Purpose of MethodCall list in Flutter plugin unit tests - plugins

The default unit test setup when you create a plugin looks like this:
void main() {
const MethodChannel channel = MethodChannel(
setUp(() {
channel.setMockMethodCallHandler((MethodCall methodCall) async {
return '42';
tearDown(() {
test('getPlatformVersion', () async {
expect(await MyPlugin.platformVersion, '42');
However, in a lot of the source code I see people using a List<MethodCall> called log. Here is an example:
test('setPreferredOrientations control test', () async {
final List<MethodCall> log = <MethodCall>[];
SystemChannels.platform.setMockMethodCallHandler((MethodCall methodCall) async {
await SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations(<DeviceOrientation>[
expect(log, hasLength(1));
expect(log.single, isMethodCall(
arguments: <String>['DeviceOrientation.portraitUp'],
I understand the mocking with setMockMethodCallHandler, but why use a list of MethodCall when you could just use one? If it were just one case I wouldn't may much attention, but I see the pattern over and over in the source code.

I believe the point is to verify that the method call handler was triggered exactly once (and therefore added ("logged") exactly one entry into the List<MethodCall>). If it were simply a MethodCall variable that changed from null to non-null, verifying that it was not triggered multiple times would be less straightforward.


How to refactor this code to avoid passing BuildContext between async scopes?

I have a PermissionsManager class, and I'm getting a "Do not use BuildContext across async gaps" for this particular method:
class PermissionsManager {
static Future<void> requestLocationPermission(BuildContext context) async {
final status = await Permission.location.request();
if (!status.isGranted) {
await showOpenSettingsDialog(context,
title: "Grant Location Access",
I thought about splitting this into multiple functions, but then the caller needs to check the status, and based on the status call another method that will show this dialog box.
Is there a way to do this in the same method and handle this build context issue?
Good question! Assuming you are in a "Stateful Widget", add if (mounted) check before using BuildContext across an async gap.
For example:
onPressed: () async {
final status = await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
if (mounted) { // <-- add this check
if (!status.isGranted) {
The reason we don't want to use BuildContext across an async gap is because the widget could've become unmounted during the wait. If we check if (mounted) we won't have this concern. Basically, if the widget is somehow destroyed during the wait, we just don't show the dialog any more.
If this is a stateless widget, you can convert it into a stateful one.
You can also read my detailed explanation on this topic here.
Store the NavigatorState before executing your requestLocationPermission function, and then use it to handle the navigation:
onPressed: () async {
final navigator = Navigator.of(context); // store the Navigator
await requestLocationPermission(navigator); // use the Navigator, not the BuildContext
class PermissionsManager {
static Future<void> requestLocationPermission(NavigatorState navigator) async {
final status = await Permission.location.request();
if (!status.isGranted) {
await showOpenSettingsDialog(
title: "Grant Location Access",
message: "TODO",
navigator.pop(); // Do whatever with your navigator;
This answer is basically a shorthand of: https://stackoverflow.com/a/69512692
Which I highly suggest for you to look at it for a more detailed explanation.

How can I get a changenotifier using a futureprovider with riverpod?

I am using shared_preferences for my app and I have made a Settings class with helper methods.
As part of the Settings method I use Settings.create to generate my SharedPreferences.
It looks like this:
class Settings extends ChangeNotifier {
final SharedPreferences prefs;
static Future<Settings> create() async {
var prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
return Settings(prefs);
// ### Helper Methods ###
I have used this post to try a solution and have come up with this:
FutureProvider<Settings> createSettings = FutureProvider<Settings>((ref) {
return Settings.create();
ChangeNotifierProvider<Settings> settingsProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider<Settings> ((ref) {
final settingsInstance = ref.watch(createSettings).maybeWhen(
data: (value) => value,
orElse: () => null,
return Settings(settingsInstance.prefs);
The problem I have now run into is that I get an Error because null is returned as long as the future has not completed.
I have hit a wall and am out of ideas. Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this?
Yeah, two options. Depending on the trade-offs you want to make.
Option 1 (just wait)
In main.dart inside the Future<void> main() async {} function, just wait for the call to get shared prefs and then manually set the state in a your providers (using a state provider).
So that looks like:
final settingsProvider = StateProvider<Settings>((_) => defaultValue);
// ^ You can also make the above nullable if you don't have a reasonable default. But to be fair, this default will never be called if you're always setting it in main.
Future<void> main() async {
final settings = await Settings.create();
final container = ProviderContainer();
container.read(settingsProvider.state).state = settings;
Option 2 (same idea, just don't wait)
The same as the above code, but don't wait in main. Just don't wait. Here's the difference:
Future<void> main() async {
final container = ProviderContainer();
container.read(settingsProvider.state).state = settings;
// The rest of your code...
Overview / Comparison
Option #1 is more simple to work with, but you may not be okay with waiting if you want a fast startup. But I doubt that it matters. In that case, if you have reasonable defaults, then use option #2
For the code on using Riverpod in main(), please reference this Github issue comment:

How to mock function in flutter test

How can I mock a function in flutter and verify it has been called n times?
Ive tried implementing Mock from mockito but it only throws errors:
class MockFunction extends Mock {
call() {}
test("onListen is called once when first listener is registered", () {
final onListen = MockFunction();
// Throws: Bad state: No method stub was called from within `when()`. Was a real method called, or perhaps an extension method?
bloc = EntityListBloc(onListen: onListen);
// If line with when call is removed this throws:
// Used on a non-mockito object
As a workaround I am just manually tracking the calls:
test("...", () {
int calls = 0;
bloc = EntityListBloc(onListen: () => calls++);
// ...
expect(calls, equals(1));
So is there a way I can create simple mock functions for flutter tests?
What you could do is this:
class Functions {
void onListen() {}
class MockFunctions extends Mock implements Functions {}
void main() {
test("onListen is called once when first listener is registered", () {
final functions = MockFunctions();
final bloc = EntityListBloc(onListen: functions.onListen);
The accepted answer is correct, but it doesn't represent a real-life scenario where you will probably want to substitute a top-level function with a mock or a fake. This article explains how to include top-level functions in your dependency injection composition so that you can substitute those functions with mocks.
You can compose dependency injection like this and point to top-level functions such as launchUrl with ioc_container.
IocContainerBuilder compose() => IocContainerBuilder(
allowOverrides: true,
(url, {mode, webOnlyWindowName, webViewConfiguration}) async =>
mode: mode ?? LaunchMode.platformDefault,
webViewConfiguration ?? const WebViewConfiguration(),
webOnlyWindowName: webOnlyWindowName,
..add((container) => MyApp(launchUrl: container<LaunchUrl>()));
Then, you can use the technique mentioned in the answer here to mock with Mocktail.
import 'package:fafsdfsdf/main.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class LaunchMock extends Mock {
Future<bool> call(
Uri url, {
LaunchMode? mode,
WebViewConfiguration? webViewConfiguration,
String? webOnlyWindowName,
void main() {
testWidgets('Test Url Launch', (tester) async {
//These allow default values
registerFallbackValue(const WebViewConfiguration());
//Create the mock
final mock = LaunchMock();
when(() => mock(
mode: any(named: 'mode'),
webViewConfiguration: any(named: 'webViewConfiguration'),
webOnlyWindowName: any(named: 'webOnlyWindowName'),
)).thenAnswer((_) async => true);
final builder = compose()
//Replace the launch function with a mock
await tester.pumpWidget(
//Tap the icon
await tester.tap(
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
verify(() => mock(flutterDevUri)).called(1);

Use a specific instance of a class inside an isolate

I am using an isolate through the compute() method to fetch, parse and sort datas from an API (around 10k entries).
My method getAllCards() is defined inside a class YgoProRepositoryImpl which has an instance of my remote datasource class YgoProRemoteDataSource it is in this class that the method to call my API is defined (it is a simple GET request).
Code Sample
class YgoProRepositoryImpl implements YgoProRepository {
final YgoProRemoteDataSource remoteDataSource;
// ...
required this.remoteDataSource,
// ...
// ...
static Future<List<YgoCard>> _fetchCards(_) async {
// As I'm inside an isolate I need to re-setup my locator
final cards = await sl<YgoProRemoteDataSource>()
.getCardInfo(GetCardInfoRequest(misc: true));
cards.sort((a, b) => a.name.compareTo(b.name));
return cards;
Future<List<YgoCard>> getAllCards() async {
final cards = await compute(_fetchCards, null);
return cards;
// ...
import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
import 'data/api/api.dart';
import 'data/datasources/remote/ygopro_remote_data_source.dart';
import 'data/repository/ygopro_repository_impl.dart';
import 'domain/repository/ygopro_repository.dart';
final sl = GetIt.instance;
void setupLocator() {
// ...
// ...
void _configDomain() {
//! Domain
// ...
// Repository
() => YgoProRepositoryImpl(
remoteDataSource: sl(),
// ...
void _configData() {
//! Data
// Data sources
() => YgoProRemoteDataSourceImpl(sl<RemoteClient>()),
// ...
void _configExternal() {
//! External
sl.registerLazySingleton<RemoteClient>(() => DioClient());
// ...
The code is working properly but getAllCards() is not testable as I cannot inject a mocked class of YgoProRemoteDataSource inside my isolate because it will always get a reference from my service locator.
How can I do to not rely on my service locator to inject YgoProRemoteDataSource inside my isolate and make getAllCards() testable ?
Did a more serious attempt, please see the repo: https://github.com/maxim-saplin/compute_sl_test_sample
Essentially with the current state of affairs with Flutter/Dart you can't pass neither closures nor classes containing closures across isolates boundaries (yet that might change when newer features in Dart land Flutter https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/46623#issuecomment-916161528). That means there's no way you can pass service locator (which contains closures) or trick the isolate to instantiate a test version of locator via closure IF you don't want any test code to be part of the release build. Yet you can easily pass data source instance to isolate to be used at its entry point as a param.
Beside, I don't think asking isolate to rebuild the entire service locator makes sense. The whole idea behind compute() is to create a short leaving isolate, run the computation, return the result and terminate the isolate. Initialising the locator is an overhead which is better to be avoided. Besides it seems the whole concept of compute() is being as isolated from the rest of the app as possible.
You can clone the repo and run the tests. Few words about the sample:
Based on Flutter counter starter app
lib/classes.dart recreates the code snippet you provided
test/widget_test.dart verifies that YgoProRepositoryImpl is working fine with isolate running fake version of data source
YgoProRemoteDataSourceImpl mimics real implementation and is located at classes.dart and YgoProRemoteDataSourceFake mimics test version
Running isolates under flutter_test requires wrapping test body in tester.runAsync() in order to have real time async execution (rather than fake async used by default by tests and relying on pumping to progress test time). Running tests in this mode can be slow (there's actual 0.5 second wait), structuring the tests in a way when compute() is not used or tested not in many tests is reasonable
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
final sl = GetIt.instance;
class YgoCard {
final String name;
abstract class YgoProRemoteDataSource {
Future<List<YgoCard>> getCardInfo();
class YgoProRemoteDataSourceImpl extends YgoProRemoteDataSource {
Future<List<YgoCard>> getCardInfo() {
return Future.delayed(Duration.zero,
() => List.generate(5, (index) => YgoCard("Impl $index")));
abstract class YgoProRepository {
Future<List<YgoCard>> getAllCards();
class YgoProRepositoryImpl implements YgoProRepository {
final YgoProRemoteDataSource remoteDataSource;
required this.remoteDataSource,
static Future<List<YgoCard>> _fetchCards(
YgoProRemoteDataSource dataSource) async {
final cards = await dataSource.getCardInfo();
cards.sort((a, b) => a.name.compareTo(b.name));
return cards;
Future<List<YgoCard>> getAllCards() async {
final cards = await compute(_fetchCards, remoteDataSource);
return cards;
void setupLocator() {
() => YgoProRepositoryImpl(
remoteDataSource: sl(),
() => YgoProRemoteDataSourceImpl(),
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:test_sample/classes.dart';
import 'package:test_sample/main.dart';
void main() {
setUpAll(() async {
testWidgets('Test mocked data source', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// Wrapping with runAync() is required to have real async in place
await tester.runAsync(() async {
await tester.pumpWidget(const MyApp());
// Let the isolate spawned by compute() complete, Debug run might require longer wait
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.text('Fake 9'), findsOneWidget);
class YgoProRemoteDataSourceFake extends YgoProRemoteDataSource {
Future<List<YgoCard>> getCardInfo() {
return Future.delayed(Duration.zero,
() => List.generate(10, (index) => YgoCard("Fake $index")));
void setupFakeLocator() {
() => YgoProRepositoryImpl(
remoteDataSource: sl(),
() => YgoProRemoteDataSourceFake(),
Do you really need to test the getCards() function?
What are you really testing there? That compute works, sure hope the Dart SDK team has a test for this.
That leaves _fetchCards(), and setupLocator() doesn't need to be tested either, it is precondition for your test-logic. You want to change the setup for the test anyways.
So what you actually want to test is the fetching & sorting. Restructure this into a testable static function and setup your locator beforehand. Put a #visibleForTesting annotation on it.
And on a side-note, depending on how much you bind in your service locator, this could be huge overhead for just using the one repository afterwards.
static Future<List<YgoCard>> _fetchCards(_) async {
// As I'm inside an isolate I need to re-setup my locator
return reallyFetchCards();
static Future<List<YgoCard>> reallyFetchCards() async {
final cards = await sl<YgoProRemoteDataSource>()
.getCardInfo(GetCardInfoRequest(misc: true));
cards.sort((a, b) => a.name.compareTo(b.name));
return cards;
Future<List<YgoCard>> getAllCards() async {
final cards = await compute(_fetchCards, null);
return cards;
// Setup SL and datasource
final cards = await YgoProRepositoryImpl.reallyFetchCrads();
// Expect stuff
As I understand you have two options, either inject the dependencies needed for static Future<List<YgoCard>> _fetchCards(_) async via parameters, or mock the object in the locator itself. I would go for the fist option, and have something like :
static Future<List<YgoCard>> _fetchCards(_,YgoProRemoteDataSource remote) async {
// No need to set up locator as you passed the needed dependencies
// setupLocator();
final cards = await remote
.getCardInfo(GetCardInfoRequest(misc: true));
cards.sort((a, b) => a.name.compareTo(b.name));
return cards;
Future<List<YgoCard>> getAllCards() async {
final cards = await compute(_fetchCards, null);
return cards;
just updated the answer as its easier to edit this here than in the comments...
Hmm, the only workaround that I can think of is to pass the setupLocator() function as an argument to the class YgoProRepositoryImpl :
final Function setupLocator;
required this.remoteDataSource,
required this.setupLocator;
// ...
This way you could pass a mock that sets up your mock classes or the real setupLocator of your service_locator.dart. This might not be to elegant. But it should make it testable as now you can mock the setup and its not hardcoded in the function

where to load model from file in flutter apps?

Suppose I store my data in a dedicated repo class like so:
class UrlEntry {
final String url;
final String title;
UrlEntry({#required this.url, this.title});
class UrlRepository with ChangeNotifier {
List<UrlEntry> urlEntries = new List<UrlEntry>();
// Returns the urls as a separate list. Modifyable, but doesnt change state.
List<UrlEntry> getUrls() => new List<UrlEntry>.from(urlEntries);
add(UrlEntry url) {
"url entry ${url.url} added. Now having ${urlEntries.length} entries ");
removeByUrl(String url) {
var beforeCount = this.urlEntries.length;
this.urlEntries.removeWhere((entry) => entry.url == url);
var afterCount = this.urlEntries.length;
if (beforeCount != afterCount) notifyListeners();
print("removed: ${beforeCount != afterCount}");
save() async {
final storageFile = await composeStorageFile();
print("storage file is '${storageFile.path}");
if (await storageFile.exists()) {
print("deleting existing file");
await storageFile.delete();
if (urlEntries == null || urlEntries.length < 1) {
print("no entries to save");
return false;
"saving ${urlEntries.length} url entries to file $storageFile} ...");
for (var entry in urlEntries) {
await storageFile.writeAsString('${entry.url} ${entry.title}',
mode: FileMode.append);
Future<File> composeStorageFile() async {
Directory storageDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
return File('${storageDir.path}/url_collection.lst');
void dispose() async {
print("disposing ...");
this.urlEntries = null;
load() async {
final storageFile = await composeStorageFile();
if (!await storageFile.exists()) {
print("storage file ${storageFile.path} not existing - not loading");
return false;
print("loading file ${storageFile.path}");
urlEntries = List <UrlEntry> () ;
final fileLines = storageFile.readAsLinesSync() ;
for (var line in fileLines) {
var separatorIndex = line.indexOf(' ') ;
final url = line.substring(0, separatorIndex) ;
var title = line.substring(separatorIndex+1) ;
if (title == 'null') title = null ;
urlEntries.add(new UrlEntry(url: url, title: title)) ;
notifyListeners() ;
Above code has several issues I unfortunately donnot know how to circumvent:
most of the methods of UrlRepository are async. This is because of getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() being async. I think former is an absolute flaw but introducing semaphores here to create an artificial bottleneck would pollute the code, so I still stick to async; but call me old-fashioned - I dont like the idea having save and load operations being theoretically able to overlap each other. I mean, with getApplicationDocumentsDirectory, we're talking about a simple configurational detail that will not need much computational power to compute, nor to store, nor will it change that often and it pollutes the code with otherwise unnessecary stuff. So, Is there another way to get the results of getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() without await / async / then ?
If this is not the case - where should I put the call to save()? My first idea was to save data not every model change, but instead at the latest possible executional place, which is one of the dispose-related methods, like so:
class MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
UrlRepository urlRepository;
void deactivate() async {
await urlRepository.save() ;
Unfortunately this results in urlRepository.save() being executed only the half, no matter whether I call it in a unit test, on a avd or on a real device. Right in the middle its terminated - I checked that with printouts. I think this is because, being forced again to make a completely unrelated method async (here deactivate()), I have to accept that execution is not granted to terminate at the return command, but earlier (?). I tried to put the call to MyState.dispose() as well as to urlRepository.dispose() with the same result except I cannot make the dispose methods async and hence just call save() async and hope everything has been saved before super.dispose() kicks in,...
I thought it natural to load the repositotry state inside of initState(), but I want to make sure that either the load has completed before creating widgets (ie calling the builder), or will be loaded after all widgets have already been in place so the model change will trigger rebuild. Since load() has to be async for known reasons and initState is not, I cannot assure even one of above cases and stick with urlRepository.load() and hope the best. So, where to put the call to urlRepository.load() ?
First: You have to use async/await methods because you don't know what the user's device may be doing while running your application, so even though the device might be performing a process that "doesn't need much power computational" that process may take a little longer than expected.
Second: Do not trust in deactivate() and dispose() functions, the user could kill your app and it would never do the save process. I'm not really sure how to automate this process. I suggest you do it manually somewhere in your code.
Third: Don't use initState() to load your data, you should use a FutureBuilder in which the future parameter is your urlRepository.load() function, while its loading you can show a CircularProgressIndicator() and if it has data you show your widget.
Widget build() {
return FutureBuilder(
future: urlRepository.load() // without await keyword
builder: (context, snapshot) {
return CircularProgressIndicator();
return YourWidget(); // if snapshot.hasData is true the process has finished
Psdt: It might be useful if urlRepository.load() would return something like a bool. Doing this you could show a widget if snapshot.data is true or another widget if snapshot.data is false.