How to get the maximum value of HID report according to mouse sensor parameters? - mouse

I'm making a mouse to joystick converter.The solution is map the maximum and minimum value that the mouse can report to the joystick.How can I get the theoretically maximum or minimum value(not logically,regardless of error) of the mouse HID report according to the parameters of the mouse sensor?
My mouse is logitech G403
I dump the HID descriptor:
Usage Page (Generic Desktop) 05 01
Usage (Mouse) 09 02
Collection (Application) A1 01
Usage (Pointer) 09 01
Collection (Physical) A1 00
Usage Page (Button) 05 09
Usage Minimum (Button 1) 19 01
Usage Maximum (Button 16) 29 10
Logical Minimum (0) 15 00
Logical Maximum (1) 25 01
Report Count (16) 95 10
Report Size (1) 75 01
Input (Data,Var,Abs,NWrp,Lin,Pref,NNul,Bit) 81 02
Usage Page (Generic Desktop) 05 01
Logical Minimum (-32767) 16 01 80
Logical Maximum (32767) 26 FF 7F
Report Size (16) 75 10
Report Count (2) 95 02
Usage (X) 09 30
Usage (Y) 09 31
Input (Data,Var,Rel,NWrp,Lin,Pref,NNul,Bit) 81 06
Logical Minimum (-127) 15 81
Logical Maximum (127) 25 7F
Report Size (8) 75 08
Report Count (1) 95 01
Usage (Wheel) 09 38
Input (Data,Var,Rel,NWrp,Lin,Pref,NNul,Bit) 81 06
Usage Page (Consumer Devices) 05 0C
Usage (AC Pan) 0A 38 02
Report Count (1) 95 01
Input (Data,Var,Rel,NWrp,Lin,Pref,NNul,Bit) 81 06
End Collection C0
End Collection
I can only know the logical maximum and minimum of X and Y from this descriptor,No physical values or units are given here.
Through some rough tests I got the following data:
12000dpi,1000 report rate: the maximum value I measured was about 900
6000dpi,1000 report rate: the maximum value I measured was about 450
12000dpi,125 report rate: the maximum value I measured was about 8000
Although you can see here that the report values and DPI/report rate vary linearly but I still don't know what the report value really means.
This mouse fps(sampling rate?) is 12000,That's up to 12000 counts per second?
But obviously the report value is not number of counts.


DateTime format or coding

i have 3 parameters with date/time and status of phases of electricity meter:
28.11.2019 4:18 - all phases have power
28.11.2019 4:18 - all phases don't have power
28.11.2019 4:23 - all phases don't have power
But these data coded to hex like this:
FA 22 7C 27 07 FF E1
49 22 7C 27 07 08 F3
4E 22 7C 27 00 08 1D
And i don't know how it was did? I mean maybe there is some method to keep and transfer date/time or what?
34 [48 83 27] 07 C6 EA - 3.12.2019 09:01, </b>
38 [48 83 27] 00 E7 74 - 3.12.2019 09:01, </b>
89 [49 83 27] 07 10 38 - 3.12.2019 09:12, </b>
8E [49 83 27] 00 10 D6 - 3.12.2019 09:12, </b>
0E [4B 83 27] 07 21 EA - 3.12.2019 09:24, </b>
13 [4B 83 27] 00 42 74 - 3.12.2019 09:24,</b>
19 [4B 83 27] 07 63 2A - 3.12.2019 09:24,</b>
1D [4B 83 27] 00 63 A4 - 3.12.2019 09:24,</b>
21 [4B 83 27] 07 84 5A - 3.12.2019 09:25,</b>
25 [4B 83 27] 00 84 D4 - 3.12.2019 09:25,</b>
square brackets - i guess it's date. 4th byte is state of phases. I mean low halfbyte(or semibyte?) of 4th byte. 0x7(0b0111) - all phases have power, 0x0(0b0000) - al phases doesn't have power.
TL;DR: The first 4 bytes of each line is a little-endian count of time units since some epoch that is either January 1 or January 6, 1980.
Each timestamp is 4 bytes. When we look at the third last and the second last line, they both have 4B 83 27 within the square brackets that you have put, yet the time changes fro 9:24 to 9:25. The times are obviously truncated, there needs not be more than a second or two between them, but they are not the same. The solution I found was to include the byte before the square bracket in the timestamp.
Timestamps are little endian. The byte before the square bracket varies the fastest as time moves. The next byte varies a little. The remaining two bytes stay constant within the 24 minutes range you are giving. The obvious explanation is that 34 48 83 27 really means 0x27834834, that is, the bytes are reversed.
It took some experimentation, but two common epochs would fit:
January 1, 1980. In this case the time unit used for counting the time since the epoch is around 1 900 440 700 nanoseconds.
January 6 the same year. In this case the unit must be a little smaller, around 1 899 789 030 nanoseconds.
Both January 1 and January 6, 1980 are commonly used epochs. See the link at the bottom for documentation.
I have searched somewhat for an explanation for the size of the unit. Could it be some nice fraction of a second or of a day, for example? I haven’t found any reasonable explanation. I am probably missing something.
I have ignored the issue of time zone and UTC offset. The epoch is likely defined in UTC, and if the times given in the question are in your local time zone, for example, this adds a slight inaccuracy to my analysis.
In code
To convert from hex number to date and time we may use a simple method like the following in Java.
private static LocalDateTime epoch = LocalDateTime.of(1980, Month.JANUARY, 6, 0, 0);
private static int nanosPerUnit = 1_899_789_030;
private static LocalDateTime convert(int n) {
return epoch.plusNanos((long) n * (long) nanosPerUnit);
int[] numbers = {
for (int n : numbers) {
System.out.format("%x %s%n", n, convert(n));
27834834 2019-12-03T09:01:20.396289720
27834838 2019-12-03T09:01:27.995445840
27834989 2019-12-03T09:12:08.224348950
2783498e 2019-12-03T09:12:17.723294100
27834b0e 2019-12-03T09:24:27.242281620
27834b13 2019-12-03T09:24:36.741226770
27834b19 2019-12-03T09:24:48.139960950
27834b1d 2019-12-03T09:24:55.739117070
27834b21 2019-12-03T09:25:03.338273190
27834b25 2019-12-03T09:25:10.937429310
The dates and times agree with those from the question. I leave it to you to insert January 1 and 1_900_440_700 nanoseconds and see that this too gives results that agree with the question.
Endianness on Wikipedia
Epoch (computing) on Wikipedia

Resolving contents of MiFare Ultralight NFC tag

I'm currently working with NFC/NDEF and I'm running into an issue where I'm unable to understand the data coming in. I have a general understanding of the NDEF standard and have looked over the MIFARE datasheet, so I'm able to pick out a few things, but there are a few bytes that are seemingly out of place and are puzzling me.
Here is the hexdump of the data on the tag, collected via nfc-mfultralight r:
00000000 04 02 2f a1 d2 11 5f 81 1d 48 00 00 e1 10 12 00 |../..._..H......|
00000010 01 03 a0 0c 34 03 1b 91 01 05 54 02 65 6e 68 69 |....4.....T.enhi|
00000020 11 01 05 54 02 65 6e 68 69 51 01 05 54 02 65 6e |...T.enhiQ..T.en|
00000030 68 69 fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |hi..............|
I know the first 16 bytes (04 02 2f a1 d2 11 5f 81 1d 48 00 00 e1 10 12 00) are the NFC/MIFARE header (first 9 being the serial number/check bytes, 1 byte for internal, 2 for lock, and then final 4 are OTP bytes.)
Starting at byte 21 I can see the start of a TLV record with the Terminator TLV flag at the end (03 1b ... fe), indicating a record of NDEF type with length 27. This matches the length of the expected NDEF record.
However, I'm confused by bytes 16..20 (01 03 a0 0c 34). What are these?
It appears these are a part of the Lock Control TLV, a part of the NFC Type 2 Tag standard (pages 10-11).
The bytes are laid out as such:
0x01 - Lock Control TLV block name
0x03 - Length is 3 bytes
0xa0 - Encodes the position within the tag the lock area is at, composed of two nibbles:
0b0000 - Higher 4 bits represent the number of pages, while the lower 4 bits are the number of bytes
0b1100 - The number of bits used in the lock area.
0x0c - Indicates size in bits of the lock area
0x34 - Provides number of bytes in a page and the number of bytes each dynamic lock bit is able to lock.

A Script To Convert Numbers

I was hoping someone could assist me in making a linux script that can take a number and convert it to this format.
Here is a few of examples:
number = 753082360700386 Converted = 7A 35 80 32 06 07 30 68
number = 653082360700387 Converted = 6A 35 80 32 06 07 30 78
number = 453082360700389 Converted = 4A 35 80 32 06 07 30 98
The number will always have one A and last pair of numbers
swapped from 89 to 98 and next set swapped from 03 to 30
going from right to left and adding spaces between each pair

Unrecognized status byte in Midi file

I've been working on Midi file for some time and I stuck on some kind of status byte of thing. According to the standard Midi file format there is no such a things. So, Can someone tell what is this 3 bytes information "00 a040". I know that "00" is the byte stands for delta time and 0xa0 should be status byte, If only I understood it correctly. Last 3 bytes located at line 18 is the only part I don't understand so far. After those 3 bytes, then comes the text meta event bytes lead by "00 ff01".
Midi File Line 18th to 19th:
ff 51 03 09 cc 90 00 c0 00 00 b0 07 64 00 0a 40
00 ff 01 20 62 64 63 61 34 32 36 64 31 30 34 61
The SMF specification says:
Running status is used: status bytes of MIDI channel messages may be omitted if the preceding event is a MIDI channel message with the same status.
So these bytes can be decoded as follows:
ff 51 03 09 cc 90: meta event: set tempo, 9CC90h = 642192 µs per quarter note
00: delta time
c0 00: set program 0 (piano) on channel 0
00: delta time
b0 07 64: set controller 7 (volumn) to value 100
00: delta time
  0a 40: running status (repeat B0h); set controller 10 (expression) to value 64
00: delta time
ff 01 20 ...: meta event: text: "bdca426d104a..."

APDU: "Conditions of use not satisfied" (69 85) while calculate signature

With a smart card Gemalto (IAS ECC), I would to calculate a signature by using private key stored on smart card. For this, I use APDU commands:
// Verify PIN
00 20 00 01 04 31 32 33 34
-> 90 00
// Create a context for security operation
00 22 41 B6 06 84 01 84 80 01 12
-> 90 00
// Set the hash of the document
-> 69 85
// Calculating the signature
00 2A 9E 9A 80
-> 69 85
My problem is the following: the las two commands return the error code "69 85", meaning "Conditions of use not satisfied".
I have already tried several solutions, but I obtain always the same error. How to resolve it? What does this code can mean?
After some tests, I discovered something interesting. When I replace cla "00" by "10", smart card returns a different response:
// Create a context for security operation
00 22 41 B6 06 84 01 84 80 01 12
// Verify PIN
00 20 00 01 04 31 32 33 34
// Calculating the signature (I replace "00" by "10")
10 2A 9E 9A 23 30 21 30 09 06 05 2B 0E 03 02 1A 05 00 04 14 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 12 13 14 15
I don't know if it's the good solution because smart card returns "90 00". But, it would return the content of my signature!
Thank you for your help!
Best regards
You are getting SW 6985 for
// Set the hash of the document
-> 69 85
Since you have not set the correct context in current security environment.
Let me explain this below
First you performed VERIFY PIN command which was successful
// Verify PIN
00 20 00 01 04 31 32 33 34
-> 90 00
Then you performed MSE SET command,Where you set the security context.For this you have to understood how SE works(Please refer to section 3.5 fron IAS ECC v1.01).
At the time of personalisation, the Personaliser agent create SDO(Secure Data Object) inside the card.The reference to this SDO are mentioned in SE(Security Environment) in form of CRT(Control reference template).
// Create a context for security operation
00 22 41 B6 06 84 01 84 80 01 12
-> 90 00
Generally speaking, MSE SET command will always return SW 900 even if the SDO reference is wrong. Since it only return SW 6A80 when the template is wrong not when the reference is wrong.(The SDO reference is passed in tag 84)
After that you performed PSO HASH command
// Set the hash of the document
-> 69 85
where the card return SW 6985(Condition of use not satisfied), This indicate the algorithm and SDO reference used for calculating Hash may wrong. Which is probably happening since the SDO reference which was sent during the time of MSE SET command is not available
Detecting error coming from MSE SET could be tricky since it return SW 9000.
For these type of situation you have to check the personalisation file carefully and need to match the MSE SET command with regard to SDO reference and supported ALGOs.
It may be useful to put the default context (e.g., cryptographic algorithms or
security operations) into the current SE in order to have few exchanges of MSE set commands.