How to send notification to all users when new version is uploaded in appstore? - swift

I want to send notification to all user when application is release in appstore without using push notifcation.Is there any method I can notify to my users.

there is no way to send notification to alert user with out APNS or socket (backround running ). with out APNS, you can check only when the app is opening and call an apple API or your api for getting latest app version and then you can trigger a local notification .


How To Send Firebase Push Notification from one app to another app connect to same project

How To Send Firebase Push Notification from one app to another app connect to same project
I have Used http to send notification to specific device using token but i am unable to send to another app
I have Two App with Same Firebase project
One is Admin And Other is client
I want to send push notification from client app to Admin is this possible if yes than how.
When you have two apps installed on a single device, each of them will have a different FCM token, regardless of whether they part of the same Firebase project. So you can send a message to a specific app by sending it to the token for that app.

Send push notification when the app is auto updated

I saw some apps send me notifications when the app is auto-updated by the Apple app store. We're building an app with Flutter. Is it possible to send a push notification to notify users when the app is auto-updated?

will push notifications work if user has neither allowed nor "not allowed" push notifications for my app yet?

I am currently updating my App, and I am planning on including Push notifications.
The main purpose for my push notification is to let users know that the app has been updated and they should check out the new features. Now with iOS7 automatically updating apps, users are less likely to open apps after they have been updated, let alone KNOW it has been updated. As a lot of users will just clear their notification centre's with out paying any attention.
So my question is...if a user has not launched my app yet to see the alert "[myApp] would like to send you Push Notifications" - Don't Allow / OK.
Will they see my push notification before they have had chance to allow or not allow?
Do push notifications work until "not allowed" has been pressed? Or do they not work until OK has been pressed???
Thanks for your help.
If they never launched your app, your app never registered to Apple Push Notifications on their device, so you can't send them push notifications.
In addition, your server is not likely to have the device token for a device in which your app was never launched (since it's the app's job to send the device token to your server).
And if you push a notification to a device token of a device on which your app never registered to push notifications, the notification won't be delivered (even if the app is installed on the device), and that device token will eventually be returned to you in the feedback service.

Can I send Push Notification to my app if I delete my app from App Store

I have a app in AppStore which I am sending push notification.
I need to know if I can continue to send push notification to the users of the app if I delete the app from itunesconnect (AppStore).
If you are removing the app from sale but leaving it as an entry configured for Push then you can.

iPhone: Is it possible to send Push-Notifications from a website?

I'd like to be notified of certain events on my webserver with a push notification from my website to my iPhone. Is this somehow possible, or do I have to install/create a special App for this?
In order to use Push Notification it would have to be a native iPhone app on your phone. You might be able to set up some sort of email notification coming from your website and turn on push notifications for your mail client on your iPhone.
In regards to #gnuf's post (Sorry it wouldn't let me comment on your post) Your web server can act as the Provider of Push Notifications but will still require a native application on the phone to receive the notifications.
You can definitely send notifications triggered from a website: you just have to hook up the backend to do so. See this previous post for more information.