Blank windows with documentation examples of Gtk(0.17) (julia 1.1) - gtk

I got an issue with Gtk.
My code is compiling with no error, but only the windows with its title is appearing.
So I wondered if I made something wrong and tried some examples of the documentation (see below).
And it didn't worked either.
I updated the packages, rm, and add again, no error.
No error in compiling, nothing.
When I ask if the widgets are visible it is saying yes.
I saw that it could be a configuration problem of gtk but with no more explanation.
Thank you for your help !
using Gtk
ls = GtkListStore(String, Int, Bool, Bool)
insert!(ls, 2, ("Susanne",35,true,true))
rTxt = GtkCellRendererText()
rTog = GtkCellRendererToggle()
c1 = GtkTreeViewColumn("Name", rTxt, Dict([("text",0)]), sort_column_id=0)
c2 = GtkTreeViewColumn("Age", rTxt, Dict([("text",1)]), sort_column_id=1)
c3 = GtkTreeViewColumn("Female", rTog, Dict([("active",2)]), sort_column_id=2)
tmFiltered = GtkTreeModelFilter(ls)
tv = GtkTreeView(GtkTreeModel(tmFiltered))
push!(tv, c1, c2, c3)
selection = GAccessor.selection(tv)
signal_connect(selection, "changed") do widget
if hasselection(selection)
currentIt = selected(selection)
println("Name: ", GtkTreeModel(tmFiltered)[currentIt,1],
" Age: ", GtkTreeModel(tmFiltered)[currentIt,1])
ent = GtkEntry()
signal_connect(ent, "changed") do widget
searchText = get_gtk_property(ent, :text, String)
for l=1:length(ls)
showMe = true
if length(searchText) > 0
showMe = showMe && occursin(lowercase(searchText), lowercase(ls[l,1]))
ls[l,4] = showMe
vbox = GtkBox(:v)
win = GtkWindow(vbox, "List View with Filter")

I tried it, but run as a file, your app closes so fast you do not see it display at all. This is covered in the Gtk.jl docs under "Non REPL Usage" ie running as a file, outside the julia REPL command line. Just replace showall(win) with:
condition = Condition()
endit(w) = notify(condition)
signal_connect(endit, win, :destroy)
The app will then pass control to the internal Gtk runtime event loop and wait for the app to close. I was able to run your app and see the check boxes fine with this. If you cannot, you might have a problem with your local files.


Why is my Luau code not hiding the GUIs that I tried to hide?

My code is for hiding some GUIs that I don't want to show. (Note that this is Luau, I can't post to DevForums because I am not a member)
This is what I want to hide:
Link here
The code I used was:
local Dialog = false
local Confirm = false
local TalkTo = ""
local ConfirmGUI = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.ConfirmGUI.ScreenGui -- Avoiding waste of time writing the full directory and having to fail because it's in PlayerGUI
ConfirmGUI.TextButton.Visible = false
ConfirmGUI.TextButton2.Visible = false
ConfirmGUI.TextLabel.Visible = false
ConfirmGUI.TextTitle.Visible = false
The error I keep getting in Developer Console is:
09:04:06.668 ConfirmGUI is not a valid member of PlayerGui "Players.metoplayllol.PlayerGui" - Client - LocalScript:6
09:04:06.668 Stack Begin - Studio
09:04:06.669 Script 'Players.metoplayllol.PlayerGui.DialogGUI.ScreenGui.TextLabel.LocalScript', Line 6 - Studio - LocalScript:6
09:04:06.669 Stack End - Studio
I used a title you can't see because it ruins the fun of the experience.
Just use this code
ConfirmGUI.TextButton.Visible = false
ConfirmGUI.TextButton2.Visible = false
ConfirmGUI.TextLabel.Visible = false
ConfirmGUI.TextTitle.Visible = false
Try using:
script.Parent...Parent:WaitForChild('ConfirmGUI').ScreenGUI, or flip ScreenGUI and ConfurmGUI

How to send errors from Neovim LSP to ALE

ALE has an API for sending errors to it from other sources. I'm using this like shown below and it works for the first error. More specifically, if I make one edit that results in an LSP error, the error will be displayed by ALE in the location list. If I make any further keystrokes, the location list is emptied again.
I can also trigger this behavior if I disable LSP, load ALE, manually call ShowResults and then press any other key in insert mode.
My hypothesis is that ALEs linting in insert mode (per default) kicks in. If LSP is disabled and there are no linters registered for the current file type, it doesn't find any errors (obviously, there's nothing that could report any) and so it empties my location list again. So the steps are: open buffer without LSP, call ShowResults, location list opens, press i, press any key, location list is empty
Now I thought that it was because I wasn't implementing the full ALE API. So I added a hook (2nd snippet). I can verify that this hook is called and that it generates valid messages. If I keep the location list open I can even see all the expected errors flickering across the loclist. I can navigate to those errors with :lolder, but I don't know why ALE always adds another, empty location list, after the LSP is done doing its job.
Or maybe I'm doing something wrong here.
vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = function(_, _, params, client_id, _, config)
local uri = params.uri
local bufnr = vim.uri_to_bufnr(uri)
if not bufnr then
local diagnostics = params.diagnostics
if not diagnostics or vim.tbl_isempty(diagnostics) then
vim.fn['ale#other_source#ShowResults'](bufnr, "nvim-lsp", {})
-- Important so we can pull diagnostics from this table when ALE asks for
-- them, bufnr, client_id)
local messages = {}
for _, event in ipairs(diagnostics) do
-- :h ale-localist-format
local msg = {}
msg.text = event.message
msg.lnum = event.range.start.line
msg.end_lnum = event.range["end"].line
msg.col = event.range.start.character
msg.end_col = event.range["end"].character
msg.bufnr = bufnr = event.severity
table.insert(messages, msg)
vim.fn['ale#other_source#ShowResults'](bufnr, "nvim-lsp", messages)
Second snippet which is called from the 'on_attach' function of the Neovim LSP
function ALEHook(bufnr)
vim.fn['ale#other_source#StartChecking'](bufnr, "nvim-lsp")
local diagnostics = vim.lsp.diagnostic.get(bufnr,
if not diagnostics or vim.tbl_isempty(diagnostics) then
vim.fn['ale#other_source#ShowResults'](bufnr, "nvim-lsp", {})
local messages = {}
for _, event in ipairs(diagnostics) do
local msg = {}
msg.text = event.message
msg.lnum = event.range.start.line
msg.end_lnum = event.range["end"].line
msg.col = event.range.start.character
msg.end_col = event.range["end"].character
msg.bufnr = bufnr = event.severity
table.insert(messages, msg)
vim.fn['ale#other_source#ShowResults'](bufnr, "nvim-lsp", messages)
api.nvim_command('augroup ALEHookLSP')
api.nvim_command('autocmd User ALEWantResults call v:lua.ALEHook(g:ale_want_results_buffer)')
api.nvim_command('augroup END')

IPython script runs on Spotfire Client, not Spotfire Web

I have the following python script (reduced, but the rest of it performs similar actions):
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *
#assign default values for prompts if needed
if Document.Properties['cannedKPISelected'].isspace():
Document.Properties['cannedKPISelected'] = 'GS'
if Document.Properties['cannedTimeSelected'].isspace():
Document.Properties['cannedTimeSelected'] = 'Month'
#determine which type of viz needs displayed based on a flag in the data
rowCount = activeTable.RowCount
rowsToInclude = IndexSet(rowCount,True)
cursor1 = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(activeTable.Columns[columnToFetch])
for row in activeTable.GetRows(rowsToInclude,cursor1):
rowIndex = row.Index
percentageNeeded = cursor1.CurrentValue
#create consumer report
for page in Document.Pages:
for viz in page.Visuals:
if str(viz.Id) == 'a7f5b4ec-f545-4d5f-a967-adec4c9fec79':
if Document.Properties['coffeeReportSelected'] == 'Brand Category by Market':
if Document.Properties['cannedKPISelected'] == 'GS' and Document.Properties['cannedTimeSelected'] == 'Month' and percentageNeeded == 'Y':
visualContentObject = viz.As[VisualContent]()
visualContentObject.MeasureAxis.Expression = 'Sum([GS Month]) as [GS Mnth]'
visualContentObject.RowAxis.Expression = '<[BRAND] as [Brand Category] NEST [MARKET] as [Market]>'
visualContentObject.ColumnAxis.Expression = '<[Axis.Default.Names] as [Measure Names]>'
visualContentObject.ShowColumnGrandTotal = True
visualContentObject.ShowColumnSubtotals = True
visualContentObject.ShowRowGrandTotal = False
visualContentObject.Title = 'Monthly GS by Brand, Market'
visualContentObject.Data.WhereClauseExpression = '[NAME] = "CANADA"'
visualContentObject.CellWidth = 125
Document.Properties['cannedReportHideRows'] = 'Sum(Abs(SN([GS Month],0)))'
elif Document.Properties['cannedKPISelected'] == 'GS' and Document.Properties['cannedTimeSelected'] == 'Quarter' and percentageNeeded == 'Y':
visualContentObject = viz.As[VisualContent]()
visualContentObject.MeasureAxis.Expression = 'Sum([GS Quarter]) as [GS Qtr]'
visualContentObject.RowAxis.Expression = '<[BRAND] as [Brand] NEST [MARKET] as [Market]>'
visualContentObject.ColumnAxis.Expression = '<[Axis.Default.Names] as [Measure Names]>'
visualContentObject.ShowColumnGrandTotal = True
visualContentObject.ShowColumnSubtotals = True
visualContentObject.ShowRowGrandTotal = False
visualContentObject.Title = 'Quarterly GS by Brand, Market'
visualContentObject.Data.WhereClauseExpression = '[NAME] = "CANADA"'
visualContentObject.CellWidth = 125
Document.Properties['cannedReportHideRows'] = 'Sum(Abs(SN([GS Quarter],0)))'
So on and so forth.
This script (and others) run perfectly fine in the client. It does not run in the web. The web will say processing, then say ready (in the bottom left corner), all while doing nothing (no error, nothing). A few other scripts that I have in the same analysis run perfectly fine.
I know there are some limitations on IPython scripts on the web for security reasons, but I am only building a table. This cant be restricted can it? Web server logs are not capturing anything out of the ordinary.
We are on Spotfire 7.6
UPDATE: It seems to be due to this: if str(viz.Id) == 'a7f5b4ec-f545-4d5f-a967-adec4c9fec79':. This is because IDs are different between Web and Client unfortunately. Knowing my title changes as well, any ideas on what I could reference a visualization by that stays the same between client and web?
Because Spotfire changes IDs of a vis depending on whether it is on the web player vs the client, the script was not working as intended. I simply added the vis as a parameter instead of relying on the script to go and locate the correct vis. When the name of the vis changes, the parameter is updated correctly so it is still dynamic.
Could you just figure out what the index is on the current visual and refer to it that way?
Try something like:
Replace this line:
if str(viz.Id) == 'a7f5b4ec-f545-4d5f-a967-adec4c9fec79':
if viz[0] (or whatever the index is)
Not sure if this is what you had in mind, but I believe this will give you a way to refer to the visualization without having to use an ID.

Powerbuilder word hangs while opening if same doc is opened

Before opening the word document
i want to check whether same document is opened already or not.
If opened then i want to close
You can try this
IF ole_myobject.Documents.Count >= 1 THEN
ls_doc_name = ole_myobject.ActiveDocument.Name
Here you have help of its operation:
The code works. The following example will help you understand how to develop it:
Declare Instance Variables:
OLEObject ole_myobject
Event Open():
ole_myobject = CREATE OLEObject
Code in buttom:
String ls_doc_name
String as_doc_name
String as_path_name
Long ll_ActiveDocument
as_path_name = "C:\"
as_doc_name = "Prueba.doc"
ll_ActiveDocument = ole_myobject.Documents.Count
IF ll_ActiveDocument >= 1 THEN
Ls_doc_name = ole_myobject.ActiveDocument.Name
if Ls_doc_name = as_doc_name THEN
end if + as_doc_name)
Remember "ole_myobject.ActiveDocument.close(0)" does not close Word, it only closes the document but the Word application continues to run.

VBScript and JScript seem to handle method in a different manner. Why?

guys. Here's another sample script in VBScript. It opens internet explorer, navigates to google, sets up a search field and submits a query.
set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.visible = true
while ie.readystate <> 4
wscript.sleep 100
set fields = ie.document.getelementsbyname("q")
set buttons = ie.document.getelementsbyname("btnG")
fields(0).value = "some query"
Everything goes o.k.
And here is a script in JScript, that is supposed to do the very same thing:
var ie = new ActiveXObject("InternetExplorer.Application");
ie.visible = true;
do {
} while (ie.readystate !== 4);
var input = ie.document.getElementsByName("q");
var button = ie.document.getElementsByName("btnG");
input(0).value = "some query";
It sets up search field to "some query" correctly, but it doesn't click the button! Literally, nothing happens after input(0).value = "some query"; line.
I'm new to JScript, so I wonder, whether it's me being stupid and ignorant about some specific details, or not?
Is a reference to a function.
Would be the function call.
(Also, shouldn't it be square brackets?)