I was wondering how one would implement an infinite curried add function, for the case of explanation i would stick to scala.
I know how to prepare a simple curry like
def add(a: Int): Int => Int = {
def iadd(b: Int): Int = {
a + b
add(4)(5) // 9
How would i got about implementing add(5)(4)(x1)(x2)..(xn)
The Smart Way
The question is the comments is well-posed: when do you stop the currying and produce a result?
One solution is to stop the recursion by calling the function with zero arguments. Scala's overloading with let us do this.
add(1)(2)(3)(4)() // The () indicates that we're done currying
This is relatively straightforward. We just need a class with an apply that returns a new instance of itself
// A class with an apply method is callable like a function
class Adder(val acc: Int) {
def apply(a: Int): Adder =
new Adder(acc + a)
def apply(): Int =
def add: Adder = new Adder(0)
println(add(1)(2)(3)(4)()) // 10
If you ever had a real reason to do this, this would be the way I would recommend. It's simple, easy to read, and adds very little boilerplate on top of the currying.
The Slightly Unhinged Way
But what fun is simple and logical? Let's get rid of those silly parentheses at the end, eh? We can do it with Scala's implicit conversions. First, we'll need to import the feature, so that Scala will stop warning us that what we're doing is silly and not a good idea.
import scala.language.implicitConversions
Then we make it so that Adder can be converted to Int
// Don't do this in real code
implicit def adderToInt(adder: Adder): Int =
Now, we don't need those parentheses at the end. We do, however, need to indicate to the type system that we want an Int.
val result: Int = add(1)(2)(3)(4)
println(result) // 10
Passing the result to a function which takes an Int, for instance, would also suffice.
Since you mentioned functional programming in general, I will note that you can do similar tricks in Haskell, using typeclasses. You can see this in action in the standard library with Text.PrintF. Note that since Haskell functions always take one argument, you'll need to have a sentinel value to indicate the "end" of the arguments (() may suffice, depending on how generic your argument types are).
If you want to reinterpret every integer n as function n.+, then just do it:
implicit class Add(val x: Int) extends AnyVal { def apply(i: Int) = x + i }
val add = 0
or even shorter (with implicit conversions):
implicit def asAdd(n: Int): Int => Int = n.+
val add = 0
add(1)(2)(3)(4) // res1: Int = 10
There is no such thing as "infinitely curryable", it's not a meaningful notion.
Well, this is not exactly infinite currying, but it gives you the something similar.
final class InfiniteCurrying[A, B] private (acc: A, op: (A, B) => A) {
final val run: A = acc
final def apply(b: B): InfiniteCurrying[A, B] =
new InfiniteCurrying(
acc = op(acc, b),
object InfiniteCurrying {
def add(initial: Int): InfiniteCurrying[Int, Int] =
new InfiniteCurrying(
acc = initial,
op = (acc, b) => acc + b
import InfiniteCurrying._
val r = add(10)(20)(30)
r.run // res: Int = 60
I'm following the excellent Functional Programming in Scala by Paul Chiusano and Rúnar Bjarnason, and had a question to what I find is odd/unexpected behaviour.
I have defined a foldRight function like so
def foldRight[A,B](l: List[A], z: B)(f: (A,B) => B): B =
l match {
case Nil => z
case x :: xs => f(x, foldRight(xs, z)(f))
that works fine as long I pass in concrete arguments, e.g.:
foldRight((1 to 10).toList, 0)(_ + _)
val res6: Int = 55
If I define a similar function that takes the generic list
def sum[A](as: List[A]): Int = foldRight(as, 0)(_ + _)
something odd happens
def sum[A](as: List[A]): Int = foldRight(as, 0)(_ + _)
fold.scala:23: error: type mismatch;
found : Int
required: String
Initially, I was super puzzled by this error message given the only types in play are A, B and Int. However, would seem it simply attempts to make sense of + and generic A's by calling .toString on them as I read about here.
If that is the case though, why come it doesn't simply adds a1.toString + a2.toString + ... + an.toString + 0 = something0? String concatenation between String and Int in Scala is fully understood by the compiler.
Hope someone can help clarifying what's happening here.
However, would seem it simply attempts to make sense of + and generic A's by calling .toString
This is not what happens. The result is similar, but it's not calling .toString. You found the underlying problem though.
The sum function operates on a generic A on which you want to call the +method on.
But A doesn't have a + method (Remember that + in infix position is the same as x.+(y)). The compiler then searches the implicit scope for a function or class constructor to convert this A into something that has a + method. It finds it in any2stringadd.
Your method actually looks like
def sum[A](as: List[A]): Int = foldRight(as, 0)(any2Stringadd(_) + _)
Now the error makes sense. Because the + method of the any2Stringadd class expects a string as its argument. But your z argument is of type Int. You can see that, when you explicitly add the types to the inline function argument.
As other pointed out, this is not reconcilable without constraining the type parameter.
As others have said, you can't try to add instances of some type A that you know nothing about, since the Scala compiler gets confused and tries to implicitly turn your A objects into Strings, even though you have 0, which is an Int. However, you can get around this with typeclasses, like this.
trait Sum[T] {
def id: T
def add(_1: T, _2: T): T
implicit object IntSum extends Sum[Int] {
def id = 0
def add(i1: Int, i2: Int) = i1 + i2
def sum[A](as: List[A])(implicit sum: Sum[A]): A = foldRight(as, sum.id)(sum.add)
Here, IntSum is passed to the sum method implicitly, and its add method is used to sum your list together. You can define as many such implicit objects as you like for Double, String, etc.
Let's name some functions properly by thinking about what they are supposed to do:
def foldRight[A,B](l: List[A], z: B)(f: (A,B) => B): B =
l match {
case Nil => z
case x :: xs => f(x, foldRight(xs, z)(f))
def sumInts(numbers: List[Int]): Int = foldRight(numbers, 0)(_ + _)
def concatStrings(strings: List[String]): String = foldRight(strings, "")(_ + _)
def concatStringRepresentations[A](as: List[A]): String = foldRight(as, "")(_ + _)
concatStringRepresentations(List(List(), List(1,2,3), List(0))) // List()List(1, 2, 3)List(0)
concatStringRepresentations(List(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)) //
def sumIntRepresentations[A](as: List[A]): Int = foldRight(as, 0)(_ + _)
// --> type mismatch, found: String, required: Int, for second param of (_ + _)
This is what your sum function was probably supposed to be named.
To make it compile, we wish that there is
a method +: Int => Int defined for any type, or...
implicit conversions that convert any type to Int (something like toString with Int), or...
other implicit conversions that make sense, or...
something else, that can make this function succeed and is recognized by the compiler.
It turns out that Any can be implicitly converted to something that has a method +(other: String) => String that makes the String example work, but there is no implicit conversion from Any to something that has a method +(other: Int) => Int.
This could be explained in more detail and other answers already do that.
So, yes, the compiler gives a message that is confusing due to existence of implicit conversions. But let's look at the problem at hand which probably was our wishful thinking. Sometimes stuff just works like in the concatStringRepresentations function. It does not work in general, but in this special case with String it does.
Sometimes something works for a special case. And when we don't see that it is a special case, mistakes can happen, for instance when we apply it to something else.
I was wondering how it works if I want to defining a function that takes one or more parameters and a callable (a function), and why the annotation is like this.
I will take the code from this answer as example:
// Returning T, throwing the exception on failure
final def retry[T](n: Int)(fn: => T): T = {
util.Try { fn } match {
case util.Success(x) => x
case _ if n > 1 => retry(n - 1)(fn)
case util.Failure(e) => throw e
In this function there are a few interesting things:
The annotation tailrec.
Generic type function retry[T]
Parameter int
callable fn
My question is on point 4. Why and how the definition of this function takes two round brackets. If you want to pass a callable function to any function should you always use a round brackets next to the "list" of optional parameter? Why not put together with the parameters?
Thank you in advance
You can have multiple parameter lists in function declaration. It is mostly the same as merging all the parameters into one list (def foo(a: Int)(b: Int) is more or less equivalent to def foo(a: Int, b: Int)) with a few differences:
You can reference parameters from previous list(s) in declaration: def foo(a : Int, b: Int = a + 1) does not work, but def foo(a: Int)(b: Int = a +1) does.
Type parameters can be inferred between parameter lists: def foo[T](x: T, f: T => String): String ; foo(1, _.toString) doesn't work (you'd have to write foo[Int](1, _.toString), but def foo[T](x: T)(f: T => String); foo(1)(_.toString) does.
You can only declare the entire list as implicit, so, multiple lists are helpful when you need some parameters to be implicit, and not the others: def foo(a: Int)(implicit b: Configuration)
Then, there are some syntactical advantages - things you could do with the single list, but they'd just look uglier:
def foo(a: Int)(b: Int): String
val bar: Int => String = foo(1)
You could write this with the single list too, but it wouldn't look as nice:
def foo(a: Int, b: Int): String
val bar: Int => String = foo(1, _)
Finally, to your question:
def retry[T](n: Int)(f: => T)
is nice, because parenthesis are optional around lists with just a single argument. So, this lets you write things like
retry(3) {
val c = createConnection
which would look a lot uglier if f was merged into the same list.
Also, currying is useful:
val transformer = retry[Int](3)
Seq(1,2,3).map { n => transformer(n + 1) }
Seq(4,5,6).map { n => transformer(n * 2) }
To be honest you don't have to use multiple parameter lists in order to pass function as an argument. E.g.
def pass(string: String, fn: String => Unit): Unit = fn(string)
would totally work. However, how would you call it?
pass("test", s => println(s))
Some would find it clumsy. You would rather want to pass it like:
pass("test")(s => println(s))
or even
pass("test") { s =>
to make it look as if function is a block appended to the pass called with one parameter.
With single parameter list you will be forced to write it like:
pass("test", println)
pass("test", s => println(s))
pass("test", { s => println(s) })
With last parameter curried you just get more comfortable syntax. In languages like Haskell, where currying happens automatically, you don't have to bother with syntactic design decisions like this one. Unfortunately Scala requires that you made these decisions explicitly.
If you want to pass a callable function to any function should you
always use a round brackets next to the "list" of optional parameter?
Why not put together with the parameters?
There is no such obligation, it's (mostly) a matter of style. IMO, it also leads to cleaner syntax. With two parameter lists, where the second one is the function yielding the result, we can call the retry method:
val res: Try[Int] retry(3) {
Instead, of we used a single parameter list, our method call would look like this:
val res: Try[Int] = retry(3, () => {
I find the first syntax cleaner, which also allows you to use retry as a curried method when only supplying the first parameter list
However, if we think of a more advanced use case, Scala type inference works between parameter lists, not inside them. That means that if we have a method:
def mapFun[T, U](xs: List[T])(f: T => U): List[U] = ???
We would be able to call our method without specifying the type of T or U at the call site:
val res: List[Int] = mapFun(List.empty[Int])(i => i + 1)
But if we used a single parameter list,
def mapFun2[T, U](xs: List[T], f: T => U): List[U] = ???
This won't compile:
val res2 = mapFun2(List.empty[Int], i => i + 1)
Instead, we'd need to write:
val res2 = mapFun2[Int, Int](List.empty[Int], i => i + 1)
To aid the compiler at choosing the right types.
I've been experimenting with implicit conversions, and I have a decent understanding of the 'enrich-my-libray' pattern that uses these. I tried to combine my understanding of basic implicits with the use of implicit evidence... But I'm misunderstanding something crucial, as shown by the method below:
import scala.language.implicitConversions
object Moo extends App {
case class FooInt(i: Int)
implicit def cvtInt(i: Int) : FooInt = FooInt(i)
implicit def cvtFoo(f: FooInt) : Int = f.i
class Pair[T, S](var first: T, var second: S) {
def swap(implicit ev: T =:= S, ev2: S =:= T) {
val temp = first
first = second
second = temp
def dump() = {
println("first is " + first)
println("second is " + second)
val x = new Pair(FooInt(200), 100)
When I run the above method I get this error:
Error:(31, 5) Cannot prove that nodescala.Moo.FooInt =:= Int.
I am puzzled because I would have thought that my in-scope implict conversion would be sufficient 'evidence' that Int's can be converted to FooInt's and vice versa. Thanks in advance for setting me straight on this !
After being unconfused by Peter's excellent answer, below, the light bulb went on for me one good reason you would want to use implicit evidence in your API. I detail that in my own answer to this question (also below).
=:= checks if the two types are equal and FooInt and Int are definitely not equal, although there exist implicit conversion for values of these two types.
I would create a CanConvert type class which can convert an A into a B :
trait CanConvert[A, B] {
def convert(a: A): B
We can create type class instances to transform Int into FooInt and vise versa :
implicit val Int2FooInt = new CanConvert[Int, FooInt] {
def convert(i: Int) = FooInt(i)
implicit val FooInt2Int = new CanConvert[FooInt, Int] {
def convert(f: FooInt) = f.i
Now we can use CanConvert in our Pair.swap function :
class Pair[A, B](var a: A, var b: B) {
def swap(implicit a2b: CanConvert[A, B], b2a: CanConvert[B, A]) {
val temp = a
a = b2a.convert(b)
b = a2b.convert(temp)
override def toString = s"($a, $b)"
def dump(): Unit = println(this)
Which we can use as :
scala> val x = new Pair(FooInt(200), 100)
x: Pair[FooInt,Int] = (FooInt(200), 100)
scala> x.swap
scala> x.dump
(FooInt(100), 200)
A =:= B is not evidence that A can be converted to B. It is evidence that A can be cast to B. And you have no implicit evidence anywhere that Int can be cast to FooInt vice versa (for good reason ;).
What you are looking for is:
def swap(implicit ev: T => S, ev2: S => T) {
After working through this excercise I think I have a better understanding of WHY you'd want to use implicit evidence serves in your API.
Implicit evidence can be very useful when:
you have a type parameterized class that provides various methods
that act on the types given by the parameters, and
when one or more of those methods only make sense when additional
constraints are placed on parameterized types.
So, in the case of the simple API given in my original question:
class Pair[T, S](var first: T, var second: S) {
def swap(implicit ev: T =:= S, ev2: S =:= T) = ???
def dump() = ???
We have a type Pair, which keeps two things together, and we can always call dump() to examine the two things. We can also, under certain conditions, swap the positions of the first and second items in the pair. And those conditions are given by the implicit evidence constraints.
The Programming in Scala book gives a nice example of how this technique
is used in Scala collections, specifically on the toMap method of Traversables.
The book points out that Map's constructor
wants key-value pairs, i.e., two-tuples, as arguments. If we have a
sequence [Traversable] of pairs, wouldn’t it be nice to create a Map
out of them in one step? That’s what toMap does, but we have a
dilemma. We can’t allow the user to call toMap if the sequence is not
a sequence of pairs.
So there's an example of a type [Traversable] that has a method [toMap] that can't be used in all situations... It can only be used when the compiler can 'prove' (via implicit evidence) that the items in the Traversable are pairs.
Specialization promises to provide high-efficiency implmentations for primitive types
with minimal extra boilerplate. But specialization seems to be too eager for its own good.
If I want to specialize a class or method,
def foo[#specialized(Byte) A](a: A): String = ???
class Bar[#specialized(Int) B] {
var b: B = ???
def baz: B = ???
then I am required to write a single implementation that covers both the specialized and the generic cases.
What if those cases are really different from each other, such that the implementations do not overlap?
For example, if I wanted to perform math on bytes, I would need to insert a bunch of & 0xFFs into the
I could possibly write a specialized type-class to do the math right, but doesn't that just push the same
problem back one level? How do I write my specialized + method for that type class in a way that doesn't
conflict with a more general implementation?
class Adder[#specialized(Byte) A] {
def +(a1: A, a2: A): A = ???
Also, once I do create a type-class this way, how do I make sure the correct type class is used for my specialized methods
instead of the general version (which, if it is truly general, should probably compile and certainly would run, except that it isn't what I want)?
Is there a way to do this without macros? Is it easier with macros?
This is my best attempt so far. It works but the implementation isn't pretty (even if the results are). Improvements are welcome!
There is a macro-free way to do this, both at the class and method level, and it does involve type classes--quite a lot of
them! And the answer is not exactly the same for classes and methods. So bear with me.
Manually Specialized Classes
You manually specialize classes the same way that you manually provide any kind of different implementation for classes:
your superclass is abstract (or is a trait), and the subclasses provide the implementation details.
abstract class Bippy[#specialized(Int) B] {
def b: B
def next: Bippy[B]
class BippyInt(initial: Int) extends Bippy[Int] {
private var myB: Int = initial
def b: Int = myB
def next = { myB += 1; this }
class BippyObject(initial: Object) extends Bippy[Object] {
private var myB: Object = initial
def b: B = myB
def next = { myB = myB.toString; this }
Now, if only we had a specialized method to pick out the right implementations, we'd be done:
object Bippy{
def apply[#specialized(Int) B](initial: B) = ??? // Now what?
So we've converted our problem of providing custom specialized classes and methods into just
needing to provide custom specialized methods.
Manually Specialized Methods
Manually specializing a method requires a way to write one implementation that can nonetheless
select which implementation you want (at compile time). Type classes are great at this. Suppose
we already had type classes that implemented all of our functionality, and that the compiler would
select the right one. Then we could just write
def foo[#specialized(Int) A: SpecializedFooImpl](a: A): String =
...or we could if implicitly was guaranteed to preserve specialization and if we only
ever wanted a single type parameter. In general these things are not true, so we'll write
our type class out as an implicit parameter rather than relying on the A: TC syntactic sugar.
def foo[#specialized(Int) A](a: A)(implicit impl: SpecializedFooImpl[A]): String =
(Actually, that's less boilerplate anyway.)
So we've converted our problem of providing custom specialized methods into just needing
to write specialized typeclasses and getting the compiler to fill in the correct ones.
Manually Specialized Type Classes
Type classes are just classes, and now we have to write specialized classes again, but
there's a critical difference. The user isn't the one asking for arbitrary instances.
This gives us just enough extra flexibility for it to work.
For foo, we need an Int version and a fully generic version.
trait SpecFooImpl[#specialized (Int), A] {
def apply(param: A): String
final class SpecFooImplAny[A] extends SpecFooImpl[A] {
def apply(param: A) = param.toString
final class SpecFooImplInt extends SpecFooImpl[Int] {
def apply(param: Int) = "!" * math.max(0, param)
Now we could create implicits to supply those type classes like so
implicit def specFooAsAny[A] = new SpecFooImplAny[A]
implicit val specFooAsInt = new SpecFooImplInt
except we have a problem: if we actually try to call foo: Int, both implicits will apply.
So if we just had a way to prioritize which type class we chose, we'd be all set.
Selection of type classes (and implicits in general)
One of the secret ingredients the compiler uses to determine the right implicit to use
is inheritance. If implicits come from A via B extends A, but B
declares its own that also could apply, those in B win if all else is equal.
So we put the ones we want to win deeper in the inheritance hierarchy.
Also, since you're free to define implicits in traits, you can mix them in anywhere.
So the last piece of our puzzle is to pop our type class implicits into a chain
of traits that extend each other, with the more generic ones appearing earlier.
trait LowPriorityFooSpecializers {
implicit def specializeFooAsAny[A] = new SpecializedFooImplAny[A]
trait FooSpecializers extends LowPriorityFooSpecializers {
implicit val specializeFooAsInt = new SpecializedFooImplInt
Mix in the highest-priority trait to wherever the implicits are needed, and the
type classes will be picked as desired.
Note that the type classes will be as specialized as you make them even if the
specialized annotation is not used. So you can do without specialized at all,
as long as you know the type precisely enough, unless you want to use specialized
functions or interoperate with other specialized classes. (And you probably do.)
A complete example
Let's suppose we want to make a two-parameter specialized bippy function that
will do apply the following transformation:
bippy(a, b) -> b
bippy(a, b: Int) -> b+1
bippy(a: Int, b) -> b
bippy(a: Int, b: Int) -> a+b
We should be able to achieve this with three type classes and a single specialized
method. Let's try, first the method:
def bippy[#specialized(Int) A, #specialized(Int) B](a: A, b: B)(implicit impl: SpecBippy[A, B]) =
impl(a, b)
Then the type classes:
trait SpecBippy[#specialized(Int) A, #specialized(Int) B] {
def apply(a: A, b: B): B
final class SpecBippyAny[A, B] extends SpecBippy[A, B] {
def apply(a: A, b: B) = b
final class SpecBippyAnyInt[A] extends SpecBippy[A, Int] {
def apply(a: A, b: Int) = b + 1
final class SpecBippyIntInt extends SpecBippy[Int, Int] {
def apply(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
Then the implicits in chained traits:
trait LowerPriorityBippySpeccer {
// Trick to avoid allocation since generic case is erased anyway!
private val mySpecBippyAny = new SpecBippyAny[AnyRef, AnyRef]
implicit def specBippyAny[A, B] = mySpecBippyAny.asInstanceOf[SpecBippyAny[A, B]]
trait LowPriorityBippySpeccer extends LowerPriorityBippySpeccer {
private val mySpecBippyAnyInt = new SpecBippyAnyInt[AnyRef]
implicit def specBippyAnyInt[A] = mySpecBippyAnyInt.asInstanceOf[SpecBippyAnyInt[A]]
// Make this last one an object so we can import the contents
object BippySpeccer extends LowPriorityBippySpeccer {
implicit val specBippyIntInt = new SpecBippyIntInt
and finally we'll try it out (after pasting everything in together in :paste in the REPL):
scala> import Speccer._
import Speccer._
scala> bippy(Some(true), "cod")
res0: String = cod
scala> bippy(1, "salmon")
res1: String = salmon
scala> bippy(None, 3)
res2: Int = 4
scala> bippy(4, 5)
res3: Int = 9
It works--our custom implementations are enabled. Just to check that we can use
any type, but we don't leak into the wrong implementation:
scala> bippy(4, 5: Short)
res4: Short = 5
scala> bippy(4, 5: Double)
res5: Double = 5.0
scala> bippy(3: Byte, 2)
res6: Int = 3
And finally, to verify that we have actually avoided boxing, we'll time bippy at
summing a bunch of integers:
scala> val th = new ichi.bench.Thyme
th: ichi.bench.Thyme = ichi.bench.Thyme#1130520d
scala> val adder = (i: Int, j: Int) => i + j
adder: (Int, Int) => Int = <function2>
scala> var a = Array.fill(1024)(util.Random.nextInt)
a: Array[Int] = Array(-698116967, 2090538085, -266092213, ...
scala> th.pbenchOff(){
var i, s = 0
while (i < 1024) { s = adder(a(i), s); i += 1 }
var i, s = 0
while (i < 1024) { s = bippy(a(i), s); i += 1 }
Benchmark comparison (in 1.026 s)
Not significantly different (p ~= 0.2795)
Time ratio: 0.99424 95% CI 0.98375 - 1.00473 (n=30)
First 330.7 ns 95% CI 328.2 ns - 333.1 ns
Second 328.8 ns 95% CI 326.3 ns - 331.2 ns
So we can see that our specialized bippy-adder achieves the same kind of performance
as specialized Function2 does (about 3 adds per ns, which is about right for a modern
To write custom specialized code using the #specialized annotation,
Make the specialized class abstract and manually supply concrete implementations
Make specialized methods (including generators for a specialized class) take typeclasses that do the real work
Make the base typeclass trait #specialized and provide concrete implementations
Provide implicit vals or defs in an inheritance-hierarchy of traits so the correct one is selected
It's a lot of boilerplate, but at the end of it all you get a seamless custom-specialized experience.
This is an answer from the scala internals mailing list:
With miniboxing specialization, you can use the reflection feature:
import MbReflection._
import MbReflection.SimpleType._
import MbReflection.SimpleConv._
object Test {
def bippy[#miniboxed A, #miniboxed B](a: A, b: B): B =
(reifiedType[A], reifiedType[B]) match {
case (`int`, `int`) => (a.as[Int] + b.as[Int]).as[B]
case ( _ , `int`) => (b.as[Int] + 1).as[B]
case (`int`, _ ) => b
case ( _ , _ ) => b
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
def x = 1.0
assert(bippy(3,4) == 7)
assert(bippy(x,4) == 5)
assert(bippy(3,x) == x)
assert(bippy(x,x) == x)
This way, you can choose the exact behavior of the bippy method based on the type arguments without defining any implicit classes.
I know it's quite old, but I bumped at it looking for something else and maybe it'll prove useful. I had a similar motivation, and answered it in how to check I'm inside a specialized function or class
I used a reverse lookup table - SpecializedKey is a specialized class which equals all other instances with the same specialization, so I can perform a check like this
def onlyBytes[#specialized E](arg :E) :Option[E] =
if (specializationFor[E]==specializationFor[Byte]) Some(arg)
else None
Of course, there's no performance benefit when working with individual primitive values, but with collections, especially iterators, it becomes useful.
final val AllButUnit = new Specializable.Group((Byte, Short, Int, Long, Char, Float, Double, Boolean, AnyRef))
def specializationFor[#specialized(AllButUnit) E] :ResolvedSpecialization[E] =
Specializations(new SpecializedKey[E]).asInstanceOf[ResolvedSpecialization[E]]
private val Specializations = Seq(
spec => spec.key -> spec :(SpecializedKey[_], ResolvedSpecialization[_])
private def resolve[#specialized(AllButUnit) E :ClassTag] :ResolvedSpecialization[E] =
new ResolvedSpecialization[E](new SpecializedKey[E], new Array[E](0))
class ResolvedSpecialization[#specialized(AllButUnit) E] private[SpecializedCompanion]
(val array :Array[E], val elementType :Class[E], val classTag :ClassTag[E], private[SpecializedCompanion] val key :SpecializedKey[E]) {
private[SpecializedCompanion] def this(key :SpecializedKey[E], array :Array[E]) =
this(array, array.getClass.getComponentType.asInstanceOf[Class[E]], ClassTag(array.getClass.getComponentType.asInstanceOf[Class[E]]), key)
override def toString = s"#specialized($elementType)"
override def equals(that :Any) = that match {
case r :ResolvedSpecialization[_] => r.elementType==elementType
case _ => false
override def hashCode = elementType.hashCode
private class SpecializedKey[#specialized(AllButUnit) E] {
override def equals(that :Any) = that.getClass==getClass
override def hashCode = getClass.hashCode
def className = getClass.getName
override def toString = className.substring(className.indexOf("$")+1)
I'm trying to understand the crucial difference between these two approaches of referencing / defining Function Literal (reference to anonymous function):
By val
scala> val v2 = new Function[Int, Int] {
| def apply(a: Int): Int = a + 1
| }
v2: Int => Int = <function1>
And by def
scala> def f2 = new Function[Int, Int] {
| def apply(a: Int): Int = a + 1
| }
f2: Int => Int
It seems that it pretty much the same in terms of use. I either can pass v2 or f2 to the function that accepts (Int) => Int as an argument. Passing arguments to its..
I guess or the case of v2 it creates an Function1 object that refers to the Function1 object.. like a proxy?
Ok.. My question is: what is advantage and disadvantages of 1th and 2nd approach?
And of it is defined by def, is it still Function Literal?
First of all, neither of your examples are actually function literals—you're creating a Function instance in the plain old sugar-free way, and in fact you could use this approach (new Function { ... }) to create an instance of scala.Function from Java code.
The following are both function literals, and are exactly equivalent to your definitions:
val v2 = (a: Int) => a + 1
def f2 = (a: Int) => a + 1
The only real difference here is that the val will create a single instance once and for all, no matter how many times you use v2 (and even if you never use it), while the def will create a new instance every time (or not at all, if you never use it). So you'll generally want to go with a val.
There are cases, however, where you need to use def. Consider the following:
def myIdentity[A] = (a: A) => a
There's no way we could write this as a val, since Scala doesn't have polymorphic functions in this sense (for any instance of Function[A, B], A and B have to be concrete types). But we can define a polymorphic method that returns a function, and when we write e.g. myIndentity(1), the A will be inferred to be Int, and we'll create (and apply) a Function[Int, Int] exactly as you'd expect.