flink increase parallelism of async operation - scala

We have AsyncFunction the async operation is done using akka http client
class Foo[A,B] extends AsyncFunction[A, B] with {
val akkaConfig = ConfigFactory.load()
implicit lazy val executor: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.directExecutor())
implicit lazy val system = ActorSystem("MyActorSystem", akkaConfig)
implicit lazy val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
def postReq(uriStr: String, str: String): Future[HttpResponse] = {
method = HttpMethods.POST,
uri = uriStr,
entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, str))
override def asyncInvoke(input: A, resultFuture: ResultFuture[B]) : Unit = {
val resultFutureRequested: Future[HttpResponse] = postReq(...)
//the rest of the class ...
Questions :
If I want to increase the parallelism of the http requests - should I do it using the akka config or is there is a way to config it via flink.yamel
Since Flink is using akka as well is that the correct way to create the ActorSystem and the ExecutionContext ?

As for the first question, You have three different settings that can affect the performance and the number of actual requests executed:
Parallelism, this will cause the Flink to create multiple instances of Your AsyncFunction including multiple instances of Your HttpClient.
Number of concurrent requests in the function itself. When you are calling orderedWait or unorderedWait You should provide the capacity in the function, which will limit the number of concurrent requests.
The actual settings of Your Http client.
As You can see, the points 2. and 3. are connected, since the Flink can limit the number of possible concurrent requests, so sometimes the changes in Your Http Client settings may not have an effect, since number of requests is bounded by Flink intself.
Increasing the throughput of Your AsyncFunction depends on the case. You need to remeber that AsyncFunction is callend IN SINGLE THREAD. This basically means that If the time to respond of the service You are calling is big, You will simply block the number of requests waiting for the response and thus the only way is to increase the parallelism'. Generally however, changing the settings of the HttpClient and the capacity of the function should allow You to obtain better throughput.
As for the second question, I don' t see an issue with creating the multiple ActorSystems. You can see the similar question answered [here].1


akka streaming file lines to actor router and writing with single actor. how to handle the backpressure

I want to stream a file from s3 to actor to be parsed and enriched and to write the output to other file.
The number of parserActors should be limited e.g
deployment {
HereClient/router1 {
router = round-robin-pool
nr-of-instances = 28
val writerActor = actorSystem.actorOf(WriterActor.props())
val parser = actorSystem.actorOf(FromConfig.props(ParsingActor.props(writerActor)), "router1")
however the actor that is writing to a file should be limited to 1 (singleton)
I tried doing something like
val reader: ParquetReader[GenericRecord] = AvroParquetReader.builder[GenericRecord](file).withConf(conf).build()
val source: Source[GenericRecord, NotUsed] = AvroParquetSource(reader)
source.map (record => record ! parser)
but I am not sure that the backpressure is handled correctly. any advice ?
Indeed your solution is disregarding backpressure.
The correct way to have a stream interact with an actor while maintaining backpressure is to use the ask pattern support of akka-stream (reference).
From my understanding of your example you have 2 separate actor interaction points:
send records to the parsing actors (via a router)
send parsed records to the singleton write actor
What I would do is something similar to the following:
val writerActor = actorSystem.actorOf(WriterActor.props())
val parserActor = actorSystem.actorOf(FromConfig.props(ParsingActor.props(writerActor)), "router1")
val reader: ParquetReader[GenericRecord] = AvroParquetReader.builder[GenericRecord](file).withConf(conf).build()
val source: Source[GenericRecord, NotUsed] = AvroParquetSource(reader)
The idea is that you send all the GenericRecord elements to the parserActor which will reply with a ParsedRecord. Here as an example we specify a parallelism of 28 since that's the number of instances you have configured, however as long as you use a value higher than the actual number of actor instances no actor should suffer from work starvation.
Once the parseActor replies with the parsing result (here represented by the ParsedRecord) we apply the same pattern to interact with the singleton writer actor. Note that here we don't specify the parallelism as we have a single instance so it doesn't make sense the send more than 1 message at a time (in reality this happens anyway due to buffering at async boundaries, but this is just a built-in optimization). In this case we expect that the writer actor replies with a WriteAck to inform us that the writing has been successful and we can send the next element.
Using this method you are maintaining backpressure throughout your whole stream.
I think you should be using one of the "async" operations
Perhaps this other q/a gives you some insperation Processing an akka stream asynchronously and writing to a file sink

Right way of handling multiple future callbacks using threadpool in Scala

I am trying to do a very simple thing and want to understand the right way of doing it. I need to periodically make some Rest API calls to a separate service and then process the results asynchronously. I am using actor system's default scheduler to schedule the Http requests and have created a separate threadpool to handle the Future callbacks. Since there is no dependency between requests and response I thought a separate threadpool for handling future callbacks should be fine.
Is there some problem with this approach?
I read the Scala doc and it says there is some issue here (though i not clear on it).
Generally what is recommended way of handling these scenarios?
implicit val system = ActorSystem("my-actor-system") // define an actor system
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10)) // create a thread pool
// define a thread which periodically does some work using the actor system's scheduler
system.scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(5.seconds, 5.seconds)(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
val urls = getUrls() // get list of urls
val futureResults = urls.map(entry => getData[MyData](entry))) // get data foreach url
futureResults onComplete {
case Success(res) => // do something with the result
case Failure(e) => // do something with the error
def getdata[T](url : String) : Future[Option[Future[T]] = {
implicit val ec1 = system.dispatcher
val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] = execute(url)
responseFuture map { result => {
// transform the response and return data in format T
Whether or not having a separate thread pool really depends on the use case. If the service integration is very critical and is designed to take a lot of resources, then a separate thread pool may make sense, otherwise, just use the default one should be fine. Feel free to refer to Levi's question for more in-depth discussions on this part.
Regarding "job scheduling in an actor system", I think Akka streams are a perfect fit here. I give you an example below. Feel free to refer to the blog post https://blog.colinbreck.com/rethinking-streaming-workloads-with-akka-streams-part-i/ regarding how many things can Akka streams simplify for you.
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Sink, Source}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
object Timer {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("Timer")
// default thread pool
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
// comment out below if custom thread pool is needed
// also make sure you read https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/dispatchers.html#setting-the-dispatcher-for-an-actor
// to define the custom thread pool
// implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatchers.lookup("my-custom-dispatcher")
.tick(5.seconds, 5.seconds, getUrls())
.mapAsync(1)(url => fetch(url))
.onComplete {
case Success(responses) =>
// handle responses
case Failure(ex) =>
// handle exceptions
def getUrls(): Seq[String] = ???
def fetch(url: String): Future[Response] = ???
case class Response(body: String)
In addition to Yik San Chan's answer above (especially regarding using Akka Streams), I'd also point out that what exactly you're doing in the .onComplete block is quite relevant to the choice of which ExecutionContext to use for the onComplete callback.
In general, if what you're doing in the callback will be doing blocking I/O, it's probably best to do it in a threadpool which is large relative to the number of cores (note that each thread on the JVM consumes about 1MB or so of heap, so it's probably not a great idea to use an ExecutionContext that spawns an unbounded number of threads; a fixed pool of about 10x your core count is probably OK).
Otherwise, it's probably OK to use an ExecutionContext with a threadpool roughly equal in size to the number of cores: the default Akka dispatcher is such an ExecutionContext. The only real reason to consider not using the Akka dispatcher, in my experience/opinion, is if the callback is going to occupy the CPU for a long time. The phenomenon known as "thread starvation" can occur in that scenario, with adverse impacts on performance and cluster stability (if using, e.g. Akka Cluster or health-checks). In such a scenario, I'd tend to use a dispatcher with fewer threads than cores and consider configuring the default dispatcher with fewer threads than the default (while the kernel's scheduler can and will manage more threads ready-to-run than cores, there are strong arguments for not letting it do so).
In an onComplete callback (in comparison to the various transformation methods on Future like map/flatMap and friends), since all you can do is side-effect, it's probably more likely than not that you're doing blocking I/O.

using streams vs actors for periodic tasks

Im working with akka/scala/play stack.
Usually, im using stream to perform certain tasks. for example, I have a stream that wakes every minute, picks up something from the DB, and call another service to enrich its data using an API and save the enrichment to the DB.
something like this:
class FetcherAndSaveStream #Inject()(fetcherAndSaveGraph: FetcherAndSaveGraph, dbElementsSource: DbElementsSource)
(implicit val mat: Materializer,
implicit val exec: ExecutionContext) extends LazyLogging {
def graph[M1, M2](source: Source[BDElement, M1],
sink: Sink[BDElement, M2],
switch: SharedKillSwitch): RunnableGraph[(M1, M2)] = {
val fetchAndSaveDataFromExternalService: Flow[BDElement, BDElement, NotUsed] =
def runGraph(switchSharedKill: SharedKillSwitch): (NotUsed, Future[Done]) = {
logger.info("FetcherAndSaveStream is now running")
graph(dbElementsSource.dbElements(), Sink.ignore, switchSharedKill).run()
I wonder, is this better than just using an actor that ticks every minute and do something like that? what is the comparison between using actors for this and stream?
trying to figure out still when should I choose which method (streams/actors). thanks!!
You can use both, depending on the requirements you have for your solution which are not listed there. The general concern you need to take into consideration - actors more low-level stuff than streams, so they require more code and debug.
Basically, streams are good for tasks where you have a relatively big amount of data you need to process with low memory consumption. With streams, you won't need to start to stream each n seconds, you can set this stream to run along with the application. That could make your code more concise by omitting scheduler logic.
I will omit your DI and architecture stuff, write solution with pseudocode:
val yourConsumer: Sink[YourDBRecord] = ???
val recordsSource: Source[YourDBRecord] =
val runnableGraph = (Source repeat ())
.throttle(1, n seconds)
.mapAsync(yourParallelism){_ =>
} mapConcat identity to yourConsumer
This stream will do your stuff. You even can enhance it with more sophisticated logic to adapt the polling rate according to workloads using feedback loop in graph api. Also, you can add the error-handling strategy you need to resume in place your stream has crashed.
Moreover, there's alpakka connectors for DBS capable of doing so, you can see if solutions there fit your purpose, or check for implementation details.
What you can get by doing so - backpressure, ability to work with streams, clean and concise code with no timed automata managed directly by you.
You can also create an actor, but then you should do all the things akka streams do for you by hand, i.e. back-pressure in case you want to interop with streams, scheduler, chunking and memory management(to not to load 100000 or so entries in one batch to memory), etc.

Looking for something like a TestFlow analogous to TestSink and TestSource

I am writing a class that takes a Flow (representing a kind of socket) as a constructor argument and that allows to send messages and wait for the respective answers asynchronously by returning a Future. Example:
class SocketAdapter(underlyingSocket: Flow[String, String, _]) {
def sendMessage(msg: MessageType): Future[ResponseType]
This is not necessarily trivial because there may be other messages in the socket stream that are irrelevant, so some filtering is required.
In order to test the class I need to provide something like a "TestFlow" analogous to TestSink and TestSource. In fact I can create a flow by combining both. However, the problem is that I only obtain the actual probes upon materialization and materialization happens inside the class under test.
The problem is similar to the one I described in this question. My problem would be solved if I could materialize the flow first and then pass it to a client to connect to it. Again, I'm thinking about using MergeHub and BroadcastHub and again I see the problem that the resulting stream would behave differently because it is not linear anymore.
Maybe I misunderstood how a Flow is supposed to be used. In order to feed messages into the flow when sendMessage() is called, I need a certain kind of Source anyway. Maybe a Source.actorRef(...) or Source.queue(...), so I could pass in the ActorRef or SourceQueue directly. However, I'd prefer if this choice was up to the SocketAdapter class. Of course, this applies to the Sink as well.
It feels like this is a rather common case when working with streams and sockets. If it is not possible to create a "TestFlow" like I need it, I'm also happy with some advice on how to improve my design and make it better testable.
Update: I browsed through the documentation and found SourceRef and SinkRef. It looks like these could solve my problem but I'm not sure yet. Is it reasonable to use them in my case or are there any drawbacks, e.g. different behaviour in the test compared to production where there are no such refs?
Indirect Answer
The nature of your question suggests a design flaw which you are bumping into at testing time. The answer below does not address the issue in your question, but it demonstrates how to avoid the situation altogether.
Don't Mix Business Logic with Akka Code
Presumably you need to test your Flow because you have mixed a substantial amount of logic into the materialization. Lets assume you are using raw sockets for your IO. Your question suggests that your flow looks like:
val socketFlow : Flow[String, String, _] = {
val socket = new Socket(...)
//business logic for IO
You need a complicated test framework for your Flow because your Flow itself is also complicated.
Instead, you should separate out the logic into an independent function that has no akka dependencies:
type MessageProcessor = MessageType => ResponseType
object BusinessLogic {
val createMessageProcessor : (Socket) => MessageProcessor = {
//business logic for IO
Now your flow can be very simple:
val socket : Socket = new Socket(...)
val socketFlow = Flow.map(BusinessLogic.createMessageProcessor(socket))
As a result: your unit testing can exclusively work with createMessageProcessor, there's no need to test akka Flow because it is a simple veneer around the complicated logic that is tested independently.
Don't Use Streams For Concurrency Around 1 Element
The other big problem with your design is that SocketAdapter is using a stream to process just 1 message at a time. This is incredibly wasteful and unnecessary (you're trying to kill a mosquito with a tank).
Given the separated business logic your adapter becomes much simpler and independent of akka:
class SocketAdapter(messageProcessor : MessageProcessor) {
def sendMessage(msg: MessageType): Future[ResponseType] = Future {
Note how easy it is to use Future in some instances and Flow in other scenarios depending on the need. This comes from the fact that the business logic is independent of any concurrency framework.
This is what I came up with using SinkRef and SourceRef:
object TestFlow {
def withProbes[In, Out](implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem,
actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer)
:(Flow[In, Out, _], TestSubscriber.Probe[In], TestPublisher.Probe[Out]) = {
val f = Flow.fromSinkAndSourceMat(TestSink.probe[In], TestSource.probe[Out])
val ((sinkRefFuture, (inProbe, outProbe)), sourceRefFuture) =
val sinkRef = Await.result(sinkRefFuture, 3.seconds)
val sourceRef = Await.result(sourceRefFuture, 3.seconds)
(Flow.fromSinkAndSource(sinkRef, sourceRef), inProbe, outProbe)
This gives me a flow I can completely control with the two probes but I can pass it to a client that connects source and sink later, so it seems to solve my problem.
The resulting Flow should only be used once, so it differs from a regular Flow that is rather a flow blueprint and can be materialized several times. However, this restriction applies to the web socket flow I am mocking anyway, as described here.
The only issue I still have is that some warnings are logged when the ActorSystem terminates after the test. This seems to be due to the indirection introduced by the SinkRef and SourceRef.
Update: I found a better solution without SinkRef and SourceRef by using mapMaterializedValue():
def withProbesFuture[In, Out](implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem,
ec: ExecutionContext)
: (Flow[In, Out, _],
Future[(TestSubscriber.Probe[In], TestPublisher.Probe[Out])]) = {
val (sinkPromise, sourcePromise) =
(Promise[TestSubscriber.Probe[In]], Promise[TestPublisher.Probe[Out]])
val flow =
.fromSinkAndSourceMat(TestSink.probe[In], TestSource.probe[Out])(Keep.both)
.mapMaterializedValue { case (inProbe, outProbe) =>
val probeTupleFuture = sinkPromise.future
.flatMap(sink => sourcePromise.future.map(source => (sink, source)))
(flow, probeTupleFuture)
When the class under test materializes the flow, the Future is completed and I receive the test probes.

Akka Stream from within a Spark Job to write into kafka

Willing to be the most efficient in writing data back into kafka, i am interested in using Akka Stream to write my RDD partition back into Kafka.
The problem is that i need a way to create an actor system per executor and not per partition which would be ridiculous. One may end up with 8 actorSystems on one node on one JVM. However having a Stream per partition is fine.
Has anyone already done that ?
My understanding, an actor system can't be serialized, hence can't be
sent has broadcast variable which would be per executor.
If one has had the experience around figuring a solution to that and tested please would you share ?
Else i can always fall back to https://index.scala-lang.org/benfradet/spark-kafka-writer/spark-kafka-0-10-writer/0.3.0?target=_2.11 but i am not sure it is the most efficient way.
You can always define a global lazy val with an actor system:
object Execution {
implicit lazy val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()
implicit lazy val materializer: Materializer = ActorMaterializer()
Then you just import it in any of the classes where you want to use Akka Streams:
import Execution._
val stream: DStream[...] = ...
stream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
rdd.foreachPartition { records =>
val (queue, done) = Source.queue(...)
.run() // implicitly pulls `Execution.materializer` from scope,
// which in turn will initialize `Execution.actorSystem`
... // push records to the queue
// wait until the stream is completed
Await.result(done, 10.minutes)
The above is kind of pseudocode but I think it should convey the general idea.
This way the system is going to be initialized on every executor JVM only once when it is needed. Additionally you can make the actor system "daemonic" in order for it to shut down automatically when the JVM finishes:
object Execution {
private lazy val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.daemonic = on")
implicit lazy val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("system", config)
implicit lazy val materializer: Materializer = ActorMaterializer()
We're doing this in our Spark jobs and it works flawlessly.
This works without any kind of broadcast variables, and, naturally, can be used in all kinds of Spark jobs, streaming or otherwise. Because the system is defined in a singleton object, it is guaranteed to be initialized only once per JVM instance (modulo various classloader shenanigans, but it doesn't really matter in the context of Spark), therefore even if some of the partitions get placed onto the same JVM (maybe in different threads), it will only initialize the actor system one time. lazy val ensures the thread-safety of the initialization, and ActorSystem is thread-safe, so this won't cause problems in this regard as well.