How to configure server (ldap?) for email? - email

I want to be able to read my email on several devices, preferably with Thunderbird. The process of reading it removes it from the server, downloading it onto whatever device I'm using. I would like to be able to have my email downloaded to my private server and be able to access it from any of my devices, preferably with "new mail" notifications being available on whatever device reads it first.
I thought I might be able to store it with LDAP, but I think that applies to only the address books.
Can someone outline what I would need to do this?
Thank you!

You probably have your accounts configured as POP3 with activated deletion when downloading. The most common way is to use IMAP instead (although it is also possible to configure POP3 to not delete e-mails on the server). Most clients will not delete e-mails from the server then by default. Please see your provider's instructions fot the correct IMAP settings.
For Thunderbird, see on how to migrate to IMAP and for more information on IMAP.
LDAP is not directly related to your e-mails.


What happens to Gmail emails after a hosting change?

I am hosting the email for one of my domains at Gmail. I then run an IMAP client on my local computer to read and send email. Totally standard.
I now want to move the hosting for that domain to another email provider, where I will again run an IMAP client to deal with the mail.
Question: What happens to all the messages that are currently on Gmail? I THINK that they will stay in place, and I'll be able to access them via and/or a Gmail app. But maybe not? Maybe Gmail will somehow find out about the MX change and decide that it should delete them all, because Reasons. Or it can't find the messages on its own server because the MX has changed, and so won't let me see them. Or something. In any case, losing access to these old messages would be Very Bad.
So, which is it? Will the world behave the way that I'm 99% sure that it will, such that I'll still be able to go to and read the old messages after the switch? Or do I need to move the old messages somewhere else before making the hosting switch? Thanks for helping with my paranoia!
Google doesn't care what domain you use to route emails towards your Gmail inbox. If you change your domain to use another email provider, you will still have your existing Gmail inbox, until you shut down your Gmail account. So any existing emails in your Gmail inbox will be left untouched.
The same goes for any other hosting provider.

how to recover archived emails in another account?

The problem is:
I used to have a accounts and have some important emails stored locally using Outlook. Right now, I am switching to another ISP, which means I can't access the old email server any more. Can I restore my old emails into another account(like gmail) or just let them show in the outlook UI?
THANK YOU for any help or hints.
If your new ISP gives you IMAP access you can easily move your email.
If you haven't yet done, configure an account with IMAP. How to do that depends on your ISP.
For gmail you should follow this Google guide.
Suppose your new ISP is Gmail.
Once you've done that, you would probably create a new folder to store your emails.
You can now select all your local emails that you want to copy/move and drag&drop into your newly folder.
Wait until it finish the copy (time depends on how fast is your connection and how heavy are all your emails).
You're done!

Send email from server without SMTP enabled

I have written a couple of web sites that contain a "contact us" form.
However, our host recently switched SMTP off. Their excuse is "security issues".
The solution they offer is that they implemented rules whereby all mail generated from the platforms must be sent using the sendmail/phpmail functions and pass through a mail relay which checks the mails and their content and ensures malicious content and activity is completely blocked and they recommend I use "A virtual or dedicated solution".
I have no idea what it is they want me to do to get emailing working again and this is quite urgent as many clients are not getting their emails.
Is there an easy way to go around this in order to get emailing working again?
Many thanks in advance
It generally means that you will have to specify the new mail server they are providing instead of localhost in your code. Further, earlier, you were able to send the mail without authenticating but now on, you must have an account and you must authenticate before you send the mail. (I am not sure though, may be they allow relay to their own servers and you might not need authentication).
Go to the control panel of your hosting account and check for the mail panel. Check out the new smtp server name there and code your site to use this smtp server with credentials. This will let you send mail again.

Is there a way to backup emails from OWA?

I am using OWA on IE8 and am do not have any email client like outlook installed. We just access email in the browser using OWA.
Is there a script (maybe a scraper) that backs up the emails?
How do I go about writing such a script, is there a OWA API?
I googled a lot but every solution first syncs OWA to exchange or outlook or some other email client and then backs it up. I do not have that luxury.
I have python installed, so a simple email client script written in python can be helpful too, if it can somehow be configured to logina nd read emails from OWA.
Thanks ! can be used as a proxy to expose OWA folders via IMAP and POP3.
The main goal of DavMail is to provide standard compliant protocols in front of proprietary Exchange. This means .. IMAP to browse messages on the server in any folder, POP to retrieve inbox messages only, .. Thus any standard compliant client can be used with Microsoft Exchange.
Then question becomes how to make backup of IMAP or POP3 server.
It's not possible to export mails in bulk from OWA, as far as I know.
As you suggested the only way would be using Outlook..

Migrating from POP to IMAP, multiple account folders

I am about to migrate all of my email accounts to using the IMAP protocol instead of the POP protocol. The problem I have is that the folders I currently have in Outlook have email in them from multiple accounts. So for instance I have a folder called 'Enquiries' which includes emails from '' and emails from ''
Is there a way to combine folders from multiple IMAP email accounts that are on my server? Or do I have to have separate folders for each account? Can I have one large 'PST' file on my server to hold all of my email accounts?
Additionally, if I open up Outlook on my laptop, will I be able to see all of my emails from the past even if I lose my internet connections? Is this what 'Idle' mode is for?
IMAP supports sharing. But folders belong to a user. So it's unusual to want to do what you have described.
If you want the mail to appear in the same folder, I'm pretty sure you will need to configure your mail server(s) to direct all incoming mail for those two addresses into the same user/folder.
PST files are not an IMAP thing - they're a proprietary Microsoft thing, so no, you can't do that with IMAP.
As for lost internet connection, this should be straight-forward for you to test. Simply disable your internet and see what happens. Try it with messages and folders that you have and haven't previously opened.
This Microsoft article about working offline makes me think that you won't be able to view existing messages.