ForEach-Loop with multiple arrays - powershell

I currently have 4 arrays with different names of Organizational unit from our Active Directory.
So I do a big evaluation and in order not to create a separate ForEach loop for each array (because this are like 400 lines of code) I would like to put the whole thing into a single loop.
However, I need to know when which array is run through so that I can change something for this array in certain places by IF query.
thats because not all arrays can use the code in this way and for example the searchbase for the Active Directory query must be changed for each array.
Here i created a example and described my problem in the comments. (<# #>)
foreach ($ou in $OU1 <#AND OU2,OU3#> ){
if($OU1,$OU2 <#= active#> ){
<# if this array is active - do this code #>
$SearchBase = "OU="+$ou+",OU=SUBOU,DC=intra,DC=lan"
if($OU3 <#= active#>){
<# if this array is active - do this code #>
$SearchBase = "OU="+$ou+",DC=intra,DC=lan"
<# do this code for all #>
I hope you understand what I mean and can help me with my problem. Thank you.

What Lee_Dailey means is this: First create a hashtable with the correct settings, then iterate that:
$ouList = #(
#{ "SearchBase" = "OU=SUBOU,DC=intra,DC=lan"; "OUs" = #("1-Users","2-Users","3-Users") },
#{ "SearchBase" = "OU=SUBOU,DC=intra,DC=lan"; "OUs" = #("1-Computers","2-Computers","3-Computers") },
#{ "SearchBase" = "DC=intra,DC=lan"; "OUs" = #("1-ServiceAccounts","2-ServiceAccounts","3-ServiceAccounts") }
foreach ($item in $ouList)
foreach ($ou in $item.OUs)
$searchBase = "OU=" + $ou + "," + $item.SearchBase

One way to do this is to append your arrays in an expression (using +). This will effectively create a single collection that you can then use the -in operator to find a match.
foreach ($ou in $OU1+$OU2+$OU3 ){
if( $ou -in $OU1+$OU2 ){
<# if this array is active - do this code #>
$SearchBase = "OU="+$ou+",OU=SUBOU,DC=intra,DC=lan"
if ($ou -in $OU3){
<# if this array is active - do this code #>
$SearchBase = "OU="+$ou+",DC=intra,DC=lan"
<# do this code for all #>


Initialize hashtable from array of objects?

I'm brand new to powershell, as in less than a day experience. I have an array of objects returned from a Get-ADUser call. I will be doing a lot of lookups so thought it best to build a hashtable from it.
Is there a shorthand way to initialize the hashtable with this array and specify one of the object's attributes to use as a key?
Or do I have to loop the whole array and manually add to the set?
$adSet = #{}
foreach ($user in $allusers) {
$adSet.add($user.samAccountname, $user)
[...] do I have to loop
... the whole array ...
You don't have to materialize an array and use a loop statement (like foreach(){...}), you can use the pipeline to turn a stream of objects into a hashtable as well, using the ForEach-Object cmdlet - this might prove faster if the input source (in the example below, that would be Get-Service) is slow:
$ServiceTable = Get-Service |ForEach-Object -Begin { $ht = #{} } -Process { $ht[$_.Name] = $_ } -End { return $ht }
The block passed as -Begin will execute once (at the beginning), the block passed to -Process will execute once per pipeline input item, and the block passed to -End will execute once, after all the input has being recevied and processed.
With your example, that would look something like this:
$ADUserTable = Get-ADUser -Filter * |ForEach-Object -Begin { $ht = #{} } -Process { $ht[$_.SAMAccountName] = $_ } -End { return $ht }
Every single "cmdlet" in PowerShell maps onto this Begin/Process/End lifecycle, so generalizing this pattern with a custom function is straightforward:
function New-LookupTable {
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
begin {
# initialize table
$lookupTable = #{}
process {
# populate table
foreach($object in $InputObject){
$lookupTable[$object.$Property] = $object
end {
return $lookupTable
And use like:
$ADUserTable = Get-ADUser |New-LookupTable -Property SAMAccountName
See the about_Functions_Advanced document and related help topics for more information about writing advanced and pipeline-enabled functions

How can I use wildcards with IF -contains on an array?

I'm working on a script backing up the schema for a database to a version control system. I just realized that replicated objects are being scripted out as well; these objects start with sp_MSupd_, sp_MSdel_, sp_MSins_, and syncobj_0x. I would like to skip these items.
I know I can do something like this:
$ExcludeObjectNames = #("sp_MSupd_", "sp_MSdel_","sp_MSins_","syncobj_0x")
If ($ExcludeObjectNames -contains "sp_MSdel_SampleObject")
Write-Host "replicated item found"
But this only works for exact matches. I tried adding * to the elements in the array but that did not work. And I know I can use -like, but that seems to only be for single values, not arrays.
I know I can do this
$ObjectNames = "sp_MSdel_SampleObject"
If ($ObjectNames -like "sp_MSupd_*" -OR $ObjectNames -like "sp_MSdel_*" -OR $ObjectNames -like "sp_MSins_*" -OR $ObjectNames -like "syncobj_0x*")
Write-Host "replicated item found"
This is well and fine, BUT if I find more and more things to omit, this becomes more and more ugly.
Is there a way to use wildcards with -contains on an array?
$ExcludeObjectNames = #("sp_MSupd_", "sp_MSdel_","sp_MSins_","syncobj_0x")
Foreach ($ExcludeObjectName in $ExcludeObjectNames) {
If ("sp_MSdel_SampleObject" -match $ExcludeObjectName)
Write-Host "replicated item found"
Or if you only want to edit variables in the script, you can do:
$ExcludeObjectNames = #("sp_MSupd_", "sp_MSdel_","sp_MSins_","syncobj_0x")
$ObjectToCheck = "sp_MSdel_SampleObject" # This variable contains your original contains target
Foreach ($ExcludeObjectName in $ExcludeObjectNames) {
If ($ObjectToCheck -match $ExcludeObjectName)
Write-Host "replicated item found"
If you don't like looping, you can just build a regex filter from your original array:
$ExcludeObjectNames = #("sp_MSupd_", "sp_MSdel_","sp_MSins_","syncobj_0x")
$ObjectToCheck = "sp_MSdel_SampleObject" # This variable contains your original contains target
$excludeFilter = '(^' + ($excludeobjectnames -join "|^") + ')' # Regex filter that you never have to manually update
If ($ObjectToCheck -match $ExcludeFilter)
Write-Host "replicated item found"

Compare objects based on subset of properties

Say I have 2 powershell hashtables one big and one small and, for a specific purpose I want to say they are equal if for the keys in the small one, the keys on the big hastable are the same.
Also I don't know the names of the keys in advance. I can use the following function that uses Invoke-Expression but I am looking for nicer solutions, that don't rely on this.
Function Compare-Subset {
[hashtable] $big,
[hashtable] $small
$keys = $small.keys
Foreach($k in $keys) {
$expression = '$val = $big.' + "$k" + ' -eq ' + '$small.' + "$k"
Invoke-Expression $expression
If(-not $val) {return $False}
return $True
$big = #{name='Jon'; car='Honda'; age='30'}
$small = #{name = 'Jon'; car='Honda'}
Compare-Subset $big $small
A simple $true/$false can easily be gotten. This will return $true if there are no differences:
[string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($($small|Select -Expand Keys|Where{$Small[$_] -ne $big[$_]}))
It checks for all keys in $small to see if the value of that key in $small is the same of the value for that key in $big. It will only output any values that are different. It's wrapped in a IsNullOrWhitespace() method from the [String] type, so if any differences are found it returns false. If you want to list differences just remove that method.
This could be the start of something. Not sure what output you are looking for but this will output the differences between the two groups. Using the same sample data that you provided:
$results = Compare-Object ($big.GetEnumerator() | % { $_.Name }) ($small.GetEnumerator() | % { $_.Name })
$results | ForEach-Object{
$key = $_.InputObject
"<="{"Only reference object has the key: '$key'"}
"=>"{"Only difference object has the key: '$key'"}
In primetime you would want something different but just to show you the above would yield the following output:
Only reference object has the key: 'age'

How to Pass Multiple Objects via the Pipeline Between Two Functions in Powershell

I am attempting to pass a list of objects from one function to another, one by one.
First function: generate a list of users (objects) near expiry;
Second function: send an email to each user (object)
The first function works fine and outputs a group of objects (or so it would seem) and the second function will accept input and email a single user without issue.
Issues arise only when multiple objects are passed from the first function to the second.
Relevant code snippets are below:
The First function creates a custom object for each located user and adds it to an array, which is then outputted in the end block. Below is an extremely simplified snippet of the code with the essential object creation step:
Function 01
#param block goes here etc...
Foreach ($user in $users)
$userOutput = #()
$userTable = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
name = $User.Name
SamAccountName = $User.SamAccountName
emailAddress = $User.EmailAddress
expired = $user.PasswordExpired
expiryDate = $ExpiryDate.ToShortDateString()
daysTillExpiry = $daysTillExpiry
smtpRecipientAddress = $User.EmailAddress
smtpRecipientName = $User.Name
$userOutput += $userTable
Write-Output $userOutput
I have also tried writing each custom object ($userTable) straight to the console within each iteration of the Foreach (users) loop.
The Second function accepts pipeline input for a number of matching parameters from the first function, e.g:
The second function also calls a third function designed specifically to send smtp mail and contains no loops, it just takes the current object from the pipeline and deals with it.
I haven't included the full code for either mail function because it is largely irrelevant. I just want to know whether the objects outputted from the first function can be dealt with one-by-one by the second.
At present, the mail function deals with the first object passed to it, and no others.
This is what I have in mind (but the second function only deals with the last object that was piped in:
Function Test-UserExp
$iteration = 0
For ($i=0;$i -le 9;$i++)
$iteration ++
$userTable = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
expiryDate = "TestExpDate_$iteration"
daysTillExpiry = "TestDaysTillExpiry_$iteration"
smtpRecipientAddress = "TestSMTPRecipientAddress_$iteration"
smtpRecipientName = "TestSMTPRecipientName_$iteration"
Function Test-MailSend
Write-Host 'Output from Test-MailSend:'
First of all: if you want to process objects in a pipeline, one at the time, do not kill experience by collecting all the objects - that's only necessary if you intend to do something about whole collection at some point. If not than just output objects as soon as you get them:
foreach ($user in $users) {
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
name = $User.Name
SamAccountName = $User.SamAccountName
emailAddress = $User.EmailAddress
# ...
In your case you output whole collection at the end. That's hardly a pipeline experience if you would ask me.
For the second command: if you intend to create parameter for each property, just leave the part 'ValueFromPipeline' out. Otherwise you may end up with whole object converted to string... If you want to take an object as a whole, leave out 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName' and specify correct type. And make sure you have process {} wrapped around the code that uses parameters taken from pipeline.
And finally: why would you write a function to send mails? You have Send-MailMessage, so unless you do something this cmdlet doesn't cover, you probably don't need hand-crafted replacement...
In function 1 you want to create the array before the ForEach loop, so you aren't re-creating the array every iteration.
In the param block for the second function, you want to declare the parameter as an array of strings, not just a string.
Finally, when accepting pipeline input for the second function you will need to use the Begin, Process, and End blocks. The part of the function that repeats for each item should be in the Process block.
Here is a short working sample below:
Function fun1{
$users = #(1,2,3)
$userOutput = #()
Foreach ($user in $users){
$userTable = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
emailAddress = "$"
$userOutput += $userTable
Function fun2{
ForEach ($Recipient in $Recipients){
fun1 | Select emailAddress | fun2
This will give you the output below:
Here is a great breakdown of how the Begin/Process/End blocks work in PowerShell
function Set-UserExpiry {
1..10 | foreach {
ExpiryDate = "TestExpDate_$_"
DaysTillExpiry = "TestDaysTillExpiry_$_"
SmtpRecipientAddress = "TestSMTPRecipientAddress_$_"
SmtpRecipientName = "TestSMTPRecipientName_$_"
function Test-UserExpiry {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
process {
Write-Output 'Output from Test-MailSend:'
Write-Output ''
Set-UserExpiry | Test-UserExpiry

Powershell array of arrays loop process

I need help with loop processing an array of arrays. I have finally figured out how to do it, and I am doing it as such...
$serverList = $1Servers,$2Servers,$3Servers,$4Servers,$5Servers
$serverList | % {
% {
Write-Host $_
I can't get it to process correctly. What I'd like to do is create a CSV from each array, and title the lists accordingly. So 1Servers.csv, 2Servers.csv, etc... The thing I can not figure out is how to get the original array name into the filename. Is there a variable that holds the list object name that can be accessed within the loop? Do I need to just do a separate single loop for each list?
You can try :
$1Servers = "Mach1","Mach2"
$2Servers = "Mach3","Mach4"
$serverList = $1Servers,$2Servers
$serverList | % {$i=0}{$i+=1;$_ | % {New-Object -Property #{"Name"=$_} -TypeName PsCustomObject} |Export-Csv "c:\temp\$($i)Servers.csv" -NoTypeInformation }
I take each list, and create new objects that I export in a CSV file. The way I create the file name is not so nice, I don't take the var name I just recreate it, so if your list is not sorted it will not work.
It would perhaps be more efficient if you store your servers in a hash table :
$1Servers = #{Name="1Servers"; Computers="Mach1","Mach2"}
$2Servers = #{Name="2Servers"; Computers="Mach3","Mach4"}
$serverList = $1Servers,$2Servers
$serverList | % {$name=$;$_.computers | % {New-Object -Property #{"Name"=$_} -TypeName PsCustomObject} |Export-Csv "c:\temp\$($name).csv" -NoTypeInformation }
Much like JPBlanc's answer, I kinda have to kludge the filename... (FWIW, I can't see how you can get that out of the array itself).
I did this example w/ foreach instead of foreach-object (%). Since you have actual variable names you can address w/ foreach, it seems a little cleaner, if nothing else, and hopefully a little easier to read/maintain:
$1Servers = "",""
$2Servers = "",""
$serverList = $1Servers,$2Servers
$counter = 1
foreach ( $list in $serverList ) {
$fileName = "{0}Servers.csv" -f $counter++
"FileName: $fileName"
foreach ( $server in $list ) {
"-- ServerName: $server"
I was able to resolve this issue myself. Because I wasn't able to get the object name through, I just changed the nature of the object. So now my server lists consist of two columns, one of which is the name of the list itself.
$1Servers = += [pscustomobject] #{
Servername = $entry.Servername
Domain = $entry.Domain
$serverList = $usaServers,$devsubServers,$wtencServers,$wtenclvServers,$pcidevServers
Then I am able to use that second column to name the lists within my foreach loop.