I have a requirement where in i need to wrap ionic chips within ion-item of ion-list.
Below is the code for it.
<ion-item *ngIf="showLayout" class="wrapname">
<ion-chip color="danger" item-content>
<ion-label >Secondary Label</ion-label>
<ion-icon name="close"></ion-icon>
<ion-chip color="danger" item-content>
<ion-label >Secondary Label</ion-label>
<ion-icon name="close"></ion-icon>
<ion-chip color="danger" item-content>
<ion-label >Secondary Label</ion-label>
<ion-icon name="close"></ion-icon>
Below is the scss code for it.
word-wrap: break-word;
white-space: pre-wrap;
I have used word-wrap,but still its not working.
Am i going wrong somewhere??
In Ionic 4 to get <ion-chip> items to wrap inside of <ion-item>, you need to put them inside of a <ion-label text-wrap class="ion-text-wrap">. So in your example, you'd do the following:
<ion-item *ngIf="showLayout">
<ion-label text-wrap class="ion-text-wrap">
<ion-chip color="danger">
<ion-label>Secondary Label</ion-label>
<ion-icon name="close"></ion-icon>
<ion-chip color="danger">
<ion-label>Secondary Label</ion-label>
<ion-icon name="close"></ion-icon>
<ion-chip color="danger">
<ion-label>Secondary Label</ion-label>
<ion-icon name="close"></ion-icon>
I ran into this same problem and wrapping the ion-chip inside ion-label resolved the issue for me. đź‘Ť
You can simply achieve this with the help of *ngFor
Check below code :
items = ["Test","Test1","Test12","Test123", "Test1234", "Test12345", "Test123456", "Test1234567", "Test123456", "Test12345", "Test1234", "Test123", "Test12", "Test1", "Test"];
<ion-content padding>
<ion-chip *ngFor="let item of items;" color="danger" item-content style="margin-left: 10px;">
<ion-label > {{ item }}</ion-label>
<ion-icon name="close"></ion-icon>
Will create a list of chips as below :
StackBiz Demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ionic-vscljq
Hope this will helps.
i try to show a back button to switch between my components.
To do so i created this header:
<ion-header translucent >
<ion-toolbar >
<ion-buttons slot="start">
<ion-content >
<form [formGroup]="authdetails" >
<ion-item >
<ion-label position="floating">E-Mail</ion-label>
<ion-input formControlName="email" type="email"></ion-input>
<ion-item >
<ion-label position="floating">Nutzername</ion-label>
<ion-input formControlName="nickname" type="email"></ion-input>
<ion-item >
<ion-label position="floating">Passwort</ion-label>
<ion-input formControlName="pw" type="password"></ion-input>
<ion-item lines="none">
<ion-label >Hiermit bestätige ich den Datenschutz</ion-label>
<ion-checkbox slot="start" formControlName="privacy"></ion-checkbox>
<ion-item lines="none">
<ion-label >Hiermit bestätige ich die AGB's </ion-label>
<ion-checkbox slot="start" formControlName="agb"></ion-checkbox>
<div align="center">
<button class="button register"
The way i'm routing to this view is like i did here:
<button class="button register" routerLink="/register">Kostenlos Registrieren</button>
The problem is that the back button is showed really small, please find attached a screenshot:
I am trying to have a red button in an ion-item-sliding element in Ionic 4. Here is the code:
<ion-avatar slot="start">
<img src="assets/shapes.svg">
<ion-item-options side="end">
<button ion-button color="danger">
<ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>
However, the button shows in gray while it should be red. I also tried using ion-button instead of button. It worked, but when I coupled it with expand="full" the color of button's text turned red instead of the color of button itself.
Use the defaut button is working fine:
<ion-avatar slot="start">
<img src="assets/shapes.svg">
<ion-item-options side="end">
<ion-item-option color="danger" expandable>
<ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>Delete
Hope it helps you :)
i'm working with ionic 4 angular 7. I'm using <ion-reorder> to reorder list. Drag n Drop works for the first time fine but when I release the click, item got stuck. After first reorder everything freezes. And I'm unable to attempt reorder for the second time.
Here my .html file
<ion-list lines="none">
<ion-reorder-group disabled="false">
<ion-thumbnail no-margin item-start>
<img src="../assets/images/5.jpg">
<div class="pl-2">
<h5 no-margin>Multan</h5>
<p no-margin>Historical place...</p>
<ion-buttons slot="end">
<ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="close"></ion-icon>
<ion-thumbnail no-margin item-start>
<img src="../assets/images/5.jpg">
<div class="pl-2">
<h5 no-margin>Multan</h5>
<p no-margin>Historical place...</p>
<ion-buttons slot="end">
<ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="close"></ion-icon>
<ion-thumbnail no-margin item-start>
<img src="../assets/images/5.jpg">
<div class="pl-2">
<h5 no-margin>Multan</h5>
<p no-margin>Historical place...</p>
<ion-buttons slot="end">
<ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="close"></ion-icon>
<ion-thumbnail no-margin item-start>
<img src="../assets/images/5.jpg">
<div class="pl-2">
<h5 no-margin>Multan</h5>
<p no-margin>Historical place...</p>
<ion-buttons slot="end">
<ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="close"></ion-icon>
When I drag n Drop Item. It get stuck when I drop it. After this, everything freezes.
Any Help...?
I'm using
Ionic: 4.10.2
Angular: 7.3.0
I think you need to store your data in a variable and ngFor on these data to build your reorder items.
this.items: Array<img: string; title: string; description: string; icon:
string> = [yourArrayOfObjects];
I think then you need to catch the ionItemReorder event like this
<ion-reorder-group (ionItemReorder)="reorderItems($event)" disabled="false">
and in your .ts the reorderItems() function could be
reorderItems(ev) {
const itemMove = this.items.splice(ev.detail.from, 1)[0];
this.items.splice(ev.detail.to, 0, itemMove);
The key here is to complete the event and you have to do it manually. So the ionItemReorder event callback is a must. So something as simple as this should do the trick:
Typescript :
public onItemReorder({ detail }) {
<ion-reorder-group (ionItemReorder)="onItemReorder($event)" [disabled]="false">
ionic4 version:
html code:
<ion-reorder-group (ionItemReorder)="reorder($event)" [disabled]="false">
<ion-item *ngFor="let accessory of accessories">
typescript code:
accessories = ['test', 'test1', 'test2'];
reorder(event) {
const itemToMove = this.accessories.splice(event.detail.from, 1)[0];
this.accessories.splice(event.detail.to, 0, itemToMove);
This will never throw any type of error, it works. I am 100% sure, have used 3-4 times. I hope, this will also help you.
<ion-list >
<ion-item-group (ionItemReorder)="reorder($event)" reorder='true' >
<ion-item *ngFor="let item of file_uri" (click)="openSubMenu(item.bunch)" style="background-color: #F0F0F0">
<ion-avatar item-left >
<img src="assets/{{item.bunch}}.svg">
<h2 color="primary_secound">{{item.bunch}}
<p>Click To See Menu of {{item.bunch}}
<ion-icon name="arrow-dropright" item-right></ion-icon>
reorder(event) {
const itemToMove = this.file_uri.splice(event.from, 1)[0];
this.file_uri.splice(event.to, 0, itemToMove);
With Angular - Ionic - Typescript
in HTML file/Code:
<ion-reorder-group (ionItemReorder)="reorderItems($event)" disabled="false">
<ion-item *ngFor="let item of yourArray">
<ion-label> {{ item.name }} </ion-label>
<ion-reorder slot="end"></ion-reorder>
Controller or .ts Code:
reorderItems(ev): void {
const itemMove = this.yourArray.splice(ev.detail.from, 1)[0];
this.yourArray.splice(ev.detail.to, 0, itemMove);
As per the above example, If you did not add reorderItems() in your controller it will not work. you can change function name as you like.
Example on android/Browser
Works Fine on Android
Example On Ios
Not work as well
<ion-header [scrollHide]="headerScrollConfig" [scrollContent]="pageContent" >
<ion-navbar color="ticket-blue-rainbow" >
<ion-title> {{ evento.descricao }}</ion-title>
<ion-icon class="padding-icon" name="thumbs-up" color="light" item-right icon-right (click)="likeEvento()"></ion-icon>
<ion-icon class="padding-icon" name="ios-heart" item-right color="danger" (click)="onClickFavorit()"></ion-icon>
<ion-icon class="padding-icon" name="share" item-right (click)="onClickOpenModal()" color="light" style="padding-right: 10px !important;"></ion-icon>
.padding-icon {
padding-right: 15px;
font-size: 20px;
To overcome above issue you need to use below option with <ion-buttons> tag
<ion-buttons right>
<ion-icon class="padding-icon" name="thumbs-up" color="light" item-right icon-right
It will work and show your buttons on right side.
<ion-title> {{ evento.descricao }}</ion-title>
<ion-buttons right>
<ion-icon class="padding-icon" name="thumbs-up" color="light" item-right icon-right (click)="likeEvento()"></ion-icon>
<ion-icon class="padding-icon" name="ios-heart" item-right color="danger" (click)="onClickFavorit()"></ion-icon>
<ion-icon class="padding-icon" name="share" item-right (click)="onClickOpenModal()" color="light" style="padding-right: 10px !important;"></ion-icon>
I don’t no if this method is the most correctly, but in this situation i use this class on ios
.ios {
and on html i used
<ion-buttons right class="padding-ios">
I would like to have an ion-item inside a list with a word centered between two icons (one on left side and one on right side) like this:
I'm not able to achieve this goal, because I have something like that:
This is my code:
<ion-item class="item item-icon-left item-icon-right" style="text-align: center">
<ion-icon item-left name="lock"></ion-icon>
<ion-icon item-right name="lock"></ion-icon>
How can I have something like in the first image where the text it's centered correctly?
You can use text-align property for center your text like below
<ion-item class="item item-icon-left item-icon-right" style="text-align: center">
<ion-icon item-left name="lock"></ion-icon>
<ion-label class="centerlabel">Woman</ion-label>
<ion-icon item-right name="lock"></ion-icon>
.centerlabel {
text-align: center;
Hope this will helps!
(Posted solution on behalf of the question author).
<ion-col col-1 style="text-align: left;">
<ion-icon name="lock"></ion-icon>
<ion-col col-10 style="text-align: center;">
<ion-col col-1 style="text-align: right;">
<ion-icon name="lock"></ion-icon>
try this
<ion-item >
<ion-icon item-left name="lock"></ion-icon>
<div text-center><b style="margin-left: -20px;">Woman</b></div>
<ion-icon item-right name="lock"></ion-icon>