How to resolve akka-http issues? - scala

I'm new to Akka-Http. I added following Route
path(urlpath / "messages") {
post {
decodeRequest {
withoutSizeLimit {
entity(asSourceOf[Message]) { source =>
val storeToDb = Flow[Message].map[Future[Message]](message => (service ask message).mapTo[Message])
val sendToProviderFlow = Flow[Future[Message]].map[Unit](message => sendToJasminProvider(message))
val futureResponse = source
.runWith(Sink.ignore).map(_ => "Message Received")
When I tried run above Route, I've been receiving couple of errors and I do not know how to fix them.
Accept error: could not accept new connection Too many open files
[1] dead letters encountered. If this is not an expected behavior,This logging can be turned off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.
akka.http.scaladsl.model.EntityStreamException: Entity stream

About first error, it's seems that you open too many connection. Maybe you simply didn't close them somewhere. Unix used similar connection for sockets and files
About second error, it's obvious that your actor (service) is dead. Try to debug your actors lifecycle and start with
enabling = on
For more details visit this page
Is sendToJasminProvider has type Future[Message] => Unit? If that function has type like Future[Message] => Future[T] then it's problem


Grpc parallel Stream communication leads to error:AkkaNettyGrpcClientGraphStage

I have two services: one that sends stream data and the second one receives it using akka-grpc for communication. When source data is provided Service one is called to process and send it to service two via grpc client. It's possible that multiple instances of server one runs at the same time when multiple source data are provided at the same time.In long running test of my application. I see below error in service one:
ERROR i.a.g.application.actors.DbActor - GraphStage [akka.grpc.internal.AkkaNettyGrpcClientGraphStage$$anon$1#59d40805] terminated abruptly, caused by for example materializer or act GraphStage [akka.grpc.internal.AkkaNettyGrpcClientGraphStage$$anon$1#59d40805] terminated abruptly, caused by for example materializer or actor system termination.
I have never shutdown actor systems but only kill actors after doing their job. Also I used proto3 and http2 for request binding. Here is a piece of my code in service one:
////////////////////server http binding /////////
val service: HttpRequest => Future[HttpResponse] =
ServiceOneServiceHandler(new ServiceOneServiceImpl(system))
val bound = Http().bindAndHandleAsync(
interface = config.getString("akka.grpc.server.interface"),
port = config.getString("akka.grpc.server.default-http-port").toInt,
connectionContext = HttpConnectionContext(http2 = Always))
bound.foreach { binding =>"gRPC server bound to: ${binding.localAddress}")
////////////////////client /////////
def send2Server[A](data: ListBuffer[A]): Future[ResponseDTO] = {
val reply = {
val thisClient = interface.initialize() = thisClient, req = data.asInstanceOf[ListBuffer[StoreRequest]].toList)
///////////////// grpc communication //////////
def send2GrpcServer[A](data: ListBuffer[A]): Unit = {
val reply = send2Server(data)
Await.ready(reply, Duration.Inf) onComplete {
case util.Success(response: ResponseDTO) =>"got reply message: ${res.description}")
//////check response content and stop application if desired result not found in response
case util.Failure(exp) =>
//////stop application
throw exp.getCause
Error occurred exactly after waiting for service 2 response :
Await.ready(reply, Duration.Inf)
I can't catch the cause of error.
I found that some stream is missed such that service one sends an stream an indefinitely wait for the response and service two does not receive any thing to reply to service one but still don't know why stream is missed
I also updated akka grpc plugin but has no sense:
addSbtPlugin("com.lightbend.akka.grpc" % "sbt-akka-grpc" % "0.6.1")
addSbtPlugin("com.lightbend.sbt" % "sbt-javaagent" % "0.1.4")

http4s client returns partial payload

I'm using the AsyncHttpClient in http4s-0.19.0-M2 to make a client-call:
for {
resp <- http.expectOr[String](GET(url)){ error =>[String].map(body => throw new Exception(...)
_ <- doSomethingWithResponse(resp)
} yield ()
Occassiaonally the remote end times out, and I see the following in the log:
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Request timeout to after 60000 ms
at org.asynchttpclient.netty.timeout.TimeoutTimerTask.expire(
However, it looks like doSomethingWithResponse() is still invoked, but with a partial resp string. Is there a way to change this behavior so that the http.expectOr call fails if it can't retrieve the entire payload?

Play 2.1 Scala SQLException Connection Timed out waiting for a free available connection

I have been working on this issue for quite a while now and I cannot find a solution...
A web app built with play framework 2.2.1 using h2 db (for dev) and a simple Model package.
I am trying to implement a REST JSON endpoint and the code works... but only once per server instance.
def createOtherModel() = Action(parse.json) {
request =>
request.body \ "name" match {
case _: JsUndefined => BadRequest(Json.obj("error" -> true,
"message" -> "Could not match name =(")).as("application/json")
case name: JsValue =>
request.body \ "value" match {
case _: JsUndefined => BadRequest(Json.obj("error" -> true,
"message" -> "Could not match value =(")).as("application/json")
case value: JsValue =>
// this breaks the secod time
val session = ThinkingSession.dummy
val json = Json.obj(
"content" -> value,
"thinkingSession" ->,
Ok(Json.obj("content" -> json)).as("application/json")
} else {
BadRequest(Json.obj("error" -> true,
"message" -> "Name was not content =(")).as("application/json")
so basically I read the JSON, echo the "value" value, create a model obj and send it's id.
the ThinkingSession.dummy function does this:
def all(): List[ThinkingSession] = {
// Tried explicitly closing connection, no difference
//val conn = DB.getConnection()
//try {
// DB.withConnection { implicit conn =>
// SQL("select * from thinking_session").as(ThinkingSession.DBParser *)
// }
//} finally {
// conn.close()
DB.withConnection { implicit conn =>
SQL("select * from thinking_session").as(ThinkingSession.DBParser *)
def dummy: ThinkingSession = {
(all() head)
So this should do a SELECT * FROM thinking_session, create a model obj list from the result and return the first out of the list.
This works fine the first time after server start but the second time I get a
play.api.Application$$anon$1: Execution exception[[SQLException: Timed out waiting for a free available connection.]]
at play.api.Application$class.handleError(Application.scala:293) ~[play_2.10.jar:2.2.1]
at play.api.DefaultApplication.handleError(Application.scala:399) [play_2.10.jar:2.2.1]
at play.core.server.netty.PlayDefaultUpstreamHandler$$anonfun$2$$anonfun$applyOrElse$3.apply(PlayDefaultUpstreamHandler.scala:261) [play_2.10.jar:2.2.1]
at play.core.server.netty.PlayDefaultUpstreamHandler$$anonfun$2$$anonfun$applyOrElse$3.apply(PlayDefaultUpstreamHandler.scala:261) [play_2.10.jar:2.2.1]
at [scala-library.jar:na]
at play.core.server.netty.PlayDefaultUpstreamHandler$$anonfun$2.applyOrElse(PlayDefaultUpstreamHandler.scala:261) [play_2.10.jar:2.2.1]
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Timed out waiting for a free available connection.
at com.jolbox.bonecp.DefaultConnectionStrategy.getConnectionInternal( ~[bonecp.jar:na]
at com.jolbox.bonecp.AbstractConnectionStrategy.getConnection( ~[bonecp.jar:na]
at com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCP.getConnection( ~[bonecp.jar:na]
at com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCPDataSource.getConnection( ~[bonecp.jar:na]
at play.api.db.DBApi$class.getConnection(DB.scala:67) ~[play-jdbc_2.10.jar:2.2.1]
at play.api.db.BoneCPApi.getConnection(DB.scala:276) ~[play-jdbc_2.10.jar:2.2.1]
My application.conf (db section)
db.default.idleConnectionTestPeriod=5 minutes
db.default.connectionTestStatement="SELECT 1"
Initially the only thing set in my config was the connection and the error occurred. I added all the other stuff while reading up on the issue on the web.
What is interesting is that when I use the h2 in memory db it works once after server start and after that it fails. when I use the h2 file system db it only works once, regardless of the server instances.
Can anyone give me some insight on this issue? Have found some stuff on bonecp problem and tried upgrading to 0.8.0-rc1 but nothing changed... I am at a loss =(
Try to set a maxConnectionAge and idle timeout
turns out the error was quite somewhere else... it was a good ol' stack overflow... have not seen one in a long time. I tried down-voting my question but it's not possible^^

AKKA remote (with SSL) can't find keystore/truststore files on classpath

I'm trying to configure AKKA SSL connection to use my keystore and trustore files, and I want it to be able to find them on a classpath.
I tried to set application.conf to:
remote.netty.ssl = {
enable = on
key-store = "keystore"
key-store-password = "passwd"
trust-store = "truststore"
trust-store-password = "passwd"
protocol = "TLSv1"
random-number-generator = "AES128CounterSecureRNG"
enabled-algorithms = ["TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"]
This works fine if keystore and trustore files are in the current directory. In my application these files get packaged into WAR and JAR archives, and because of that I'd like to read them from the classpath.
I tried to use getResource("keystore") in application.conf as described here without any luck. Config reads it literally as a string.
I also tried to parse String conf and force it to read the value:
val conf: Config = ConfigFactory parseString (s"""
In this case it finds proper path on the classpath as file://some_dir/target/scala-2.10/server_2.10-1.1-one-jar.jar!/main/server_2.10-1.1.jar!/keystore which is exactly where it's located (in the jar). However, underlying Netty SSL transport can't find the file given this path, and I get:
Oct 03, 2013 1:02:48 PM
WARNING: Failed to initialize an accepted socket.
45a13eb9-6cb1-46a7-a789-e48da9997f0fakka.remote.RemoteTransportException: Server SSL connection could not be established because key store could not be loaded
at akka.remote.netty.NettySSLSupport$.constructServerContext$1(NettySSLSupport.scala:113)
at akka.remote.netty.NettySSLSupport$.initializeServerSSL(NettySSLSupport.scala:130)
at akka.remote.netty.NettySSLSupport$.apply(NettySSLSupport.scala:27)
at akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport$PipelineFactory$.defaultStack(NettyRemoteSupport.scala:74)
at akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport$PipelineFactory$$anon$1.getPipeline(NettyRemoteSupport.scala:67)
at akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport$PipelineFactory$$anon$1.getPipeline(NettyRemoteSupport.scala:67)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: file:/some_dir/server/target/scala-2.10/server_2.10-1.1-one-jar.jar!/main/server_2.10-1.1.jar!/keystore (No such file or directory)
at Method)
at akka.remote.netty.NettySSLSupport$.constructServerContext$1(NettySSLSupport.scala:118)
... 10 more
I wonder if there is any way to configure this in AKKA without implementing custom SSL transport. Maybe I should configure Netty in the code?
Obviously I can hardcode the path or read it from an environment variable, but I would prefer a more flexible classpath solution.
I decided to look at the akka.remote.netty.NettySSLSupport at the code where exception is thrown from, and here is the code:
def initializeServerSSL(settings: NettySettings, log: LoggingAdapter): SslHandler = {
log.debug("Server SSL is enabled, initialising ...")
def constructServerContext(settings: NettySettings, log: LoggingAdapter, keyStorePath: String, keyStorePassword: String, protocol: String): Option[SSLContext] =
try {
val rng = initializeCustomSecureRandom(settings.SSLRandomNumberGenerator, settings.SSLRandomSource, log)
val factory = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm)
val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType)
val fin = new FileInputStream(keyStorePath)
try keyStore.load(fin, keyStorePassword.toCharArray) finally fin.close()
}, keyStorePassword.toCharArray)
Option(SSLContext.getInstance(protocol)) map { ctx ⇒ ctx.init(factory.getKeyManagers, null, rng); ctx }
} catch {
case e: FileNotFoundException ⇒ throw new RemoteTransportException("Server SSL connection could not be established because key store could not be loaded", e)
case e: IOException ⇒ throw new RemoteTransportException("Server SSL connection could not be established because: " + e.getMessage, e)
case e: GeneralSecurityException ⇒ throw new RemoteTransportException("Server SSL connection could not be established because SSL context could not be constructed", e)
It looks like it must be a plain filename (String) because that's what FileInputStream takes.
Any suggestions would be welcome!
I also got stuck in similar issue and was getting similar errors. In my case I was trying to hit an https server with self-signed certificates using akka-http, with following code I was able to get through:
val trustStoreConfig = TrustStoreConfig(None, Some("/etc/Project/keystore/my.cer")).withStoreType("PEM")
val trustManagerConfig = TrustManagerConfig().withTrustStoreConfigs(List(trustStoreConfig))
val badSslConfig = AkkaSSLConfig().mapSettings(s => s.withLoose(s.loose
val badCtx = Http().createClientHttpsContext(badSslConfig)
At the time of writing this question there was no way to do it AFAIK. I'm closing this question but I welcome updates if new versions provide such functionality or if there are other ways to do that.

ReactiveMongo plugin play framework seems to restart with every query

I am trying to write a play! framework 2.1 application with ReactiveMongo, following this sample. however, with every call to the plugin, it seems that the application hangs after the operation completes, than the pluging closes and restarts, and we move on. functionality work, but i am not sure if it's not crashing and restarting along the way.
def db = ReactiveMongoPlugin.db
def nodesCollection = db("nodes")
def index = Action {implicit request =>
Async {
Logger.debug("serving nodes list")
implicit val nodeReader = Node.Node7BSONReader
val query = BSONDocument(
"$query" -> BSONDocument()
val found = nodesCollection.find(query) { nodes =>
Logger.debug("returning nodes list to requester")
def showCreationForm = Action { implicit request =>
Ok(views.html.nodes.editNode(None, Node.nodeCredForm))
def create = Action { implicit request =>
errors => {
Ok(views.html.nodes.editNode(None, errors))
node => AsyncResult {
Node.createNode(node._1, node._2, node._3) match {
case Right(myNode) => {
nodesCollection.insert(myNode).map { _ =>
Redirect(routes.Nodes.index).flashing("success" -> "Node Added")
case Left(message) => {
Future(Redirect(routes.Nodes.index).flashing("error" -> message))
[debug] application - in Node constructor
[debug] application - done inseting, redirecting to nodes page
--- (RELOAD) ---
[info] application - ReactiveMongoPlugin stops, closing connections...
[info] application - ReactiveMongo stopped. [Success(Closed)]
[info] application - ReactiveMongoPlugin starting...
what is wrong with this picture?
There seems nothing wrong with that picture. If you only showed me that log output I would say you would have changed a file in you play application. Which would cause the application to reload.
I guess that is not the case, so your database is probably located within your application directory, causing the application to reload on each change. Where is your database located?