I can see the different syntax of Coq for defining lemmas. For example, Lemma plus_n_O: forall n:nat, n = n + 0. and Lemma plus_n_O n: n = n + 0. both define that the sum of zero by any number is equal to the number. How these definitions differ? Or this is a new feature of Coq to remove forall quantifier from definitions.
These two definitions are essentially equivalent. Generally speaking, any statement of the form
Lemma foo x y z : P.
(* ... *)
is equivalent to
Lemma foo : forall x y z, P.
intros x y z.
(* ... *)
That's pretty clear what destruct H does if H contains conjunction or disjunction. But I can't figure out what it does in general case. It does something bizarre, especially if H: a -> b.
Some examples:
Lemma demo : forall (x y: nat), x=4 -> x=4.
intros. destruct H.
The hypothesis is just destroyed:
1 subgoal
x, y : nat
x = x
Another one:
Lemma demo : forall (x y: nat), (x = 4 -> x=4) -> True.
intros. destruct H.
Now I have two branches:
1 subgoal
x, y : nat
x = 4
1 subgoal
x, y : nat
Third example. It's not provable but it still doesn't make sense to me:
Lemma demo : forall (x y: nat), (x = 4 -> x = 4) -> x = 4.
intros. destruct H.
Now I have to prove x = x in the second branch!
2 subgoals
x, y : nat
x = 4
x = x
So, I clearly don't understand what destruct H does.
The cases you are referring to fall in two categories. If H : A and A is inductively or coinductively defined (e.g., conjunction and disjunction), then destruct H generates one subgoal for each constructor in that type, with additional hypotheses determined by the arguments of that constructor. On the other hand, if H : A -> B, then destruct H generates one subgoal where you have to prove A, and then continues recursively as if H : B. This is roughly equivalent to the following calls:
assert (H' : A); [ |specialize (H H'); destruct H].
The missing piece of the puzzle is that equality itself is defined as an inductive type:
Inductive eq (A : Type) (a : A) : A -> Prop :=
| eq_refl : eq A a a
When you destruct something of type x = 4, Coq generates one case for each constructor of that type. But there is only one constructor in that type: eq_refl. When considering that case, Coq also automatically replaces occurrences of the RHS of destructed equality by the LHS (since both sides are equal for that constructor). In your first and third examples, this leads to replacing 4 in the goal with x.
Most of the time, you do not want to destruct an equality hypothesis, since this replacement behavior is not very useful. It is usually better to use the rewrite tactic, since it allows you to rewrite from rightto-left or left-to-right.
I am trying to prove the following theorem after formalizing lambda calculus with Debruijn indices and substitution in Coq.
Theorem atom_equality : forall e : expression , forall x : nat,
(beta_reduction (Var x) e) -> (e = Var x).
and these are the definitions for expression and beta reduction
Inductive expression : Type :=
| Var (n : nat)
| Abstraction (e : expression)
| Application (e1 : expression) (e2 : expression).
Inductive beta_reduction : expression -> expression -> Prop :=
| beta_1step (x y : expression) : beta_1reduction x y -> beta_reduction x y
| beta_reflexivity (x : expression) : beta_reduction x x
| beta_transitivity (x y z : expression) : beta_reduction x y -> beta_reduction y z -> beta_reduction x z.
I am stuck in a loop while trying to prove this theorem.
intro e. induction e.
- intros. inversion H.
After applying these steps, these are the hypothesis and subgoals I've to work with
3 subgoals
n, x : nat
H : beta_reduction (Var x) (Var n)
x0, y : expression
H0 : beta_1reduction (Var x) (Var n)
H1 : x0 = Var x
H2 : y = Var n
Var n = Var x
Var n = Var n
Var n = Var x
I can solve the first subgoal by "inversion H0" tactic and second subgoal by "reflexivity". However when I reach the third subgoal, this is what I am left with
1 subgoal
n, x : nat
H : beta_reduction (Var x) (Var n)
x0, y, z : expression
H0 : beta_reduction (Var x) y
H1 : beta_reduction y (Var n)
H2 : x0 = Var x
H3 : z = Var n
Var n = Var x
This is exactly what I started with. I will have to prove that y can only take the value of Var x for H0 to be provable.
(beta_1reduction is the one step beta reduction of lambda calculus, and beta_reduction is its reflexive, transitive closure)
You are stuck because inversion on H is not enough. Instead, you would need a kind of induction on H to provide you with the needed hypothesis in the transitive case, to allow you to conclude.
However, since H's type is an inductive predicate, induction on it is tricky. Indeed, if you use the usual induction H., Coq will lose all informations about the indices in H's type, and especially the Var x one. This will make your proof attempts fail.
Instead, what you can use is rely on the dependent induction tactic (you will need to Require Import Program.Equality to have access to this tactic). This tactic automatically handles the kind of induction on inductive predicates where the indices are not variables. Here you could start your proof with intros e n H. dependent induction H. and the rest should be easy.
In general, when you define inductive predicates (such as beta_reduction) over inductive datatypes (such as expression), and you want to use hypothesis using those inductive predicates (here H), doing induction directly on the predicate (using dependent induction) as we did here is very powerful. In particular, it specializes which constructors of your datatype can appear in the inductive hypothesis, thus in a way performs a kind of induction on the datatype at the same time.
#Meven's answer is a good explanation of what is wrong and gives a good solution. If you want to do it without the dependent induction tactic, you can remember the lost information yourself.
(beta_reduction (Var x) e) -> (e = Var x).
intros e x H.
remember (Var x) as q eqn:Hq.
induction H; rewrite Hq in *.
- inversion H.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite IHbeta_reduction1 in IHbeta_reduction2.
apply IHbeta_reduction2.
John Major's equality comes with the following lemma for rewriting:
Check JMeq_ind_r.
: forall (A : Type) (x : A) (P : A -> Prop),
P x -> forall y : A, JMeq y x -> P y
It is easy to generalize it like that:
Lemma JMeq_ind2_r
: forall (A:Type)(x:A)(P:forall C,C->Prop),
P A x -> forall (B:Type)(y:B), #JMeq B y A x -> P B y.
destruct H0.
However I need something a bit different:
Lemma JMeq_ind3_r
: forall (A:Type)(x:A*A) (P:forall C,C*C->Prop),
P A x -> forall (B:Type)(y:B*B), #JMeq (B*B) y (A*A) x -> P B y.
Fail destruct H0.
Is JMeq_ind3_r provable?
If not:
Is it safe to assume it as an axiom?
Is it reducible to a simpler and safe axiom?
It's not provable. JMeq is essentially two equality proofs bundled together, one for the types and one for the values. In this case, we get from the hypothesis that A * A = B * B. From this, it is not provable that A = B, so we cannot convert a P A x into P B y.
If A * A = B * B implies A = B, that means that the pair type constructor is injective. Type constructor injectivity in general (i.e. for all types) is inconsistent with classical logic and also with univalence. For some type constructors, injectivity is provable, but not for pairs.
Is it safe to assume it as an axiom?
If you use classical logic or univalence then it isn't. Otherwise, it probably is, but I would instead try to rephrase the problem so that type constructor injectivity does not come up.
In order to understand how general recursive Function definitions works, and how they comply with Coq's structural recursion constraint, I tried to reimplement it on the Peano natural numbers. I want to define recursive nat -> nat functions that can use any previous values, not just the predecessor. Here is what I did :
Definition nat_strong_induction_set
(* erased at extraction, type specification *)
(P : nat -> Set)
(* The strong induction step. To build the P n it can, but does not have to,
recursively query the construction of any previous P k's. *)
(ind_step : forall n : nat, (forall k : nat, (lt k n -> P k)) -> P n)
(n : nat)
: P n.
(* Force the hypothesis of ind_step as a standard induction hypothesis *)
assert (forall m k : nat, lt k m -> P k) as partial_build.
{ induction m.
- intros k H0. destruct k; inversion H0.
- intros k H0. apply ind_step. intros k0 H1. apply IHm. apply (lt_transitive k0 k).
assumption. apply le_lt_equiv. assumption. }
apply (partial_build (S n) n). apply succ_lt.
I used some custom lemmas on nats that I didn't paste here. It works, I managed to define the euclidean division div a b with it, which recursively uses div (a-b) b. The extraction is almost what I expected :
let nat_strong_induction_set ind_step n =
let m = S n in
let rec f n0 k =
match n0 with
| O -> assert false (* absurd case *)
| S n1 -> ind_step k (fun k0 _ -> f n1 k0)
in f m n
Except for the n0 parameter. We see that the only effect of this parameter is to stop the recursion at the S n-nth step. The extraction also mentions that this assert false should not happen. So why is it extracted ? This seems better
let nat_strong_induction_set ind_step n =
let rec f k = ind_step k (fun k0 _ -> f k0)
in f n
It looks like a glitch of Coq's structural recursion constraint, to ensure the termination of all recursions. The Coq definition of nat_strong_induction_set writes lt k n, so Coq knows only previous P k's will be queried. This makes a decreasing chain in the nats, which is forced to terminate in less than S n steps. This allows a structural recursive definition on an additional fuel parameter n0 starting at S n, it won't affect the result. So if it is only a part of the termination proof, why is it not erased by the extraction ?
Your match is not erased because your definition mixes two things: the termination argument, where the match is needed, and the computationally relevant recursive call, where it isn't.
To force erasure, you need to convince Coq that the match is computationally irrelevant. You can do so by making the termination argument -- that is, the induction on m -- produce the proof of a proposition instead of a function of type forall m k, lt k m -> P k. Luckily, the standard library provides an easy way of doing so, with the Fix combinator:
Require Import Coq.Arith.Wf_nat.
Definition nat_strong_induction_set
(P : nat -> Set)
(ind_step : forall n : nat, (forall k : nat, (lt k n -> P k)) -> P n)
(n : nat)
: P n :=
Fix lt_wf P ind_step n.
Here, lt_wf is a proof that lt is well-founded. When you extract this function, you get
let rec nat_strong_induction_set ind_step n =
ind_step n (fun y _ -> nat_strong_induction_set ind_step y)
which is exactly what you wanted.
(As an aside, note that you don't need well-founded recursion to define division -- check for instance how it is defined in the Mathematical Components library.)
I am trying to prove that every group has an inverse function.
I have defined a group as follows:
Record Group:Type := {
assoc:forall x y z:G, mult x (mult y z)=mult (mult x y) z;
neut:forall x:G, mult e x=x /\ mult x e=x;
inverse:forall x:G,exists y:G, mult x y = e
I am aware that it is better to just replace the inverse axiom by inverse:forall x:G, {y: mult x y = e}., or even inverse:G->G. is_inverse:forall x:G, mult x (inverse x)=e., but I prefer my definition, mainly because I want the definition to be identical to the one given in a classroom.
So I have included a suitable version of the axiom of choice:
Axiom indefinite_description : forall (A : Type) (P: A->Prop), ex P -> sig P.
Axiom functional_choice : forall A B (R:A->B->Prop), (forall x, exists y, R x y) -> (exists f, forall x, R x (f x)).
Now I can prove my claim:
Lemma inv_func_exists(H:Group):exists inv_func:G H->G H, (forall x:G H, mult H x (inv_func(x))=e H).
generalize (inverse H).
apply functional_choice.
Now that I have proved the existence, I would like to define an actual function. Here I feel that things start to go messy. The following definition creates an actual function, but seems to ugly and complicated:
Definition inv_func(H:Group):G H->G H.
pose (inv_func_exists H).
pose indefinite_description.
generalize e0 s.
Lastly, I would like to prove that inv_func is actually an inverse function:
Lemma inv_func_is_inverse:forall (H:Group), forall x:(G H), mult H x (inv_func H x)=e H.
I can see that Coq knows how inv_func was defined (e.g. Print inv_func), but I have no idea how to formally prove the lemma.
To conclude, I would appreciate suggestions as to how to prove the last lemma, and of better ways to define inv_func (but under my definition of group, without including the existence of such a function in the group definition. I believe the question could be relevant in many other situations when one can prove some correspondence for each element and needs to build this correspondence as a function).
There are quite a few questions inside your question. I'll try to address all of them:
First, there is no reason to prefer exists x, P + description over {x | P}, indeed, it seems weird you do so. {x | P} is perfectly valid as "there exists a x that can be computed" and I would rather use that definition with your groups.
Secondly, when creating definitions using tactics, you should end the proof with the command Defined. Using Qed will declare the definition "Opaque", which means it cannot be expanded, then preventing you proof.
The way to extract the witness from your definition is by using a projection. In this case, proj1_sig.
Using all the above we arrive at:
Definition inv_func' (H:Group) (x : G H) : G H.
destruct (inverse H x) as [y _].
exact y.
Definition inv_func (H:Group) (x : G H) : G H := proj1_sig (inverse H x).
Lemma inv_func_is_inverse (H:Group) (x: G H) : mult H x (inv_func H x) = e H.
Proof. now unfold inv_func; destruct (inverse H x). Qed.