()
I know that some parts, like the unused parameters of the case classes may seem strange here, but this is how it is in the environment I am working in, and this example is that full because I am not sure if it will differ if I take something away...
So how can I make the decide function return a type and then use it in a manner similar to what I have shown?
I think you may want case object One, etc, rather than using Class or ClassTag. Then you get useful match support. For the act method, your case objects could return a ClassTag or similar, or just let act associate One with doSmth[OneClass] etc.
It seems you can make your case companions into case objects. Isn't that special.
package typeswitch
import reflect.runtime.universe._
sealed trait Selection
class Super
case class One(a: Int) extends Super
case object One extends Selection
case class Two(b: Float) extends Super
case object Two extends Selection
case class Unknown() extends Super
case object Unknown extends Selection
object Test extends App {
type What = Selection
def decide(criterion: String): What = criterion match {
case "one" => One
case "two" => Two
case _ => Unknown
val test = List(
"ahaha" -> "one",
"ohoho" -> "two",
"lalala" -> "one"
val m = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, What]()
test map (pair => m(pair._1) = decide(pair._2))
def act(code: String) = m(code) match {
case One => doSmth[One]()
// non-exhaustive
//case Two => doSmth[Two]()
case Unknown => doNothing()
// handle exhaustively
case s: Selection => doSmthNew(s)
def doSmthElse[A <: Super]()(implicit t: TypeTag[A]): A = {
Console println s"Do st with $t"
val claas: Class[_] = t.mirror.runtimeClass(t.tpe)
def doSmth[A <: Super]()(implicit t: ClassTag[A]): A = {
Console println s"Do st with $t"
val claas: Class[_] = t.runtimeClass
def doSmthNew[A >: What : ClassTag, B <: Super](what: A): B = {
Console println s"Do st new with $what"
def doNothing() { }
val res = act("lalala")
Console println s"Got $res?"
Sorry if this is too basic, but:
$ scala
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.0-RC2 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_06).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> trait Bar
defined trait Bar
scala> case class Foo(i:Int) extends Bar
defined class Foo
scala> import reflect.runtime.universe._
import reflect.runtime.universe._
scala> def f[A <: Bar : TypeTag]() = println(s" Do ${ implicitly[TypeTag[A]] }")
f: [A <: Bar]()(implicit evidence$1: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[A])Unit
scala> f[Foo]
Do TypeTag[Foo]

Automatically Hash Consed Case Classes

I'm looking for a way to have classes that behave just like case classes, but that are automatically hash consed.
One way to achieve this for integer lists would be:
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map=>MutableMap}
sealed abstract class List
class Cons(val head: Int, val tail: List) extends List
case object Nil extends List
object Cons {
val cache : MutableMap[(Int,List),Cons] = MutableMap.empty
def apply(head : Int, tail : List) = cache.getOrElse((head,tail), {
val newCons = new Cons(head, tail)
cache((head,tail)) = newCons
def unapply(lst : List) : Option[(Int,List)] = {
if (lst != null && lst.isInstanceOf[Cons]) {
val asCons = lst.asInstanceOf[Cons]
Some((asCons.head, asCons.tail))
} else None
And, for instance, while
scala> (5 :: 4 :: scala.Nil) eq (5 :: 4 :: scala.Nil)
resN: Boolean = false
we get
scala> Cons(5, Cons(4, Nil)) eq Cons(5, Cons(4, Nil))
resN: Boolean = true
Now what I'm looking for is a generic way to achieve this (or something very similar). Ideally, I don't want to have to type much more than:
class Cons(val head : Int, val tail : List) extends List with HashConsed2[Int,List]
(or similar). Can someone come up with some type system voodoo to help me, or will I have to wait for the macro language to be available?
You can define a few InternableN[Arg1, Arg2, ..., ResultType] traits for N being the number of arguments to apply(): Internable1[A,Z], Internable2[A,B,Z], etc. These traits define the cache itself, the intern() method and the apply method we want to hijack.
We'll have to define a trait (or an abstract class) to assure your InternableN traits that there is indeed an apply method to be overriden, let's call it Applyable.
trait Applyable1[A, Z] {
def apply(a: A): Z
trait Internable1[A, Z] extends Applyable1[A, Z] {
private[this] val cache = WeakHashMap[(A), Z]()
private[this] def intern(args: (A))(builder: => Z) = {
cache.getOrElse(args, {
val newObj = builder
cache(args) = newObj
abstract override def apply(arg: A) = {
println("Internable1: hijacking apply")
intern(arg) { super.apply(arg) }
The companion object of your class will have to be a mixin of a concrete class implementing ApplyableN with InternableN. It would not work to have apply directly defined in your companion object.
// class with one apply arg
abstract class SomeClassCompanion extends Applyable1[Int, SomeClass] {
def apply(value: Int): SomeClass = {
println("original apply")
new SomeClass(value)
class SomeClass(val value: Int)
object SomeClass extends SomeClassCompanion with Internable1[Int, SomeClass]
One good thing about this is that the original apply need not be modified to cater for interning. It only creates instances and is only called when they need to be created.
The whole thing can (and should) also be defined for classes with more than one argument. For the two-argument case:
trait Applyable2[A, B, Z] {
def apply(a: A, b: B): Z
trait Internable2[A, B, Z] extends Applyable2[A, B, Z] {
private[this] val cache = WeakHashMap[(A, B), Z]()
private[this] def intern(args: (A, B))(builder: => Z) = {
cache.getOrElse(args, {
val newObj = builder
cache(args) = newObj
abstract override def apply(a: A, b: B) = {
println("Internable2: hijacking apply")
intern((a, b)) { super.apply(a, b) }
// class with two apply arg
abstract class AnotherClassCompanion extends Applyable2[String, String, AnotherClass] {
def apply(one: String, two: String): AnotherClass = {
println("original apply")
new AnotherClass(one, two)
class AnotherClass(val one: String, val two: String)
object AnotherClass extends AnotherClassCompanion with Internable2[String, String, AnotherClass]
The interaction shows that the Internables' apply method executes prior to the original apply() which gets executed only if needed.
scala> import SomeClass._
import SomeClass._
scala> SomeClass(1)
Internable1: hijacking apply
original apply
res0: SomeClass = SomeClass#2e239525
scala> import AnotherClass._
import AnotherClass._
scala> AnotherClass("earthling", "greetings")
Internable2: hijacking apply
original apply
res1: AnotherClass = AnotherClass#329b5c95
scala> AnotherClass("earthling", "greetings")
Internable2: hijacking apply
res2: AnotherClass = AnotherClass#329b5c95
I chose to use a WeakHashMap so that the interning cache does not prevent garbage collection of interned instances once they're no longer referenced elsewhere.
Code neatly available as a Github gist.
Maybe a little hacky, but you could try defining your own intern() method, like Java's String has:
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map=>MutableMap}
object HashConsed {
val cache: MutableMap[(Class[_],Int), HashConsed] = MutableMap.empty
trait HashConsed {
def intern(): HashConsed =
HashConsed.cache.getOrElse((getClass, hashCode), {
HashConsed.cache((getClass, hashCode)) = this
case class Foo(bar: Int, baz: String) extends HashConsed
val foo1 = Foo(1, "one").intern()
val foo2 = Foo(1, "one").intern()
println(foo1 == foo2) // true
println(foo1 eq foo2) // true