Spark structured streaming - UNION two or more streaming sources - scala

I'm using spark 2.3.2 and running into an issue doing a union on 2 or more streaming sources from Kafka. Each of these are streaming sources from Kafka that I've already transformed and stored in Dataframes.
I'd ideally want to store the results of this UNIONed dataframe in parquet format in HDFS or potentially even back into Kafka. The ultimate goal is to store these merged events with as low a latency as possible.
val finalDF = flatDF1
val query = finalDF.writeStream
.option("path", hdfsLocation)
.option("checkpointLocation", checkpointLocation)
.option("failOnDataLoss", false)
when doing a writeStream to console instead of parquet I'm getting the expected results, but the example above causes an assertion failure.
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed
at scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:156)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.OffsetSeq.toStreamProgress(OffsetSeq.scala:42)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution$$anonfun$runActivatedStream$1$$anonfun$apply$mcZ$sp$1.apply$mcV$sp(MicroBatchExecution.scala:124)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution$$anonfun$runActivatedStream$1$$anonfun$apply$mcZ$sp$1.apply(MicroBatchExecution.scala:121)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MicroBatchExecution$$anonfun$runActivatedStream$1$$anonfun$apply$mcZ$sp$1.apply(MicroBatchExecution.scala:121)
here is the class and assertion that is failing:
case class OffsetSeq(offsets: Seq[Option[Offset]], metadata: Option[OffsetSeqMetadata] = None) {
assert(sources.size == offsets.size)
Is this because the checkpoint is only storing the offsets for one of the dataframes? Looking through the Spark Structured Streaming documentation it looked like it was possible to do joins/union of streaming sources in Spark 2.2 or >

First, please define how your case class OffsetSeq is related to the code with the unions of the dataframes.
Next, checkpointing is a real issue when performing this union and then writing to Kafka with writestream. Separating into multiple writestreams - each with it's own checkpointing - confuses batch id's because of the union operating. Using the same writestream with union of dataframes fails with checkpointing since the checkpoint appears to seek all the models that generated the dataframes before the union and cannot distinguish what row/record came from what dataframe/model.
For writing to Kafka, from structured sql streaming unioned dataframes - best to use writestream with foreach and ForEachWriter including the Kafka Producer in the process method. No checkpointing is needed; the application the just uses temp checkpoint files which are set to be deleted when appropriate - set "forceDeleteTempCheckpointLocation" to true - in the session builder.
Anyway, I have just set up scala code to union an arbitrary number of streaming dataframes and then write to Kafka Producer. Appears to work well once all Kafka Producer code is placed in the ForEachWriter process method so that it can be serialized by Spark.
val output = dataFrameModelArray.reduce(_ union _)
val stream: StreamingQuery = output
.writeStream.foreach(new ForeachWriter[Row] {
def open(partitionId: Long, version: Long): Boolean = {
def process(row: Row): Unit = {
val producer: KafkaProducer[String, String] = new KafkaProducer[String, String](props)
val record = new ProducerRecord[String, String](producerTopic, row.getString(0), row.getString(1))
def close(errorOrNull: Throwable): Unit = {
Can add more logic in process method if needed.
Note prior to union, all dataframes to be unioned have been converted into key, value string columns. Value is a json string of the message data to be sent over the Kafka Producer. This is also very important to get write before the union is attempted.
.select($"key", $"uuid", $"currentTime", $"label", $"rawPrediction", $"prediction")
.selectExpr("key", "to_json(struct(*)) AS value")
.selectExpr("CAST(key AS STRING)", "CAST(value AS STRING)")
where svcModel is a dataframe in the dataFrameModelArray.


write into kafka topic using spark and scala

I am reading data from Kafka topic and write back the data received into another Kafka topic.
Below is my code ,
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{Kafka Producer, ProducerRecord}
import org.apache.spark.sql.ForeachWriter
//loading data from kafka
val data = spark.readStream.format("kafka")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "*******:9092")
.option("subscribe", "PARAMTABLE")
.option("startingOffsets", "latest")
//Extracting value from Json
val schema = new StructType().add("PARAM_INSTANCE_ID",IntegerType).add("ENTITY_ID",IntegerType).add("PARAM_NAME",StringType).add("VALUE",StringType)
val df1 = data.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
val dataDF ="value"), schema).as("data")).select("data.*")
//Insert into another Kafka topic
val topic = "SparkParamValues"
val brokers = "********:9092"
val writer = new KafkaSink(topic, brokers)
val query = dataDF.writeStream
I am getting the below error,
<Console>:47:error :not found: type KafkaSink
val writer = new KafkaSink(topic, brokers)
I am very new to spark, Someone suggest how to resolve this or verify the above code whether it is correct. Thanks in advance .
In spark structured streaming, You can write to Kafka topic after reading from another topic using existing DataStreamWriter for Kafka or you can create your own sink by extending ForeachWriter class.
Without using custom sink:
You can use below code to write a dataframe to kafka. Assuming df as the dataframe generated by reading from kafka topic.
Here dataframe should have atleast one column with name as value. If you have multiple columns you should merge them into one column and name it as value. If key column is not specified then key will be marked as null in destination topic."key", "value")
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "host1:port1,host2:port2")
.option("topic", "<topicName>")
Using custom sink:
If you want to implement your own Kafka sink you need create a class by extending ForeachWriter. You need override some methods and pass the object of this class to foreach() method.
// By using Anonymous class to extend ForeachWriter
df.writeStream.foreach(new ForeachWriter[Row] {
// If you are writing Dataset[String] then new ForeachWriter[String]
def open(partitionId: Long, version: Long): Boolean = {
// open connection
def process(record: String) = {
// write rows to connection
def close(errorOrNull: Throwable): Unit = {
// close the connection
You can check this databricks notebook for the implemented code (Scroll down and check the code under Kafka Sink heading). I think you are referring to this page only. To solve the issue you need to make sure that KafkaSink class is available to your spark code. You can bring both spark code file and class file in same package. If you are running on spark-shell paste the KafkaSink class before pasting spark code.
Read structured streaming kafka integration guide to explore more.

Structured Streaming metrics understanding

I'm quite new to Structured Streaming and would like to understand a bit more in detail the main metrics of Spark.
I have a Structured Streaming process in Databricks that reads events from one Eventhub, read values from those events, creates a new df and writes this new df into a second Eventhub.
The event that comes from the first Eventhub, is an eventgrid event from which I read a url (when a blob is added to a storage account) and inside a foreachBatch, I create a new DF and write it to the second Eventhub.
The code has the following structure:
val streamingInputDF =
def get_func( batchDF:DataFrame, batchID:Long ) : Unit = {
for (row <- batchDF.rdd.collect) { //necessary to read the file with
val file_url = "/mnt/" + path
// create df from readed url
val df = spark
.option("rowTag", "Transaction")
if (!(df.rdd.isEmpty)){
// some filtering
val eh_df =,
val eh_jsoned = eh_df.toJSON.withColumnRenamed("value", "body")
// write to Eventhub"body")
val query_test= streamingSelectDF
.foreachBatch(get_func _)
I have tried adding the maxEventsPerTrigger(100) parameter but this increases a lot the time from when the data arrives to the Storage Account until it is consumed in Databricks.
The value for maxEventsPerTrigger is set randomly in order to test behaviour.
Having seen the metrics, what sense does it make that the batch time is increasing so much and the processing rate and input rate are similar?
What approach should I consider to improve the process?
I'm running it from a Databricks 7.5 Notebook, Spark 3.0.1 and Scala 2.12.
Thank you all very much in advance.
XML files have the same size
First Eventhub has 20 partitions
Rate data input to first Eventhub is 2 events/sec

Reading kafka topic using spark dataframe

I want to create dataframe on top of kafka topic and after that i want to register that dataframe as temp table to perform minus operation on data. I have written below code. But while querying registered table I'm getting error
"org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Queries with streaming sources must be executed with writeStream.start();;"
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val df = spark.readStream.format("kafka").option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "SERVER ******").option("subscribe", "TOPIC_NAME").option("startingOffsets", "earliest").load()
val personStringDF = df.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
val user_schema =StructType(Array(StructField("OEM",StringType,true),StructField("IMEI",StringType,true),StructField("CUSTOMER_ID",StringType,true),StructField("REQUEST_SOURCE",StringType,true),StructField("REQUESTER",StringType,true),StructField("REQUEST_TIMESTAMP",StringType,true),StructField("REASON_CODE",StringType,true)))
val personDF ="value"),user_schema).as("data")).select("data.*")
spark.sql("select * from final_df1").show
ERROR:---------- "org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Queries with streaming sources must be executed with writeStream.start();;"
Also i have used start() method and I'm getting below error.
20/08/11 00:59:30 ERROR streaming.MicroBatchExecution: Query final_df1 [id = 1a3e2ea4-2ec1-42f8-a5eb-8a12ce0fb3f5, runId = 7059f3d2-21ec-43c4-b55a-8c735272bf0f] terminated with error
NOTE: My main objective behind writing this script is i want to write minus query on this data and want to compare it with one of the register table i have on cluster. So , to summarise If I'm sending 1000 records in kafka topic from oracle database, I'm creating dataframe on top of oracle table , registering it as temp table and same I'm doing with kafka topic. Than i want to run minus query between source(oracle) and target(kafka topic). to perform 100% data validation between source and target. (Registering kafka topic as temporary table is possible?)
Use memory sink instead of registerTempTable. Check below code.
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val df = spark
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "SERVER ******")
.option("subscribe", "TOPIC_NAME")
.option("startingOffsets", "earliest")
val personStringDF = df.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")
val user_schema =StructType(Array(StructField("OEM",StringType,true),StructField("IMEI",StringType,true),StructField("CUSTOMER_ID",StringType,true),StructField("REQUEST_SOURCE",StringType,true),StructField("REQUESTER",StringType,true),StructField("REQUEST_TIMESTAMP",StringType,true),StructField("REASON_CODE",StringType,true)))
val personDF ="value"),user_schema).as("data")).select("data.*")
spark.sql("select * from final_df1").show(10,false)
Streaming DataFrame doesn't support the show() method. When you call start() method, it will start a background thread to stream the input data to the sink, and since you are using ConsoleSink, it will output the data to the console. You don't need to call show().
remove the below lines,
spark.sql("select * from final_df1").show
and add the below or equivalent lines instead,
val query1 = personDF.writeStream.queryName("final_df1").format("memory").outputMode("append").start()

How to display results of intermediate transformations of streaming query?

I am implementing one usecase to try-out Spark Structured Streaming API.
The source data is read from Kafka topic and after applying some transformations, results written to console.
I want to print the intermediate output along with the final results of the structured streaming query.
Here is the code snippet:
val trips = getTaxiTripDataframe() //this function consumes kafka topic and desrialize the byte array to create dataframe with required columns
val filteredTrips = trips.filter(col("taxiCompany").isNotNull && col("pickUpArea").isNotNull)
val output = filteredTrips
.agg(Map("pickupArea" -> "count"))
val query = output.writeStream.format("console")
I want to print 'filteredTrips' dataframe on console. I tried using .show() method of dataframe, but as it is a dataframe created on streaming data, it is throwing below exception:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Queries with streaming sources must be executed with writeStream.start();;
Is there any other work around?
Yes, you can create two streams (I am using Spark 2.4.3)
val filteredTrips = trips.filter(col("taxiCompany").isNotNull && col("pickUpArea").isNotNull)
val query1 = filteredTrips
val query2 = filteredTrips
.agg(Map("pickupArea" -> "count"))

Input data received all in lowercase on spark streaming in databricks using DataFrame

My spark streaming application consumes data from an aws kenisis and is deployed in databricks. I am using the org.apache.spark.sql.Row.mkString method to consume the data and the whole data is received in lowercase. The actual input had camel case field name and values but is received in lowercase on consuming.
I have tried consuming from a simple java application and is receiving the data in the correct from from the kinesis queue. The issue is only in the spark streaming application using DataFrames and running in databricks.
// scala code
val query = dataFrame
.selectExpr("lcase(CAST(data as STRING)) as krecord")
.foreach(new ForeachWriter[Row] {
def open(partitionId: Long, version: Long): Boolean = {
def process(row: Row) = {"Record received in data frame is -> " + row.mkString)
processDFStreamData(row.mkString, outputHandler, kBase, ruleEvaluator)
def close(errorOrNull: Throwable): Unit = {
Expectation is the spark streaming input json should be in the same case
letter (camel case)as the data in the kinesis , it should not be converted to lower case once received using data frame.
Any thought's on what might be causing this?
Fixed the issue, the lcase used in the select expression was the culprit, updated the code as below and it worked.
val query = dataFrame
.selectExpr("CAST(data as STRING) as krecord")
.foreach(new ForeachWriter[Row] {