SBT: Is it possible to load user class in build.sbt and run it? - scala

I have two projects:
lazy val project1 = (project in file("project1"))
.settings(mainClass in (Compile, run) := Some("Main"))
lazy val project2 = (project in file("project2"))
.settings(mainClass in (Compile, run) := Some("Main"))
And project1 contains project1/src/scala/Foo.scala
Now, I would like to run a task that use classes from project1 when compiling the project2: Something along the lines of:
project2.settings(result := {
val result: String = new project1.Foo().name
.. do something
Is it even possible? What if I don't know the name (Foo) in advance. Can I list all classes in folder project/src/scala/ and instantiate them all?


build.sbt - iteration over sub projects for common settings in monorepo

I'm implementing a monorepo using SBT. I would like to iterate over my subprojects in order to initialize them (as the have the same configuration) and prevent code duplication.
In my build.sbt:
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.aggregate(projects: _*)
crossScalaVersions := Nil,
publish / skip := true
lazy val projects = Seq("projectA", "projectB", "projectC")
.map((projectName: String) => (project in file(projectName))
name := projectName,
libraryDependencies ++= ModulesDependencies.get(projectName))
I'm getting the error:
error: project must be directly assigned to a val, such as `val x = project`. Alternatively, you can use `sbt.Project.apply`
Based on the error message, I also tried to use sbt.Project.apply(projectName, file(projectName)).settings(...) instead, but I'm also facing some funny errors.
From what I understand, it seems that SBT expects me to declare as lazy val projectA = (project in file("projectA")).settings(...), which works fine but I would have to duplicate this code for all my sub projects.
Is this iteration that I try to implement even possible?
Utility method might help with some of the duplication, for example
def createProject(projectName: String) = {
Project(projectName, file(projectName))
name := projectName,
libraryDependencies ++= ModulesDependencies.get(projectName)
lazy val projectA = createProject("projectA")
lazy val projectB = createProject("projectB")
lazy val projectC = createProject("projectC")
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.aggregate(projectA, projectB, projectB)
crossScalaVersions := Nil,
publish / skip := true

Per-project tasks in SBT

My .sbt file looks something like this:
lazy val common = (project in file("./common"))
// other settings
lazy val one = (project in file("./one"))
// other settings
addCommandAlias("build", ";clean;assembly;foo")
lazy val two = (project in file("./two"))
// other settings
addCommandAlias("build", ";clean;compile;bar")
Additionally I have two tasks foo and bar which are only valid in their respective projects.
My tests show that upon calling build - no matter which project I am in - both aliases are being called.
And for tasks, the keys can already be only defined at top-level of the .sbt file (e.g. val foo = taskKey[Unit]("Does foo")).
I want to know how to correctly implement tasks and command aliases on project level.
Is that possible?
The problem you are having is with alias in sbt. When an alias is defined, it is attached to scope GlobalScope in the form of a command and therefore available for all sub-projects. When you do multiple definitions of aliases with addCommandAlias, the last execution wins as every executions removes previously created alias with the same name.
You can see the defined alias by running sbt alias and it will print that there is only one build alias.
You could achieve separations of build by introducing it as a taskKey
lazy val build = taskKey[Unit]("Builds")
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.aggregate(one, two) // THIS IS NEED TO MAKE build TASK AVAILABLE IN ROOT
lazy val common = (project in file("./common"))
lazy val one = (project in file("./one"))
build := {
Def.sequential(clean, Compile / compile).value
lazy val two = (project in file("./two"))
build := {
Def.sequential(clean, assembly).value
EDIT: Added Def.sequential as suggested by #laughedelic in the comments

How to create a generic SBT root project with varying sub projects

I'm working on the Scala track in Exercism which means I have a lot of SBT projects in a root folder. I'd like to create a root SBT project which will automatically add new sub-projects as I download new exercises. Currently I have to add them manually, so my root build.sbt looks like this:
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
lazy val hello_world = project in file("hello-world")
lazy val sum_of_multiples = project in file("sum-of-multiples")
lazy val robot_name = project in file("robot-name")
...but I'd like to avoid having to add every project manually. Is there a way to add new projects automatically?
I'd like to avoid having to add every project manually. Is there a way to add new projects automatically?
Sure. It's a bit advanced use of sbt, but you can create an ad-hoc plugin that generates subprojects programmatically.
ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.12.8"
ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
ThisBuild / organization := "com.example"
ThisBuild / organizationName := "example"
import sbt._
object SubprojectPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
override val requires = sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin
override val trigger = allRequirements
override lazy val extraProjects: Seq[Project] = {
val dirs = (file(".") * ("*" -- "project" -- "target")) filter { _.isDirectory }
dirs.get.toList map { dir =>
Project(dir.getName.replaceAll("""\W""", "_"), dir)
Now if you start up sbt, any directories that are not named target or project will result to a subproject.
sbt:generic-root> projects
[info] In file:/private/tmp/generic-root/
[info] * generic-root
[info] hello_world
[info] robot_name
[info] sum_of_multiple
To add further settings you can create build.sbt file under the directory as follows:
libraryDependencies += "commons-io" % "commons-io" % "2.6"

How can I specify a mainClass in build.sbt that resides in another module?

For some reason, our project got reorganized with the main class thrown in another module
I've specified the mainClass as below in the build.sbt but I still get a class not found error:
mainClass in Compile := Some("")
However, this is bound to fail since it's going to look for the Main class in the src folder. However, this module lives outside of (sibling of) src:
| +-Main
|+-build.sbt <-- build.sbt specific to this module, currently blank
| +-<other folders>
+-build.sbt <-- build.sbt currently housing all config
How can I change the project scope in build.sbt to find and correctly load the main class?
That is, is it possible to do sbt run at the top level and have the main class be found with this structure?
It should work.
The FQCN specification for mainClass should be location independent to my understanding.
The real question that comes to mind is how you are loading your sub-module.
Here are some sbt definitions that should help point you in the right direction ( replace the <> tags with your own project Ids) :
// Define a submodule ref to be able to include it as a dependency
lazy val subModuleRef = ProjectRef(file("MyModule"),<MyModule SBT NAME>)
// Define a submodule project to be able to orchestrate it's build
lazy val subModule = Project(
id = <MyModule SBT NAME>,
base = file("MyModule"),
// Define the top-level project, depending and subModule Ref for code
// inclusion and aggregating the subModule for build orchestration
lazy val scalaProject = Project(
id = <MyScalaProject NAME>,
base = file("."),
aggregate = Seq(subModule),
settings = commonSettings
Let's say that you have the MyModule module/folder containing the main class and some other module called MyCoreModule (just to illustrate the whole build.sbt):
// any stuff that you want to share between modules
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
scalaVersion := "2.12.8",
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
name := "parent-module"
.aggregate(core, app)
.dependsOn(app) // <-- here is the config that will allow you to run "sbt run" from the root project
lazy val core ="MyCoreModule"))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
name := "core"
lazy val app ="MyModule"))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
name := "app"
// define your mainClass from the "app" module
mainClass in Compile := (mainClass in Compile in app).value
Btw, sbt.version=1.2.7

SBT: How to make one task depend on another in multi-project builds, and not run in the root project?

For my multi-project build, I'm trying to create a verify task that just results in scct:test and then scalastyle being executed in order. I would like scct:test to execute for all the subprojects, but not the top-level project. (If it executes for the top-level project, I get "timed out waiting for coverage report" from scct, since there's no source and no tests in that project.) What I had thought to do was to create verify as a task with dependencies on scct:test and scalastyle. This has turned out to be fairly baroque. Here is my Build.scala from my top-level project/ directory:
object MyBuild extends Build {
val verifyTask = TaskKey[Unit]("verify", "Compiles, runs tests via scct:test and then runs scalastyle")
val scctTestTask = (test in ScctPlugin.Scct).scopedKey
val scalastyleTask = PluginKeys.scalastyleTarget.scopedKey
lazy val root = Project("rootProject",
settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++
ScalastylePlugin.Settings ++
ScctPlugin.instrumentSettings ++
ScctPlugin.mergeReportSettings ++
verifyTask in Global := {},
verifyTask <<= verifyTask.dependsOn(scctTestTask, scalastyleTask)
) aggregate(lift_webapp, selenium_tests)
lazy val subproject_1 = Project(id = "subproject_1", base = file("subproject_1"))
lazy val subproject_2 = Project(id = "subproject_2", base = file("subproject_2"))
However, the verify task only seems to exist for the root project; when I run it I don't see the same task being run in the subprojects. This is exactly the opposite of what I want; I'd like to issue sbt verify and have scct:test and scalastyle run in each of the subprojects but not in the top-level project. How might I go about doing that?
solution 1: define verifyTask in subprojects
First thing to note is that if you want some task (verify, test, etc) to run in some projects, you need to define them scoped to the subprojects. So in your case, the most straightforward thing to do this is to define verifyTask in subproject_1 and subproject_2.
lazy val scalaTest = "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.4"
lazy val verify = taskKey[Unit]("verify")
def verifySettings = Seq(
skip in verify := false,
verify := (Def.taskDyn {
val sk = (skip in verify).value
if (sk) Def.task { println("skipping verify...") }
else (test in Test)
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.aggregate(sub1, sub2)
scalaVersion in ThisBuild := "2.12.4",
skip in verify := true
lazy val sub1 = (project in file("sub1"))
libraryDependencies += scalaTest % Test
lazy val sub2 = (project in file("sub2"))
libraryDependencies += scalaTest % Test
solution 2: ScopeFilter
There was a recent Reddit thread that mentioned this question, so I'll post what I've done there.
If you want to manually aggregate on some subprojects, there's also a technique called ScopeFilter.
Note that I am using sbt 1.x here, but it should work with sbt 0.13 some minor change.
lazy val packageAll = taskKey[Unit]("package all the projects")
lazy val myTask = inputKey[Unit]("foo")
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.aggregate(sub1, sub2)
scalaVersion in ThisBuild := "2.12.4",
packageAll := {
(packageBin in Compile).all(nonRootsFilter).value
myTask := {
lazy val sub1 = (project in file("sub1"))
lazy val sub2 = (project in file("sub2"))
def nonRootsFilter = {
def nonRoots: List[ProjectReference] =
allProjects filter {
case LocalProject(p) => p != "root"
case _ => false
def allProjects: List[ProjectReference] =
ReflectUtilities.allVals[Project](this).values.toList map { p =>
p: ProjectReference
ScopeFilter(inProjects(nonRoots: _*), inAnyConfiguration)
In the above, myTask depends on packageAll, which aggregates (packageBin in Compile) for all non-root subprojects.
sbt:root> myTask
[info] Packaging /Users/xxx/packageall/sub1/target/scala-2.12/sub1_2.12-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Packaging /Users/xxx/packageall/sub2/target/scala-2.12/sub2_2.12-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Feb 2, 2018 7:23:23 PM
I may be wrong, but you are defining the verify task dependency only for the current project.
Maybe you can try:
verifyTask in Global := {},
verifyTask <<= (verifyTask in Global).dependsOn(scctTestTask, scalastyleTask)
Or you can add the verifyTask settings to all your modules.