How to implement db operation in scala functional programming [closed] - scala

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm quite new to Scala and functional programming. I have read that we are not supposed to make any side effect(Eg: DB and IO operation) in FP. I'm wondering how can we handle DB operation in Scala?

If you want to create a purely functional app, you can't do any side effects, but without side effect how can we do anything useful (write text to console, read data from the database, etc.)?
Basically, what we can do is "cheating" by wrapping all code that is not pure (is performing any side effects) in effect which is usually called IO monad. Impure actions wrapped with IO are not executed until explicitly started (usually by calling method named like unsafeRun). And since that wrapped actions are just values, you can return them from functions, assign to variables and do everything you would do with plain values:
import cats.effect.IO //you'd have to add cats-effect dependency to make this import work
val printHelloToConsole = IO(println("Hello")) //nothing is happening yet
printHelloToConsole.unsafeRunSync // starting performin effects
The main purpose of that action is an attempt to separate pure, functional code from impure parts of the application. Quote from Martin Odersky:
The IO monad does not make a function pure. It just makes it obvious that it’s impure.
There are several implementations of IO Monad for Scala: ZIO, Cats-Effect, Monix. For pure functional database communication, you can use Doobie which works with any of these monads.
I would recommend you to watch that talk from John de Goes FP to the max, it explains very well what is IO monad and how to use it.


Do tagless algebra needs laws? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I read the wonderful blog from JOHN A DE GOES regarding to tagless final. In the section 5.Fake Abstraction, he has mentioned:
Unfortunately, these operations satisfy no algebraic laws—none
whatsoever! This means when we are writing polymorphic code, we have
no way to reason generically about putStrLn and getStrLn.
For all we know, these operations could be launching threads, creating
or deleting files, running a large number of individual side-effects
in sequence, and so on.
He is correspond to the following tagless algebra:
trait Console[F[_]] {
def putStrLn(line: String): F[Unit]
val getStrLn: F[String]
Does it mean, writting laws for tageless algebra is not possible or do I misunderstand something.
A few things:
John A De Goes, while is very knowledgeable has also a lot of opinions and express them as if they were inferred from mathematics without making a clear distinction - this posts is a part of series where he basically pitches that tagless final is often a bad solution and ZIO is a good one
paragraph says that tagless final often doesn't follow algebraic laws which means that we cannot e.g. consider IO monid/semigroup and similar. Which is true. But it doesn't mean that these constructs cannot obey some contracts (called laws) because the do and that is the whole point of Cats Effect
nobody can force you to write laws for algebras, because laws are basically some particular way of writing specification/tests where you write a separate test for some class of interfaces and then for every implementation you can instantiate this test to check if your implementation fulfill contracts - and yes, nobody can force you to write test for your code. However, that can be said about virtually everything we code, and TTFI give you benefit of making it easier to specify a common behavior of widely different implementations, and then writing your code and tests carefully, sticking to the part of contract that is vital for a particular piece of code while also making these dependencies on contracts explicit
So yes, nobody can force you to write laws for your algebras, but people who implement them in libraries actually do this, and if you write your own algebras, you are encouraged to do so, so this argument is stretched and eristic.

What is the primary technical challenge that Scala's implicit solves? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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While learning Scala, I found the concept of implicit difficult to rationalize. It allows one to pass values implicitly, without explicitly mentioning them.
What is its purpose for being and what is the problem that it seeks to solve?
At it's heart, implicit is a way of extending the behavior of values of a type in a way that's fully controllable on a local level in your program, and external to the original code that defines those values. It's one approach to solving the expression problem.
It lets you keep your core classes focused on their most fundamental structure and behavior, and factor out higher-level behaviors. It's used to achieve ad hoc polymorphism, where two formally unrelated data types can be seamlessly adapted to the same interface, so that they can be treated as instances of the same type.
For example, rather than your data model classes containing JSON serialization behavior, you can store that behavior elsewhere, and implicitly augment an object with the ability to serialize itself. This amounts to defining in an implicit instance, which specifies how your object can be viewed as "JSON serializable", rather than its original type, and it's done without editing real type of the object.
There are several forms of implicit, which are pretty thoroughly covered elsewhere. Use cases include enhance-my-library pattern, the typeclass pattern, implicit conversions, and dependency injection.
What's really interesting to me, in the context of this question, is how this differs from approaches in other languages.
Enhance-my-library and typeclasses
In many other languages, you accomplish this by monkey patching (typically where there is no type checking) or extension methods. These approaches have the downside of composing unpredictably and applying globally. In statically typed languages without a way of opening classes, you usually have to make explicit adapters. This has the downside of a lot of boilerplate. In both static and dynamic languages, you may also be able to use reflection, but usually with a lot of ceremony and complexity.
In Haskell, typeclasses exist as a first-class concept. They're global, though, so you don't get the local control over what typeclass is applied in a given situation. In Scala, you control what implicits are in scope locally, through the modules you import. And you can always opt out of implicit resolution entirely by passing parameters explicitly.
People advocate for global versus local resolution of typeclasses one way or the other, depending on who you ask.
Implicit conversions
A lot of other languages have no way to accomplish this. But it's become pretty frowned upon in Scala, so maybe this is for good reason.
There's a paper about type classes with older slides and discussion.
Being able implicitly to pass an object that encodes a type class simplifies the boilerplate.
Odersky just responded to a critique of implicits that
Scala would not be Scala if it did not have implicit parameters and
That suggests they solve a challenge that is central to the design of the language. In other words, supporting type classes is not an ancillary concern.
Its a deep question really It is something that is very powerful and you can use them to write abstract code eg typeclasses etc i can recommend some tutorials that you may look into and then we can haved a chat maybe sometime :)
It is all about providing sensible defaults in your code.
Also the magic of invoking apparently non existent methods on objects which just seems to work! All that good stuff is done via implicits.
But for all its power it may cause people to write some really bad code as well.
Please do watch Nick Partridge's presentation here and i am sure if you code along with him you will understand why and how to approach implicits.
Watch it here
Dick Walls excellent presentation with live coding
Watch both parts.

Scala will stack overflow in tail recursion without trampolines, which language manages this? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm studying functional programming using Scala, and came across this nice talk by Runar Bjarnason
Are there languages that already deal with this problem:
tail recursion elimination (without using trampoline or other
explicit construct)
I know that Scala can convert self call tail recursion to a loop, thus avoiding creation of stacks, but there are recursion that scala compiler does not accept #annotation.tailrec as presented on the clip at 3min - 7m.
The language sought after here is functional, has compile time type system, and has lazy evaluation.
When the above is answered, I check the question answered. But it would be nice to know if also the other language features presented by Bjarnason are managed already by some language:
- kind reference
- better type inference
- unboxed function references
The Scheme language (part of the lisp family) is guaranteed by the language specification to perform tail call optimization. However it doesn't have any of the nice language features you mention.
For a modern functional language with a powerful optimizing compiler (performs TCO and much more) with all the powerful language features you're asking for, I highly recommend Haskell

iPhone app: scale of testing unit in unit test [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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When I was looking into unit testing for iPhone projects, I found that it is hard to decide the scale of unit in unit testing, so if I have three methods A, B and C, I can test each of them, but sometimes you need to call A before B in order to make B making sense, for example, if I have addImageWithName: and removeImageWithName:, then I need to first add an image, in order to test if removeImageWithName: really works.
So it is the decision between black box single method test or functional test(functional means a function of the application which may involve more than one method), if the time is tight then I cannot go with both of them, so what is the pros and cons of these two approaches?
What I can think of:
=== single method test ===
- easy to write test case, as you only need to deal with input/output of individual methods
- methods need to highly decoupled, so one method does not rely on another
- sometimes impossible for example the undo method has to rely on a 'do' method.
=== functional test ===
- higher level than per method test, as this targets at functions of the app
- not easy to write test case, if the function is complicated
- may not cover all the cases for each individual method involved in a particular function
So what should be the correct decision?
Thanks !
Single method test it the best way to write unit test in xcode. Anyway if your function depends on another function to complete the you can use asynchronous unit test, Use GHUnit test framework for testing the async methods.BTW: what you are using, OCUnit or GHUnit for testing?hope this help

What is the purpose of Scala programming language? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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It is my opinion that every language was created for a specific purpose. What was Scala created for and what problems does it best solve?
One of the things mentioned in talks by Martin Odersky on Scala is it being a language which scales well to tackle various problems. He wasn't talking about scaling in the sense of performance but in the sense that the language itself can seem to be expanded via libraries. So that:
val lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock
lock withReadLock {
//do stuff
Looks like there is some special syntactic sugar for dealing with j.u.c locks. But this is not the case, it's just using the scala language in such a way as it appears to be. The code is more readable, isn't it?
In particular the various parsing rules of the scala language make it very easy to create libraries which look like a domain-specific language (or DSL). Look at scala-test for example:
describe("MyCoolClass") {
it("should do cool stuff") {
val c = new MyCoolClass
c.prop should be ("cool")
(There are lots more examples of this - I found out this one yesterday). There is much talk about which new features are going in the Java language in JDK7 (project coin). Many of these features are special syntactic sugar to deal with some specific issue. Scala has been designed with some simple rules that mean new keywords for every little annoyance are not needed.
Another goal of Scala was to bridge the gap between functional and object-oriented languages. It contains many constructs inspired (i.e. copied from!) functional languages. I'm thing of the incredibly powerful pattern-matching, the actor-based concurrency framework and (of course) first- and higher-order functions.
Of course, your question said that there was a specific purpose and I've just given 3 separate reasons; you'll probably have to ask Martin Odersky!
One more of the original design goals was of course to create a language which runs on the Java Virtual Machine and is fully interoperable with Java classes. This has (at least) two advantages:
you can take advantage of the ubiquity, stability, features and reputation of the JVM. (think management extensions, JIT compilation, advanced Garbage Collection etc)
you can still use all your favourite Java libraries, both 3rd party and your own. If this wasn't the case, it would be a significant obstacle to using Scala commercially in many cases (mine for example).
Agree with previous answers but recommend the Introduction to An Overview of the Scala Programming Language:
The work on Scala stems from a research effort to develop better language support for component software. There are two hypotheses that we would like to validate with the Scala experiment. First, we postulate that a programming language for component software needs to be scalable in the sense that the same concepts can describe small as well as large parts. Therefore, we concentrate on mechanisms for abstraction, composition, and decomposition rather than adding a large set of primitives which might be useful for components at some level of scale, but not at other levels. Second, we postulate that scalable support for components can be provided by a programming language which unifes and generalizes object-oriented and functional programming. For statically typed languages, of which Scala is an instance, these two paradigms were up to now largely separate. (Odersky)
I'd personally classify Scala alongside Python in terms of which problems it solves and how. The conspicuous difference and occasional complaint is Type complexity. I agree Scala's abstractions are complicated and at times seemingly convoluted but for a few points:
They're also mostly optional.
Scala's compiler is like free testing and documentation as cyclomatic complexity and lines of code escalate.
When aptly implemented Scala can perform otherwise all but impossible operations behind consistent and coherent APIs. From Scala 2.8 Collections:
For instance, a String (or rather: its backing class RichString) can be seen as a sequence of Chars, yet it is not a generic collection type. Nevertheless, mapping a character to character map over a RichString should again yield a RichString, as in the following interaction with the Scala REPL:
scala> "abc" map (x => (x + 1).toChar)
res1: scala.runtime.RichString = bcd
But what happens if one applies a function from Char to Int to a string? In that case, we cannot produce a string as result, it has to be some sequence of Int elements instead. Indeed one gets:
"abc" map (x => (x + 1))
res2: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int] = Vector(98, 99, 100)
So it turns out that map yields different types depending on what the result type of the passed function argument is! (Odersky)
Since it's functional and uses actors (as I understand it, please comment if I've got this wrong) it makes it very easy to scale nearly anything up to any number of CPUs.
That said, I see Scala as kind of a test bed for new language features. Throw in the kitchen sink and see what happens.
My personal opinion is that for any apps involving a team of more than 3 people you are more productive with a language with Very Simple and Restrictive Syntax just because the entire job becomes more how you interact with others as opposed to just coding to make the computer do something.
The more people you add, the more time you are going to spend explaining what ?: means or the difference between | and || as applied to two booleans (In Java, you'll find very few people know).