Is there any kubectl command to poll until all the pod roll to new code? - kubernetes

I am building deploy pipeline. I Need a "kubectl" command that would tell me that rollout is completed to all the pods then I can deploy to next stage.

The Deployment documentation suggests kubectl rollout status, which among other things will return a non-zero exit code if the deployment isn't complete. kubectl get deployment will print out similar information (how many replicas are expected, available, and up-to-date), and you can add a -w option to watch it.
For this purpose you can also consider using one of the Kubernetes APIs. You can "get" or "watch" the deployment object, and get back something matching the structure of a Deployment object. Using that you can again monitor the replica count, or the embedded condition list, and decide if it's ready or not. If you're using the "watch" API you'll continue to get updates as the object status changes.
The one trick here is detecting failed deployments. Say you're deploying a pod that depends on a database; usual practice is to configure the pod with the hostname you expect the database to have, and just crash (and get restarted) if it's not there yet. You can briefly wind up in CrashLoopBackOff state when this happens. If your application or deployment is totally wrong, of course, you'll also wind up in CrashLoopBackOff state, and your deployment will stop progressing. There's not an easy way to tell these two cases apart; consider an absolute timeout.


Kubernetes rolling deploy: terminate a pod only when there are no containers running

I am trying to deploy updates to pods. However I want the current pods to terminate only when all the containers inside the pod have terminated and their process is complete.
The new pods can keep waiting to start untill all container in the old pods have completed. We have a mechanism to stop old pods from picking up new tasks and therefore they should eventually terminate.
It's okay if twice the pods exist at some instance of time. I tried finding solution for this in kubernetes docs but wan't successful. Pointers on how / if this is possible would be helpful.
well I guess then you may have to create a duplicate kind of deployment with new image as required and change the selector in service to new deployment, which will prevent external traffic from entering pre-existing pods and new calls can go to new pods. Then later you can check for something like -
Kubectl top pods -c containers
and if the load appears to be static and low, then preferrably you can delete the old pods related deployment later.
But for this thing everytime the service selectors have to be updated and likely for keeping track of things you can append the git commit hash to the service selector to keep it unique everytime.
But rollback to previous versions if required from inside Kubernetes cluster will be difficult, so preferably you can trigger the wanted build again.
I hope this makes some sense !!

How to get status history/lineage for Kubernetes pods

I was wondering if there is a kubectl command to quickly get the history of all STATUS for a given pod?
for example: Lets say a pod - my-test-pod went from ContainerCreating to Running to OomKill to Terminating:
I was wondering if there is a command that experts use to get this lineage. Appreciate a nudge..
Using kubectl get events you can only see events of last 1 hour. If you want to persist events for a longer duration you can sue eventrouter.The event router serves as an active watcher of event resource in the kubernetes system, which takes those events and pushes them to a user specified sink. This is useful for a number of different purposes, but most notably long term behavioral analysis of your workloads running on your kubernetes cluster.
kubectl get events or kubectl describe pod which shows the events for the pod at the bottom. However events are only kept for a little while, so it's not a permanent history. For that you would need some webhooks or a tool like Prometheus.

kubectl - Retrieving the current/"new" replicaset for a deployment in json format

We're trying to build some simple automation to detect if a deployment has finished a rolling update or not, or if a rolling update has failed. The naive way (which we do today) is to simply get all the pods for the deployment, and wait until they're ready. We look at all the pods, and if one of the pods have restarted 3 or more times (since we started the update), we roll back the update. This works fine most of the time. The times it doesn't, is when the current version that is deployed is in a failing state for any reason, so that the existing pods are continuously restarting, triggering a rollback from our end.
So the idea I had was to monitor the pods in the new replicaset that is being rolled out after I initiate a rolling update. This way we won't detect failing pods in the previous version as failures of the rolling update. I have found out how to find the pods within a replicaset (PS: I use powershell as my shell but hopefully the translation to bash or whatever you prefer is fairly straight forward):
kubectl get pod -n <namespace> -l <selector> -o json | ConvertFrom-Json | Where {$ -eq <replicaset-name>}
And I can easily find which replicaset belongs to a deployment using the same method, just querying for replicasets and filtering on their ownerReference again.
HOWEVER, a deployment has at least two replicasets during a rolling update: The new, and the old. I can see the names of those if I use "kubectl describe deployment" -- but that's not very automation-friendly without some text processing. It seems like a fragile way to do it. It would be great if I could find the same information in the json, but seems that doesn't exist.
So, my question is: How do I find the connection between the deployments and the current/old replicaset, preferably in JSON format? Is there some other resource that "connects" these two, or is there some information on the replicasets themselves I can use to distinguish the new from the old replicaset?
The deployment will indicate the current "revision" of the replica set with the annotation.
annotations: "4"
This will exist on both the deployment and the replicaset. The replicaset with revision N-1 will be the "old" one.
The way used in kubectl source code is:
which means:
Select all replicaSets created by deployment;
Sort them by creationTimestamp;
Choose the most recent one, which is the current new replicaset;

Kubernetes Queue with Pod Per Work Item autoscaling

I want an application to pull an item off a queue, process the item on the queue and then destroy itself. Pull -> Process -> Destroy.
I've looked at using the job pattern Queue with Pod Per Work Item as that fits the usecase however it isn't appropriate when I need the job to autoscale aka 0/1 pods when queue is empty and scale to a point when items are added. The only way I can see doing this is via a deployment but that removes the pattern of Queue with Pod per Work Item. There must be a fresh container per item.
Is there a way to have the job pattern Queue with Pod Per Work Item but with auto-scaling?
I am a bit confused, so I'll just say this: if you don't mind a failed pod, and you wish that a failed pod will not be recreated by Kubernetes, you can do that in your code by catching all errors and exiting gracefully (not advised).
Please also note, that for deployments, the only accepted restartPolicy is always. So pods of a deployments who crash will always be restarted by Kubernetes, and will probably fails for the same reason, leading to a CrashLoopBackOff.
If you want to scale a deployment depending on the length of a RabbitMQ queue's length, check KEDA. It is an event-driven autoscaling platform.
Make sure to also check their example with RabbitMQ
Another possibility is a job/deployment, that routinely checks the length of the queue in question and executes kubectl commands to scale your deployment.
Here is the cleanest one I could find, at least for my taste

Is there the concept of uploading a Deployment without causing pods to start?

(I am (all things considered) a Kubernetes rookie.)
I know that kubectl create -f myDeployment.yaml will send my deployment specification off to the cluster to be reified, and if it says to start three replicas of its contained pod template then Kubernetes will set about starting up three pods.
I wonder: is there a Kubernetes concept or practice of somehow uploading the deployment for reference later and then "activating" it later? Perhaps by, say, changing replicas from zero to some positive number? If this is not a meaningful question, or this isn't the Right Way To Think About Things, I'd appreciate pointers as well.
I don't think you idea would work well with Kubernetes. Firstly, there so no way of "pausing" a Deployment or any other ReplicationController or ReplicaSet, besides setting the replicas to 0, as you mentioned.
The next issue is, that the YAML you would get from the apiserver isn't the same as you created. The controller manager adds some annotations, default values and statuses. So it would be hard to verify the Deployment that way.
IMO a better way to verify Deployments is to add them to a version control system and peer-review the YAML files. Then you can create or update is on the apiserver with kubectl apply -f myDeployment.yaml. If the Deployment is wrong in term of syntax, then kubectl will complain about it and you could patch the Deployment accordingly. This also simplifies the update procedure of Deployments.
Deployment can be paused, please refer , or see information with kubectl rollout pause -h.
You can adjust replicas of a paused deployment, but changes on pod template will not trigger a rollout. If the deployment is paused in the middle of a rollout, then it will not continue until you resume it.