I'm looking to a free SIP software supporting Header normalization. My requirement is simple: this tool receives INVITE message from leg1, save Contact header and route headers (maybe multi-route headers here) and then sends INVITE to leg2 using this Contact header and one of these route headers.
Could anyone please recommend me a free and easy to use tool?
The osip2 SIP stack is a LGPL licensed library offering a SIP parser and an API to modify SIP messages. It's very portable.
You can download it there.
The current documentation, for official osip 5.1.0 is there.
This is the minimal code required to parse a SIP message:
#include <osip2/osip.h>
int i;
osip_t *osip;
if (i!=0)
return -1;
osip_message_t *sip;
int i;
if (i!=0) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot allocate\n"); return -1; }
i=osip_message_parse(sip, buffer, length_of_buffer);
if (i!=0) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot parse sip message\n"); }
More information on parser can be found here. You will be able to access the SIP Contact header, Route, or any other headers and modify them. Then, use osip_message_to_str to rebuild it as a string and send it.
NOTE: osip2 do not offer any transport layer which is left to you. There is also a "transaction layer management" in osip2, which you may use, at your choice. It's more complex to use.
NOTE2: -I'm the author...-
I am using sip servlets api to make sip calls,
My requirement is to connect two calls in conference, for this I need to modify call-id for one of the invite request, but it is not allowing me to modify call-id in header part and my code is as follows:
SipServletRequest forkedRequest = linkedSession.createRequest("INVITE");
ipFactory sipFactory = (SipFactory)getServletContext().getAttribute("javax.servlet.sip.SipFactory");
SipURI sipUri = (SipURI)sipFactory.createURI("sip:msml#");
and I was getting following error:
Header[Call-ID] is system header, cant add,cant modify it!!!
Can any one suggest on this? make sure how to modify call-id
SIP Servlets Specification specifically forbids to modify the Call-ID Header which is a System Header. Please read the specification at https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=289
Which conference provider enforces you to have the same Call-ID for 2 different calls to be able to join the same conference ? This seems like a very bad design and against the SIP RFC itself https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3261#section-
MESSAGE TO DOWN VOTERS: Please read the question, I am working on a small embedded device. If you are not familar with the limitations of such a device, then please move onto another question instead of down voting!!!!
I am working with a small embedded device that has limited memory and I need to send a large file to a server from this device. Hence I cannot easily use HTTP POST which requires me to load the entire file into memory before sending.
The embedded device has UDP and TCP sockets, but to send a HTTP POST for example, I need to create a string that contains the HTTP HEADERS and the Data. As the device does not have the HTTP Protocol or other protocols available as APIs.
Can someone recommend a protocol I could use to perform the process of "streaming" or sending the data in parts to the server?
The protocol needs to be relatively simple and not use up many memory resources, and if you know of a library designed for small embedded device that would be good also. The protocol should also be simple to implement on the receiving server, preferable running .Net
I am working with a small embedded device that has limited memory and I need to send a large file to a server from this device. Hence I cannot easily use HTTP POST which requires me to load the entire file into memory before sending.
No, POST does not require that. All it requires is that the HTTP Content-Length header that you send matches the number of bytes that you send for the actual file data. Or you can use HTTP 1.1's chunked transfer encoding, which does not use the Content-Length header (so you don't need to know the file size ahead of time). POST (or HTTP, for that matter) has no concept of HOW you send the bytes in your code. So all would have to do is read the file data in a loop, using an appropriate-sized memory buffer, sending the content of that buffer over the socket after each read, until you hit EOF.
For example (pseudo-code):
connect(sckt, "hostname", 80)
send(sckt, "POST /resource HTTP/1.0\r\n")
send(sckt, "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n"); // or the actual file type
send(sckt, "Content-Length: " + string(the file size) + "\r\n")
send(sckt, "\r\n")
byte buffer[256] // use whatever buffer size is appropriate for your device
numread = read(file, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (numread <= 0) break;
send(sckt, buffer, numread);
while (true);
read HTTP response from sckt ...
connect(sckt, "hostname", 80)
send(sckt, "POST /resource HTTP/1.1\r\n")
send(sckt, "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n"); // or the actual file type
send(sckt, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n")
send(sckt, "\r\n")
byte buffer[256] // use whatever buffer size is appropriate for your device
char hex[12]
numread = read(file, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (numread <= 0) break;
sprintf(hex, "%x", numread);
send(sckt, string(hex) + "\r\n")
send(sckt, buffer, numread)
send(sckt, "\r\n")
while (true);
send(sckt, "0\r\n");
send(sckt, "\r\n");
read HTTP response from sckt ...
Even powerful desktop PCs have to do it this way, since an entire file usually cannot be put into the kernel buffer at one time anyway, so sending has to be looped accordingly.
The embedded device has UDP and TCP sockets, but to send a HTTP POST for example, I need to create a string that contains the HTTP HEADERS and the Data.
You DO NOT have to send everything at one time in a single string. You can break it up into multiple strings/sends as needed. TCP is a streaming transport, it doesn't care how many sends you perform, as long as the bytes you send are in the correct order. You could send 1 byte at a time for all it cares (though that would not be very efficient, but it would work).
As the device does not have the HTTP Protocol or other protocols available as APIs.
It doesn't need to. Since HTTP sits on top of TCP, and you have access to a TCP socket API, you can implement HTTP manually.
Can someone recommend a protocol I could use to perform the process of "streaming" or sending the data in parts to the server?
HTTP already does exactly that.
The protocol needs to be relatively simple and not use up many memory resources, and if you know of a library designed for small embedded device that would be good also. The protocol should also be simple to implement on the receiving server, preferable running .Net
HTTP is perfectly fine for that.
I need to get the whole message(response), but socket.ReceiveBytes(); returns just part of the message. I tried to loop it but it fails on timeout when no bytes to receive.
List<byte> lb = new List<byte>();
byte[] receivedMsg = socket.ReceiveBytes();
while (receivedMsg.Length > 0)
receivedMsg = socket.ReceiveBytes();
So, how I can check if there are byte to read? How I can read the whole message?
Since its a Chilkat implementation, you should probably contact the developer. But I found this that could help: http://www.cknotes.com/?p=302
Ultimately, you need to know how much to read from the socket to constitute a whole message. For example, if the overlying protocol is a portmapper, then you know that you are expecting messsages in the format that the RFC specifies (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1833.)
If you are rolling your own protocol over a socket connection, then use the method in the Chilkat blog post about putting the size of the total message in the first 4 bytes.
I would like to add support of ICQ in my application using jabber-transport. I use xmpp4r ruby's library.
All that I found doesn't show how to login to external (icq) server and how to send messages.
Can you show example of code or text explanation how to do so? (may be not using xmpp4r and ruby, I only need a hint.)
I found solution thanks to canhaschat plugin source code
require 'xmpp4r'
#connect to jabber
jid=Jabber::JID.new "your_jid"
client=Jabber::Client.new jid
client.auth "your_jabber_password"
#connect to transport
reg=Jabber::Iq.new_register "your_login (e.g 123456789)", "your_password (e.g. qwerty)"
reg.to="transport server url (e.g. icq.udaff.com)"
client.send reg
#send message
client.send Jabber::Message.new "recipient_login#transport", "Hi there!"
#end of work...
The email addresses are stored in a database and the number of people to be emailed each day is variable. I'm not sure yet whether the emails would need to be sent individually or as a mass email. I want recommendations as to what language to use to do this and any other components necessary in a solution.
In this context, 1,000 people is a pretty small number. I probably wouldn't bother with a database, and I would do the whole thing with the scripting language of my choice (ksh or Lua, in either case piping output to sendmail. This is a very Unix-specific sort of solution.
One thing you may have to watch out for is to throttle the outgoing email—depending on your service provider, if you inject messages into the server at too high a rate, your IP address may be temporarily blacklisted. At home I tell postfix not to deliver more than 1 message per second to Verizon's server.
If I had to write platform-independent code, I would use the LuaSocket library to make a TCP connection directly with a SMTP server. They have a reasonably useful setup for building and sending RFC-compliant messages.
Here is a C# implementation for this:
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage message = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage("from#address.com", "to#address.com", "subject", "body");
System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient client = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient("host.address.com", 1234);
Just about any modern language can do this. Java, C#, VB.NET, PHP, PERL, Python and many many more.
Sending emails is such a common requirement that most languages and frameworks support it natively.
As for the requirement of up to 1000 emails a day - that's not that many emails and the limiting factor will be limits imposed by an ISP most likely.
In short - use the language and platform you are most comfortable with and find out how email works in that.
As others have mentioned, it's easy to do this in just about any modern language. I'm a fan of Python, which features great scripting capabilities as well as a solid base for building applications. Python's library is well documented, and includes a number of sophisticated features (including the ability to do multipart MIME encoding).
This is from the examples:
# Import smtplib for the actual sending function
import smtplib
# Import the email modules we'll need
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
# Open a plain text file for reading. For this example, assume that
# the text file contains only ASCII characters.
fp = open(textfile, 'rb')
# Create a text/plain message
msg = MIMEText(fp.read())
# me == the sender's email address
# you == the recipient's email address
msg['Subject'] = 'The contents of %s' % textfile
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you
# Send the message via our own SMTP server, but don't include the
# envelope header.
s = smtplib.SMTP()
s.sendmail(me, [you], msg.as_string())
I want recommendations as to what language to use to do this and any other components necessary in a solution
You can do this in whatever language you feel comfortable with. .NET has some nice stuff built in, and you can probably do it in less than 20 lines of code.