format month of grouped news items in Typo3 - typo3

I have news items, grouped by year and month. Here the code:
<f:groupedFor each="{paginatedNews}" as="groupedNews1" groupBy="yearOfDatetime" groupKey="year">
<f:groupedFor each="{groupedNews1}" as="groupedNews" groupBy="monthOfDatetime" groupKey="month">
<div style="border:1px solid blue;padding:10px;margin:10px;">
<h1>{month} {year} </h1>
<f:for each="{groupedNews}" as="newsItem">
<f:render partial="List/Item" arguments="{newsItem: newsItem,settings:settings,iterator:iterator}" />
Unfortunately, month and year are displayed in numbers in frontend, e.g.
03 2019
..(some news items)
02 2019
01 2019
However, what I need is this:
March 2019
February 2019
January 2019
How can I achieve this?

On the original EXT:news this method has been used:
Look at the template EXT:news/Resources/Private/Templates/News/DateMenu.html
<f:translate key="month.{month}" />
on the EXT:news/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf you will find:
<trans-unit id="month.01" xml:space="preserve">
And so forth.


TYPO3, Fluid template. Display a div if the date of today is between 05/01 and 10/01

I want to display a div if the date of today is between "05/01" and "10/01". Could someone please help me with it? :)
I could only display it when the date is between "01/01" and "10/01" by writing this code:
<f:if condition="{ '10/01' format: 'm/d')} < { 'now', format: 'm/d')}">
<f:then><div>The Store is closed.</div></f:then>
<f:else><div>The Store is open!</div></f:else>
Many thanks in advance!
Combine two conditions by "&&"
<f:if condition="{ 'today', format: 'Y-m-d')} >=
{ '2019/02/27', format: 'Y-m-d')} && {
'today', format: 'Y-m-d')} <= { '2019/03/01', format: 'Y-m-d')}">
<div>The Store is closed.</div>
<div>The Store is open!</div>
Condition 1 (date of today equal or larger Feb 27):
{ 'today', format: 'Y-m-d')} >= { '2019/02/27', format: 'Y-m-d')}
Condition 2 (date of today less or equal March 01):
{'today', format: 'Y-m-d')} <= { '2019/03/01', format: 'Y-m-d')}

Rendering international dates in Xamarin.Forms

I have the following XAML code:
<Label Text="{Binding startTime, StringFormat='{0:MMM d, yyyy }'}" />
which renders June 18, 2017
I'd like to create a string that renders 18 June 2017 when the culture is not US.
Any ideas on how to do that?
MMM will give you an abbreviated month name, you have to use the MMMM if you want to get the full month name. More from MSDN
Your XAML code should look:
<Label Text="{Binding CurrentDate, StringFormat='{0:d MMMM yyyy}'}}" />

Watir,click on a date from a date picker 62 days from current date

I need to click on a date that is 62 days later than the current date.
The next button for the months is clickable so I have been able to move the calendar to 2 months later but unable to select the date.
Eg if the current date is 4 July then I need to select 6th Sept.
My code at the moment looks somewhat like this.
b.element(:name, "policyperiod_endDate").click <-- datetime picker's click
b.element(:xpath, "(//button[#type='button'])[50]").click <-- next month
b.element(:xpath, "(//button[#type='button'])[50]").click
b.element(:link,"06").click <--doesnt select 08
b.element(:xpath, "(//button[#type='button'])[68]").click <-selects fixed cell n
how to select 06?
The outer HTML is like this:
input type="text" class="pull-left pdr35 ng-isolate-scope ng-pristine ng- invalid ng-invalid-required" datepicker-popup="yyyy-MM-dd" is-open="datePickerOpts.datepickers.policyperiod_startdate[1]" ng-model="policyIVOs.policyEndDate" name="**policyperiod_endDate**" datepicker-options="dateOptions" show-button-bar="false" close-on-date-selection="true" show-weeks="false" ng-click="open($event, 'policyperiod_startdate', 1)" min-date="policyEndMin" max-date="policyEndMax" required="" readonly=""

How Do I Calculate Date Difference in Javascript

i want to count the date difference (days only) like if i am selecting "Date From" as 08-05-2016 and then "Date To" as 08-11-2016 ... it will calculate the days difference as "7" before submitting in leave count box the values on run time Using Javascript
Below is the text values codes.
Date From: <input type="date" name="from">
Date To: <input type="date" name="to">
Leave Count: <input type="text" name="leavecount">
<input type="submit" name="submit">

Get date based on month, year, day and week number (ColdFusion)

I found a similar answer to my question, but it was in SQL and kinda went over my head (Given year, month, day and week number how to find the date?(Sql Server 2005 Set based)).
I'm writing a schedule creation app where a user will select the month, day of week (Sun-Sat, aka 1-7), and choose optionally if this will recur throughout the month each week.
Given that, I'm trying to write a function in ColdFusion that will return the actual date if I pass in the month, day, week number, and year. Dates always confuse the heck out of me.
So I know this is an old post but here are some current options in script or tag.
Week Number<br />
myDateTime = now();
WriteOutput(week(myDateTime & "<br/>"));
<br />
Day of week<br />
mydayofweek = (DayOfWeek(myDateTime));
WriteOutput(DayOfWeek(myDateTime & "<br/>"));
<br />
Day of year<br />
WriteOutput(DayOfYear(myDateTime & "<br/>"));
<br />
Days in month<br />
WriteOutput(DaysInMonth(myDateTime & "<br/>"));
<br />
<!--- What date are we working with --->
<cfset workingdt = '2022-5-05' />
<!--- Get the week start date. --->
<cfset dtWeekStart = (workingdt - DayOfWeek( workingdt ) + 1) />
<!--- Get the week end date. --->
<cfset dtWeekEnd = (workingdt + (7 - DayOfWeek( workingdt ))) />
<!--- Get the working week --->
<cfset dtworkingweek = '#week(workingdt)#' />
<br />
<!--- Output the dates: --->
Today: #DateFormat( workingdt )#<br />
Week Start: #DateFormat( dtWeekStart )#<br />
Week End: #DateFormat( dtWeekEnd )#<br />
Week Number: #dtworkingweek#<br />
<br />