How can we get IBM Cloud "SDK for NodeJS" logs to Activity Tracker with LogDNA? - ibm-cloud

we have running applications on nodeJS and want to integrate the Logs into our activity tracker with logDNA. how can we implement this?

The activity tracker is for the ibm cloud to write records of the stuff it does on your behalf
IBM Cloud Activity Tracker with LogDNA collects and stores audit records for API calls made to resources that run in the IBM Cloud.
You can not contribute arbitrary content to the activity tracker.
You can log into logdna, see


Watson NLU suddenly began returning {"code":401, "error": "Unauthorized"}

Our access to the api that has run for years suddenly stopped working and returns {"code":401, "error": "Unauthorized"}
There is no issue with signing into the account, charges or resource usage.
The only previous interruptions were when IBM purchased the original vendor and again when IBM changed some access requirements.
The application is .NET C# and the api returns title, author, and text from urls.
How can we find the cause of the interruption?
This is a duplicate of The old Watson Conversation API (21st Apr 2017 version) seems to have stopped working. Gives me the 401 Unauthorized error and How to know if an application is using Cloud Foundry?
The answer is the same :
IBM Cloud is switching off any services that have not been migrated to a resource group. The Watson services were part of the first batch affected. You will need to migrate your instance to IAM, then use the generated IAM key for authentication.
If you need to migrate from Cloud Foundry, see Migrating Watson services from Cloud Foundry.
You can find out details about the service instance that you are using by clicking the service instance in your Resource list on IBM Cloud and looking at the credentials.

Access to audit events of UAA (User Account and authentication) events in Swisscom cloud

Is it possible to get access to events generated by User Account and Authentication (UAA) server in the context of Swisscom Application Cloud?
It is essential for me, to be able to have an audit trail of actions executed by authorised operators through the API (that would include cli and portal).
What I am looking for is an alternative of AWS CloudTrail for IAM module, that you can turn on for specific VPCs / regions there.
I have found this in the CF documentation ( but that (as far as I understand it) requires infrastructure level access.
Thanks a lot for any hints.
We can't expose UAA logs to individual customers since it contains probably sensitive information about other users or the platform.
You should be able to retrieve the logs of your application in the application logs (which you can send to a syslog drain, i.e. the ELK/Elasticsearch service).
All API interactions should be covered by this log stream, according to the documentation:
Users make API calls to request changes in app state. Cloud Controller, the Cloud Foundry component responsible for the API, logs the actions that Cloud Controller takes in response.
For example:
2016-06-14T14:10:05.36-0700 [API/0] OUT Updated app with guid cdabc600-0b73-48e1-b7d2-26af2c63f933 ({"name"=>"spring-music", "instances"=>1, "memory"=>512, "environment_json"=>"PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN"})

Push data from dashDB to Watson Analytics using DataWorks?

I have an account in IBM Public Bluemix. I provisioned a dashDB instance and have inserted data into a dashDB table. I login to Bluemix using my IBM ID (not IBM Intranet ID)
I also have a Watson Analytics account. Please note that my Watson Analytics account/access is part of a larger team. I do not access it using the short Watson Analytics URL I access my account using when I go to this URL, it redirects me to IBM Intranet Authentication page and I login using IBM Intranet ID (not IBM ID).
I need to push data from the Bluemix dashDB table to the Watson Analytics account that I have.
when I create a connection in Bluemix DataWorks, it does not allow me to specify Watson Analytics URL. It allows me to enter only the user name and password. I created a connection for Watson Analytics using my IBM ID. And then created an activity to move data from dashDB to Watson Analytics. When I run the activity it fails. Please help.
you can follow steps as in the video -
Instead of using bluemix dataWorks service, use the integrated dataworks within watson analytics by creating the data connections using dashDB credentials.
You are using an IBM internal userid that is not currently supported by DataWorks accessed via Bluemix. Short term, you will have to use the integrated DataWorks support. Unless you are developing a Bluemix application that needs to automatically push data, this will meet your needs.
Unless you are performing DataWorks cleansing operations on your data in dashDB, you can push your data into Watson Analytics directly via the API.

is it possible to retrieve the app/service usage information ( the fee/the money) via api?

Is it possible to retrieve the app/service usage information ( the fee/the money) via api?
I noticed that my current cf command 's version is 2.40.0
API endpoint: (API version: 2.40.0)
I checked the api list and cannot find any useful information about my request.
Billing information for Bluemix services and application usage is not available through an API; it is only available through the Bluemix console. However, feel free to submit the request on the IBM Bluemix Ideas site for future consideration. Bluemix Project Management reviews the ideas regularly.
Using CF CLI you could use:
cf curl /v2/organizations/ORG_GUID/summary
to retrieve the org guid you can use
cf org <orgName> --guid
This provides you information about the number of services and applications, and the memory usage.

Google Cloud Platform system status page

Is there a system status page for Google Cloud Platform services? When experiencing issues where can we look for system status information?
For example, i changed the tier for a Google Cloud SQL instance and it went inaccessible for 12h. The next day the same operation took a couple of minutes as expected.
I found but not for other products (e.g. Google Cloud SQL).
The Cloud Status Dashboard is the canonical resource for Google Cloud Platform service status, and it does provide information for Cloud SQL.
there is an experimental status page at [1] but actually is provided for test purposes only.
I suggest you to subscribe to Google Groups as they are updated with issues reports, Cloud SQL announce group is available at [2].
[1] -
[2] -!topic/google-cloud-sql-announce/