Show the value of the property and not just the type - visual-studio-code

In our dear VS Code when we hover in any variable the vscode by default shows the type of this variable, when it is an object, it shows the structure of the object.
I would like to know if in addition to showing the type or structure it is possible to show the value of the properties.
If this is not possible in the vscode itself, is there any extension that does something like this?

The closest you can get to what you want (show variables value), is to add the variable in the debug window to the watch list. In debug mode, when you hit a breakpoint, your watch will evaluate the value at the current time (whether its been set, or not etc.) and will output what it is in that window for you.
See below:


VS Code / Dart - Variable inspector shows error string

When trying to inspect variables for a Flutter project in VSCode, it is often the case the inspector shows nothing of use. For instance, below we have a variable x of some type. There are no runtime errors but when setting a breakpoint, the inspector simply shows the following for the value of x.
<function errorString(error) {>
The meaning of this is elusory since there is no related output in the debugging console. The breakpoints are being set within calls to Futures returning functions but it's hit and miss as to why most, but not all, variables cannot be inspected.
What do these error strings mean?
How can the root cause be determined (think stack traces in VS Pro)?
Why do they only show in break points but don't seem to affect runtime output?
How can the actual resolved state of the variable be inspected?
This was a bug in the Dart VS Code extension that has now been resolved:
Now the proper error message should be shown instead of the implementation of a function.

MATLAB member function suggestion

If for example you have acquired a object of type handleplot with expression like below:
handle = plot(t,functoin1 , t , function2 ) ;
Now handle will be an array that contains two elements, handle(1) and handle(2). Now suppose you want to change some properties of one of these objects, like set a LineWidth, change the Color, or the like.
Is there any way in which you can activate auto-completion or suggestions when you type handle(1). (note the memebership operator .)? I am looking for the automatic suggestions that MATLAB provides for member functions in a combobox near the blinking cursor, similar to the way other IDEs provide this feature:
MATLAB's objects support tab completion. After typing handle(1). simply hit tab and you will receive a list of available methods and properties of the graphics object.
If you want more help on a method, you will also get a popup dialog of the method and the accepted input arguments.
If you want to programmatically get a list of properties of an object, you can use properties
If you want a listing of all properties and their values, just use get
i use this method ...
for example i'm writing a program in matlab editor and when im want to know the properties of an object just stop coding and run the program , know it's have my object (for example handle) and know i can write the properties(handle) in command window to know the exact properties of handle . as Suever says .

In eclipse debugger, variables view, can I change "Value" value

I wonder if there is a way to change what we see in Value in Variables view in eclipse debugger?
For example instead of "ObjectClass (id=94)" I would like to see what that object toString() method returns, is it possible?
(I know that in "Expressions" we can add variable.toString() and it will show it, but I must add it manually, over time is tedious).
Yes you can do this by using your own debug detailed Formatters. Check here that the Person object is changed from Person(id=38) to Name=John Surname=Smit.
Also refer this link.

Intellij IDEA insert variable names in methods

I'm using Intellij IDEA 13 for android development.
Some methods has long list of parameters. For example, db.query(...) and I can't remember the order of them.
Is there any plugin or can i change some settings to make IDEA insert variables from function template?
You have a couple of options. Ctrl+P will show a lit of the parameters, with the current one bolded. As long as you have either the source or javadoc for the library (or JDK/SDK) attached to the corresponding definition, you will see the parameters' names.
If you invoke code completion while entering parameters, IDEA will show at the top only ones that are of the correct type. Furthermore, if one of you local variables is the same name (or similar to) the required parameter's name, it will be at the top of the list. So if there is a method that takes an int named 'width', and I have several int variables, but one is named 'theWidth', it would be at the top. (Again, this assumes you have javadoc or source attached so IDEA can determine parameter names.) If IDEA can find local variables that satisfy all parameters (or all the first x parameters) of the method, there will be an option in the code completion list to complete all of them, The icon will be a double circle. The below screen shot shows how the HttpServletReqest is at the top of the list. So I do not have to remember if the parameter order is "request, response" or "response, "request". Notice the fourth option is to complete both the request and the response.

Change local variable or function parameter in google chrome

I'm using chrome's devtools to debug/modify a non-local javascript file(so I can't edit it).
The code is rather complex and defines function inside of functions and uses these pointers throughout.
The point is that I do not know where I'm exactly at in the process but I can set a breakpoint to a variable I need to modify. BUT I can't figure out how to modify it. I can add a watch or modify it under the locals panel BUT it won't actually change (after stepping once the value reverts to original)
So how can I change the variable? I don't know why it is so difficult. In my traditional debugging you can simply edit the value in the watch or locals and it will modify it. I've tried modifying it at the console but I guess I don't know the complete path to the variable and I always get an undefined variable.
All I want to do is modify a local variable or argument in side some function I set a breakpoint at.
Try doing this in the console. E.g.: window.myVar = "newValue"
First watch the variable, second in Scope tab you can change the value of the var!