I need to remove the time stamp details from each line which is present at the start. How can I achieve?
I tried to use
regex = "[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,4} [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]
and my approach was like
$Check = (Get-Content -Path .\file.txt|Select-Object -last 3|Out-String)
$Check = $Check -replace('$regex','')
The lines in text file.txt would be like :
[06/13/19 08:52:58] The new world
[06/13/19 08:52:58] Computing
[06/13/19 08:52:58] Technology
and alternate method would be to use the -split string operator and split on ] [that is close-bracket & space]. something like this ...
('[06/13/19 08:52:58] The new world' -split '] ')[1].Trim()
output = The new world
if it is a static stamp just use substring.
$start = Get-Content -Path C:\Windows\Panther\setupact.log -First 1
This for example only extracs the timestamp.
in your case:
$start = "[06/13/19 08:52:58] Technology"
this removes it.
Hope it helps! BR
Edit (see comment):
$content = Get-Content .\Desktop\test.txt
$newLine = ""
foreach($line in $content){
if($line.IndexOf("[") -eq 0){
$newLine += $line.Substring(20) + " "
$prev = $true
if($line -ne ""){
Write-Host $newLine
$newLine = ""
write-host $line
$prev = $false
I am attempting to turn the file below into one that contains no comments '#', no blank lines, no unneeded spaces, and only one entry per line. I'm unsure how to run the following code without the need to output the file and then reimport it. There should be code that doesn't require that step but I can't find it. The way I wrote my script also doesn't look right to me even though it works. As if there was a more elegant way of doing what I'm attempting but I just don't see it.
Before File Change: TNSNames.ora
#Created 9_27_16
#Updated 8_30_19
(COMMUNITY = tcp.world)
(Host = www.url1111.com)
(Port = 1111)
#Created 9_27_16
#Created 9_27_16
#Updated 8_30_19
After File Change:
# Get the file
[System.IO.FileInfo] $File = 'C:\temp\TNSNames.ora'
[string] $data = (Get-Content $File.FullName | Where-Object { !$_.StartsWith('#') }).ToUpper()
# Convert the data. This part is where any (CONNECT_DATA entry ends up on it's own line.
$Results = $data.Replace(" ", "").Replace("`t", "").Replace(")))", ")))`n")
# Convert $Results from BaseType of System.Object to System.Array
$Path = '.\.vscode\StringResults.txt'
$Results | Out-File -FilePath $Path
$Results = Get-Content $Path
# Find all lines that start with '(CONNECT_DATA'
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Results.Length - 1; $i++) {
if ($Results[$i + 1].StartsWith("(CONNECT_DATA")) {
# Add the '(CONNECT_DATA' line to the previous line
$Results[$i] = $Results[$i] + $Results[$i + 1]
# Blank out the '(CONNECT_DATA' line
$Results[$i + 1] = ''
# Remove all blank lines
$FinalForm = $null
foreach ($Line in $Results) {
if ($Line -ne "") {
$FinalForm += "$Line`n"
So the crux of your problem is that you have declared $data as a [string] which is fine because probably some of your replace operations work better as a single string. Its just that $Results also then ends up being a string so when you try to index into $Results near the bottom these operations fail. You can however easily turn your $Results variable into a string array using the -split operator this would eliminate the need to save the string to disk and import back in just to accomplish the same. See comments below.
# Get the file
[System.IO.FileInfo] $File = 'C:\temp\TNSNames.ora'
[string] $data = (Get-Content $File.FullName | Where-Object { !$_.StartsWith('#') }).ToUpper()
# Convert the data. This part is where any (CONNECT_DATA entry ends up on it's own line.
$Results = $data.Replace(' ', '').Replace("`t", '').Replace(')))', ")))`n")
# You do not need to do this next section. Essentially this is just saving your multiline string
# to a file and then using Get-Content to read it back in as a string array
# Convert $Results from BaseType of System.Object to System.Array
# $Path = 'c:\temp\StringResults.txt'
# $Results | Out-File -FilePath $Path
# $Results = Get-Content $Path
# Instead split your $Results string into multiple lines using -split
# this will do the same thing as above without writing to file
$Results = $Results -split "\r?\n"
# Find all lines that start with '(CONNECT_DATA'
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Results.Length - 1; $i++) {
if ($Results[$i + 1].StartsWith('(CONNECT_DATA')) {
# Add the '(CONNECT_DATA' line to the previous line
$Results[$i] = $Results[$i] + $Results[$i + 1]
# Blank out the '(CONNECT_DATA' line
$Results[$i + 1] = ''
# Remove all blank lines
$FinalForm = $null
foreach ($Line in $Results) {
if ($Line -ne '') {
$FinalForm += "$Line`n"
Also, for fun, try this out
((Get-Content 'C:\temp\tnsnames.ora' |
Where-Object {!$_.StartsWith('#') -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)}) -join '' -replace '\s' -replace '\)\s?\)\s?\)', ")))`n" -replace '\r?\n\(Connect_data','(connect_data').ToUpper()
I am trying to manipulate a textfile. I want it to keep the first X numbers of lines and after that it should look for a string pattern. If a line contains the pattern it should be kept otherwise deleted.
I got both things to work separately but not together. It works to keep lines until X and remove the rest. And I got it to work to remove all lines except for lines with a pattern, but I can't get it to work for both together.
EDIT: here is the code:
$data = Get-Content test.md
$newdata = ""
$n = 0
Foreach ($line in $data) {
if ($n++ -ge 6) {
$newdata += $line | Where{$_ -match '\[R\]'}
} else {
$newdata += $line
$newdata += " `r`n"
$newdata > test2.md
The problem is the lines are still there as empty lines. But they should be completely deleted.
$data = Get-Content test.md
$newdata = ""
$n = 0
Foreach ($line in $data) {
if ($n++ -gt 6) {
if ($line -match '\[R\]') {
$newdata += $line + " `r`n"
} else {
$newdata += $line + " `r`n"
$newdata > test2.md
got it to work like that.
You could use
"test.md" | % {
Get-Content $_ -TotalCount 6
(Select-String -path $_ -match '\[R \]' -AllMatches).Line
} | Out-File test2.md -Encoding Ascii
I tried changing the start and end date in the content of the file using the PowerShell script but it changes both dates to the same.
$path = "H:\oim\adcbsm007\adcbsm007.txt"
$path = "H:\oim\alps027\alps027.txt"
$word = "2016,01,28"
$replacement = "2016,01,29"
$text = get-content $path
$newText = $text -replace $word,$replacement
$newText > $path
$path = "H:\oim\adcbm007\adcsm007.txt"
$path = "H:\oim\alps027\alps027.txt"
$word = "2016,01,29"
$replacement = "2016,01,30"
$text = get-content $path
$newText = $text -replace $word,$replacement
$newText > $path
The content of the text file is something like this:
http://www.google.com="Global History"&customer=guest&password=guest&STARTTIME=2016,01,30,00,00,00&STOPTIME=2016,01,30,00,00,00&POINTSEVERY=15 min&GRAPHTYPE=excel
You need to replace the end date before the start date, otherwise the start date will be the same as the end date after the first replacement. Therefore the second replacement will change both start and end date to the new end date value. Also, if you want to do the replacement in several files you can't put the paths in the same variable, lest the second path replaces the first one. Use a list and a foreach loop (or something similar) instead.
$paths = 'H:\oim\adcbsm007\adcbsm007.txt', 'H:\oim\alps027\alps027.txt'
$startOld = '2016,01,28'
$startNew = '2016,01,29'
$endOld = '2016,01,29' # == $startNew
$endNew = '2016,01,30'
foreach ($p in $paths) {
(Get-Content $p) -replace $endOld, $endNew -replace $startOld, $startNew |
Set-Content $p
I have a txt file pulled into an array using Get-Content which uses _ as the line continue token, and the number of continued lines can be anything from one to many. So the text might look like this...
Jrn.Directive "DocSymbol" _
, "[Commercial-Default.rte]"
Jrn.Directive "GlobalToProj" _
, "[Commercial-Default.rte]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
, 0.01041666666667 _
, 1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000 _
, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000
I would like to reformat without line wrapping, and I am wondering if there is some super elegant approach to this I am not seeing? Because what i see as the way forward is a foreach $line in $array, and if the line EndsWith("") set a start index to the lines index, then search forward till a line doesn't EndsWith("") and set an end index, combine the bits and write to a temporary array, then skip the difference between the two indexes as the main loop continues to read lines. If that makes sense without some more detailed pseudo code.
In any case, it seems clumsy and inelegant, and I wonder if there is a better approach?
My initial thought was that Get-Content might have something built in, but it looks like the only delimiter you can define is End of Line (defaults to \n).
So, based on Anthony's input, and realizing that I needed to combine lines first, THEN remove irrelevant lines (that may have been multiple lines to start with) I now have this.
$target = 'Z:\Support\Px 3.0\RFO Benchmark\Journal Cleanup\journal.0010.txt'
$cleanFile = 'Z:\Support\Px 3.0\RFO Benchmark\Journal Cleanup\journal.0010.CLEAN.txt'
$sourceFile = Get-Content $target
$cleanData = #()
function Relavant {
param (
$irrelevant = #('Jrn.Directive “Username"', 'Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskSymbol"', 'Jrn.Directive "WindowSize"', 'Jrn.Size')
foreach ($item in $irrelevant) {
if ($line.StartsWith($item)) {
$relevant = $false
} else {
$relevant = $true
$string = ''
$continue = $false
$tempData = $(foreach ($line in $tempData) {
if ($line -match '^[^,]') {
$string = ''
$continue = $true
if ($continue) {
$string += $line
if ($line.EndsWith('_')) {
$continue = $true
} else {
$continue = $false
$string -replace '\s?_'
# Remove comments & irrelevant lines and do basic formatting
foreach ($line in $tempData) {
$line = $line.Trim()
if (-not ($line.StartsWith("'"))) {
if (Relavant $line) {
$line = $line -replace " ,", ","
$line = $line -replace '\s+', ' '
$cleanData += $line
Add-Content $cleanFile "' Cleaned by PxJournalCleaner`n"
foreach ($line in $cleanData) {
Add-Content $cleanFile $line
It's working well, but I suspect I will implement it again with the alternative approach just for the education factor if nothing else. I'm also not sure I fully understand what's going on in Anthony's approach, so I obviously still have some poking around to do. Thanks all!
you should probably make the regex matches a little more precise, but it worked for me
$file = gc 'C:\temp\new 1.txt'
$string = ''
$cont = $false
$result = $(foreach ($line in $file) {
if ($line -match '^[^,]') {
$string = ''
$cont = $true
if ($cont) {
$string += $line
if ($line.EndsWith('_')) {
$cont = $true
} else {
$cont = $false
$string -replace '\s?_'
Your approach seems totally fine, although I would probably just do it one line at a time.
You could do something like:
# read the wrapped lines from file
$lines = Get-Content C:\yourfile.txt
# initialize an array with a single empty string + a cursor that we'll use to keep track of the last index
$unwrappedLines = ,""
$cursor = 0
# iterate over the input strings
foreach($line in $lines){
if($line.EndsWith(" _")){
# Line is to be continued, remove line continuation character and add the rest of the string to the current index in our new array
$unwrappedLines[$cursor] += $line.Substring(0,$line.Length - 2)
# Line is not to be continued, add value as-is to current index
$unwrappedLines[$cursor] += $line
# Then increment our index cursor and initalize the next string in the array
$unwrappedLines[++$cursor] = ""
If the file is small enough just read this in as one string and replace all the _newlines with nothing.
(Get-Content -Raw "c:\temp\test.txt") -replace "_`r`n"
-Raw works in 3.0. If you don't have that then Out-String to the rescue.
(Get-Content "c:\temp\test.txt" | Out-String) -replace "_`r`n"
Just need to find any underscore that is followed by a new line and remove it.
I have some text file which has some occurrences of the string "bad" in it. I want to replace each occurrence of "bad" with good1, good2, good3, ,, good100 and so on.
I am trying this but it is replacing all occurrences with the last number, good100
$raw = $(gc raw.txt)
for($i = 0; $i -le 100; $i++)
$raw | %{$_ -replace "bad", "good$($i)" } > output.txt
How to accomplish this?
Try this:
$i = 1
$raw = $(gc raw.txt)
$new = $raw.split(" ") | % { $_ -replace "bad" , "good($i)" ; if ($_ -eq "bad" ) {$i++} }
$new -join " " | out-file output.txt
This is good if the raw.txt is single line and contains the word "bad" always separed by one space " " like this: alfa bad beta bad gamma bad (and so on...)
Edit after comment:
for multiline txt:
$i = 1
$new = #()
$raw = $(gc raw.txt)
for( $c = 0 ; $c -lt $raw.length ; $c++ )
$l = $raw[$c].split(" ") | % { $_ -replace "bad" , "good($i)" ; if ($_ -eq "bad" ) {$i++} }
$l = $l -join " "
$new += $l
$new | out-file output.txt
For such things, I generally use Regex::Replace overload that takes a Matchevaluator:
$evaluator ={
gc raw.txt | %{ [Regex]::Replace($_,"bad",$evaluator) }
The evaluator also gets the matched groups as argument, so you can do some advanced replaces with it.
Here's another way, replacing just one match at a time:
$raw = gc raw.txt | out-string
$regex = [regex]'bad'
for($i=0; $i -le $occurrences.count; $i++)
$raw = $regex.replace($raw,{"good$i"},1)