Creating a new stylesheet during a request and then immediately requiring it gives an error - sprockets

It seems that Sprockets has a cached environment built in that loads a list of all possible assets at the start of a request, and then requiring any assets outside that list raises an error.
I've written a custom directive to create a new CSS file - I need to wrap the contents of an existing file in a new selector - something like so:
class DirectiveProcessor < Sprockets::DirectiveProcessor
def process_wrap_directive(path)
src = Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "stylesheets", path)
dst = Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "stylesheets", "wrapped", path)
File.write(dst, ".new-selector {" + + "}")
process_require_directive("wrapped/" + path)
However, requiring the new wrapped asset fails because it isn't in the list of files Sprockets knows about. When refreshing the page, the first asset will succeed because it now existed at the start of the request and is thus in the cached list, but the second one will fail, and so on.
Is there any way to get around this? Disabling the cache didn't fix the issue.
I'm guessing it relates to this code - but short of reopening a bunch of classes, is there a way to avoid the cached environment?

The problem may be a need to flush the file so the new selector is actually written. With reference to (the IO object being File's parent), it appears that either File.close or File.flush may solve the problem.


gcloud-java-storage Storage.BlobListOption.recursive(false) not working

I am trying to do an non-recursive list using gcloud-java storage on GCS bucket outside appengine based on this suggestion
However it seems that its not working as expected, namely it is still listing all the files although I have set the Storage.BlobListOption.recursive(false)
my code structure is basically like:
Storage client = StorageOptions.defaultInstance().service();
Page<Blob> blobPage = client.list(my_bucket, Storage.BlobListOption.recursive(false));
for (Blob blob : blobPage.values()) {
// it is still iterating all the leaf files in my_bucket
Actually later on I found that it seems that none of BlobListOption seems to be taking affect (maxResults, prefix) and list will just return all leaf files no matter what...
Am I using the API wrong or what might be the problem?
There was a bug with non-recusrive blob and prefix (folder) listing.
This was fixed in since v 0.1.15 (see this). The recursive option
was replaced with currentDirectory and now you can get the prefixes/child
folders. If this does not work for you or you think any of the other options does not work as intended please file an issue and it will be
taken care of quickly.

Issue with a topjson object in a Meteor app built with coffeescript

Apologies for the lack of precision in the question, but I'm not completely sure which of possibly many things I'm doing wrong here.
I'm relatively new to Coffeescript and also geo applications in general, but here goes:
I've got a working (simple) Meteor (.7.0.1) application utilizing coffeescript in both client and server. The issue I'm having occurs when attempting to utilize TopoJSON encoded files to create a layer of US congressional districts. (the purpose of the app is to help highlight voter suppression in the US)
So, a few things: Typically in a non-Meteor app, I would just load the topoJSON file like so:
$.getJSON('./data/us-congress-113.json', function (data) {
var congress_geojson = topojson.feature(data, data.objects.districts);
Now of course this won't work in Meteor because its not asynchronous.
One of the things that was recommended here on SO was to not worry about reading the file, and to instead change the json file to .js, and then set the contents (which are of course just an object) equal to a variable.
Here's what I did:
First, I changed the .json file to a .js file in the server directory, and added the "congress =" to the beginning of the file. It's a huge file so forgive me for omitting the whole object.
congress = {"type":"Topology",
Now here's where everything starts to give me issues:
In the, I've created a variable like so to reference the congress object:
#congress_geojson = topojson.feature(congress, congress.objects.districts)
Notice how I'm putting the # symbol there? I've been told this allows a variable in Coffeescript to be globally scoped? I tried to also use a Meteor feature called "share" where I declare the variable as "share.congress_geojson". That led to the same issues which I will describe below.
Now in the file, I'm trying to call this variable to load into a Leaflet map.
congress_layer = L.geoJson(null,
color: "#DE0404"
weight: 2
opacity: 0.4
fillOpacity: 0.1
This isn't working, and specifically (despite attempts to find other ways, the errors I'm getting in the console are:
Exception from Deps afterFlush function: TypeError: Cannot read property 'features' of undefined
at o.GeoJSON.o.FeatureGroup.extend.addData (http://localhost:3000/packages/leaflet.js?ad7b569067d1f68c7403ea1c89a172b4cfd68d85:39:16471)
at (http://localhost:3000/client/
I have no doubt that I'm missing something stupidly obvious here. Any suggestions or tips for what I'm doing completely wrong would be appreciated. Is it a case where an object globally declared in a .js file isn't available to code in a .coffee file? Maybe I'm doing something wrong on the Meteor side?
So I was able to get things working by putting the .js file containing the congress object in a root /lib folder, causing the object to load first, and then calling the congress object from the client. However, I'm still wanting to know how I could simply share this object from the server? What is the "Meteor way" here?
If you are looking for the Meteor way to order the loading of files, use the Meteor.startup function and put the initialization code there. That function is the $.ready of the Meteor world, i.e., it will execute only after all your files have been successfully loaded on the client.
So in your case:
Meter.startup ->

LibXML: Comment-out a block of Elements

IS there a way to add/initate a comment ( e.g. $dom->createComment ... ) such that it comments out an entire block of xml tags. Basically I want to turn-off the content between the comment.
For example, it would look like this:
<!-- comment to blocking
<DD>d's content is good</DD>
Actually this question is a pre-cursor to my attempt to figure-out a method to be able to markup/label/identify the changes to an xml files in support of new client software functionality, but be able to have the ability to remove / back-out these xml changes in the rare event the client needs to fall back to the previous software version (and no I can't just simply point back to the original xml file because the client is allowed to make minor modifications to existing node text values). This is all going to be controlled via a perl script and LibXML's core modules (I can't use modules the client doesn't have).
So basically I've identified three possible types of xml changes as a result of new client sw functionality:
1.) ADD new element node(s) (typically to support new sw functionality)
2.) DELETE element node(s), or blocks of (would be rare, but never-the-less a possibility)
3.) CHANGE node text values (rare, but the new sw may require a new value)
For all three types, the client needs the ability to back out the changes. One thing I was thinking to use is ATTRIBUTES since the existing xml files don't use them. For example, for an ADD change type, I could include an atribute like 'ADD="sw version 4.1"' . This way if it needs to be removed, I could just simply have the perl script find those attribute strings and delete them (using LibXML methods). Same thing with CHANGE change type - I could use an attribute like CHG="newvalue_oldvalue", then again use straight perl (or LibXML) to switch back the value based on the contents of the attribute. The DELETE change type is giving me a problem though (as welll as the others lol!). I want to be able to "keep" the deleted lines in the xml file soley for the purposes if the sw falls back a version (at some late point the perl script could eventually cleanup/delete them).
I know this is a lot, I'm new to LibXML (but not to perl). I was just wonder if any of you have any thoughts as to how to go about it or seen anything resembling this kind of request ... I'd be grateful for any kind of advice! Thank you...

Private assets in Play 2.1

In a Play 2.1 application, where is the proper place to store private assets?
By "private asset", I mean a data file that is used by the application but not accessible to the user.
For example, if I have a text file (Foo.json) that contains sample data that is parsed every time the application starts, what would be the proper directory in the project to store it?
Foo.json needs to be included in the deployment, and needs to be uniformly accessible from the code in both development and production.
Some options:
Usually the files goes to conf folder. ie: conf/privatefiles/Foo.json
If they are subject of often change you can consider adding to your application.conf path to the external folder somwhere in the filesystem (full path), in such case you'll be able to edit the content easily without redeploying the apps: /home/scrapdog/privatefiles/Foo.json
You can store them in database as well, benefits are the same as in previous option - easy editing.
In all cases consider using memory cache to avoid reading it from filesystem/database every time when required.
I simply use a folder called data at the application root. You can use the name you want or better, store the actual name in the configuration file.
To resolve its path, I use the following snippet:
lazy val rootPath = {
import play.api.Play.current
lazy val dataPath = rootPath + "/data/"
You can do what I did, I got the answer from #Marius Soutier here. Please upvote his answer there if you like it:
You can put "internal" documents in the conf folder, it's the equivalent to resources in standard sbt projects.
Basically create a dir under conf called json and to access it, you'd use Play.resourceAsStream(). Note that this gives you a because your file will be part of the JAR created by activator dist.
My example is using it in a view but you can modify it as you want.
Play.resourceAsStream("json/Foo.json") map { inputStream =>
} getOrElse (InternalServerError)
You can also use Play.resource(), this will give you a, you can use getFile() to get the out of it.
Play.resource("json/Foo.json") map { fileURL =>
} getOrElse (InternalServerError)

Joomla template parameters and params.ini - file becomes unwritable after save

I am using wamp on Win XP SP3 and creating a Joomla template with changeable parameters.
initially the message is
The parameter file \templates\ssc_2010\params.ini is
once I make changes everything works as expected, except now i get the message:
The parameter file \templates\ssc_2010\params.ini is
One solution is to brows to the directory, right click the file, select properties, and uncheck read-only. Again the file is writable but once I modify the parameters again it becomes read only again. I'm quite lazy and would like to prevent this from happening again, I've notice this happening in past projects, but now I have to work a lot with parameters so it becomes quite boring doing manual labor like that :P
There is a bug in Joomla 1.5 that causes the message to be displayed.
A security feature was added that makes the template files unwritable until just before save, where they are made writable, saved, then made unwritable again.
Try to make a change, then go back and check the preview. You will see that the change was actually made.
If you want to fix the annoying unwritable message, add the following code to
administrator/components/controller.php around line 179, just after setting the FTP credentials:
$file = $client->path.DS.'templates'.DS.$template.DS.'params.ini';
// Try to make the params file writeable
if (!$ftp['enabled'] && JPath::isOwner($file) && !JPath::setPermissions($file, '0755')) {
JError::raiseNotice('SOME_ERROR_CODE', JText::_('Could not make the template parameter file writable'));
This will make the file writable during the edit load process, and before the file's status is posted in the template.
Then for security, in case the edit screen is closed without saving, search for the following lines:
require_once (JPATH_COMPONENT.DS.'admin.templates.html.php');
TemplatesView::editTemplate($row, $lists, $params, $option, $client, $ftp, $template);
and paste the following code just AFTER these lines but before the closing brace:
// Try to make the params file unwriteable
if (!$ftp['enabled'] && JPath::isOwner($file) && !JPath::setPermissions($file, '0555')) {
JError::raiseNotice('SOME_ERROR_CODE', JText::_('Could not make the template parameter file unwritable'));
That will make the file unwritable again.
This is the same code that is used in the saveTemplate() function. We are just doing it again before we display the status of the file on the edit screen. If the process fails because of your web server's configuration, you will get warning messages, BEFORE you've made a bunch of changes to your template. :)
P.S. Remember to save a copy of this file separately, so that you can redo the changes when you upgrade Joomla! (if they haven't fixed this themselves yet.)
This sounds like a user rights problem within Windows - have a look a the security permissions for the directory in which the file you are editing is located, and check that the user "IUSR_xxx" (where xxx is the name of your computer) has full control.
If this doesn't work, then can you tell us what version of Windows you are running as this may help...