How to use JSImport when writing scalajs facade for javascript modules - scala.js

I have written a facade using JSImport, and it works. Unfortunately, I arrived at the solution through trial and error, and I don't fully understand why this particular solution works but others I tried did not.
Background: I'm starting with a working project, built with sbt, which is a single page application that implements the client side code with scala.js and the server side with scala and the Play framework. The javascript libraries were packaged with web jars and bundled into the client js file using the sbt jsDependencies variable. I wanted to implement some new features which required a library up rev, which then required an up rev of some javascript libs which were only available in npm format. So now I am including all the javascript dependencies for the client app using npmDependencies with the scalajs-bundler plugin. This broke some of the scalajs facades leading to my question.
I'll use the facade to log4javascript as an example for this question.
The variable log4javascript is the top level object used to access the rest of the api.
When the js libs were included as web jars, this is how the facade to log4javascript was implemented:
object Log4JavaScript extends js.Object {
val log4javascript:Log4JavaScript = js.native
After the change to npm:
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport.Namespace
#JSImport("log4javascript", Namespace)
object Log4JavaScript extends js.Object {
def resetConfiguration(): Unit = js.native
def getLogger(name:js.UndefOr[String]): JSLogger = js.native
Following the scala.js docs for writing importing modules I expected the object name (Log4JavaScript in this case) would have to match the exported symbol name in order for the binding to work. However, the top level symbol in log4javascript.js is log4javascript. After experimenting, it seems the scala object name makes no difference for the binding. It binds correctly no matter what I name the scala top level object.
Can someone explain what relationship exists, if any, between the scala object/class/def/val names and the names in the javascript module when using the 'Namespace' arg to JSImport?
According to the scala.js docs, it seems I should be able to provide the actual name of the js object (I also tried "Log4JavaScript")
#JSImport("log4javascript", "log4javascript")
object SomeOtherName extends js.Object {
def resetConfiguration(): Unit = js.native
def getLogger(name:js.UndefOr[String]): JSLogger = js.native
However, this fails to bind. I will get a runtime error when I try to access any of the member functions.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'resetConfiguration' of undefined
Can someone explain why this doesn't work?
log4javascript also defines some classes inside the scope of log4javascript. When the lib was included as a web jar the definition looked like:
class AjaxAppender(url:String) extends Appender {
def addHeader(header:String, value:String):Unit = js.native
After switching to npm I had to put the class definition inside the top level object:
trait Appender extends js.Object {
#JSImport("log4javascript", "log4javascript")
object Log4JavaScript extends js.Object {
class AjaxAppender(url: String) extends Appender {
def addHeader(name: String, value: String): Unit = js.native
This seems sensible, but from the scala.js docs it seems like it should have been possible to define it this way outside of the top level object
#JSImport("log4javascript", "log4javascript.AjaxAppender")
class AjaxAppender(url: String) extends Appender {
def addHeader(name: String, value: String): Unit = js.native
However, this also fails to bind. Could someone explain the correct way to define the class as above? Or is the definition nested inside the Log4JavaScript object the only correct way to do it?

Can someone explain what relationship exists, if any, between the scala object/class/def/val names and the names in the javascript module when using the 'Namespace' arg to JSImport?
This is explained in this part of the Scala.js documentation. The name of the Scala object defining the facade does not matter. What matter are the parameters of the #JSImport annotation. The first one indicates which module to import from, and the second one indicates what to import.
In your case, the log4javascript module is in the log4javascript.js file, in the log4javascript package directory. So, your first parameter should be:
#JSImport("log4javascript/log4javascript.js", ...)
object Log4JavaScript ...
However, log4javascript is defined as an npm module whose main file refers to the log4javascript.js file. This means that you can just use the package directory name:
#JSImport("log4javascript", ...)
object Log4JavaScript ...
(See this article for more information on how NodeJS does resolve modules)
The second parameter of the #JSImport annotation indicates what to import. In your case, you want to import the whole module, not just a member of it, so you want to use Namespace:
#JSImport("log4javascript", Namespace)
object Log4JavaScript ...
This corresponds to the following EcmaScript import statement:
import * as Log4JavaScript from 'log4javascript'
Note that, although the Scala object name (Log4JavaScript, here) does not matter, the names of its members does matter, as explained in this part of the Scala.js documentation.
According to the scala.js docs, it seems I should be able to provide the actual name of the js object (I also tried "Log4JavaScript")
#JSImport("log4javascript", "log4javascript")
However, this fails to bind. I will get a runtime error when I try to access any of the member functions.
When you write that, you try to access to the log4javascript member of the log4javascript module. But that module does not have such a member.
it should have been possible to define it this way outside of the top level object
#JSImport("log4javascript", "log4javascript.AjaxAppender")
However, this also fails to bind.
Again, this means “import the log4javascript.AjaxAppender member from the log4javascript module”, but that module does not have such a member. The following should work:
#JSImport("log4javascript", "AjaxAppender")


AbstractMethodError on obscure method name when upgrading from Scala 2.12 to 2.13

I am getting the following error:
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Receiver class com.pack.ReceiverDAO does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method 'abstract void com$pack$proj$dao$JSDAO$_setter_$jsDAOApi_$eq(slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile$API)' of interface com.pack.proj.dao.JSDAO.
when I try to promote my code to Scala 2.13 from 2.12 (the dependency that's giving me issues, com.pack.proj, is compiled by Scala 2.12). I thought an easy way to get rid of this error is to implement a stub for it. However, at the moment, I don't have the source code for com.pack.proj.dao.JSDAO (which is what I extends in my "receiver", com.pack.ReceiverDAO) so I am not sure how to override com$pack$proj$dao$JSDAO$_setter_$jsDAOApi_$eq(slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile$API) w/o compilation errors like "overrides nothing". How can I override this inherited abstract method or otherwise get rid of this runtime error?
For the sake of completeness, I'd like to add that I needed to exclude some of the Scala_2.12-compiled Slick libraries when I declared the troublesome library, com.pack.proj as a dependency:
("com.pack.proj" % "js-dao_2.12" % ProjVer)
.exclude("com.typesafe.slick", "slick-hikaricp_2.12")
.exclude("com.github.tminglei", "slick-pg_2.12")
.exclude("com.typesafe.slick", "slick_2.12")
You simply cannot use a library that is compiled with 2.12 in a 2.13 project. It will inevitably break.
There is no real remedy other than use a version of that library that is compiled with 2.13, or not use it at all.
Make sure you're initialising your database in the same format as recommended. I.e. use a trait to define which extensions you wish to use and then extend this trait on a companion object.
import com.github.tminglei.slickpg._
trait MyPostgresProfile extends ExPostgresProfile
with PgArraySupport {
override val api = MyAPI
object MyAPI extends API with ArrayImplicits {
object MyPostgresProfile extends MyPostgresProfile
You can see a more complete example in the slick-pg README

Is it possible to automatically load an implicit def if included as a dependency (no importing)

I'm working on a commons library that includes a config library (
This config library uses "kebab-case" when parsing configuration files by default and it can be overridden by an implicit def in scope.
However, I don't want to force that on the users of my commons library when they get access to the config library transitively.
So without me forcing users to import this implicit, like:
import CommonsConfig._
can I somehow override the naming strategy via an implicit that gets into scope by only including my commons library on the classpath. I'm guessing no but I just have to ask :)
So if not, is someone aware of another approach?
kxbmap/configs isn't that well documented to explain this.
Implicits work in compile time, so they cannot get magically present if something is included and then disappear if it isn't.
The closest thing would be something like:
main library
package my.library
// classes, traits, objects but no package object
package my
package object library {
// implicits
user's code
import my.library._
however that would only work if there were no package object in main library, only one extension library could pull off this trick at once (Scala doesn't like more than one package object) and user would have to import everything available with a package, always.
In theory you could create a wrapper around all you deps, with your own configs:
final case class MyLibConfig(configsCfg: DerivationConfig)
object MyLibConfig {
implicit val default: MyLibConfig = ...
and then derive using this wrapper
def parseThings(args...)(implicit myLibConfig: MyLibConfig) = {
implicit val config: DerivationConfig = myLibConfig.config
// derivation
but in practice it would not work (parseThings would have to already know the target type or would need to have the already derived implicits passed). Unless you are up to writing your own derivation methods... avoid it.
Some way of making user just import all relevant stuff is the most maintainable strategy. E.g. you could pull off the same thing authors did and add type aliases for all types that you use, do the same for companion objects and finally put some implicits there:
package my
package object library {
type MyType = some.library.Type
val MyType = some.library.Type
implicit val derivationConfig: DerivationConfig = ...

How could a "global implicit class" be defined in Scala?

Considering that a implicit class "must be defined inside of another trait/class/object"1, how can a implicit conversion be defined globally?
The case is that I'd like to add a method to all Strings (or Lists) in my application, or at least to several packages of it.
One cannot add anything to the "global" scope, neither in Java, nor in Scala.
However, in Scala one can define package objects, which can contain methods that are used all over the package, and can be easily imported by the user.
This looks something like this: in the directory foo/bar/baz one creates a file called package.scala with the following content:
package object baz {
implicit def incrediblyUsefulConversion(s: String) = ...
The user then can do the following in his code to activate the conversion:
or maybe
Of course, you can also use your own code in other packages, just like any other user.

How to use members with default (package) or private access level in REPL?

I was trying to add some interactivity to my test/debug cycle, so I tried playing around with my classes from the Scala REPL. This works great but has the disadvantage that I cannot access package- and private-level members, that can be tested from a unit test (if the test is in the same package).
Can I "set" the package "context" of the Scala REPL?
I guess I could use reflection to access the members, but that's so much typing it would defeat the purpose of using the REPL in the first place.
I assume the class you are testing are written in Java as you have to go out of your way to create package only member in Scala.
In short, it's not possible. Each line in the REPL is wrapped into it's own package, so it won't be allowed to access another package-only member from any other package. Even though there is an undocumented system property to change the default package name prefix used for wrapping, the package name is still generated automatically by incrementing a number:
$ scala -Xprint:parser -Dscala.repl.naming.line=foo.line
scala> val x = 1
[[syntax trees at end of parser]]// Scala source: <console>
package foo.line1 {
object $read extends scala.ScalaObject {
// snip ...
object $iw extends scala.ScalaObject {
// snip ...
object $iw extends scala.ScalaObject {
// snip ...
val x = 1
Assuming this is something you do often, what you could do is create a file that makes the reflection easy to use and then load it into the REPL using :load command.
Do you mean that you cannot access members defined in the package object? You can import these members using
import mypackage._
or simply access them using the prefixed form mypackage.mymember(...).

Use function without explicit import in Scala

I like Scala's sys.error function - but I want to distinguish two cases: internal errors (e.g. database problem) and user errors (invalid input).
I tried extending Scala - but it doesn't seem to work:
package scala
class UserException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg)
package object err {
def internal(message: String): Nothing =
def usr(message: String): Nothing =
throw new UserException(message)
How should I define err.usr() to be able to use it without an explicit import?
You can't, only scala.Predef is imported by default and it's not user extensible in any useful way.
You could put these definitions on the package object of your package hierarchy. Then, everything on that package will see them without import.