Show pdf in flutter - flutter

How can I show a PDF file in my application?
I have the URLs of the files that I need to open in my database, what I need is to show any of those files.
Is there any way to do this?


Convert excel sheet to pdf in flutter

I need to generate an excel file in my flutter app and convert it to a pdf file
what i want is to
Export the Excel workbook as a PDF. An app like Excel can do it, but it has a special exporting form where the user has to specify if he wants to export only the currently displayed sheet, or the whole workbook.
Ideally I would also like my user to be able to view or preview the spreadsheet from my app. No need for him to be able to edit the spreadsheet at this time, just be able to read it.

Open generated file (Uint8list) in default application in Flutter

My application is generating excel and pdf reports. They are generated in Uint8list.
Is there a way to open such files in default application?
I tried open_file package, however, it requires a file path while my file is in memory.
same with url_launcher.
Also I tried saving the file then using open_file, but it doesn't work on web as file can't be saved.
I solved the issue by using printing.dat package. it has a PdfPreview that takes Uin8list and shows a preview with so many other options.

Make Buffering on Epub Page Using FolioReaderKit

I have collection view. Users can download and display it, i'm using FolioReaderKit to view the epub files and using alamofire download to download epub files.
is that possible if i make buffering page? So the download hasn't completed but user can still view the page that already downloaded while the progress download still running and download the next page?
Today FolioReaderKit do not support file stream, the actual architecture needs the full .epub (zip) file to unzip, parse and present the book.
Although, we have future plans for file stream, today it is not possible unless you clone and implement it.
If you download the files unzipped you also can make a custom FREpubParser.swift that reload and parse the files as you download it.

Reading pdf file in ipad application

In my Ipad application i need to read .pdf files. these pdf files are stored in my server. the size of the pdf files are nearly 20Mb. Normaly in ipad we can view the pdf using UIwebview, but it's not useful in this case. the reason is normaly in iPad the pdf files are downloaded and showed in UIWebview.. but in my case the size i need another solution to read pdf files.
my suggestion is take the pdf in a spitted fashion.means suppose ur pdf contains 1000 pages download first page and load on the webView and start download for the remaining pages in the background something like nsoperationquee .so you need to modify in the server side also if you like my suggestion.
You have pdf url that in server right? get the pdf files from the server and store it locally like DB. After that you can display the PDF files from the DB. This is the one time process.Then it not take much time for download.
Or you get the pdf images and display in the uiimageview its simple and easy. But one drawback is you can read the text but not do any action on that i.e., copy the text like that
Thanking you

creating a full html file out of webloc in a batch mode

I've got over 400 bookmarks saved as .webloc files. I'd like to move them to the iPhone's goodReader app. goodReader cannot open webloc files. It can sork with pdf, html but not webloc.
Do you know of a way or a program that would take a folder as its input, and convert every single .webloc file in it into a PDF version or a html version - so I can grab the converted files and move them onto iPhone.
Thank you
Try this, it should be able to convert the files to pdf