UILabel - Equal Truncation - swift

I want to create a truncating label that looks and works just like the Section Index Titles List in a Table View. Can this be achieved with a UILabel and how?

To make your table view index look like that one, implement both sectionIndexTitles (to dictate the letters and bullets) and tableView(_:sectionForSectionIndexTitle:at:) (to set up the correspondence with your actual sections).


How to add space between rows in NSTableView

I'm trying to add spaces in between rows in an NSTableView, like how it looks here.
Currently, however, my rows look like this, with 0 spacing between them.
Is it possible to add these spaces? I found this post on how to do it, but that's for UITableView, and I don't think you can add sections with NSTableView. Another thing I tried was using intercellSpacing on the table view, like so:
tableView.intercellSpacing = NSSize(width: 0, height: 80)
However, that just increases the height of each row rather than increase the space between them.
Lastly, I looked into drawSeparator, which seems promising but has limited documentation. Would extending NSTableRowView and overriding the drawSeparator method work, basically by drawing in a blank space as the separator? If so, how would I go about making my table view use my custom row view class?
If none of these options work, I'd also be open to faking the effect, maybe by having the actual content of a row be smaller than the row itself and using the remaining space as the padding between rows. However, I'm not sure if this would work, given that right now I'm using NSShadow, which highlights the boundary of each row.
Found a way to work around this issue. Before, each row consisted of two columns, one for the text fields and one for the buttons. However, I've changed it by putting all the text fields and buttons into a single column, that way there's only one cell per row. I then can apply the NSShadow and other styles to the NSTableCellView rather than the NSTableRowView. This means that I can now use intercellSpacing to create vertical spacing between cells:
tableView.intercellSpacing = NSSize(width: 0, height: 80)
The rows are still touching, but I've disabled the borders/highlighting on them so you can't actually see them. The cells, on the other hand, are visible, and you can adjust the spacing/styles on them as necessary.

How can I style a cell or row/column of cells in NatTable programatically?

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to individually style a cell or group of cells when a certain thing happens. For instance I would like to be able to right-click on a cell and hit something like "tag" and it would change the background color of the cell to something different. I would like to do the same thing with rows, columns, or any random group of selected cells. I also need this change in style to persist even if the cell(s) are moved beyond the viewport layer's view.
If you have a hard time with NatTable, maybe it is worth reading some of our tutorials and documents.
In short related to your question. Individual styling is done via config labels on a cell and styles that are registered in the ConfigRegistry for that label. So what you need to do is to implement some sort of label registry based on cell indeces. That label registry then needs to be used by a custom ConfigLabelAccumulator so the labels are attached to the cells with the corresponding indeces.
We have a basic implementation on a column base via the ColumnStyleEditorDialog. This can be seen in the _000_Styled_grid example by clicking on the column header and call "Format cells". Personally I think that feature is not complete, but it should help you in seeing how it works in principle.

UITableViewController- showing only rows with content and an image where there is none

When creating a UITableViewController there are two situations that create an "ugly" UX
calling/open it without any data in it --> shows an empty table (i.e. empty rows,UITableViewCell, as many as fit in the window)
calling/open it with fewer rows of content that fit the window --> show the full rows followed by empty rows
I wish to receive the following result:
if there is no data show a picture or view with text - there isn't any data yet or something like that
show only the full lines and no more rows (blank or background image)
Is there a way to achieve that?
To add these effects, you will probably have to make your own UITableViewController from a regular UIViewController, and even subclass UITableView. If you have a regular UIViewController with your filler image/text as the background, you can place a UITableView on top and hook up the delegate/datasource. Now, in your code, detect when there is no data available and set the hidden property of the UITableView accordingly.
As for the following empty rows, you will either have to turn off the row separators (in IB), or subclass a UITableView (can't help you there). Good luck!

Possible to move UITableView's index?

I'm using the sectionIndexTitlesForTableView method for my custom UITableView, to display A-Z on the side of my table. However, the standard view of this doesn't match the style of the table. Is there a way to change this, or at least move the index a little?
Here's how it overlaps:
I too tried the same thing..but not succedded.
but as a workaround we can introduce spaces before the text which we want to display as a section header, so that we can start index with some gap.

Best (Any) way blend tableview section header onto top of a grouped tableview

I'd like to add section headers to my grouped table view's sections but I'd like them to appear seamless (see image). The default, as we're all well aware of, is rounded top corners on the first row of a grouped table view cell so it ends up looking like crap when you merge them.
Any way to specify when indexPath.row = 0 that the UITableViewCell should use row style "middle" or something like that?
If not then what are my options? I guess I could scratch the section header and use Row 0 as a quasi-header then push my array data +1 to fill the rest of the table? I'd rather not roll my own from scratch...if possible.
Sample Table http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/8181/sampletable.png
"Crap" looks like this:
alt text http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/9748/crapsection.png
Don't do what you're doing, it's against HIG
Ok, ok, I'll tell you how to do it:
You're going to want to do your own cell background views. The default grouped one is not what you want.
When a tableview asks you for a cell, set its backgroundView and selectedBackgroundView to something that looks appropriate for its place in the tableview.
Usually, this means a UIImageView with the appropriate image, though you can go wild here with a custom view, but there are gotchas.
So in your case, you would do
if (indexPath.row > sectionRowCount - 1) {
//Not the last row
//Put in the middle background
} else {
//Put in the end background
Then you'll want a custom table section header, but that's pretty easy.
In your case, you probably won't have to worry about when there's just one row, so that makes things even easier.
Take a look at the tutorial here:
cocoa with love basically what you need is 3 different images. One for the top row, one for the bottom, and a 3rd for the middle rows.
You could also not use the section header, but instead use a custom cell as the first cell of the section. So when ([indexPath row] == 0), return a custom cell that is the "header" and then return the "regular" cells (offset by one row) for the rest. You'll also have to make adjustments to the numberOfRowsInSection function to return +1.