getAxis method returns CTCallCenter instance - ios-charts

I started to use Charts.framework.
I tried to set axisMinimum of an instance of YAxis that is gotten by getAxis method, but got EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
The reason was that the instance was an instance of CTCallCenter, not YAxis.
I believe that this is my configuration mistake to put Charts.framework into my project, but I have no idea what is wrong.
What I did were,
installed Carts.framework by Carthage.
added the framework into "Linked frameworks and Libraies in General of project setting.
added "Run Script" of "/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks" in Build Phases.
added the framework into "Copy Files" in Build Phases.
Is there anyone who experienced the same problem?
Could you give me any advices to solve this problem?

Actually it is not a problem of either Charts or Carthage.
It is my mistake about Storyboard.
I specified Class as a class of Charts but forgot to specify Module in Main.storyboard.


Remote Swift Package: Xcode won't pause at this breakpoint because it has not been resolved [duplicate]

Shortly after updating to Xcode 13.2.1 I started seeing some weird behaviour of breakpoints. When I run an app (in a simulator) some of my breakpoints change their look and turn to dotted blue outlined. Xcode does not stop execution at these breakpoints although code has been compiled, loaded and executed. I checked it in Console by adding some prints.
When I hover over breakpoint Xcode shows a message:
Xcode won't pause at this breakpoint because it has not been resolved
Resolving it requires that:
The line at the breakpoint is compiled.
The compiler generates debug information that is not stripped out (check the Build Settings).
The library for the breakpoint is loaded.
All trivial solutions like reloading, reapplying breakpoints have not helped.
Did anybody else see something like this? Is there a way to solve it?
Screenshot for reference:
Ok, so in my particular case rebooting laptop has helped. All breakpoints are now good. But it would still be nice to know the cause of the problem.
Make sure that the file in which you are adding breakpoint is having correct target set in target membership.
Click on .m file in which you want to add breakpoint.
Select the file inspector.
Check if you have selected correct target for that file or not (check below image).
What worked for me, was to select the files, delete them with - Delete>Move To Trash - and then drag the files back from the trash to the project.
In my case the issue was happening, because class was not added to the target, which I was trying to build.
For my case somehow the code path was never invoked and very likely considered as dead code. The same thing applies when not adding the file to the target that you want to debug.
This can be the case or somehow debugger might not be able to resolve your breakpoint. The first thing in this case should be cleaning derived data and any caches.
But instead of recloning your repo you can just delete breakpoint config from the location described in this answer
In Xcode 14 the problem is much more prevalent and "consistent". I figured out one pattern where it always fails and how to mitigate it.
If you have a final class then breakpoints set on or inside a private method will have that issue. If you remove private from the method or final from the class the breakpoints will get resolved properly.
If tried everything and nothing worked I suggest the following:
Reclone your repo
This is what worked for me.
I just passed through this problem and the solution for me was recreating the files.
Note: The ones I was trying to originally breakpoint on were copied from another project. When I created the new files, even though their Identity and Type looked just the same (target membership, encoding, paths), for some reason breakpoints started to work again.
Note 2: When copying and pasting code to your new files (if done manually), migrated breakpoints - created in the older file - will continue to fail. Only the ones created in this new file will work properly.
Hope it helps.
My case
Working on framework development. Framework is injected into the sample app for development/run purpose. Breakpoints inside the framework won't work.
Just removing xcframework in sample app and replacing with framework.
xcframework are precompiled outside of the app, so lib isn't compiled when project is built and that's why breakpoints doesn't work.
For me reboot the Xcode, and it works~

Can't seem to import a framework into my current project in Xcode 10.2.1

Here's what I've done so far:
Create a Single View App project called MyApp
Create a Cocoa Touch Framework project called MyFramework
Created a Swift file with a class as public class FrameworkClass
Dragged MyFramework.xcodeproj into MyApp's Project Navigator - This caused Xcode to create a workspace.
I added the framework to MyApp.General.EmbeddedBinaries
Now it looks like this so far but I can't seem to import my framework still:
Please follow the steps to resolve your problem:
Choose your project, rather than a specific target, and open the
Build Settings tab.
In the Other Linker Flags section, add -ObjC.
If these settings are not visible, change the filter in the Build Settings bar from Basic to All.
Right before alt-tabbing Xcode to submit this response, I built on reflex and it turns out that it won't detect the references until you build once. After that, it should start to be detected by the text editor.
I was going to delete this question however, I already typed it up anyway so might as well. Hope this helps someone!

Symbols not found for architecture i386?

basically I've added the EGOTableViewPullRefresh files into my project. The code that I've written should work. However, 2 errors come up when that is triggered by the code in the viewDidLoad.
The Error looks like this:
What seems to be the problem and how can I fix it?
Make sure you are importing the correct headers and that the implementation files are linked to your Target.
let me tell you ,first enter project->build phases, now ,you can find the dir of Compling sources
,enter into it ,you can't find the EGOREF......m,now add the .m into it ,build and run !

Could not find a storyboard named 'MainStoryboard_iPad'

I cannot run my project in simulator because i get this error:
Could not find a storyboard named 'MainStoryboard_iPad'
But the storyboard is there.
Thank you
I managed to solve this problem in my iPad App through the following steps:
Checking the Build Phases
Editing the Info.plist file to add the option "Main storyboard file base name (iPad)"
Just like in this picture:
In my case, the iPad storyboard file was already in the project, and testing the app worked until I introduced what seems to be an unrelated bug... I fixed this by changing the filename in xCode for the MainStoryBoard_iPad to MainStoryBoard_iPad1 and changing the TARGETS > Summary > iPad deployment Info > Main Storyboard entry. For good measure also verifying the same in -Info.plist file and Build Phases accordingly... similar to #daniel-lima.
Hopefully, this may help others that did not fix based on above notes. This started after I fixed a CoreData related bug in a category-file. The issue was reproducible on another machine... and this fixed it on both machines.
My issue was only on iOS 5. The resolution was found at
To summarize:
In Xcode, open each story board file and uncheck "Base" under localization on the right hand side. It will prompt you to move to English. Select ok. Once rebuilt my issue was resolved.
Click target and there is Mainstoryboard with textfield. Click and select your storyboard named "Mainstoryboard_iPad" and clean your project and then run it.
Remove from the project all the StoryBoards and add all of them again, for me worked.
I got this problem today as well, for me, a Product > Clean solved the problem. After that, I can rebuild the app and run it inside the Simulator without any issue.
I was encountering the same problem as in the original question but for me there wasn't really a bug - rather, the storyboard which appeared in the project navigator as "Main.Storyboard" actually had a base name of "Main" in info.plist. So my attempts to use "MainStoryboard" and "Main.Storyboard" in my code were generating a crash, but once I changed it to "Main" it worked just fine - didn't need any of the elaborate workarounds above.
If the failure occurs after launch, check to make sure any references to a storyboard via storyboardWithName: refers to the correct name. You may have an incorrect name hardcoded in your binary.
In my case, I renamed the storyboard (based on a suggested workaround on stack overflow), but forgot to rename references to the storyboard in code. The symptoms were that changes to the storyboard weren't visible in the running application, but once I reset the simulator, the app stopped working completely. In that case, the old, stale copy of the storyboard was around at first and was used; once the simulator was reset, the stale copy disappeared and the "could not find a storyboard" message started appearing.

gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 iphone

I've seen this error with different variations on discussion forums but being a non programmer I'm not sure how to progress this.
Basically I have code which I found to help me with changing the background colors of cells on a grouped uitableview. The code introduced a line as such:
CGContextAddArcToPoint(c, minx, miny, midx, miny, ROUND_SIZE);
This gave an error indicated that it wasn't declared, so I added to my .h file the following under import uikit:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#define ROUND_SIZE 10
Now it shows that I have an error:
Command/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 iphone
Some discussions talk about libraries but because I don't have a programming background I don't understand what to do. I also see that some people show a log output but I'm not sure where that comes from as I don't get any debug windows because I'm guessing it doesn't get that far. I simply click 'Build and Go' and I get this error in the Message window.
Any thoughts?
As you can see from the many different responses this error is caused by many different problems. Luckily, I have found the Meta Solution!
In xcode, right click the error line and choose "Open These Latest Results as Transcript Text File". This will open the real xcode output log, which should contain a better description of the error then was previously seen.
I have gone through that same problem. There may be some file which has no refference . You can see that type of file in red letter. Remove that file.
You probably don't have the CoreGraphics.framework added to your frameworks list.
To make sure, click the "Frameworks" folder on Xcode. If the framework isn't listed on the table to the right, you'll need to add it by right-clicking the Frameworks folder, chooseing "Add Existing Framework..." and then choosing it from the list.
I've found the problem after seeing the Build Results window that Dave mentioned (thank you!!!). I had a different version of the same .h and .m file because I was testing with different code. I deleted the unnecessary files as it was seeing something in there as a duplicate.
The build was successful.
Thank you!
You can see the error message output from GCC by selecting "Build Results" from the "Build" menu or by pressing ⇧⌘B.
you have defined the same static constants!!!!
static NSString *kSectionTitleKey = #"sectionTitleKey";
static NSString *kSectionTitleKey = #"sectionTitleKey";
the problem is
nothing about the CoreGraphics.framework
Evans answer is the best thing you can do to find the exact reason of why you are having that error. In most cases, in my experience, is that there have been files that have been deleted but haven't been removed from the project.
This type of exit code error occures due to Any of your framework or Library overlap. so solve this problem check your error log and find out duplicate object symbols waring in log than you got actual file which is overlap in code.
Another fix to this problem that was the answer to my fix was that I had two classes with the same name. A webservices helper had created an Invoice class, and when I tried to add a file with that same name it didn't have any problems until I tried to compile.
So make sure all your classes have unique names :)
xcode build errors:
Unsupported compiler ‘GCC 4.2′ selected for architecture ‘i386′
This can be caused by importing a project for a pre- iOS 5 SDK into a copy of xcode with iOS 5 SDK only.
To fix,
click your Project -> Build Settings. Then under Build Options, there is an entry for Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C. Choose Apple LLVM compiler 3.0.
When u create a file , u have to disable [uncheck] cocos2d libraries & then add the file. so that gcc-4.2 error will be rectified :) checkout!!!
This problem also arises when you rename the XIB file. You have to replace the old name with the new name in the xib files as well as in the navigation controller (if used).
For me, I found the solution above helpful....
"Open These Latest Results as Transcript Text File" which explained it couldn't find libGDataTouchStaticLib.a. I then had to build the static library for Gdata.xcodeproj (changing the active target > GdataTouchStaticLib) then had to manually add this file by dragging it to the targets > MYAPPNAME > Link Binary With Libraries. Build & Run.. All Good.
This issue could be because some libraries might be missing. Right click on the error line and click on "Open these results as transcript text files" and check the missing library.
I had the same problem, noticed that it was looking for a file in the wrong folder, essentially, don't store projects in folders with apostrophes in their name!
I had the same problem. The reason was, I had two int main(int argc, char *argv[]) functions.
I've gotten the same error and solved in a very strange way. Cleaning and rebuilding the project doesn't solve it but simply adding an empty line in has forced the compiler to rebuild "something" and the error has gone by itself.
I just add that the same project compiles without error on iMac and failed on macBook.
I was getting this error on building a cocos2d project using xcode 4.3 on Lion. To fix this error, I followed the instructions here:
Here is one of the possible solutions:
Remove the .m(implementation) file import statement from the viewController class if it is included along with related .h(header) file.
Instead of including (by mistake)
#include "myClass.h"
#include "myClass.m"
Include only the required header file as:
#include "myClass.h"