I want to select last unique rows based on time, so:
FROM eco.tracks WHERE id > (SELECT id FROM eco.tracks WHERE time_track < ((SELECT time_track FROM eco.tracks ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) - INTERVAL '300 seconds') ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1)
ORDER BY track, time_track DESC;
It gives me 20s, that too slow.
If I replace id by real value. it gives me 2ms
FROM eco.tracks WHERE id > 48000000
ORDER BY track, time_track DESC;
That query
SELECT id FROM eco.tracks WHERE time_track < ((SELECT time_track FROM eco.tracks ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) - INTERVAL '300 seconds') ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1
gives only 2ms..
Whats wrong?!
not sure if my below query script right to execute as I am trying to find just one query in Oracle SQL query
select distinct (master_id) , last_name from (
select q2.* , max (count_a) over (partition by master_id)
count_b from ( select q1.* , count (*) over (partition by
master_id order by purchased_date desc ) count_a from profile q1)
q2) where count_b > 2
I am trying to minimise timer to execute get data by reducing sub query
for example above it has two subqueries
max (count_a) over (partition by master_id) count_b
count (*) over (partition by master_id order by purchased_date desc ) count_a
so I played around until this query
max (count (*)) over (partition by master_id) count
SQL query script;
select * from profile a
join( select * from (
select master_id, max (count(*)) over (partition by
master_id) count from profile) where count >2) b
ON a. master_id = b. master_id
Thank you in advance for your help
I want to get the number of consecutive days from the current date using Postgres SQL.
enter image description here
Above is the scenario in which I have highlighted consecutive days count should be like this.
Below is the SQL query which I have created but it's not returning the expected result
with grouped_dates as (
select user_id, created_at::timestamp::date,
(created_at::timestamp::date - (row_number() over (partition by user_id order by created_at::timestamp::date) || ' days')::interval)::date as grouping_date
from watch_history
select * , dense_rank() over (partition by grouping_date order by created_at::timestamp::date) as in_streak
from grouped_dates where user_id = 702
order by created_at::timestamp::date
Can anyone please help me to resolve this issue?
If anyhow we can able to apply distinct for created_at field to below query then I will get solutions for my issue.
WITH list AS
SELECT user_id,
(created_at::timestamp::date - (row_number() over (partition by user_id order by created_at::timestamp::date) || ' days')::interval)::date as next_day
FROM watch_history
SELECT user_id, count(*) AS number_of_consecutive_days
FROM list
GROUP BY user_id
Does anyone have an idea how to apply distinct to created_at for the above mentioned query ?
To get the "number of consecutive days" for the same user_id :
WITH list AS
SELECT user_id
, array_agg(created_at) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY created_at RANGE BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND '1 day' FOLLOWING) AS consecutive_days
FROM watch_history
SELECT user_id, count(DISTINCT d.day) AS number_of_consecutive_days
FROM list
CROSS JOIN LATERAL unnest(consecutive_days) AS d(day)
WHERE array_length(consecutive_days, 1) > 1
GROUP BY user_id
To get the list of "consecutive days" for the same user_id :
WITH list AS
SELECT user_id
, array_agg(created_at) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY created_at RANGE BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND '1 day' FOLLOWING) AS consecutive_days
FROM watch_history
SELECT user_id
, array_agg(DISTINCT d.day ORDER BY d.day) AS list_of_consecutive_days
FROM list
CROSS JOIN LATERAL unnest(consecutive_days) AS d(day)
WHERE array_length(consecutive_days, 1) > 1
GROUP BY user_id
full example & result in dbfiddle
I just started learning Postgres, and I'm trying to make an aggregation table that has the columns:
All columns are provided, except for the booking_sequence column. I need to make a query that shows the first five flights of each user that has at least x purchases and has spent more than a certain amount of money, then sort it by the amount of money spent by the user, and then sort it by the booking sequence column.
I've tried :
select user_id,
row_number() over(partition by user_id order by user_id) as booking_sequence,
booking_created_time as booking_created_date,
sum(booking_price_amount) as total_booking_price_amount
from fact_flight_sales
group by user_id, booking_created_time, booking_price_amount
having count(user_id) > 5
and total_booking_price_amount > 1000
order by total_booking_price_amount;
I got 0 when I added count(user_id) > 5, and total_booking_price_amount is not found when I add the second condition in the HAVING clause.
I managed to make the code function correctly, for those who are curious:
select x.user_id, row_number() over(partition by x.user_id)
as booking_sequence, x.booking_created_time::date as booking_created_date, x.booking_price_amount,
sum(y.booking_price_amount) as total_booking_price_amount from
select user_id, booking_created_time, booking_price_amount from fact_flight_sales
group by user_id, booking_created_time, booking_price_amount
) as x
select user_id, booking_price_amount
from fact_flight_sales group by user_id, booking_price_amount
) as y
on x.user_id = y.user_id
group by x.user_id, x.booking_created_time, x.booking_price_amount
having count(x.user_id) >= 1 and sum(y.booking_price_amount) >250000
order by total_booking_price_amount desc, booking_sequence asc;
Big thanks to Laurenz for the help!
About count(user_id) > 5:
HAVING is calculated before window functions are evaluated, So result rows excluded by the HAVING clause will not be used to calculate the window function.
About total_booking_price_amount in HAVING:
You cannot use aliases from the SELECT list in the HAVING clause. You will have to repeat the expression (or use a subquery).
I have a SELECT in Postgres:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (price) price, quantity, is_ask, final_update_id
FROM ((SELECT price, quantity, is_ask, book_depth.final_update_id
FROM order_depth
LEFT JOIN book_depth ON book_depth_id = book_depth.id
WHERE book_depth_id IN (SELECT id
FROM book_depth
WHERE final_update_id > (SELECT last_update_id
FROM order_book
WHERE symbol_name = 'XRPRUB'
ORDER BY last_update_id DESC
AND symbol_name = 'XRPRUB'))
(SELECT price, quantity, is_ask, order_book_id
FROM "order"
WHERE order_book_id = (SELECT id
FROM order_book
WHERE symbol_name = 'XRPRUB'
ORDER BY last_update_id DESC
ORDER BY final_update_id DESC) AS t) AS t1
ORDER BY price, final_update_id DESC;
It works for about 20 seconds.
But when I create function with this select this function works for about 1 min 40 seconds. Can someone explain me is it normal or I make mistake somewhere?
so i want to count the buyer who do transaction in january with the sum of the transaction is >= 600000, can you guys tell me the exact syntax, here's my syntax which are wrong:
select count in (select users_id, total_price_star_member from order_star_member where createdAt >= '2020-01-01' and createdAt < '2020-02-01' group by users_id having sum(total_price_star_member) >= 600000);
the point is i want to know how much the buyer who doing the transaction in january and the transaction is >= 600000
Here is the right syntax for MySQL:
select count(*) from (select users_id, sum(total_price_star_member) from order_star_member where createdAt >= '2020-01-01' and createdAt < '2020-02-01' group by users_id having sum(total_price_star_member) >= 600000) inner_query;