How to fix "pods is not balanced" in Kubernetes cluster - kubernetes

Pods doesn't balance in node pool. why doesn't spread to each node?
I have 9 instance in 1 node pool. In the past, I’ve tried add to 12 instance. Pods doesn't balance.
image description here
Would like to know if there is any solution that can help solve this problem and used 9 instance in 1 node pool?

Pods are scheduled to run on nodes by the kube-scheduler. And once they are scheduled, they are not rescheduled unless they are removed.
So if you add more nodes, the already running pods won't reschedule.
There is a project in incubator that solves exactly this problem.
Scheduling in Kubernetes is the process of binding pending pods to
nodes, and is performed by a component of Kubernetes called
kube-scheduler. The scheduler's decisions, whether or where a pod can
or can not be scheduled, are guided by its configurable policy which
comprises of set of rules, called predicates and priorities. The
scheduler's decisions are influenced by its view of a Kubernetes
cluster at that point of time when a new pod appears first time for
scheduling. As Kubernetes clusters are very dynamic and their state
change over time, there may be desired to move already running pods to
some other nodes for various reasons:
Some nodes are under or over utilized.
The original scheduling decision does not hold true any more, as taints or labels are added to or removed from nodes, pod/node
affinity requirements are not satisfied any more.
Some nodes failed and their pods moved to other nodes.
New nodes are added to clusters.

You should look into inter-pod anti-affinity. This feature allows you to constrain where your pods should not be scheduled based on the labels of the pods running on a node. In your case, given your app has label app-label, you can use it to ensure pods do not get scheduled on nodes that have pods with the label app-label. For example:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
label-key: label-value
label-key: label-value
- labelSelector:
- key: label-key
operator: In
- label-value
topologyKey: ""
PS: If you use requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution, you can have at most as many pods as you have nodes. If you expect to have more pods than nodes available, you will have to use preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution, which makes antiaffinity be a preference, rather than an obligation.


Kubernetes EKS deployment set soft node affinity to split pods 50/50 per nodegroup

I have an EKS cluster with two nodegroups each in different AZ. One deployment Deployment1 is running on 2 namespaces for redundancy, one copy per namespace and each of them run in separate AZs/nodegroup. Also there is another deployment Deployment2 that does not have any node affinity set and K8s manages where pods get scheduled.
Both deployments are huge with lots of pods. I have a subnet of 250 IPs available to me for each node group.
The problem is that while Deployment1 is fine on it's own, and gets split almost equally per AZ/Nodegroup, the Deployment2 tends to schedule most pods in one of the nodegroups and that ends when there are no more IPs available. This is a problem for Deployment1 since one namespace of it is tied to that nodegroup and no new pods can be scheduled there if load changes.
Can I somehow balance Deployment2 so it has 'soft affinity' that would split it 50/50 per each nodegroup, but if needed, can schedule pods in the other nodegroup?
If you're using Kubernetes 1.19 or later you can use topologySpreadConstraints, adding this to the pod template:
- maxSkew: 1
whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway
foo: bar
where maxSkew define how uneven pods can be scheduled, topologyKey is the key of node labels and the labelSelector matches a label of your deployment. See docs
If your on an older Kubernetes version, you can look at pod anti affinity.

When scaling a pod, will Kubernetes start new pods on more available nodes?

I tried to find a clear answer to this, and I'm sure it's in the kubernetes documentation somewhere but I couldn't find it.
If I have 4 nodes in my cluster, and am running a compute intensive pod which presumably uses up all/most of the resources on a single node, and I scale that pod to 4 replicas- will Kubernetes put those new pods on the unused nodes automatically?
Or, in the case where that compute intensive pod is not actually crunching numbers at the time but I scale the pod to 4 replicas (ie: node running the original pod has plenty of 'available' resources) will kubernetes still see that there are 3 other totally free nodes and start the pods on them?
Kubernetes will schedule the new pods on any node with sufficient resources. So one of the newly created pods could end up on a node were one is already running, if the node has enough resources left.
You can use an anti affinity to prevent pods from scheduling on the same node as a pod from the same deployment, e.g. by using the development's label
- weight: 100
- key: resources-group
operator: In
- high
Read docs for more on that topic.
As far as I remember, it depends on the scheduler configuration.
If you are running your on-premise kubernetes cluster and you have access to the scheduler process, you can tune the policy as you prefer (see documentation).
Otherwise, you can only play with the pod resource requests/limits and anti-affinity (see here).

Kubernetes Restrict Node to run labeled pods only

we would like to merge 2 kubernetes cluster because we need to establish a communication between the pods and it should also be cheaper.
Cluster 1 should stay intact and cluster 2 will be deleted. The pods in cluster 2 have very high requirements for resources and we would like to create node pool dedicated to these pods.
So the idea is to label the new nodes and also label the pods that were part of cluster 2 before to enforce that they run on these nodes.
What I cannot find an answer for is the following question: How can I ensure that no other pod is scheduled to run on the new node pool without having to redeploy all pods and assigning labels to them?
There are 2 problems you have to solve:
Stop cluster 1 pods from running on cluster 2 nodes
Stop cluster 2 pods from running on cluster 1 nodes
Given your question, it looks like you can make changes to cluster 2 deployments, but don't want to update existing cluster 1 deployments.
The solution to problem 1 is to use taints and tolerations. You can taint your cluster 2 nodes to stop all pods from being scheduled there then add tolerations to your cluster 2 deployments to allow them to ignore this taint. This means that cluster 1 pods cannot be deployed to cluster 2 nodes and problem 1 is solved.
You add a taint like this:
kubectl taint nodes node1 key1=value1:NoSchedule-
and tolerate it in your cluster 2 pod/deployment spec like this:
- key: "key1"
operator: "Equal"
value: "value1"
effect: "NoSchedule"
Problem 2 cannot be solved the same way because you don't want to change deployments for cluster 1 pods. This is a shame because taints are the easiest solution to this. If you could make that change, then you'd simply add a taint to cluster 1 nodes and tolerate it only in cluster 1 deployments.
Given these constraints, the solution is to use node affinity. You'd need to use the requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution form to ensure that the rules are always followed. The rules themselves can be as simple as a node selector based on labels. A shorter version of the example from the linked docs:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: with-node-affinity
- matchExpressions:
- key: a-node-label-key
operator: In
- a-node-label-value
- name: with-node-affinity

Can Kubernetes be forced to restart a failed pod on a differet node?

When running a Kubernetes job I've set spec.spec.restartPolicy: OnFailure and spec.backoffLimit: 30. When a pod fails it's sometimes doing so because of a hardware incompatibility (matlab segfault on some hardware). Kubernetes is restarting the pod each time on the same node, having no chance of correcting the problem.
Can I instruct Kubernete to try a different node on restart?
Once Pod is scheduled it cannot be moved to another Node.
The Job controller can create a new Pod if you specify spec.spec.restartPolicy: Never.
There is a chance that this new Pod will be scheduled on different Node.
I did a quick experiment with podAntiAffinity: but it looks like it's ignored by scheduler (makes sense as the previous Pod is in Error state).
BTW: If you can add labels to failing nodes it will be possible to avoid them by using nodeSelector: <label>.
restartPolicy only refers to restarts of the Containers by the Kubelet on the same node.
Setting restartPolicy: OnFailure will prevent the neverending creation of pods because it will just restart the failing one on the same node.
If you want to create new pods on failure with restartPolicy: Never, you can limit them by setting activeDeadlineSeconds However pods also will be recreated on the same node as failed ones. Upon reaching the deadline without success, the job will have status with reason: DeadlineExceeded. No more pods will be created, and existing pods will be deleted.
.spec.backoffLimit is just the number of retries.
The Job controller recreates the failed Pods (associated with the Job) in an exponential delay. And of course, this delay time is set by the Job controller
Take a look: pod-lifecycle.
However as a workaround you may want your Pods to end up on specific nodes which are properly working.
These scenarios are addressed by a number of primitives in Kubernetes:
nodeSelector — This is a simple Pod scheduling feature that allows scheduling a Pod onto a node whose labels match the nodeSelector labels specified
Node Affinity — is the enhanced version of the nodeSelector which offers a more expressive syntax for fine-grained control of how Pods are scheduled to specific nodes.
There are two types of affinity in Kubernetes: node affinity and Pod affinity. Similarly to nodeSelector, node affinity attracts a Pod to certain nodes, the Pod affinity attracts a Pod to certain Pods. In addition to that, Kubernetes supports Pod anti-affinity, which repels a Pod from other Pods.
Here's an example of a pod that uses node affinity:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pod-with-node-affinity
- matchExpressions:
- key:
operator: In
- e2e-az1
- e2e-az2
- weight: 1
- key: another-node-label-key
operator: In
- another-node-label-value
- name: with-node-affinity
This node affinity rule says the pod can only be placed on a node with a label whose key is and whose value is either e2e-az1 or e2e-az2. In addition, among nodes that meet that criteria, nodes with a label whose key is another-node-label-key and whose value is another-node-label-value should be preferred.
To label nodes you can use command:
$ kubectl label nodes <your-node-name> key=value
See definition: scheduling-pods.
As another workaround you may taint the specific, not working nodes - taints allow a Node to repel a set of Pods.
See more: taint-nodes-kubernetes.
Taints get a possibility to mark a node as NoSchedule - pods by default cannot be spawned on this node until you will add tolerations to pods which will allow scheduler to create pods on nodes with taints specified in toleration configuration. Command below:
$ kubectl taint nodes example-node key=value:NoSchedule
places a taint on node example-node. The taint has key key, value value, and taint effect NoSchedule. This means that no pod will be able to schedule onto node1 unless it has a matching toleration.
See: node-taint.

How to make sure Kubernetes autoscaler not deleting the nodes which runs specific pod

I am running a Kubernetes cluster(AWS EKS one) with Autoscaler pod So that Cluster will autoscale according to the resource request within the cluster.
Also, cluster will shrink no of nodes when the load is reduced. As I observed, Autosclaer can delete any node in this process.
I want to control this behavior such as asking Autoscaler to stop deleting nodes that runs a specific pod.
For example, If a node runs the Jenkins pod, Autoscaler should skip that node and delete other matching node from the cluster.
Will there a way to achieve this requirement. Please give your thoughts.
You can use "": "false"
app: jenkins
"": "false"
nodeSelector: us-west-2b
You should set a pod disruption budget that references specific pods by label. If you want to ensure that there is at least one Jenkins worker pod running at all times, for example, you could create a PDB like
apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
kind: PodDisruptionBudget
name: jenkins-worker-pdb
minAvailable: 1
app: jenkins
component: worker
(adapted from the basic example in Specifying a Disruption Budget in the Kubernetes docs).
Doing this won't prevent nodes from being destroyed; the cluster autoscaler is still free to scale things down. What it will do is temporarily delay destroying a node until the disruption budget can be met again.
For example, say you've configured your Jenkins setup so that there are three workers. Two get scheduled on the same node, and the autoscaler takes that node offline. The ordinary Kubernetes Deployment system will create two new replicas on nodes that still exist. If the autoscaler also decides it wants to destroy the node that has the last worker, the pod disruption budget above will prevent it from doing so until at least one other worker is running.
When you say "the Jenkins pod" in the question, there are two other important implications to this. One is that you should almost always configure your applications using higher-level objects like Deployments or StatefulSets and not bare Pods. The other is that it is generally useful to run multiple copies of things for redundancy if nothing else. Even absent the cluster autoscaler, disks fail, Amazon occasionally arbitrarily decommissions EC2 instances, and nodes otherwise can go offline outside of your control; you often don't want just one copy of something running in your cluster, especially if you're considering it a critical service.
In autoscaler FAQ on github you can read the following:
What types of pods can prevent CA from removing a node?
Pods with restrictive PodDisruptionBudget.
Kube-system pods that:
are not run on the node by default, *
don't have a pod disruption
set or their PDB is too restrictive (since CA 0.6).
Pods that are not backed by a controller object (so not created by deployment, replica set, job, stateful set etc). *
Pods with local storage. *
Pods that cannot be moved elsewhere due to various constraints (lack of resources, non-matching node selectors or affinity, matching
anti-affinity, etc)
Pods that have the following annotation set: "": "false"
*Unless the pod has the following annotation (supported in
CA 1.0.3 or later): "": "true"