Use cropVariants with FilesProcessor - typo3

I'm using the layout-field of tt_content to render textmedia in different ways. I get the images by using FilesProcessor.
tt_content.textmedia = CASE
tt_content.textmedia {
key.field = layout
default < temp.textmedia
# newElement
newElement {
file = EXT:.../newElement.html
dataProcessing.10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor
dataProcessing.10 {
references {
table = tt_content
fieldName = assets
as = images
How can I access the cropVariants?

Simple solution ...
temp.textmedia < tt_content.textmedia
tt_content.textmedia = CASE
tt_content.textmedia {
key.field = layout
default < temp.textmedia
# newElement
newElement < temp.textmedia
newElement {
templateName = MasonryGallery


Use a specific typo3 page for default meta tags

Like the title says, I'd like to manage default meta tags with a specific typo3 page.
I figured out the text-fields like
og:description {
data = DB:pages:49:og_description
override {
required = 1
data = field:og_description
But it won't work with
og:image {
cObject {
file { = DB:pages:49:og_image
treatIdAsReference = 1
import.listNum = 0
What am I missing?
With a little more research and try and error (There is no fileId in page) i got his working
og:image {
attribute = property
stdWrap.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE
stdWrap.cObject {
file { = DB:pages:156:og_image
import.listNum = 0
begin = 0
maxItems = 1
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj {
stdWrap.typolink {
parameter.stdWrap {
cObject {
file { = file:current:crop
cropVariant = facebook_variant1 = file:current:uid
returnLast = url
forceAbsoluteUrl = 1
required = 1
Its alle fine, BUT: This won't add the URL to the Image. (should be exact the Same)
twitter:image {
attribute = property
stdWrap.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE
stdWrap.cObject {
file { = DB:pages:156:twitter_image
import.listNum = 0
begin = 0
maxItems = 1
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj {
stdWrap.typolink {
parameter.stdWrap {
cObject {
file { = file:current:crop
cropVariant = facebook_variant1 = file:current:uid
returnLast = url
forceAbsoluteUrl = 1
required = 1

How to get first image in tt_content for meta og:image

I'm trying to fetch the first existing image in tt_content to be used in Open Graph (og:image) if any images in tt_content.
page.headerData {
1 = COA
1 {
10 = FILES
10 {
references {
table = tt_content
uid.field = uid
fieldName = image
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj {
typolink { = file:current:publicUrl
forceAbsoluteUrl = 1
returnLast = url
wrap = |,
stdWrap {
listNum = 0
# Use logo image if none is available
ifEmpty.cObject = TEXT
ifEmpty.cObject.typolink {
parameter = typo3conf/ext/my_ext/Resources/Public/Images/logo.png
forceAbsoluteUrl = 1
returnLast = url
wrap = <meta property="og:image" content="|">
The code above only returns the fallback (logo). Great for pages and tt_content without images, but I would expect different from pages with image(s) in tt_content.
I report here the nice snippet found on
I simplified it a bit; hope it is not too much simplified but it should work:
page.headerData.200 = CONTENT
page.headerData.200 {
table = tt_content
select {
where = {#colPos}=0
selectFields = uid
renderObj = FILES
renderObj {
references {
table = tt_content
uid.field = uid
fieldName = image
maxItems = 1
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj {
data = file:current:publicUrl
stdWrap {
wrap = <meta name="og:image" content="|" >
Here is #riccardo-de-contardi's snippet with a fallback
page.headerData.1569221029 = CONTENT
page.headerData.1569221029 {
table = tt_content
select {
where = {#colPos}=0
selectFields = uid
renderObj = FILES
renderObj {
references {
table = tt_content
uid.field = uid
fieldName = image
maxItems = 1
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj {
data = file:current:publicUrl
stdWrap {
wrap = |,
stdWrap {
listNum = 0
# Use logo image if none is available
ifEmpty.cObject = TEXT
ifEmpty.cObject.typolink {
parameter = typo3conf/ext/my_ext/Resources/Public/Images/logo.png
forceAbsoluteUrl = 1
returnLast = url
wrap = <meta property="og:image" content="|">

Override FILES with fallback

I get the images for a slider via data = level media:-1,slide
On a news-single-page I want to use the news-images instead of. So I put the code for this in conditions [globalVar = GP:tx_news_pi1|news > 0] and get the images of the news. All ok. But I want to show the level media, if there is no news-image. How can I do this?
Here’s the TypoScript:
lib.keyVisual = COA
lib.keyVisual {
10 = FILES
10 {
references {
data = levelmedia:-1,slide
renderObj = COA
renderObj.10 = IMAGE
renderObj.10 {
file { = file:current:uid
treatIdAsReference = 1
width = {$keyVisualWidth}
#width.field >
height = {$keyVisualHeight}
renderObj.20 = COA
renderObj.20 {
1 = TEXT
1 {
data = file:current:title
required = 1
wrap = <h3>|</h3>
2 = TEXT
2 {
data = file:current:description
required = 1
wrap = <p>|</p>
stdWrap.wrap = <div class="imageCaptionBox">|</div>
stdWrap.required = 1
renderObj.wrap = <li>|</li>
wrap = <section id="keyvisual" class="keyvisual fullWidth"><ul class="slider nav">|</ul></section>
[globalVar = GP:tx_news_pi1|news > 0]
lib.keyVisual {
10 {
references {
data >
table = tx_news_domain_model_news = GP:tx_news_pi1|news
fieldName = fal_media
# only images with showinpreview
renderObj.if {
value = 1 = file:current:showinpreview
Work with the ifEmpty stdWrap option.
If your COA is empty you can render the default image with this option.
simple example to explain:
[globalVar = GP:tx_news_pi1|news > 0]
lib.keyVisual {
stdWrap.ifEmpty.cObject < .10
#overrides for news picture
10 {
all conditions have an [else] so you do not need to redefine.
[globalVar = GP:tx_news_pi1|news > 0]
lib.keyVisual {
... from news...
lib.keyVisual {
... from levelmedia ...
then you need to distinguish wether an image is availabel for the news.
[globalVar = GP:tx_news_pi1|news > 0]
lib.keyVisual = COA
lib.keyVisual {
10 {
// get news record and then get file
... from news...
if.empty.field = media
20 = FILES
20 {
... from levelmedia ...
if {
empty.field = media
negate = 1
lib.keyVisual {
... from levelmedia ...
that could be optimized by using a temp object for the levelmedia usage which gets copied.
temp.levelmediaImage {
[globalVar = GP:tx_news_pi1|news > 0]
kib.keyVisual = COA
lib.keyVisual {
10 {
// get news record and then get file
... from news...
if.empty.field = media
20 < temp.levelmediaImage
20 {
if {
empty.field = media
negate = 1
lib.keyVisual < temp.levelmediaImage

Image processing configuration

I need help with image processing configuration in Typo3 7.6.4. All images are being processed no matter how big they are. That causes that the images are not in original size and unsharp, renamed and copied in processed folder. I would like to configure image processing so that it is activated only if images have some specific size (px or kb/mb). For example if image have more than 1MB or if the is width more than 800px, than processed it otherwise leave it as it is and link to original file (no copy, no processing). Thanks
page.10 {
template = CASE
template { = levelfield:-1,backend_layout_next_level,slide
key.override.field = backend_layout
1 = FILE
1.file = fileadmin/templates/sitename/main_1_column.html
2 = FILE
2.file = fileadmin/templates/sitename/main_2_column.html
partialRootPath = fileadmin/templates/sitename/partials/
layoutRootPath = fileadmin/templates/sitename/layouts/
variables {
siteName = TEXT
siteName.value = sitename
header < styles.content.get = colPos = 0
contentMain < styles.content.get = colPos = 1
content_column_1 < styles.content.get = colPos = 1
content_column_2 < styles.content.get = colPos = 2
footer < styles.content.get = colPos = 3
tt_content {
stdWrap {
innerWrap {
cObject {
default.20.40 = CASE
default.20.40 {
key.field = layout
default = TEXT
default.value = img-responsive
innerWrap2 >
image {
20 {
1 {
params.cObject = TEXT
params.cObject {
wrap = class="|"
cObject < tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject.default.20.40
sourceCollection >
sourceCollection {
big {
maxW = 5000
dataKey = big
small {
maxW = 500
dataKey = small
smallLandscape {
maxW = 800
dataKey = smallLandscape
maxW = 5000

My manually built TYPO3 lightbox isn't working properly

In a COA, I have this TypoScript to add an image linked to a larger copy of itself. But the Javascript plugin I'm using (Colorbox) isn't able to resize the image properly.
20 {
wrap = <div class="lightbox clearfix">|</div>
required = 1
table = tt_content
select.languageField = sys_language_uid
select.where = colPos = 2
select.selectFields = bodytext,image,header
10 = FILES
10 {
required = 1
references {
table = tt_content
fieldName = image
renderObj = IMAGE
renderObj { = file:current:originalUid // file:current:uid
imageLinkWrap = 1
imageLinkWrap {
enable = 1
width = 1600m
height = 1600m
JSwindow = 0
linkParams.ATagParams {
// =
dataWrap = class = "lightbox-group" title="{file:current:description}"
What's up?
Here's the correct TypoScript. I'm sharing it because it is a legacy weirdness others might stumble upon too.
You have to set imageLinkWrap.directImageLink = 1, else imageLinkWrap won't deliver the image itself, but a HTML page containing that image!
20 {
wrap = <div class="lightbox clearfix">|</div>
required = 1
table = tt_content
select.languageField = sys_language_uid
select.where = colPos = 2
select.selectFields = bodytext,image,header
10 = FILES
10 {
required = 1
references {
table = tt_content
fieldName = image
renderObj = IMAGE
renderObj { = file:current:originalUid // file:current:uid
imageLinkWrap = 1
imageLinkWrap {
enable = 1
width = 1600m
height = 1600m
directImageLink = 1
JSwindow = 0
linkParams.ATagParams {
// =
dataWrap = class = "lightbox-group" title="{file:current:description}"