I have a service class in my code, for example, UserService. It has a WSClient member which makes calls to a web service. I would like to write test cases for the UserService methods.
I did some research on testing WSClient but did not find any use case like mine. Should I establish a live test service, or do mocking? This is another question.
class UserService #Inject()(ws: WSClient) {
def getUser(userId: UUID) = {// some code}
def createUser(obj: User) = {// another piece of code}
These methods use the WSClient to call the web service endpoints.
I would like to write test cases for these methods. Which is the best, setting up a test service and call that or mocking the WSClient?
I have created a CustomWSClient, CustomWSRequest and CustomWSResponse for testing purposes as follows.
package unittest
import play.api.http.Writeable
import play.api.libs.iteratee.Enumerator
import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json}
import play.api.libs.ws._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.xml.Elem
class CustomWSClient extends WSClient {
var t: ResponseObject = new ResponseObject(Json.toJson("Success"), Map("trial" -> Seq("value")), 200)
override def underlying[T]: T = underlying.asInstanceOf[T]
override def url(url: String): WSRequest = {
var c: CustomWSRequest = CustomWSRequest(url, t)
override def close(): Unit = {}
def setResponse(t: ResponseObject) = {
this.t = t
case class CustomWSRequest(inputUrl: String, t: ResponseObject) extends WSRequest {
override val url: String = inputUrl
override def withHeaders(hdrs: (String, String)*): WSRequest = { this }
override def withAuth(username: String, password: String, scheme: WSAuthScheme): WSRequest = { this }
override def withQueryString(parameters: (String, String)*): WSRequest = { this }
override def execute(): Future[WSResponse] = { Future.successful(CustomWSResponse(t)) }
override def sign(calc: WSSignatureCalculator): WSRequest = { this }
override def stream(): Future[(WSResponseHeaders, Enumerator[Array[Byte]])] = null
override def withVirtualHost(vh: String): WSRequest = { this }
override def withMethod(method: String): WSRequest = { this }
override def withRequestTimeout(timeout: Long): WSRequest = { this }
override def withProxyServer(proxyServer: WSProxyServer): WSRequest = { this }
override def withFollowRedirects(follow: Boolean): WSRequest = { this }
override def withBody(body: WSBody): WSRequest = { this }
override def get(): Future[WSResponse] = { Future.successful(CustomWSResponse(t)) }
override def post[T](body: T)(implicit wrt: Writeable[T]) = { Future.successful(CustomWSResponse(t)) }
//override def put[T](body: T)(implicit wrt: Writeable[T]) = {Future.successful( CustomWSResponse(t))}
def setResponse(t: ResponseObject) = {
override val calc: Option[WSSignatureCalculator] = None
override val queryString: Map[String, Seq[String]] = Map("trial" -> Seq("value"))
override val method: String = "TestMethod"
override val followRedirects: Option[Boolean] = None
override val body: WSBody = null
override val requestTimeout: Option[Int] = None
override val virtualHost: Option[String] = None
override val proxyServer: Option[WSProxyServer] = None
override val auth: Option[(String, String, WSAuthScheme)] = None
override val headers: Map[String, Seq[String]] = Map("trial" -> Seq("value"))
case class CustomWSResponse(t: ResponseObject) extends play.api.libs.ws.WSResponse {
def allHeaders: Map[String, Seq[String]] = { t.headers }
def statusText: String = { "success" }
def underlying[T]: T = underlying.asInstanceOf[T]
def body: String = { t.json.toString() }
def header(key: String): Option[String] = Option(t.headers.get(key).headOption.get.apply(0))
def cookie(name: String): Option[WSCookie] = Some(CustomWSCookie("test"))
def status: Int = { t.status }
def json: JsValue = t.json
override def cookies: Seq[WSCookie] = Seq(CustomWSCookie("test"))
override def xml: Elem = null
override def bodyAsBytes: Array[Byte] = null
case class CustomWSCookie(t: String) extends play.api.libs.ws.WSCookie {
override def underlying[T]: T = this.underlying
override def domain: String = "test"
override def name: Option[String] = Some("test")
override def value: Option[String] = Some("test")
override def path: String = "test"
override def expires: Option[Long] = Some(2L)
override def maxAge: Option[Int] = Some(5)
override def secure: Boolean = true
case class ResponseObject(json: JsValue, headers: Map[String, Seq[String]], status: Int)
I have created a mock where ever ws object is used.
class TranslationsActorSpec extends ServiceOneAppPerSuite with LazyLogging {
override val ws = mock[CustomWSClient]
val mockWSRequest = mock[CustomWSRequest]
val mockWSResponse = mock[CustomWSResponse]
when(ws.url("https://getCallToMyService")) thenReturn (mockWSRequest)
"Authorization" -> "token somevalue"
)) thenReturn (mockWSRequest)
when(mockWSRequest.get()) thenReturn (Future.successful(mockWSResponse))
when(mockWSResponse.status) thenReturn (200)
//write your testcase and pass ws object to it, it will get the mocked response for the service call
class WebSocketUtils(pubSub: PubSubRegistry)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {
def topic(id: String) = pubSub.refFor(TopicIdString)
def subscribe(id: String) =
def unsubscribe(id:String) = ??
I am using kafka_2.10- and scala_2.10.3.
I want to write custom Serializer and Deserializer using scala.
I tried with these Serializer (from CustomType) and Deserializer (obtain a CustomType):
class CustomTypeSerializer extends Serializer[CustomType] {
private val gson: Gson = new Gson()
override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean):
Unit = {
// nothing to do
override def serialize(topic: String, data: CustomType): Array[Byte] = {
if (data == null)
override def close(): Unit = {
//nothing to do
class CustomTypeDeserializer extends Deserializer[CustomType] {
private val gson: Gson = new Gson()
override def deserialize(topic: String, bytes: Array[Byte]): CustomType = {
val offerJson = gson.toJson(bytes.toString)
val psType: Type = new TypeToken[CustomType]() {}.getType()
val ps: CustomType = gson.fromJson(offerJson, psType)
override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _], isKey: Boolean):
Unit = {
// nothing to do
override def close(): Unit = {
//nothing to do
But, I got this error:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing key/value for partition topic_0_1-1 at offset 26
Caused by: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2 path $
at com.google.gson.internal.bind.ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory$Adapter.read(ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory.java:224)
at com.google.gson.Gson.fromJson(Gson.java:887)
at com.google.gson.Gson.fromJson(Gson.java:852)
at com.google.gson.Gson.fromJson(Gson.java:801)
at kafka.PSDeserializer.deserialize(PSDeserializer.scala:24)
at kafka.PSDeserializer.deserialize(PSDeserializer.scala:18)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher.parseRecord(Fetcher.java:627)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher.parseFetchedData(Fetcher.java:548)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher.fetchedRecords(Fetcher.java:354)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.pollOnce(KafkaConsumer.java:1000)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.poll(KafkaConsumer.java:938)
Can you help me please
Find below the custom serializer and deserializer for case class User, User(name:String,id:Int). Replace User in code with your case class. It will work.
import java.io.{ObjectInputStream, ByteArrayInputStream}
import java.util
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{Deserializer, Serializer}
class CustomDeserializer extends Deserializer[User]{
override def configure(configs: util.Map[String,_],isKey: Boolean):Unit = {
override def deserialize(topic:String,bytes: Array[Byte]) = {
val byteIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)
val objIn = new ObjectInputStream(byteIn)
val obj = objIn.readObject().asInstanceOf[User]
override def close():Unit = {
import java.io.{ObjectOutputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream}
import java.util
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serializer
class CustomSerializer extends Serializer[User]{
override def configure(configs: util.Map[String,_],isKey: Boolean):Unit = {
override def serialize(topic:String, data:User):Array[Byte] = {
try {
val byteOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val objOut = new ObjectOutputStream(byteOut)
catch {
case ex:Exception => throw new Exception(ex.getMessage)
override def close():Unit = {
Is there a simple way to return a concrete type in an override method? And what about creating an instance of a concrete implementation? And calling chained methods implemented in the concrete class, so they return a correct type, too? I have a solution (based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/14905650) but I feel these things should be simpler.
There are many similar questions, but everyone's case is a little different, so here is another example (shortened from https://github.com/valdanylchuk/saiml/tree/master/src/main/scala/saiml/ga). When replying, if possible, please check if the whole code block compiles with your suggested change, because there are subtle cascading effects. I could not make this work with the "curiously recurring template pattern", for example (not that I find it nicer).
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.Random
abstract class Individual(val genome: String) {
type Self
def this() = this("") // please override with a random constructor
def crossover(that: Individual): Self
class HelloGenetic(override val genome: String) extends Individual {
type Self = HelloGenetic
def this() = this(Random.alphanumeric.take("Hello, World!".length).mkString)
override def crossover(that: Individual): HelloGenetic = {
val newGenome = this.genome.substring(0, 6) + that.genome.substring(6)
new HelloGenetic(newGenome)
class Population[A <: Individual {type Self = A} :ClassTag]( val size: Int,
tournamentSize: Int, givenIndividuals: Option[Vector[A]] = None) {
val individuals: Vector[A] = givenIndividuals getOrElse
Vector.tabulate(size)(_ => implicitly[ClassTag[A]].runtimeClass.newInstance.asInstanceOf[A])
def tournamentSelect(): A = individuals.head // not really, skipped
def evolve: Population[A] = {
val nextGen = (0 until size).map { _ =>
val parent1: A = tournamentSelect()
val parent2: A = tournamentSelect()
val child: A = parent1.crossover(parent2)
new Population(size, tournamentSize, Some(nextGen))
class Genetic[A <: Individual {type Self = A} :ClassTag](populationSize: Int, tournamentSize: Int) {
def optimize(maxGen: Int, maxMillis: Long): Individual = {
val first = new Population[A](populationSize, tournamentSize)
val optPop = (0 until maxGen).foldLeft(first) { (pop, _) => pop.evolve }
The CRTP version is
abstract class Individual[A <: Individual[A]](val genome: String) {
def this() = this("") // please override with a random constructor
def crossover(that: A): A
class HelloGenetic(override val genome: String) extends Individual[HelloGenetic] {
def this() = this(Random.alphanumeric.take("Hello, World!".length).mkString)
override def crossover(that: HelloGenetic): HelloGenetic = {
val newGenome = this.genome.substring(0, 6) + that.genome.substring(6)
new HelloGenetic(newGenome)
class Population[A <: Individual[A] :ClassTag]( val size: Int,
tournamentSize: Int, givenIndividuals: Option[Vector[A]] = None) {
val individuals: Vector[A] = givenIndividuals getOrElse
Vector.tabulate(size)(_ => implicitly[ClassTag[A]].runtimeClass.newInstance.asInstanceOf[A])
def tournamentSelect(): A = individuals.head // not really, skipped
def evolve: Population[A] = {
val nextGen = (0 until size).map { _ =>
val parent1: A = tournamentSelect()
val parent2: A = tournamentSelect()
val child: A = parent1.crossover(parent2)
new Population(size, tournamentSize, Some(nextGen))
class Genetic[A <: Individual[A] :ClassTag](populationSize: Int, tournamentSize: Int) {
def optimize(maxGen: Int, maxMillis: Long): Individual[A] = {
val first = new Population[A](populationSize, tournamentSize)
val optPop = (0 until maxGen).foldLeft(first) { (pop, _) => pop.evolve }
which compiles. For creating the instances, I'd suggest just passing functions:
class Population[A <: Individual[A]](val size: Int,
tournamentSize: Int, makeIndividual: () => A, givenIndividuals: Option[Vector[A]] = None) {
val individuals: Vector[A] = givenIndividuals getOrElse
If you want to pass them implicitly, you can easily do so:
trait IndividualFactory[A] {
def apply(): A
class HelloGenetic ... // remove def this()
object HelloGenetic {
implicit val factory: IndividualFactory[HelloGenetic] = new IndividualFactory[HelloGenetic] {
def apply() = new HelloGenetic(Random.alphanumeric.take("Hello, World!".length).mkString)
class Population[A <: Individual[A]](val size: Int,
tournamentSize: Int, givenIndividuals: Option[Vector[A]] = None)
(implicit factory: IndividualFactory[A]) {
val individuals: Vector[A] = givenIndividuals getOrElse
Going from the following macro implementation, which is working as expected, i would like to remove the hard coded Account and replace it with a variable beeing passed as type parameter T:c.WeakTypeTag to the macro by the caller.
how should the macro be modified so that i can pass any type T?
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
import com.xy.iws.model.Model._
import com.xy.iws.repo.dao.DAO._
import com.xy.iws.service.run
import com.xy.iws.service.Api
import com.xy.iws.service.Request._
object makeService {
def make[T]:Api[Account] = macro makeImpl[T]
def makeImpl[T:c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[Api[Account]] = c.universe.reify {
//val source = c.weakTypeOf[T]
import com.xy.iws.service.Request._
implicit val api = new Api[Account] {
def create():Int = {run.runG[Int](Create[Account])}
def all(): List[Account] = run.runG[List[Account]](new FindAll[Account])
def insert(model: List[Account]) = run.runG[Int](new Insert[Account](model))
def findSome(id: String): List[Account] = run.runG[List[Account]](new FindSome[Account](id))
def find(id: String): List[Account] = run.runG[List[Account]](new Find[Account](id))
def update(item: Account): List[Account] = {
val i = run.runG[List[Account]](new Find[Account](item.id))
if (i.size > 0) {
val updateAccount = run.runG[Int](new Update[Account](item.id, item.name))
}else {
run.runG[List[Account]](new FindAll[Account])
def delete(id: String): List[Account] = {
run.runG[Int](new Delete[Account](id))
run.runG[List[Account]](new FindAll[Account])
maybe you can use quasiquotes
abstract class Api[T] {
def a: Int
def b: Int
def t: List[T]
object Reify {
def apply[T](initValue: T): Api[T] = macro impl[T]
def impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(initValue: c.Expr[T]): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val t = c.weakTypeOf[T].typeSymbol.name.toTypeName
val api = new Api[$t] {
def a = 1
def b = 2
override def t= List(${initValue})
---use like this
object ReifyUsing extends App {
import macross.Reify
import macross.Api
Thank you that was the hint i was looking for as answer to my question:
How to pass pass parameter in particular type parameter to the implementation of a macro?
Short answer: Use quasiquote
See the implementation below that did the job
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context
import com.xy.iws.model.Model._
import com.xy.iws.repo.dao.DAO._
object makeService {
import com.xy.iws.service.Api
import com.xy.iws.service.Request
def make[T]:Api[T] = macro makeImpl[T]
def makeImpl[T:c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val t = c.weakTypeOf[T].typeSymbol.name.toTypeName
implicit val api = new Api[$t] {
override def create():Int = {run.runG[Int](Create[$t])}
override def all(): List[$t] = run.runG[List[$t]](new FindAll[$t])
override def insert(model: List[$t]) = run.runG[Int](new Insert[$t](model))
override def findSome(id: String): List[$t] = run.runG[List[$t]](new FindSome[$t](id))
override def find(id: String): List[$t] = run.runG[List[$t]](new Find[$t](id))
override def update(item: $t): List[$t] = {
val i = run.runG[List[$t]](new Find[$t](item.id))
if (i.size > 0) {
run.runG[Int](new Update[$t](item.id, item.name))
}else {
run.runG[List[$t]](new FindAll[$t])
override def delete(id: String): List[$t] = {
run.runG[Int](new Delete[$t](id))
run.runG[List[$t]](new FindAll[$t])
and i use the macro like this:
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String])
import com.xy.iws.service.Api
println(makeService.make[Account].all +" account objects")
println(makeService.make[Article].all +" article objects")
println(makeService.make[Supplier].all +" supplier objects")
I'm trying to implement a type class solution for error handling in a Play application. What I want is to have some type class instances representing some validated (caught) errors and a default type class instance for any unvalidated (uncaught) errors.
I don't know if this is possible, but here's what I have so far:
trait ResponseError[E] {
def report(e: E)(implicit logger: Logger): Unit
def materialize(e: E): Result
trait ValidatedError[E <: Throwable] extends ResponseError[E] {
def report(e: E)(implicit logger: Logger): Unit =
trait UnvalidatedError[E <: Throwable] extends ResponseError[E] {
def report(e: E)(implicit logger: Logger): Unit = {
object ResponseError {
def logError(e: Throwable)(implicit logger: Logger): Unit =
object ValidatedError {
import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutionException, TimeoutException}
implicit val executionError = new ValidatedError[ExecutionException] {
def materialize(e: E): Result =
implicit val timeoutError = new ValidatedError[TimeoutException] {
def materialize(e: E): Result =
object UnvalidatedError {
implicit uncaughtError = new UnvalidatedError[Throwable] {
def materialize(e: E): Result =
private def notify(e: Throwable) = ??? // send email notification
However how can I make sure to try my ValidatedError type class instances first, before falling back to my UnvalidatedError type class instance?
There you go. See my comment for details.
import java.util.concurrent.{TimeoutException, ExecutionException}
type Result = String
val badRequest: Result = "BadRequest"
val requestTimeout: Result = "RequestTimeout"
val serviceUnavailable: Result = "ServiceUnavailable"
class Logger {
def error(s: String) = println(s + "\n")
trait ResponseError[E] {
def report(e: E)(implicit logger: Logger): Unit
def materialize(e: E): Result
trait ValidatedError[E <: Throwable] extends UnvalidatedError[E] {
override def report(e: E)(implicit logger: Logger): Unit =
ResponseError.logError(e, validated = true)
trait UnvalidatedError[E <: Throwable] extends ResponseError[E] {
def report(e: E)(implicit logger: Logger): Unit = {
ResponseError.logError(e, validated = false)
object ResponseError {
def logError(e: Throwable, validated: Boolean)(implicit logger: Logger): Unit =
validated match {
case true => "VALIDATED : "
case false => "UNVALIDATED : "
} + e.getMessage)
object ValidatedError {
import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutionException, TimeoutException}
implicit def executionError[E <: ExecutionException] = new ValidatedError[E] {
def materialize(e: E): Result =
implicit def timeoutError[E <: TimeoutException] = new ValidatedError[E] {
def materialize(e: E): Result =
object UnvalidatedError {
implicit def uncaughtError[E <: Throwable] = new UnvalidatedError[E] {
def materialize(e: E): Result =
private def notify(e: Throwable) = println("Sending email: " + e) // send email notification
def testTypeclass[E](e: E)(implicit logger: Logger, ev: ResponseError[E]): Unit ={
import ValidatedError._
import UnvalidatedError._
implicit val logger: Logger = new Logger
val executionErr = new ExecutionException(new Throwable("execution exception!"))
val timeoutErr = new TimeoutException("timeout exception!")
val otherErr = new Exception("other exception!")
VALIDATED : java.lang.Throwable: execution exception!
VALIDATED : timeout exception!
UNVALIDATED : other exception!
Sending email: java.lang.Exception: other exception!