GCS storage create folder API - google-cloud-storage

Having trouble creating folder in a bucket in Google Cloud storage thru a API
I have already tried the curl call for the API with all varying possibilities for the request json format.
ABC is not really the organization but gave it to obfuscate real data. I have also setup the variable $access_token using gcloud call to get access-token.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" -d '{"displayName":"[vicks]"}' https://cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/v2/folders?parent=ABC
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "field [Folder.display_name] has issue [invalid format]",
"details": [
"#type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.BadRequest",
"fieldViolations": [
"field": "Folder.display_name",
"description": "invalid format"
I am expecting the API call to create the directory but it fails showing error in display_name format though I have followed the document at https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/docs/creating-managing-folders

Unfortunately, the link you provided is about the API that will help you create a folder within your organization and not inside a Cloud Storage bucket. This can be seen by looking at the first graph in the page you linked.
Thankfully, there is still a solution that might help you achieve what you’re looking for. While Google Cloud Storage objects are stored in a flat namespace, tools like gsutil or the even the Google Cloud Console can provide a hierarchical view of the objects by following simple naming rules (it is essentially an emulation of subdirectories).
1) To treat an object as a directory, you can create an empty object that ends with “/”. If you want a subdirectory called ‘abc’ then you can call the object ‘abc/’ and gsutil will treat it like an empty directory. To insert an object/file into the subdirectory, you may simply copy an object/file to the destination URL including ‘abc’ such as “gs://your-bucket/abc”.
2) Another less commonly used way is to create an empty object that ends with “$folder$”. If you want a subdirectory called ‘abc’ then you can call the object ‘abc$folder$’ and gsutil will treat it like an empty directory. Similarly to the previous point, to insert an object/file into the subdirectory, you may simply copy an object/file to the destination URL including ‘abc’ such as “gs://your-bucket/abc”.
I would highly suggest you read through this link to get a great understanding of how Google Cloud Storage subdirectories work. Additionally, I’ve found another previously answered stack question that is very relevant to your question and can be of great help to you as well.


Azure DevOps - Unable to Create Var Group using Azure DevOps API and Auth Token

Requirements: We would like to create a Variable Group (along with some variables) in a given Project.
Option1: We are able to create a new Variable Group successfully
when we create a request via PostMan using PAT Token which has FULL access.
Option2: Our end goal is to invoke the ADO Rest API in the Web App which uses
OAuth. When the end user logs in and make a call (pls see the input
details below) we are getting '401 Un Authorized - The user is not authorized to access this resource.' error. The Web App's application has the Variable Groups manage scope as shown below.
TroubleShooting: As part of troubleshooting, for Option1 which uses PAT (with full access) in Postman, we have updated the permissions of the PAT to just have Create, Read and Manage Var Groups as shown below.
Now, even the Option1 is not working after making the PAT to have Custom Defined access.
Are we missing something?
Postman Details:
URL: https://dev.azure.com/myorgname/_apis/distributedtask/variablegroups?api-version=6.0-preview.2
Verb: Post
Headers: Authorization: Basic
"name": "This is ignored",
"description": "This is ignored",
"type": "Vsts",
"variables": {
"BuildConfiguration": {
"value": "Release"
"variableGroupProjectReferences": [
"name": "VarGroup",
"description": "The variable group to store the information about the variables using in the Pipeline",
"projectReference": {
"id": "#ProjectId#",
"name": "#ProjectName#"
I can also reproduce your issue with option 1, not only Read, create, & manage for Variable Groups, even I select all the scopes via Custom defined, it still does not work.
According to this doc - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/organizations/accounts/manage-pats-with-policies-for-administrators?view=azure-devops#restrict-creation-of-full-scoped-pats
Some of our public APIs are currently unassociated with a PAT scope, and can therefore only be used with “full-scoped” PATs. Because of this, restricting the creation of full-scoped PATs might block some workflows. We're working to identify and document the affected APIs and eventually associate them with the appropriate scope. For now, these workflows can be unblocked by using the allow list.
I believe this should be the reason for this issue, there may be some additional permissions to create variable groups. For option 2, there may be a similar cause.
So in this case, you may need to use the Full access PAT temporarily, as mentioned in the doc We're working to identify and document the affected APIs and eventually associate them with the appropriate scope.

Watson Assistant API V2 "manages the context automatically" - more details?

This is a question about Watson Assistant API V1/V2 difference. The doc says like this:
Note that if your app uses the v1 API, it communicates directly with the dialog skill, bypassing the orchestration and state-management capabilities of the assistant. This means that your application is responsible for maintaining state information. This is done using the context, an object that is passed back and forth between your application and the Watson Assistant service. Your application must maintain the context by saving the context received with each response and sending it back to the service with each new message request.
An application using the v2 API can also use the context to access and store persistent information, but the context is maintained automatically (on a per-session basis) by the assistant.
It seems that in V2, "the context is maintained automatically by the assistant". What does this mean exactly ? If I'd like to pass some data to the dialog flow, I might use context on "/message". Is is allowed in V2?( yes, it seems.) Then in V1 days, I have to receive context from responses and send it back on every request. Does assistant also send the context back in V2? What should my client-app do in V2? Any detailed info is welcomed ..Thanks.
Answering your second question first - If you check the API docs for Watson Assistant V2 here, there is a MessageContext object in the response with Global Context and skill specific context values.
You also have a sample Request where you can manually pass the context (both global and user-defined)
curl -u "apikey:{apikey}" -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{\"input\": {\"text\": \"Hello\"}, \"context\": {\"global\": {\"system\": {\"user_id\": \"my_user_id\"}}}}" "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/conversation/api/v2/assistants/{assistant_id}/sessions/{session_id}/message?version=2018-11-08"
From the client side, you can use this code
assistant_id: '{assistant_id}',
session_id: '{session_id}',
input: {
'message_type': 'text',
'text': 'Hello'
context: {
'global': {
'system': {
'user_id': 'my_user_id'
"skills": {
"main skill": {
"user_defined": {
"my_result_variable": "result_value"
Reference link
Check the API Methods Summary to understand what is supported in V2 as of today.
There is a new concept in V2 called Session. A session is used to send user input to a skill and receive responses. It also maintains the state of the conversation which is Context automatically for you.
V2 API as of today supports Runtime Methods, methods that enable a client application to interact with (but not modify) an existing assistant or skill. You can use these methods to develop a user-facing client that can be deployed for production use, an application that brokers communication between an assistant and another service (such as a chat service or back-end system), or a testing application.
The complete cURL example that works for me
curl -u "apikey:<API_KEY>" -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{
\"input\": {
\"text\": \"What's the time?\",
\"options\": {
\"alternate_intents\": true,
\"debug\": true,\"return_context\": true
\"context\": {
\"global\": {
\"system\": {
\"user_id\": \"derp\",\"turn_count\":1
\"skills\": {
\"main_skill\":{\"user_defined\": {
\"chosen_service\": \"dental\"
}" "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/assistant/api/v2/assistants/{ASSISTANT_ID}/sessions/{SESSION_ID}/message?version=2018-11-08"
for session ID, run this command
curl -u "apikey:<API_KEY>" -X POST "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/assistant/api/v2/assistants/{ASSISTANT_ID}/sessions?version=2018-11-08"
The response includes user_defined skill context
{"output":{"generic":[{"response_type":"text","text":"Hey ! how are you today? Let me know if you need any help or get stuck looking for information."}],"debug":{"nodes_visited":[{"dialog_node":"node_6_1475611948267","title":null,"conditions":"conversation_start"}],"log_messages":[],"branch_exited":true,"branch_exited_reason":"completed"},"intents":[{"intent":"General_Greetings","confidence":0.32179955244064334},{"intent":"General_Jokes","confidence":0.296911633014679},{"intent":"goodbye","confidence":0.2852578103542328},{"intent":"General_Ending","confidence":0.2513303637504578},{"intent":"off_topic","confidence":0.24435781836509707},{"intent":"select_detail","confidence":0.24206179082393647},{"intent":"list_options","confidence":0.22829059958457948},{"intent":"still-here","confidence":0.22606439888477325},{"intent":"select_service","confidence":0.22488142400979996},{"intent":"General_Security_Assurance","confidence":0.2210852071642876}],"entities":[]},"context":{"global":{"system":{"turn_count":1,"user_id":"derp"}},"skills":{"main skill":{"user_defined":{"chosen_service":"dental"}}}}}
Thanks, #Vidyasagar Machupalli #data_henrik.
(I created "answer" section to paste the images below .)
1) Now it worked fine. I set the variable reference in dialog editor like this.
Then I post user-variable in context like this.
"skills": {
"main skill": {
"user_defined": {
"myname": "ishida"
then the response was:
{'output': {'generic': [{'response_type': 'text', 'text': 'Hi, ishida .'}], 'intents': [], 'entities': []}}
It seems that "skills"->"main skill"->"user_defined" section is a case-sensitive / FIXED keyword.
From what I see, if I change one of them, I cannot read the variable on dialog editor.
2) I also found the documentation issue. The starting point of my question was : "API V2 doc says that I should use "skills" entry to handle the user variables, but no detailed info more than that .. ". #Vidyasagar Machupalli says "As per the V2 API documentation, user_defined is arbitrary variables ".. but I cannot find the paragraph in the API doc.
Then I found that
a) when I select "curl" tab, "user_defined" explanation appears.
b) when I select other(Java/Node/Python) tab, no explanation appears.
I knew that the info was not there as I refered the "Python" tab. I'd appreciate this be fixed soon to avoid same confusion. And I think that the fact of "skills->main skill->user_defined section is a case-sensitive / FIXED keyword" should be noted, as it is not clear in the current description. Thanks!

Get Reactions using the Github api

Github issues may contain "reactions" for quite a while (as described here: https://github.com/blog/2119-add-reactions-to-pull-requests-issues-and-comments)
I would like to receive that information using the Github api, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that when getting an issue e.g.
that information does not seem to be inside that response. Also, I did not find another API call that could retrieve that information. How to get those "reactions"?
This is now possible, being the preview state (meaning, you have to pass a custom Accept header in the request). Check out the GitHub API documentation page
$ curl -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.squirrel-girl-preview' https://api.github.com/repos/twbs/bootstrap/issues/19575/reactions
"id": 257024,
"user_id": 947110,
"content": "+1"
"id": 888868,
"user_id": 1889800,
"content": "+1"
The endpoint looks like this:
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/reactions
You can even pass a content parameter (querystring) indicating what kind of reaction you want to retrieve.

Solr: Synonyms using the Managed Resources REST API

How do I change an initArgs value for Synonyms using the Managed Resources REST API?
In particular, I need to change the following:
... to true.
I don't see any mention in the documentation about changing initArgs.
You can edit the file directly after it has been created, but the docs explicitly say this is not the correct way to change data in this file. (it does work however).
found it. try&error style ;-)
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' --data-binary '{"initArgs":{"ignoreCase":true}}' "http://<solr-host>/solr/<core>/schema/analysis/synonyms/german"

Marketo "Import Lead" fails with error 610 Requested resource not found

I'm trying to batch update a bunch of existing records through Marketo's REST API. According to the documentation, the Import Lead function seems to be ideal for this.
In short, I'm getting the error "610 Resource Not Found" upon using the curl sample from the documentation. Here are some steps I've taken.
Fetching the auth_token is not a problem:
$ curl "https://<identity_path>/identity/oauth/token?
Proving the token is valid, fetching a single lead isn't a problem as well:
# Fetch the record - outputs just fine
$ curl "https://<rest_path>/rest/v1/lead/1.json?access_token=<access_token>"
# output:
"requestId": "ab9d#12345abc45",
"result": [
"id": 1,
"updatedAt": "2014-09-18T13:00:00+0000",
"lastName": "Potter",
"email": "harry#hogwartz.co.uk",
"createdAt": "2014-09-18T12:00:00+0000",
"firstName": "Harry"
"success": true
Now here's the pain, when I try to upload a CSV file using the Import Lead function. Like so:
# "Import Lead" function
$ curl -i -F format=csv -F file=#test.csv -F access_token=<access_token>
# results in the following error
"requestId": "f2b6#14888a7385a",
"success": false,
"errors": [
"code": "610",
"message": "Requested resource not found"
The error codes documentation only states Requested resource not found, nothing else. So my question is: what is causing the 610 error code - and how can I fix it?
Further steps I've tried, with no success:
Placing the access_token as url parameter (e.g. appending '?access_token=xxx' to the url), with no effect.
Stripping down the CSV (yes, it's comma seperated) to a bare minimum (e.g. only fields 'id' and 'lastName')
Looked at the question Marketo API and Python, Post request failing
Verified that the CSV doesn't have some funky line endings
I have no idea if there are specific requirements for the CSV file, like column orders, though...
Any tips or suggestions?
Error code 610 can represent something akin to a '404' for urls under the REST endpoint, i.e. your rest_path. I'm guessing this is why you are getting that '404': Marketo's docs show REST paths as starting with '/rest', yet their rest endpoint ends with /rest, so if you follow their directions you get an url like, xxxx.mktorest.com/rest/rest/v1/lead/..., i.e. with '/rest' twice. This is not correct. Your url must have only one 'rest/'.
I went through the same trouble, just want to share some points that help resolve my problem.
Bulk API endpoints are not prefixed with ‘/rest’ like other endpoints.
Bulk Import uses the same permissions model as the Marketo REST API and does not require any additional special permissions in order to use, though specific permissions are required for each set of endpoints.
As #Ethan Herdrick suggested, the endpoints in the documentation are sometimes prefixed with an extra /rest, make sure to remove that.
If you're a beginner and need step-by-step instructions to set up permissions for Marketo REST API: Quick Start Guide for Marketo REST API