Unable to return value from nano.view callback - callback

Unable to store value outside of callback scope
I have tried declaring an array, an object and an empty variable outside of the callback scope and nothing is working.
router.post('/login', async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const user = await users.view('viewEmailandPassword', 'email', {keys: [`${req.body.email}`], include_docs: true},
function(err, body) {
if (!err) {
body.rows.forEach(function(doc) {
// return doc.value
console.log(user) <--- nothing is returned
console.err(err, "this is the error")
I get an output of "undefined"

The problem here is that you're trying to use callback + promises. You need to either choose one or the other.
Here's the implementation using Promises (with async/await)
router.post('/login', async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const body = await users.view('viewEmailandPassword', 'email', {keys: [`${req.body.email}`], include_docs: true});
// Prints all the row values
body.rows.forEach(doc => console.log(doc.value));
// Let's say you want the first row
if(body.rows.length > 0){
} else {
console.log("Not value returned from the view");
console.err(err, "this is the error")


how to get callback return value in nestjs

I am going to use vonage for text service.
However, only node.js syntax exists, and the corresponding API is being used.
There is a phenomenon that the callback is executed later when trying to receive the values ​​returned from the callback to check for an error.
How can I solve this part? The code is below.
await vonage.message.sendSms(from, to, text, async (err, responseData) => {
if (err) {
result.message = err;
} else {
if (responseData.messages[0]['status'] === '0') {
} else {
result.error = `Message failed with error: ${responseData.messages[0]['error-text']}`;
return result;
When an error occurs as a result of executing the above code,
Outputs are in order.
From what I can understand the issue is that you are passing a async callback. you could simply just give vonage.message.sendSms() a synchronous callback like so.
const result = {};
vonage.message.sendSms(from, to, text, (err, responseData) => {
if (err) {
result.message = err;
} else {
if (responseData.messages[0]['status'] === '0') {
} else {
result.error = `Message failed with error: ${responseData.messages[0]['error-text']}`;
if you want to use async or promises I would suggest something like this
const sendSMS = (from, to, text) => new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
vonage.message.sendSms(from, to, text, (err, responseData) => {
if (err) {
} else {
// elsewhere
sendSMS(from, to, text)

ldapjs handling client.search response

I have the below code which is binding to an LDAP server and I want to return the user that I have added "ab" within the "interviewees" group (code taken from ldapjs client api page). I can see I am getting back a response from the server with the expected EventEmitter object. I am expecting to see information about the user when calling logging console.log() on the searchEntry object. I appear to have no searchEntry objects. Is my DN for my user correct? I am currently unsure whether the issue is with my query and I am not getting any data back or whether I am failing to process the response correctly?
const client = ldap.createClient({ url: 'ldap://' + LDAP_SERVER + ':' + LDAP_PORT });
// Connect and bind to the Active Directory.
const connectToClient = async () => {
const secret = LDAP_SECRET_KEY;
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.bind(LDAP_USER, secret, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
reject('Failed to connect to LDAP server');
} else {
resolve('Connected to LDAP server');
onst searchADForUser = async () => {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.search('CN=ab,OU=interviewees,OU=Users,OU=interview,DC=interview,DC=workspace,DC=com', function (err, res) {
if (err) {
reject('Error searching LDAP server');
} else {
res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) {
console.log('entry: ' + JSON.stringify(entry.object));
res.on('searchReference', function (referral) {
console.log('referral: ' + referral.uris.join());
res.on('error', function (err) {
console.error('error: ' + err.message);
res.on('end', function (result) {
console.log('status: ' + result.status);
const handler = async (event) => {
try {
return responses.success(
await connectToClient().then(async function(event) {
await searchADForUser().then(function(event) {
}).catch(function(event) {
}).catch(function(event) {
} catch (err) {
return responses.error(err);
} finally {
The active directory structure is below
The central issue I was having was understanding how to process the returned EventEmitter object from the search function. I need to add to an array on each searchEntry event and then return that entry in my resolve callback function only once the end event had occurred. The code above was calling resolve immediately and hence no searchEntry events or the end event had been processed yet.
Code I am now using below:
function (err, res) {
if (err) {
reject(new Error('Error retrieving users from Active Directory'));
} else {
const entries = [];
res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) {
res.on('searchReference', function (referral) {
console.log('referral: ' + referral.uris.join());
res.on('error', function (err) {
console.error('error: ' + err.message);
res.on('end', function (result) {
console.log('status: ' + result.status);
if (result.status !== 0) {
reject(new Error('Error code received from Active Directory'));
} else {

Store collection value to variable

I am having issues storing a value in mongodb to a variable to use within my webpage.
When the user fills out a form on my website, I am trying to figure out what the arrivalTrailer was when the user filled out the arrival form.
So far I have
function previousLoad(loadNumber, callback){
CheckCall.find({loadNumber: loadNumber}).sort({date: 'desc'}).limit(1), function(err, arrival){
if (err){
callback(err, null);
else {
callback(null, arrival[0]);
previousLoad(loadNumber, function(err, arrival){
if (err){
arrivalTrailer = arrival;
Both output as undefined when I try to console.log the variables.
Thank you :D
Try this :
async function previousLoad(loadNumber) {
try {
let resp = await CheckCall.find({ loadNumber: loadNumber }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(1)
return resp[0]
} catch (error) {
console.log('error ::', error)
throw new Error (error)
/** You can return response from previousLoad but to test it, Call it from here */
previousLoad(loadNumber).then(resp => { console.log('successfully found ::', resp)}).catch(err => { console.log('Error in DB Op ::', err)});

Migrating callbacks to Async

I'm struggling with migrating a HAPI function that verifies a JWT token and then makes a database call using the decoded credentials.
The problem is that jwt.verify uses a callback, but Hapi and Hapi.MySQL2 have both been updated to use async functions
The main function is as follows
exports.LoadAuth = (req, h) => {
let token = req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1]
VerifyToken(token, async function (err, decoded) {
if (!err) {
let sql = '#SELECT STATEMENT USING decoded.id'
const [data] = await mfjobs.query(sql, decoded.id)
let auids = []
data.forEach(function (ag) {
auids = base64(auids.toString())
return auids
} else {
return {message: 'Not Authorised'}
The VerifyToken function is as follows:
VerifyToken = (tok, done) => {
jwt.verify(tok, Buffer.from(secret, 'base64'), function (err, decTok) {
if (err) {
} else {
done(null, decTok)
Debugging everything above works up to the point that the data should be returned to the front end. At which point I get an ERROR 500
I know that the issue is with the VerifyToken function as if I omit this and hard code the decoded.id into the query the correct data reaches the front end.
Any pointers?
You can convert your VerifyToken function to Promises.
let VerifyToken = (tok) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
jwt.verify(tok, Buffer.from(secret, 'base64'), function (err, decTok) {
if (err) {
} else {
Now you have a function that you can use with async await notation and internally checks jwt validation via callbacks.
Then we can slightly modify your controller as follows.
exports.LoadAuth = async (req, h) => {
let token = req.headers.authorization.split(' ')[1];
try {
let decoded = await VerifyToken(token);
let sql = '#SELECT STATEMENT USING decoded.id';
const [data] = await mfjobs.query(sql, decoded.id);
let auids = [];
data.forEach(function (ag) {
auids = base64(auids.toString());
return auids
} catch (e) {
return {message: 'Not Authorised'}
We just converted your handler function to async function, and we already have a VerifyToken function that returns a promise so, we can call it with the await operator.

unread flag is not being updated with Mongoose

I have a conversations collection in my database, and I'm using Mongoose to update the unread flag of a single document.
This is my code:
router.post('/reply/:conversation_id', ensureAuthenticated, (req, res, next) => {
Conversation.findById(req.params.conversation_id, (err, conversation) => {
// If the user that's logged in was the one who created the conversation, and is submitting a reply, run this code
if (req.user._id == conversation.created_by_user_id) {
User.findById(conversation.sent_to_user_id, (err, user) => {
}, (err, message) => {
if (err) {
} else {
conversation.unread = true
conversation.save() // This is being saved to the database
res.redirect('/conversations/' + conversation._id)
} else {
// Otherwise, if the user that's logged in was *not* the one who created the conversation, and is submitting a reply, run this code
User.findById(conversation.created_by_user_id, (err, user) => {
}, (err, message) => {
if (err) {
} else {
conversation.unread = true
conversation.save() // This is not being saved
res.redirect('/conversations/' + conversation._id)
The if part saves conversation.unread = true to the db. The else part does not.
Both parts of the conditional essentially do the same thing (save the conversation's unread flag as true, and save the message), but only the first part of the conditional works when setting unread to true.
Can someone please help me figure out why the unread flag is not being saved as true in the else statement?
You're trying to call save synchronously.
.save takes a callback. It is asynchronous.
See my version below.
router.post('/reply/:conversation_id', ensureAuthenticated, (req, res, next) => {
Conversation.findById(req.params.conversation_id, (err, conversation) => {
// If the user that's logged in was the one who created the conversation, and is submitting a reply, run this code
if (req.user._id == conversation.created_by_user_id) {
User.findById(conversation.sent_to_user_id, (err, user) => {
}, (err, message) => {
if (err) {
} else {
conversation.unread = true
conversation.save() // This is being saved to the database
res.redirect('/conversations/' + conversation._id)
} else {
// Otherwise, if the user that's logged in was *not* the one who created the conversation, and is submitting a reply, run this code
User.findById(conversation.created_by_user_id, (err, user) => {
}, (err, message) => {
if (err) {
//return here
return res.redirect('/error'); //
} else {
conversation.unread = true
//.save takes a function callback
conversation.save((err) => {
//.save takes a function callback
message.save((err) => {
res.redirect('/conversations/' + conversation._id)