Opening Uber app via deeplink (uber://) doesn't use the pick-up and drop-off location parameters - uber-api

We've got an iOS and Android app where we plan a trip, with the possibility to open the Uber app to request an Uber. As you already entered your pick-up and drop-off location, we use the "Standard Deep Links" functionality (see link (A) below). We pass the pick-up and drop-off location by the parameters described in the Uber documentation.
Since a while, the Uber app doesn't use the pick-up and drop-off location parameters anymore. For instance the following link just opens the Uber app and doesn't pre-select the trip.
Can anyone from the Uber developer team look in to this? Why is this link not working anymore?
Thanks in advance!

You can use this website to generate a deeplink:
Afterwards just replace with uber://


DialogFlow: Google Calendar Event function from Google Actions (Oauth2)?

I have created an agent in DialogFlow that interacts with the user giving her the ability to check for details like demographic from a back-end database. I have achieved this using Fulfillment/Webhook calls and have successfully parsed/returned different types of Responses to the user to play with. I have tested this on both an Android device and the Google Actions Simulator.
Now, what I want to achieve is to give user the ability to "Set a Reminder" on a platform like Google Calendar or similar through my App. By default, Google Assistant does this by simply telling it to "remind me..." and Google creates a reminder in the calendar. But as soon as I invoke my app, the Assistant is out of scope so using the "remind me" command won't work. I want to use the Google Calendar for example to create a reminder through my agent so that the user is notified at the due time.
I understand that when the user invokes an App in Google Assistant, she is using her Google credentials so I guess if I want to use the App to create a reminder, I should have the option. I have had a look at the Calendar API but I am not sure if I should proceed that way. Is there a better way of achieving this?
Please note, I want to use a reminder service that is available to the user without subscribing to a third-party service.
The Calendar API is the way to go. Details here.
In those docs you'll see reference to the access token, which you can get by using the helper intent askForSignIn (example of use here in one of Google's example projects).
Hope this helps!
So for all those who are facing the same issue, here is what I did:
First created an account on
Followed this guide to configure the necessary settings to link to Google Assistant (ignored the Jovo part)
Used Auth0 guide to configure and link to my Google project credentials (ignored the Admins SDK Service part)
Now when I run my Google Actions App on the device, a button "Link [App Name] to Google" showed up. Clicking on that "signed me in".
Parsed the response in my webhook to grab
This is the token mentioned in #lukedavis answer. The next step was to use the token to execute a call to the Calendar API. Upon trying that, I am facing a different problem which I am trying to find the solution for. But the above should assist those who wish get the accessToken.

How to jump to a specific ride over the deep link API

is there a way to jump directly to a specific ride over the Uber deep link API? With the setPickup action I can directly request a new ride. Is there an action like 'showPickup' which would open the Uber app and jump directly to a specific ride?
Thanks for a reply
No, it is not currently possible to go to a specific ride id. That said, it shouldn't ever be needed as Uber only support a single ride per rider at any given time so if you open the app while the user is on-trip it will always open to the existing ride.

How to test the Uber deep links API?

we are developping an app which gives the user a list of travel proposals. The list will also include a travel proposal with Uber.
To book a Uber travel, our app will start the Uber app over the deep links API. After booking the user will be able to jump back to our app with the trip branding feature.
How can we test this? Does Uber provide a test app? Or do we have to use the productive app for this?
Thank you for a reply.
You can test using the production app by generating a deep link from your app. See more details in the deep linking documentation.

how to `gain access to the mobile Uber site`? error with Deep linking for Mobile Web

I am following the docs for deep linking here:
Well, I can open the site, and I choose login, I typed my password and press return, and I see this:
Please download the Uber app or visit to request access to the mobile Uber site.
I don't even know what it means. Anyone have any idea?
This is happening because Uber wants your app to open the Uber app and not the mobile site. The mobile site is available for users who cannot get the Uber app to work - but a user must request access to it.
Users can request access to the mobile site here:
I honestly don't know why it's not open to the public by default... and why Uber links don't automatically open the Uber app. I feel like there's a design flaw with this, because web apps can't open the Uber app via the Uber URL.
An intent filter could have been added that catches the URL and opens the App.
Overall, and at the time of this writing, Uber is still very buggy.

Which Platform to choose for a Facebook App based on Qt (Symbian) using Graph api v2?

I'm making my first Facebook App with Qt on Symbian. I've created it on Facebook Developer, but to get it through a permission review (it only posts on the users timeline) I need to add a Platform, but I don't know which one too choose since the OS or Qt are not listed there, I have auth enabled in the settings too.
Does anyone know which one I need to choose to get the App approved and working?