how do I get the index from this function - swift

this is demo of iOS Charts library (LineChart) and I want to input my data instead of arc4random data.
My data is in Array so I have to approach with index but I can't understand the (0..<count).map { (i) -> ChartDataEntry code.
func setChartValues(_ count : Int = 24) {
let values = (0..<count).map { (i) -> ChartDataEntry in
let val = Double(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count))+3)
return ChartDataEntry(x: Double(i), y: val)
let set1 = LineChartDataSet(entries: values , label : "DataSet 1")
let data = LineChartData(dataSet: set1) = data

It seems you are new to iOS and swift. What you are looking for is an understanding of the functionning of closures in swift, plus the map function which is called an high order function
from apple doc ( ) :
Returns an array containing the results of mapping the given closure over the sequence’s elements.
In other words it maps your array into another array, according to the trailing closure you passed as a parameter.
In your specific case here his how to read it :
(0..<count) : creates an array of count lengh
example : if count = 4 then (0..<count) is [0, 1, 2, 3]
As said previously the map function will transform each of your element into another ( therefore keeping the length of the array ).
in your case val = Double(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count))+3) will be equal to a random number calculated with count value, and create a new ChartDataEntry with this random value.
to sum it up the whole code is just saying "I will create a count length array of random ChartDataEntry", I guess as a mockup
I suggest you to read about closures here :
and high order functions ( such as map(_:) ) here :

let values = (0.. ChartDataEntry in
let val = Double(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count))+3)
return ChartDataEntry(x: Double(i), y: val)
The value mapped and return is you can say a hash function. (arc4random).
It index you are taking is just setting X axis of the chart like 0 , 1 ,2 etc...
and your graph Y it set according to the functions return (arc4random)


Default dictionary value in Swift

I know I can have a default dictionary value in swift, but I am struggling to do this for a tuple
var freq = [Int:(Int,Int,Int)]()
I want to make a default value
freq[num.element, default: (0, num.offset, num.offset) ] = (7, 0, 0 )
This produces the frequency table with 7,0,0 for every value when the key does not exist.
Can I use the default for a more complicated dictionary?
For an example if we have an array of numbers [1,2,2,3,3,3]
we can count the number of elements using a frequency table
var freq = [Int:Int]()
for num in nums {
freq[num, default: 0] += 1
We want to store the initial position of each number, and the final position of each number in the frequency table so use
var freq = [Int:(Int,Int,Int)]()
for num in nums.enumerated() {
if freq[num.element] == nil {
freq[num.element] = (1,num.offset, num.offset)
} else {
freq[num.element] = (freq[num.element]!.0 + 1, freq[num.element]!.1, num.offset)
For this code I want to use a default value.
I am looking for a way of using a default value on a frequency list containing more than just a single value. It is not relevant that I am using a tuple rather than an array of values, for an example I want to find out how to use default with a tuple using arrays.
I tried to use the example above to make a default value, and on testing it does not work. I have looked at previous questions, a Google Search and looked at Apple's documentation.
Question: How to use default for a dictionary var freq = Int:(Int,Int,Int)
Is this what you looking for? Just get the current value with default value and store it in a variable first makes life easier.
var freq = [Int:(Int,Int,Int)]()
var nums = [1,2,2,3,3,3]
for num in nums.enumerated()
let currentTuple = freq[num.element, default: (0,num.offset,num.offset)]
freq[num.element] = (currentTuple.0 + 1, currentTuple.1,num.offset)
print(freq) //output: [1: (1, 0, 0), 2: (2, 1, 2), 3: (3, 3, 5)]

Left side of mutating operator isn't mutable: 'gpa' is a 'let' constant

I am currently struggling with an error for a homework assignment in my coding class. We are creating a loop that loops through an array of gpa values and then adds it to a variable named totalGradePoints. The problem is that I am coming across an error when the loop runs:
Left side of mutating operator isn't mutable: 'gpa' is a 'let' constant
The error is on this line:
var totalGradePoints = Double()
for gpa in gpaValues {
let averageGPA: Double = gpa += totalGradePoints
Here is my full code:
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
// You are the university registrar processing a transfer student's transcripts that contains grades that are a mix of letters and numbers. You need to add them to our system, but first you need to convert the letters into grade points.
// Here's an array of the student's grades.
var transferGrades: [Any] = ["C", 95.2, 85, "D", "A", 93.23, "P", 90, 100]
// To prepare for converting the letters to numerical grades, create a function that returns a double, inside which you create a switch that will convert an A to a 95, B to 85, C to 75, D to 65, , P (for passing) to 75. Everything else will be a zero.
func gradeConverter(letterGrade: String) -> Double {
switch letterGrade {
case "A":
return 95
case "B":
return 85
case "C":
return 75
case "D":
return 65
case "P":
return 75
default: // Is this where everything else is zero?
return 0
// Create a new array called convertedGrades that stores doubles.
var convertedGrades: [Double] = [98.75, 75.5, 60.0, 100.0, 82.25, 87.5]
// Loop through the transferGrades array, inspecing each item for type and sending strings (your letter grades) to the function you just made and storing the returned double in your convertedGrades array. If your loop encounters a double, you can place it directly into the new array without converting it. It it encounters an int, you will need to convert it to a double before storing it. Print the array. (You may notice that some of your doulbes are stored with many zeros in the decimal places. It's not an error, so you can ignore that for now)
for grade in transferGrades {
if let gradeAsString = grade as? String {
gradeConverter(letterGrade: gradeAsString)
} else if let gradeAsDouble = grade as? Double {
} else if let gradeAsInt = grade as? Int {
// Now that we have an array of numerical grades, we need to calculate the student's GPA. Create a new array called GPAValues that stores doubles.
var gpaValues: [Double] = [2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 3.12, 2.97, 2.27]
// Like with the letter conversion function and switch you created before, make a new function called calculateGPA that takes a double and returns a double. Inside your function, create another switch that does the following conversion. Grades below 60 earn zero grade points, grades in the 60s earn 1, 70s earn 2, 80s earn 3, and 90s and above earn 4.
func calculateGPA(gpaValue: Double) -> Double {
switch gpaValue {
case 0..<59:
return 0
case 60...69:
return 1
case 70...79:
return 2
case 80...89:
return 3
case 90..<100:
return 4
return 0
// Loop through your convertedGrades array and append the grade point value to the GPAValues array. Because your calculateGPA function returns a value, you can use it just like a varialbe, so rather than calculate the grade points and then put that varialbe in your append statement, append the actual function. i.e. myArray.append(myFunction(rawValueToBeConverted))
for gpa in gpaValues {
gpaValues.append(calculateGPA(gpaValue: gpa))
// Finally, calculate the average GPA by looping through the GPA and using the += operator to add it to a variable called totalGradePoints. You may need to initialize the variable before using it in the loop. i.e. var initialized = Double()
var totalGradePoints = Double()
for gpa in gpaValues {
let averageGPA: Double = gpa += totalGradePoints
// Count the number of elements in the array (by using the count method, not your fingers) and store that number in a variable called numberOfGrades. Pay attention to creating your variables with the right types. Swift will tell you if you're doing it wrong.
var numberOfGrades: Int = gpaValues.count
// Divide the totalGradePoints by numberOfGrades to store in a variable called transferGPA.
var transferGPA: Double = Double(totalGradePoints) / Double(numberOfGrades)
// Using code, add one numerical grade and one letter grade to the transferGrades array that we started with (i.e. append the values rather than manualy writing them into the line at the beginning of this file) and check that your transferGPA value updates. You'll need to append the new grades on the line below the existing transferGrades array so that your changes ripple through the playground.
averageGPA must be define using the var keyword to make it mutable later on when summing up the values.
var averageGPA: Double = 0
for gpa in gpaValues {
averageGPA += gpa
averageGPA = averageGPA / Double(gpaValues.count)
Recall the average is calculated by summing up the score and dividing the number of scores.
Defining something with let means that the following will be a constant.
let answer: Int = 42
answer = 43 /* Illegal operation. Cannot mutate a constant */
Left side of mutating operator isn't mutable: 'gpa' is a 'let' constant
The problem is that gpa is a constant, you can't modify its value. And the "+=" operator means "increase gpa's value by totalGradePoints", it is trying to increase the value of gpa. What you probably mean to do is make averageGPA equal the sum of gpa and totalGradePoints. For that you would do this:
let averageGPA: Double = gpa + totalGradePoints

How can I search through this array for a specific value then return the other value in the tuple?

I have a large array of (x,y) pairs:
P =
(0.0, 500000.09999999998),
(0.001, 18.332777589999999),
(0.002, 18.332221480000001),
(0.0030000000000000001, 18.331665000000001),
(0.0040000000000000001, 18.331108140000001),
(0.0050000000000000001, 18.33055092),
(0.0060000000000000001, 18.32999332),
I now need to use this in my code. I need to search for a specific x-value and, if the x-value exists, return its corresponding y-value.
Note: If there is a better format I could put my (x,y) pairs in, please feel free to let me know. For example, 2 separate arrays where one holds the x-values and the other holds the y-values. Then I could use the index to find the corresponding y-value or something.
A user made a very good point in the comments: how can I reliably compare x == 0.001?
The way I will be using my code is this: I am evaluating a function f(x) at values of x. However, if at a particular value of x there is a y value in the P array, then I need to do an extra subtraction calculation (the details of which are not too important here). The problem, then, is that what if I pass the x value 0.001 in there and the P array does not have a correpsonding y value, but it does have one for 0.001000000009?? Then the code will say there is no value, but in reality it is reasonably close to the intended x value.
I'd suggest to let your array to be an array of CGPoints. It's simply:
A structure that contains a point in a two-dimensional coordinate
However, if you want to get the y values based on searching the x:
let myArray = [
(0.0, 500000.09999999998),
(0.001, 18.332777589999999),
(0.002, 18.332221480000001),
(0.0030000000000000001, 18.331665000000001),
(0.0040000000000000001, 18.331108140000001),
(0.0050000000000000001, 18.33055092),
(0.0060000000000000001, 18.32999332),
// this array should contains y values for a given x value
// for example, I search the x value of 0.0
let yValues = myArray.filter { $0.0 == 0.0 }.map { $0.1 }
print(yValues) // [500000.09999999998]
Hope this helped.
A good way of doing this is by declaring this function:
func getValueFromTuples(tupleArr:[(Double,Double)],n:Double)->Double?{
for tuple in tupleArr{
if tuple.0 == n{
return tuple.1
return nil
Then, you can use it like this:
var tupleArray: [(Double,Double)] = [(1.0, 12.0),(2.0,23.0),(3.0,34.0),(4.0,45.0),(5.0,56.0)]
var x:Double = 1.0
print(getValueFromTuples(tupleArr: tupleArray,n:x) ?? "No value found") // 12.0
Where the n argument is the value to be found, the tuple is the key-value pair formed by the numbers and getValueFromTuples returns the value y if x has been found, else nil.
This returns "No value found" if the value does not exist in the array of tuples.
Hope this helps!
Your x value all seem to increase by 0.001. If that is the case, you could also calculate the index and return the y value at this index. This would be a lot more efficient.
func calculateIndex(forX x: Double) -> Int {
let increase = 0.001
return Int(x/0.001)
You can use the find method to find the index of the x value and then return the y value. I would multiply your values by 1000 and then compare the Int instead of comparing Double.
func findYValue(forX x: Double) -> Double? {
let multiply = 1000
let x = Int(multiply*x)
if let index = array.index(where: { Int($0.0 * multiply) == x }) {
return array[index].1 //found the y value
return nil //x is not in the array
Instead of using tuples, I would personally use CGPoint. The class has an x and a y property, which makes your code more readable.
Microsoft gives a very thorough explanation of how to compare 2 doubles. The basic premise is that you need to define a certain level of tolerance. The article the explores how to pick a good tolerance in most cases.
Here's code translated to Swift:
func areEqual(_ lhs: Double, _ rhs: Double, units: Int = 3) -> Bool {
let lValue = Int64(bitPattern: lhs.bitPattern)
let rValue = Int64(bitPattern: rhs.bitPattern)
let delta = lValue - rValue
return abs(delta) <= Int64(units)
var n = 0.0
for _ in 0..<10 {
n += 0.1
// n should equal 1 but it does not
print(n == 1.0) // false
print(areEqual(1.0, n)) // true
Back to your problem, it becomes straight forward after you defined how to test for equality in 2 doubless:
let x = 0.003
if let y = p.first(where: { areEqual($0.0, x) })?.1 {

Swift 3d Array creating

I want to create an array that is 3d. Array will be 5*5*infinite (the last or the innermost array will probably has like 3-5 object of type String).
I tried something like this:
var array3D = [[[String]]]()
and tried to add new string like this
array3D[ii][yy] += y.components(separatedBy: ";")
But had problems adding new arrays or strings to that. And got error of exc bad instruction
In school I have 5 lessons per day. So in week there is 25 lessons, and I want to make an iPhone app that represent my timetable.
A multidimensional array is just an array of arrays. When you say
var array3D = [[[String]]]()
What you've created is one empty array, which expects the values you add to it to be of type [[String]]. But those inner arrays don't exist yet (much less the inner inner arrays inside them). You can't assign to array3D[ii] because ii is beyond the bounds of your empty array, you can't assign to array3D[ii][yy] because array3D[ii] doesn't exist, and you can't append to an array in array3D[ii][yy] because array3D[ii][yy] doesn't exist.
Because your outer and middle levels of array are fixed in size (5 by 5 by n), you could easily create them using Array.init(count:repeatedValue:):
let array3D = [[[String]]](count: 5, repeatedValue:
[[String]](count: 5, repeatedValue: []))
(Here the innermost arrays are empty, since it appears you plan to always fill the by appending.)
However, it also looks like your use case expects a rather sparse data structure. Why create all those arrays if most of them will be empty? You might be better served by a data structure that lets you decouple the way you index elements from the way they're stored.
For example, you could use a Dictionary where each key is some value that expresses a (day, lesson, index) combination. That way the (day, lesson, index) combinations that don't have anything don't need to be accounted for. You can even wrap a nice abstraction around your encoding of combos into keys by defining your own type and giving it a subscript operator (as alluded to in appzYourLife's answer).
I slightly modified the Matrix struct provided by The Swift Programming Language
struct Matrix<ElementType> {
let rows: Int, columns: Int
var grid: [[ElementType]]
init(rows: Int, columns: Int) {
self.rows = rows
self.columns = columns
grid = Array(count: rows * columns, repeatedValue: [])
func indexIsValidForRow(row: Int, column: Int) -> Bool {
return row >= 0 && row < rows && column >= 0 && column < columns
subscript(row: Int, column: Int) -> [ElementType] {
get {
assert(indexIsValidForRow(row, column: column), "Index out of range")
return grid[(row * columns) + column]
set {
assert(indexIsValidForRow(row, column: column), "Index out of range")
grid[(row * columns) + column] = newValue
Now you can write
var data = Matrix<String>(rows: 5, columns: 5)
data[0, 0] = ["Hello", "World"]
data[0, 0][0] // Hello

How to Multiply Every Value in a Dictionary in Swift

So, currently I have this dictionary:
var data : [Int:Float] = [0:0,1:1,2:1.414,3:2.732,4:2,5:5.236,6:3.469,7:2.693,8:5.828,9:3.201]
I want to create a new dictionary, say "newData." I want "newData" to have the same keys as "data," but I want to multiply every value in "data" by some constant (say "multiple") to get the values in "newData." How can I do this?
var newData = data
for (key, value) in newData
newData[key] = value * multiple
let data : [Int:Float] = [0:0,1:1,2:1.414,3:2.732,4:2,5:5.236,6:3.469,7:2.693,8:5.828,9:3.201]
let factor: Float = 2
You can use the reduce method
let multiplied = data.reduce([Int:Float]()) { (var result, elm) -> [Int:Float] in
result[elm.0] = elm.1 * factor
return result
The result.
[3: 5.464, 2: 2.828, 4: 4.0, 9: 6.402, 5: 10.472, 6: 6.938, 7: 5.386, 0: 0.0, 8: 11.656, 1: 2.0]
Please ignore the order since Dictionaries do not have one.
Why this solution is better then a for loop?
The code I am suggesting here does follow the Functional Programming paradigm. There are several advantages over the classic for loop:
It's thread safe: since only immutable values are used, you don't have to worry about other threads that could change these values while you are using them.
It's faster: under the hood the elements of the results are processed in parallel
It's less error prone because it's more declarative: we are describing how the result should be, not how to build it.
Another solution based on map
let dict1 = ["a":1, "b":2, "c":3]
// Make a copy since we don't want to modify the original
var dict2 = dict1
let multiple = 5 { (k,v) in dict2[k] = v*multiple }
I did some simple performance testing with a 10000 and 100000 element array the various solutions proposed perform like this
For Loop: 10000 elements 1.28 ms, 100000 elements 12.28 ms
Map(): 10000 elements 1.24 ms, 100000 elements 12.23 ms
Reduce(): 10000 elements 2.36 ms, 100000 elements 17.18 ms
But you don't have a 10000+ element array. It's just worth noting the difference.
Since Swift 4, Dictionary has a property called mapValues(_:). mapValues(_:) has the following declaration:
Returns a new dictionary containing the keys of this dictionary with the values transformed by the given closure.
func mapValues<T>(_ transform: (Value) throws -> T) rethrows -> Dictionary<Key, T>
The Swift 5 Playground sample code below shows how to use mapValues(_:) in order to create a new dictionary by multiplying every value of an existing dictionary:
let multiple: Float = 2
let data: [Int : Float] = [0 : 0, 1 : 1, 2 : 1.4, 3 : 2.7, 4 : 2, 5 : 5.2]
let newData = data.mapValues { (value: Float) -> Float in
return value * multiple
//let newData = data.mapValues { $0 * multiple } // also works
print(newData) // [3: 5.4, 4: 4.0, 2: 2.8, 0: 0.0, 1: 2.0, 5: 10.4]