TYPO3 Flexform + Ckeditor: Empty paragraphs are added on saving - plugins

I've got ckeditor attached to a plugins flexforms field. Each time the plugin (ce) is saved, empty paragraphs are added for newlines and <br> are converted to <p> </p>. No flux or dce in use. TYPO3 is 8.7.13 (and current 9 as well). Just a plugin using pi_flexform with a rte field like this:
I figured out, that on direction "from rte to db", eveything is stored correctly. But "from db to rte", newlines and <br> are converted to <p> </p>, which multiplies each time i save. Already spent hours on this :(

Are you using EXT:flux if yes, there was a Bug that sounds pretty similar: https://github.com/FluidTYPO3/flux/issues/1388
Maybe an update or a switch to the flux development branch would fix that for you.

Seems to be fixed soon for 8 LTS and 9 LTS:


TYPO3 10.4: tx_news content elements rendering error

I am updating TYPO3 from Version 8 to 9 and 10. Now there is one error, I am not able to find a solution.
In tx_news details view I am using custom fluid templates. In TYPO3 8 and 9 everything works fine. In TYPO3 10.4 I get an error when showing the detail page:
(1/1) #1381512761 TYPO3\CMS\Core\Type\Exception\InvalidEnumerationValueException
Invalid value "FILE" for enumeration "TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\TableColumnSubType"
If I remove this code for content elements in the fluid template, the page will be shown without errors:
<f:if condition="{newsItem.contentElements}">
<!-- content elements -->
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.tx_news.contentElementRendering">{newsItem.contentElementIdList}</f:cObject>
As I'm using content elements, I need this code.
You can see the error at the moment here:
I tried lots of variants to solve this, but still the error will be there when I insert the fluid output for content elements.
It seems you have a content element inside which is rendered in TypoScript with the FILE object (which was removed in v10). Take a look in your TypoScript (TypoScript object browser is best for this) and search for FILE objects (and replace them).
Here you can find the deprecation notice and a migration suggestion: https://docs.typo3.org/c/typo3/cms-core/main/en-us/Changelog/9.5/Deprecation-85970-FileContentObject.html

How to have multiple sections with images in a FluidTYPO3 flux form with TYPO3 10?

I have been using FluidTYPO3 (flux and vhs) to run TYPO3 web pages for many years now. With TYPO3 10, I face a major problem. I'll quickly write about my use case, how I solved it so far, and then what the problem with 10 LTS is.
Use case:
I want to have a content element template for a timeline using FluidTYPO3/flux. Each "point" on the timeline should have a heading, some text, and optionally some images. All in all, pretty basic (or so I thought).
Solution so far (TYPO3 <= 9):
Timeline elements are sections. Images are using flux:field.file.
Simplified example of the form:
<flux:form id="timeline" label="timeline">
<flux:form.section name="timeline" label="Timeline">
<flux:form.object name="element" label="Element">
<flux:field.input name="title" label="Heading" />
<flux:field.text name="label" label="Text" enableRichText="TRUE" />
<flux:field.file name="images" label="Pictures" allowed="jpg,png,svg" multiple="TRUE" maxItems="50" size="5" showThumbnails="TRUE"
With this, multiple elements can be created on the timeline and each of them can have its own set of images.
Problem in TYPO3 10:
The technology (TCA group fields to select files) that flux:field.file relies on was deprecated in TYPO3 9 and removed in TYPO3 10, see this notice. That is one of the reasons why flux:field.file was also marked deprecated and is going to be removed in TYPO3 10.
The TYPO3 deprecation notice says to use FAL relations instead. Of course, flux can also do this with flux:field.inline.fal. However, you can only have one FAL field per FlexForm. This precludes its usage in sections, since all sections would share the same images. This limitation is known for some time - see this bug report for example - but has never been fixed. It is also why I initially chose not to use FAL fields. Using bare file fields was the recommended workaround at the time.
So - how is everyone doing it? How to add multiple image fields to a flexform in TYPO3 10?
EDIT: More specifically, how to add an image field as part of a Flexform section that can contain multiple child records (resulting in multiple image fields)?
Note: I know that I can get a "file-like" field back by using an input field with inputLink renderType (like this), but as far as I can tell it does not allow to link multiple images.
I've found another workaround that might be appropriate for some use cases:
It is still possible to use flux:field.file fields if the useFalRelation parameter set to true, even on TYPO3 v10 LTS and in repeatable FlexForm sections. This will then put sys_file record IDs separated by comma into the field instead of raw filenames. They can be used as src argument for, e.g., f:image just as well as the filename, so the CE templates itself do not have to be modified. All existing CEs that had useFalRelation set to false need to be migrated though so that the filenames are replaced with sys_file UIDs.
This is a bit better than the inputLink workaround since it allows multiple images.
It seems the only workaround with TYPO3 core onboard methods is to go for a Flux-Container having a single column containing simple default "Text with image" or "text with media" elements and then to just ignore additional options of those elements and to just render the necessary fields.
With Gridelements this is called a "functional container", since the container determines the behaviour and appearance of those elements, while the elements themselves don't have to be custom elements at all.
Additionally this makes access to the content of those elements - i.e. while doing a search query - much easier.
The bug report you mentioned already contains the solutions, since the actual problem described there is that FAL fields in a flexform are using the same name.
So instead of
according to the bug report there should be
which is of course not working, since the dot is part of the path but not of the name.
But actually replacing the dot with an underscore and using some suffixes within the same flexform tab should do the trick:
This way you make sure that
The field names within your flexform are unique
The actual field name within the sys_file_reference entry already contains the full path information
You can use that information to fetch images i.e. within a DataProcessor and still know the FlexForm field they actually belong to
Sitll I would recommend to fully move away form FlexForms (and thus Flux too) in favor of "real" fields in the database table.
If you currently use the flux:field.file element at typo3 10 with the useFalRelation=1 you can replace it by the flux:field element. It is not deprecated and works in combination with the flux:form.object element
Following example:
Can be replaced with:
<flux:field type="input" name="myname" label="MyLabel"
type: 'group',
size: 1,
internal_type: 'db',
use_fal_relation: 1,
allowed: 'sys_file',
maxitems: 1,
minitems: 0,
show_thumbs: 1,
appearance: {
elementBrowserAllowed: 'jpg,png,svg,gif',
elementBrowserType: 'file'

Crop image in Fluid Template with image viewhelper

I want to crop images in Fluid with the f:image or the f:uri.image viewhelper (TYPO3 8.7). Since TYPO3 7.2 the usual way does not work anymore:
<f:image image="{file}" width="500c" height="500" />
does not work.
In the fluid guide I found the hint that since TYPO3 7.2 I have to use crop. I found this in the change log:
So this should work, but it doesnt:
<f:image image="{file}" crop="0,0,500,500" />
The images are rendered but in default size.
Any ideas? Anything changed in later versions?
I tried with a fresh installation and found my fault.
cropping with c and m does indeed work in TYPO3 8 - the hint in the fluid manual is wrong.
in short syntax you have to use '' in order to send the c or m correct.
This syntax is wrong:
<img src="{f:uri.image(image:file, width:200c, height:200)}">
there is no error message and the images are rendered but the letter c is ignored. You have to use this syntax:
<img src="{f:uri.image(image:file, width:'200c', height:'200')}">
this will work.
One additional hint: after changing the syntax the images are not rendered every time but only when the size has changed. Sometimes you get simply the cached images ... Deleting the content on /fileadmin/_temp does help.
Well - perhaps it will help some one :-)
You can use f:image like below. it's work for me.
<f:image src="{file.originalResource.publicUrl}" width="770c" height="517c" height="350c" />
You could also specify the crop settings in tca and use this settings in the FE, for an example look at the repository : https://github.com/frans-beech-it/t3ext-config_examples.
Besides that, in the install tool you can check if cropping works on your machine. It can happen that there are already processed images for your size, if you adjust the cropping information of image with 1px a new processed image is created. If then the image works, clear the processed files to generate a new image for your desired formats.

Link to file in Fluid – how to specify storage?

As far as I know, there's no such thing as an f:link.file or v:link.file viewhelper.
There used to be a solution using file.originalResource.publicUrl as the value to point the link to, as in
<f:link.page pageUid="{file.originalResource.publicUrl}" target="_blank">
Am I right that this is no longer necessary? I got this (using ext:mask):
<f:link.page pageUid="{file.identifier}" target="_blank">
returning the same value, while originalResource.publicUrl would not even show up in f:debug.
BUT in file.identifier the storage path, e.g. fileadmin, is not present. How do I add it to the viewhelper?
Or, what is the currently recommended solution for a link to a file in TYPO3 7.6?
Just use {file.name}. When absolute URL or some special configuration is needed use <f:link.typolink parameter="{file.publicUrl}">{file.name}</f:link.typolink>.
TYPO3 11 introduced a new ViewHelper for this
<f:link.file file="{file}" target="_blank">Download</f:link.file>
For me, #minifranske’s solution worked only as a hint: I needed to use {file.originalResource.publicUrl} instead:
<f:link.typolink parameter="{file.originalResource.publicUrl}">{file.originalResource.title}</f:link.typolink>
also available:
Nevertheless, if anybody knows a proper core solution which resembles that of the Rich Text Editor, I’d be happy to hear about it:
file link
page link
<f:uri.image image="{imageObject}" /> produces the path + filename for your FAL object.

Eclipse: "Simple" Template Problem with ${word_selection}

i got a (hopefully) simple problem with a Code Template on Eclipse. I try to use a Code Template to surround a word with somehing. The Replacement is nearly successful, but i have a problem with handling the selected word.
My task is to select "save " on this example
<button type="submit">save</button>
and want to have
<button type="submit"><?= $this->_('save') ?></button>
The problem is, that i got this after replacement
<button type="submit">save<?= $this->_('save') ?></button>
Is there a possibility to remove the selected word after using a code template? I am thankful for every help i get. Smile
I forgot, the template looks like this:
<?= $$this->_('${word_selection}') ?>${cursor}
Maybe this question is somewhat old, but I came across the same idea in Java for adding String constants by simply typing the desired name and then replace it with a template, like this for example:
type VALUE and get it replaced with private static final String VALUE = "VALUE";
I use eclipse 3.6 and got it working with the following template:
private static final String ${word_selection} = "${word_selection}";
Then I do the following steps:
type VALUE
select it by double-clicking and hit CTRL+SPACE
enter first few chars for the template name in the opened proposal pop-up and select the template (see image below)
And the result is this:
Maybe this is helpful.
Using templates and the ${line_selection} or ${word_selection} variables, Eclipse (Helios, 3.6.1 here) always seems to insert the rendered template after the text you initially selected.
I've experienced this myself (in the HTML editor) while trying to implement a similar 'Surround with Tag' template, and gave up and reverted to using Ctrl+1 (after selecting text), and using 'Surround with new element...'. Unfortunately this workaround doesn't help you much w/ PHP.
Possible bug report?
I also faced the same problem in jsp page. I resolved this issue by using 4 or more characters to select the template in eclipse. And I got the correct result.