gitlab backup restore affects url redirection - postgresql

I got a production server (ip: where GitLab 8.15.3 is installed.
Then I made a GitLab backup and I transferred the file to a test server(ip:
When I'm using a browser, I go to which aims to ip
The test server has same GitLab version and I executed the restore from backup file and it worked.
Even though, when I use the browser I go to, it redirects to
It wasn't happening before restoration on test server.
I was checking gitlab, gitlab-nginx config files and I'm not finding something related to
What can I do?
I put as example.

My PC was restarted becasuse there is a job in charged to restart PCs. After that, I used the browser going to and it started to work. So I think it was a cache browser issue and I didn't make any changes to gitlab config files.

If you haven't transfered/copied over your NGiNX settings, then it is a GitLab configuration issue.
Said configuration (for example in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb) does include:
external_url ""
Do check if the redirection comes from there.


Unable to add remote node in Rundeck 4.9.0

Following the doc from Rundeck, however the only button I have under "Sources tab" is "ResourceModelSource"
When I click that button I get a blank
PPS Issue happened on previous version - new to RunDeck, so I can't say that it EVER worked
I tried adding a manual resouces.xml in the project director y(Which I had to manually create, which tells me that's another issue) and reloading RD but that did not seem to work
While it's not the likely cause, I'll mention it here incase it IS relevant, I'm hosting on port 4440 however I'm using nginx to forward http (not https) requests on 443 to 4440, this is due to corp net sec policy.
I'm sure it's something where it's having an i/o issue on the local host, however I'm not seeing anything in the logs.
That is a known issue when you have Rundeck installed behind a proxy server, take a look at this: the solution is to set the grails.ServerURL ( file) with the exit URL defined for Rundeck in your proxy server (e.g: grails.serverURL=http://my_domain/rundeck), then restart the Rundeck service.

GitHub Action runner : Problem in configuring as a service

I have self hosted runner. But my runner is not online always. Its turned off even though it's configured as a service. But my machine is up.
While starting the service it gives a below problem.
Expected output of service need to be like below:
Any hints?
Followed this page to configure :
It looks like your problem is with the connection to GitHub.
Some things to double check -
Make sure the host can connect to GitHub (running a ping should prove this)
Make sure the installation of the self hosted runner was done with the correct token.

Heroku App Only Working On Local Machine

Have something really odd going on with Heroku.
I have an application build in React/JS/Node with Mongo.
If I pull up the link to my app on my local machine:, I can see a version of my website, but it is not updating for any changes that I push to Heroku.
Even more strange, is that on a non-local machine, if i visit the aforementioned link, I get the boilerplate 'Express' page.
I've tried clearing the cache, exiting browsers on both PC's but same old story.
I have the MongoDB config set in Heroku.
Not sure what could be going on here.
Any ideas?
PS--here's my code:
Okay i figured this one out. I'm pretty sure it was how I was setting the ports on the backend. Heroku has some specific rules about this:
Heroku + node.js error (Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 60 seconds of launch)

phpPgAdmin on OpenShift is not accessible from application URL

Installed this ( to my Tiny Tiny RSS application on OpenShift to manage my database.* However, after the installation and a few restarts, .../phppgadmin/ URL gives me 404 error. Any ideas? Could it be the github cartridge is using old environmental variables? Thanks!
*The reason I want to install phppgadmin in the first place is to vacuum my ever-expanding database on Tiny Tiny RSS application. vacuumdb and vacuumdb -f -a only claim ~50mb and app-tidy does ~100mb, as opposed to ~600mb previously. So, I need to find another solution, like phppgadmin, to address my quota limitations.
Instead of using phppgadmin, it would be a much better idea to download pgadmin onto your computer and then use the rhc port-forward command to connect to your database and do your maintenance. That cartridge is pretty old and likely will not get updated anytime soon (or ever).

Proxy setting in gsutil tool

I use gsutil tool for download archives from Google Storage.
I use next CMD command:
python c:\gsutil\gsutil cp gs://pubsite_prod_rev_XXXXXXXXXXXXX/YYYYY/*.zip C:\Tmp\gs
Everything works fine, but if I try to run that command from corporate proxy, I receive error:
Caught socket error, retrying: [Errno 10051] A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network
I tried several times to set the proxy settings in .boto file, but all to no avail.
Someone faced with such a problem?
Please see the section "I'm connecting through a proxy server, what do I need to do?" at
Basically, you need to configure the proxy settings in your .boto file, and you need to ensure that your proxy allows traffic to as well as to *
A change was just merged into github yesterday that fixes some of the proxy support. Please try it out, or specifically, overwrite this file with your current copy:
I believe I am having the same problem with the proxy settings being ignored under Linux (Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS) and gsutils 4.2 (downloaded today).
I've been watching tcpdump on the host to confirm that gsutils is attempting to directly route to Google IPs instead of to my proxy server.
It seems that on the first execution of a simple command like "gsutil -d ls" it will use my proxy settings specified .boto for the first POST and then switch back to attempting to route directly to Google instead of my proxy server.
Then if I CTRL-C and re-run the exact same command, the proxy setting is no longer used at all. This difference in behaviour baffles me. If I wait long enough, I think it will work for the initial request again so this suggests some form on caching taking place. I'm not 100% of this behaviour yet because I haven't been able to predict when it occurs.
I also noticed that it always first tries to connect to on port 80 regardless of proxy settings. A grep shows that it's hardcoded into,,, and (under different subdirectories of the gsutils root).
I've tried setting the http_proxy environment variable but it appears that there is code that unsets this.