Search Array for Longest String that is a Prefix of Search String - swift

I'm a new Swift developer. I'm using Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.2.
I would like to search an array for a single result that has the most characters compared to my search string. To be more specific, I need the longest string from my array which is a prefix of the search string.
For example, if my array is:
let array = ["1", "13", "1410", "1649", "1670"]
and my search string is:
let searchString = "16493884777"
I would like the result to be "1649".
I can't find another SO question that has a swift solution.

You could just iterate over the prefix array from the end (assuming the prefix array is sorted) and return immediately if you hit a match since that prefix will be guaranteed to be the longest since another matching prefix of the same length cannot exist:
import Foundation
func longestMatchingPrefix(_ prefixArray: [String], _ searchString: String) -> String {
for p in prefixArray.reversed() {
if searchString.hasPrefix(p) {
return p
return "No matching prefix found"
print(longestMatchingPrefix(["1", "13", "1410", "1649", "1670"], "16493884777"))


Customized Sort order in Swift

I have a set of strings I need to sort in an order which is not Latin alphabetic.
Specifically, I have a string "AiyawbpfmnrhHxXzsSqkgtTdD" which specifies the sorting order, i.e., "y" comes before "a", but after "A". In case you are interested, this is the sort order for ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs as specified in the Manuel de Codage.
In Swift, is there a convenient way to specify a predicate or other approach for this type of collation order?
First, turn your alphabet into a Dictionary that maps each Character to its integer position in the alphabet:
import Foundation
let hieroglyphAlphabet = "AiyawbpfmnrhHxXzsSqkgtTdD"
let hieroglyphCodes = Dictionary(
uniqueKeysWithValues: hieroglyphAlphabet
.map { (key: $0.element, value: $0.offset) }
Next, extend StringProtocol with a property that returns an array of such alphabetic positions:
extension StringProtocol {
var hieroglyphEncoding: [Int] { map { hieroglyphCodes[$0] ?? -1 } }
I'm turning non-alphabetic characters into -1, so they will be treated as less-than alphabetic characters. You could turn them into .max to treat them as greater-than, or use a more complex type than Int if you need more special treatment.
Now you can sort an array of strings by hieroglyphEncoding, using the lexicographicallyPrecedes method of Sequence:
let unsorted = "this is the sort order".components(separatedBy: " ")
let sorted = unsorted.sorted {
["order", "is", "sort", "the", "this"]
It is not efficient to recompute the hieroglyphEncoding of each string on demand during the sort, so if you have many strings to sort, you should wrap each string and its encoding into a wrapper for sorting or use a Schwartzian transform.

Adding numbers inside a string in Swift

Reading through this problem in a book
Given a string that contains both letters and numbers, write a
function that pulls out all the numbers then returns their sum. Sample
input and output
The string “a1b2c3” should return 6 (1 + 2 + 3). The string
“a10b20c30” should return 60 (10 + 20 + 30). The string “h8ers” should
return “8”.
My solution so far is
import Foundation
func sumOfNumbers(in string: String) -> Int {
var numbers = string.filter { $0.isNumber }
var numbersArray = [Int]()
for number in numbers {
return numbersArray.reduce(0, { $0 * $1 })
However, I get the error
Solution.swift:8:33: error: cannot convert value of type 'String.Element' (aka 'Character') to expected argument type 'String'
And I'm struggling to get this number of type String.Element into a Character. Any guidance would be appreciated.
The error occurs because Int.init is expecting a String, but the argument number you gave is of type Character.
It is easy to fix the compiler error just by converting the Character to String by doing:
or just:
However, this does not produce the expected output. First, you are multiplying the numbers together, not adding. Second, you are considering each character separately, and not considering groups of digits as one number.
You can instead implement the function like this:
func sumOfNumbers(in string: String) -> Int {
string.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "0"..."9").inverted)
.reduce(0, +)
The key thing is to split the string using "non-digits", so that "10" and "20" etc gets treated as individual numbers.

Is there a faster method to find words beginning with string inside a string?

I have a field called keywords on Core Data that stores keywords separated by spaces, like:
car nascar race daytona crash
I have a list populated by core data. Every element on that list has keywords.
I have a search field on that view.
I want that list to be filtered as the user types.
If the user types c the app will check elements that have keywords beginning with c. In that case, the element mentioned above will be shown because it has car and crash, both beginning with c.
In order to check that, I created this extension
extension String {
func containsWordStartingWith(insensitive searchWord: String) -> Bool {
let lowercaseSelf = self.lowercased().trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let lowercaseSearch = searchWord.lowercased().trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let array = lowercaseSelf.components(separatedBy: " ")
return array.contains(where: {$0.hasPrefix(lowercaseSearch)})
This works but is slow as hell and typing characters on the search bar makes the app stall.
How can I improve that with something faster?
First thing I would do is split the single keywords string into a Set of actual keywords. If possible you should even store it in Core Data that way, so there's no need for a split step.
let keywords = "car nascar race daytona crash"
let keywordSet = Set(keywords.split(separator: " "))
Now the utility method you want is trivial and fast:
func keywordSet(_ set : Set<Substring>, containsWordStartingWith s: Substring) -> Bool {
for keyword in set {
if keyword.hasPrefix(s) { return true }
return false
keywordSet(keywordSet, containsWordStartingWith:"c")

Guard Statement Parameter Error [duplicate]

How do you get the length of a String? For example, I have a variable defined like:
var test1: String = "Scott"
However, I can't seem to find a length method on the string.
As of Swift 4+
It's just:
for reasons.
(Thanks to Martin R)
As of Swift 2:
With Swift 2, Apple has changed global functions to protocol extensions, extensions that match any type conforming to a protocol. Thus the new syntax is:
(Thanks to JohnDifool for the heads up)
As of Swift 1
Use the count characters method:
let unusualMenagerie = "Koala 🐨, Snail 🐌, Penguin 🐧, Dromedary 🐪"
println("unusualMenagerie has \(count(unusualMenagerie)) characters")
// prints "unusualMenagerie has 40 characters"
right from the Apple Swift Guide
(note, for versions of Swift earlier than 1.2, this would be countElements(unusualMenagerie) instead)
for your variable, it would be
length = count(test1) // was countElements in earlier versions of Swift
Or you can use test1.utf16count
For Swift 2.0 and 3.0, use test1.characters.count. But, there are a few things you should know. So, read on.
Counting characters in Swift
Before Swift 2.0, count was a global function. As of Swift 2.0, it can be called as a member function.
It will return the actual number of Unicode characters in a String, so it's the most correct alternative in the sense that, if you'd print the string and count characters by hand, you'd get the same result.
However, because of the way Strings are implemented in Swift, characters don't always take up the same amount of memory, so be aware that this behaves quite differently than the usual character count methods in other languages.
For example, you can also use test1.utf16.count
But, as noted below, the returned value is not guaranteed to be the same as that of calling count on characters.
From the language reference:
Extended grapheme clusters can be composed of one or more Unicode
scalars. This means that different characters—and different
representations of the same character—can require different amounts of
memory to store. Because of this, characters in Swift do not each take
up the same amount of memory within a string’s representation. As a
result, the number of characters in a string cannot be calculated
without iterating through the string to determine its extended
grapheme cluster boundaries. If you are working with particularly long
string values, be aware that the characters property must iterate over
the Unicode scalars in the entire string in order to determine the
characters for that string.
The count of the characters returned by the characters property is not
always the same as the length property of an NSString that contains
the same characters. The length of an NSString is based on the number
of 16-bit code units within the string’s UTF-16 representation and not
the number of Unicode extended grapheme clusters within the string.
An example that perfectly illustrates the situation described above is that of checking the length of a string containing a single emoji character, as pointed out by n00neimp0rtant in the comments.
var emoji = "👍"
emoji.characters.count //returns 1
emoji.utf16.count //returns 2
Swift 1.2 Update: There's no longer a countElements for counting the size of collections. Just use the count function as a replacement: count("Swift")
Swift 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1:
let strLength = string.characters.count
Swift 4.2 (4.0 onwards): [Apple Documentation - Strings]
let strLength = string.count
Swift 1.1
extension String {
var length: Int { return countElements(self) } //
Swift 1.2
extension String {
var length: Int { return count(self) } //
Swift 2.0
extension String {
var length: Int { return characters.count } //
Swift 4.2
extension String {
var length: Int { return self.count }
let str = "Hello"
let count = str.length // returns 5 (Int)
Swift 4
Swift 3
extension String {
var length: Int {
return self.characters.count
If you are just trying to see if a string is empty or not (checking for length of 0), Swift offers a simple boolean test method on String
The other side of this coin was people asking in ObjectiveC how to ask if a string was empty where the answer was to check for a length of 0:
NSString is empty
Swift 5.1, 5
let flag = "🇵🇷"
// Prints "1" -- Counts the characters and emoji as length 1
// Prints "2" -- Counts the unicode lenght ex. "A" is 65
// Prints "4"
// Prints "8"
tl;dr If you want the length of a String type in terms of the number of human-readable characters, use countElements(). If you want to know the length in terms of the number of extended grapheme clusters, use endIndex. Read on for details.
The String type is implemented as an ordered collection (i.e., sequence) of Unicode characters, and it conforms to the CollectionType protocol, which conforms to the _CollectionType protocol, which is the input type expected by countElements(). Therefore, countElements() can be called, passing a String type, and it will return the count of characters.
However, in conforming to CollectionType, which in turn conforms to _CollectionType, String also implements the startIndex and endIndex computed properties, which actually represent the position of the index before the first character cluster, and position of the index after the last character cluster, respectively. So, in the string "ABC", the position of the index before A is 0 and after C is 3. Therefore, endIndex = 3, which is also the length of the string.
So, endIndex can be used to get the length of any String type, then, right?
Well, not always...Unicode characters are actually extended grapheme clusters, which are sequences of one or more Unicode scalars combined to create a single human-readable character.
let circledStar: Character = "\u{2606}\u{20DD}" // ☆⃝
circledStar is a single character made up of U+2606 (a white star), and U+20DD (a combining enclosing circle). Let's create a String from circledStar and compare the results of countElements() and endIndex.
let circledStarString = "\(circledStar)"
countElements(circledStarString) // 1
circledStarString.endIndex // 2
In Swift 2.0 count doesn't work anymore. You can use this instead:
var testString = "Scott"
var length = testString.characters.count
Here's something shorter, and more natural than using a global function:
I don't know if it's available in beta 1, though. But it's definitely there in beta 2.
Updated for Xcode 6 beta 4, change method utf16count --> utf16Count
var test1: String = "Scott"
var length = test1.utf16Count
var test1: String = "Scott"
var length = test1.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSUTF16StringEncoding)
As of Swift 1.2 utf16Count has been removed. You should now use the global count() function and pass the UTF16 view of the string. Example below...
let string = "Some string"
For Xcode 7.3 and Swift 2.2.
let str = "🐶"
If you want the number of visual characters:
If you want the "16-bit code units within the string’s UTF-16 representation":
Most of the time, 1 is what you need.
When would you need 2? I've found a use case for 2:
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern:"🐶",
options: NSRegularExpressionOptions.UseUnixLineSeparators)
let str = "🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶"
let result = regex.stringByReplacingMatchesInString(str,
options: NSMatchingOptions.WithTransparentBounds,
range: NSMakeRange(0, str.utf16.count), withTemplate: "dog")
print(result) // dogdogdogdogdogdog
If you use 1, the result is incorrect:
let result = regex.stringByReplacingMatchesInString(str,
options: NSMatchingOptions.WithTransparentBounds,
range: NSMakeRange(0, str.characters.count), withTemplate: "dog")
print(result) // dogdogdog🐶🐶🐶
You could try like this
var test1: String = "Scott"
var length = test1.bridgeToObjectiveC().length
in Swift 2.x the following is how to find the length of a string
let findLength = "This is a string of text"
returns 24
Swift 2.0:
Get a count: yourString.text.characters.count
Fun example of how this is useful would be to show a character countdown from some number (150 for example) in a UITextView:
func textViewDidChange(textView: UITextView) {
yourStringLabel.text = String(150 - yourStringTextView.text.characters.count)
In swift4 I have always used string.count till today I have found that
is the better substitution because it is faster - for 50 000 characters string is about 6 time faster than .count. The .count depends on the string length but .endIndex.encodedOffset doesn't.
But there is one NO. It is not good for strings with emojis, it will give wrong result, so only .count is correct.
In Swift 4 :
If the string does not contain unicode characters then use the following
let str : String = "abcd"
let count = str.count // output 4
If the string contains unicode chars then use the following :
let spain = "España"
let count1 = spain.count // output 6
let count2 = spain.utf8.count // output 7
In Xcode 6.1.1
extension String {
var length : Int { return self.utf16Count }
I think that brainiacs will change this on every minor version.
Get string value from your textview or textfield:
let textlengthstring = (yourtextview?.text)! as String
Find the count of the characters in the string:
let numberOfChars = textlength.characters.count
Here is what I ended up doing
let replacementTextAsDecimal = Double(string)
if string.characters.count > 0 &&
replacementTextAsDecimal == nil &&
replacementTextHasDecimalSeparator == nil {
return false
Swift 4 update comparing with swift 3
Swift 4 removes the need for a characters array on String. This means that you can directly call count on a string without getting characters array first.
"hello".count // 5
Whereas in swift 3, you will have to get characters array and then count element in that array. Note that this following method is still available in swift 4.0 as you can still call characters to access characters array of the given string
"hello".characters.count // 5
Swift 4.0 also adopts Unicode 9 and it can now interprets grapheme clusters. For example, counting on an emoji will give you 1 while in swift 3.0, you may get counts greater than 1.
"👍🏽".count // Swift 4.0 prints 1, Swift 3.0 prints 2
"👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨".count // Swift 4.0 prints 1, Swift 3.0 prints 4
Swift 4
let str = "Your name"
Remember: Space is also counted in the number
You can get the length simply by writing an extension:
extension String {
// MARK: Use if it's Swift 2
func stringLength(str: String) -> Int {
return str.characters.count
// MARK: Use if it's Swift 3
func stringLength(_ str: String) -> Int {
return str.characters.count
// MARK: Use if it's Swift 4
func stringLength(_ str: String) -> Int {
return str.count
Best way to count String in Swift is this:
var str = "Hello World"
var length = count(str.utf16)
String and NSString are toll free bridge so you can use all methods available to NSString with swift String
let x = "test" as NSString
let y : NSString = "string 2"
let lenx = x.count
let leny = y.count
will get you the number of letters/numbers etc in your string.
test1 = "StackOverflow"
(prints "13")
Apple made it different from other major language. The current way is to call:
However, to be careful, when you say length you mean the count of characters not the count of bytes, because those two can be different when you use non-ascii characters.
For example;
"你好啊hi".characters.count will give you 5 but this is not the count of the bytes.
To get the real count of bytes, you need to do "你好啊hi".lengthOfBytes(using: String.Encoding.utf8). This will give you 11.
Right now (in Swift 2.3) if you use:
the method will return a "Distance" type, if you need the method to return an Integer you should type cast like so:
var count = myString.characters.count as Int
my two cents for swift 3/4
If You need to conditionally compile
#if swift(>=4.0)
let len = text.count
let len = text.characters.count

Delete all characters after a certain character from a string in Swift [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the more elegant way to remove all characters after specific character in the String object in Swift
(6 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a textField and I would like to remove all character after a certain character.
For instance if what I have in the textField is the word Orange and I want to remove all characters after the n I would like to get Ora after the deletion.
How can I delete all characters after a certain character from a string in Swift?
You can use StringProtocol method range(of string:), get the resulting range lowerBound, create a PartialRangeUpTo with it and subscript the original string:
Swift 4 or later
let word = "orange"
if let index = word.range(of: "n")?.lowerBound {
let substring = word[..<index] // "ora"
// or let substring = word.prefix(upTo: index) // "ora"
// (see picture below) Using the prefix(upTo:) method is equivalent to using a partial half-open range as the collection’s subscript.
// The subscript notation is preferred over prefix(upTo:).
let string = String(substring)
print(string) // "ora"
You could do it like this:
guard let range = text.rangeOfString("Your String or Character here") else {
return the text
return text.substringToIndex(range.endIndex)
// depending on if you want to delete before a certain string, you would use range.startIndex