Async call issue with google actions appeared out of nowhere - actions-on-google

I had an action published and working fine . I made no changes to the code.
Suddenly it gives an error saying this:
Error: No response has been set. Is this being used in an async call that was not returned as a promise to the intent handler?
This is the problematic area of the code, I updated fetch and still nothing works.
Updated fetch, now showing "fetch": "^1.1.0", in package.json
return fetch("").then(function(response){
console.log("this step");
return response.json(); // process it inside the `then`
if (! && ! {
currentquestion = response[questionnumber].n111.toString();
const ssml =
'<speak>' +
currentquestion +
How could this suddenly stop working?
In the code it also goes to a randomizer function that determines questionnumber.


Flutter Await for websocket response

I've solved this problem using a Future function and using Completer inside the function.
I am getting some Images from my server with websockets.
I have a function that emits an event with the name of the image that I need and sends an event with the Image, that is working fine, but I need my App to wait for the return of my function because my app is calling the function and trying to go to the next page without the image.
Can someone explain to me how can I make my app wait for my function to return ?
I am using Stream Builder now but I can't return the data from my function.
Stream<List> getFile(List imageL) async*{
List downloadedData = List();
socket.emit("PostsImagem", (imageL));
socket.on("ImagemPost", (dados) {
downloadedData = dados;
imageL = List();
//I can't return the downloadedData because is inside the //socket.on()

How to detect Google places AutoComplete load issues?

I'm using the API successfully but encountered an error this morning with "OOPS! Something went wrong" sitting in the textbox and the user cannot type into it. I found the issue to be key related and fixed, however, this brought to light that some issue may arise and the user cannot complete because of this blocking. I'd like to be able to detect in javascript if there is some issue with the google.maps.places.Autocomplete object and not bind it to the textbox.
For anyone else wanting to do this.
Thanks to the folks for the idea over at:
Capturing javascript console.log?
// error filter to capture the google error
(function () {
var oldError = console.error;
console.error = function (message) {
if (message.toLowerCase().includes("google maps api error")) {
document.getElementById('<%=hdnGoogleSelected.ClientID %>').value = "DISABLE";
oldError.apply(console, arguments);
Mine is in an update panel so I triggered the update which sets the onfocus back to; for the textbox which effectively disables the autocomplete attempts.
tbAddress1.Attributes["onfocus"] = ";";
Another option:
Google will return an error after about 5 seconds from loading.
"gm-err-autocomplete" class indicates any error with the autocomplete component.
You can periodically check for the error class google returns. I do it for 10 seconds after loading:
function checkForGoogleApiErrors() {
var secCounter = 0;
var googleErrorCheckinterval = setInterval(function () {
if (document.getElementById("AddressAutocomplete").classList.contains("gm-err-autocomplete")) {
console.log("error detected");
if (secCounter === 10){
}, 1000);

Ionic Worklight Page not displaying after HTTP request

I'm having an issue displaying the content in the page after the Worklight http request has been executed.
The weird thing is that when I go to another page and I come back, the content gets displayed. It's like if it needs to be refreshed or something. I can see the console.log() data was received, but page was not refreshed.
This is my code:
$stateProvider.state('accounts', {
url: "/accounts",
templateUrl: 'views/accounts.html',
controller: function($scope, $ionicScrollDelegate, $rootScope){
var req = new WLResourceRequest("/adapters/JavaMQ/bankmq/getAccounts/"+$rootScope.globalReqUserId, WLResourceRequest.GET);
var x2js = new X2JS();
resp.responseText = x2js.xml_str2json(resp.responseText); //to JSON
$scope.reqUserId = resp.responseText['ASI_Message']['Riyad_Bank_Header']['Requestor_User_ID'];
$scope.accountsList = resp.responseText['ASI_Message']['Repeating_Group_Section']['Repeating_Group'];
I noticed that I also keep getting the following when I moved the project to Windows (Never happened in my mac)
Deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds
Channel not fired: onCordovaInfoReady
Channel not fired: onCordovaConnectionReady
I don't really know Worklight but the documentation indicate that the send().then() handles both the onSuccess and onFailure.
Maybe the then() is expecting 2 parameters like this:
var request = WLResourceRequest(url, method, timeout);
function(response) {
// success flow
function(error) {
// fail flow
If that doesn't work, can you put a breakpoint at the start of var x2js = new X2JS(); and tell us what happens?

shareThis click/hover events with AJAX

I am running into an issue where I am making an AJAX call to load images into a carousel, and it is breaking the shareThis click/hover events that are associated with each image (email, twitter, and facebook).
I have read all over that by doing
it should resolve the issue, but it does not. Nothing happens and the buttons remain unclickable/no hover event. I have also tried reloading the script:
var switchTo5x = true;
$.getScript('//', function () {
stLight.options({ "publisher": "publisher-code" });
and that just leads to button.js throwing this error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'process' of null".
Any thoughts on how I can rebind the events?
I ended up figuring out a solution, although there is still an error being thrown by button.js.
Before I run getScript, I set stButtons to null and that solved my issue. Here was the end result:
if (stButtons) {
// Reset the share this buttons to null
stButtons = null;
try {
// Reload the script from scratch
var switchTo5x = true;
$.getScript('//', function () {
stLight.options({ "publisher": "pub-id" });
catch (err) { }
I am still getting this error from button.js: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'messageQueueInstance' of null. But, it is working now. Will look more into this error another time.

Titanium xhr events not firing

I have been trying to get a simple xhr request to work but for some unknown reasons nothing happens, not even the onerror function fires off.
var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();
xhr.onload = function() {
xhr.onerror = function() {
I have tried this with a new created project and still no luck. Using little snitch I noticed that a connection is made by the app to the given url ... but still nothing fires off.
What am I missing?
Also I'm developing on an iPhone Simulator.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the XHR request - the Titanium.API.log function takes two arguments, but you're only giving it one, so it's probably just not printing to the console. The Titanium documentation is down at the moment so I can't link you to the correct API, but if you change your code to use, for example, you should see something printed. This works for me:
var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();
xhr.onload = function() {'Success');
xhr.onerror = function() {'Error');