Cannot find memory leak, possibly due to SwiftUI - swift

I profiled my app and found that I have memory leaks. Unfortunately, I'm unsure how to diagnose it in this case.
Here is what the memory leaks show in Instruments:
It says that the Responsible Libraries are system libraries, does this mean that this leak is a bug, or is it on my part?
Is my app somehow causing this leak?
If so, what could possibly cause it? I don't want to post all my app code making for an unreasonable question, so help for where I need to look would be a great help.
I have added tags for Swift and SwiftUI because it looks like the leak is coming from SwiftUI shown in Instruments.

There is a bug in SwiftUI which causes Memory Leak as of Xcode 11 Beta 3. You can also verify this by building a simple app which shows just “Hello World”, the instruments show a leak here also.


"Leaks Discovered" but not shown in detail via Instruments

I am attempting to obtain information on possible leaks that exist in the iPad app I am currently developing. Typically when Instruments finds a leak, a red 'peak' appears on the graph within the leaks section and I am able to obtain information on that leak within my code. Currently, Instruments is instead telling me "Leaks Discovered", but there are no peaks on the leaks graph and no details are shown. Any idea on why that might be?
Not sure unless there's more information but I generally use "Build and Analyze" and fix all the leaks it shows there and only then move on to Instruments. Try Build and Analyze to see if it shows any leaks there. If you're using Xcode 4, its just Analyze under Product.

Memory management in IOS application

I am developing an IOS application and i will submit it the next week the Apple store. but i am not very good in memory management.
I would like to know what are the all tools that you use to remove all the memory erros ( leaks,...).
should i remove all the NSLogs before submit it to the store ?
What are the other things to take care before submit it to the store ?
thanks for your answers
Before submitting to the app store..
Detect all leaks, you can use
a) Leaks (xcode->instruments->leaks).
b) Static analyzer tools, if you are using newer versions of xcode (Build-> build and analyze).
c) Above all , make a thorough check yourselves, that you arereleasing all memory that you are allocing/retaining..
What the need of NSLog in a
distribution build. NSLog helps in
debug..Remove them all..
Run your app in whatever iphone
device you get..Never submit an
iphone app to store without checking
on device itself.
If your app crashed during review,
then it is surely rejected. Resolve
all bugs/crashes before submitting.
A good QC on device is a must.
This checklist might be helpful..
The static analyzer and the instruments will help you detect the leaks. Find and resolve them. Have a look at Memory management it will help to resolve leaks.
In Xcode , Instruments -> Leaks, is used basically to find out memory leaks.
Hope this helps you.

Memory Leaks tutorial in iphone

is there is any good tutorial link that can help me in the memory leaks of iphone,, b/c I am facing some problem whenever I allocate a memeory , in the dealloc I am releasing that memeory, but the problem is that when I run application in the (Run-> Run With Performance Tools -> Leaks) but I got the leaks through there.. how can I resolve it...
reply me plz
In XCode, you can run Build and Analyze. XCode shows memory leaks with arrows of you bad memory management.
This is a good tutorial : iphone-memory-management-tips

iPhone known memory leaks - list

Is there a list of known leaks within the iPhone SDK sitting somewhere, all alone?
I guess you would have it specified by version. (I just ran my test app - it has a leak outside the project itself (somewhere related to connections) when testing it on a v3.3.1 iPhone 3G, but the leak is not there using an iPhone 4 v4.0.2.).
It's doubtful that there's a public list of known memory leaks. If you want to know whether your leak is a known issue, your best bet is probably to search Open Radar, or to use Apple's Bug Reporter and see if you get a response.
During my short experience with the iPhone SDK, I have never encountered a memory leak caused really by the SDK. It is mostly caused by your code but has shown itself later.
It is also possible that the new SDK has improved some ways of doing things, so that your previous leaks do not occur anymore.
You need to give more details to the leak in order to help you.

Tips and Tricks to avoid iphone app crash

Is there any tips to avoid crashing of iPhone applications. Sometime it is very difficult to understand where the problem is.
What are the possible reasons of iPhone app crashes ?
One of the biggest causes of crashes on the iPhone platform is not following the Cocoa Memory Management rules.
See this question: Memory Management in Objective-C
Crashes are caused by bugs in your code. To prevent these you need to:
(a) learn how to write robust code
(b) learn how to test your code (with particular attention to stress testing)
(c) learn how to debug
This is not specific to the iPhone-platform, but what helps a lot is catching (proper) exceptions and logging the exceptions-messages somewhere so you know what went wrong and don't only get a "force close"-message with little or nor further information.
you should add NSZombie class to your project to avoid EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors... even this helps to understand what's happened. So to do it you should click on the Get Info of your Executables and then go to the Arguments and there you can add NSZombieEnabled with value YES and MallocStackLoggingNoCompact =1