How do you publish tests/artifacts in Azure DevOps (VSTS) - azure-devops

In Team City, tests are updated as they pass or fail which is useful for long running tests (you might abort the run).
You can also publish arificts while the build is running. e.g.
##teamcity[publishArtifacts 'alogOrScreenshot']
Can you do this in Azure DevOps, ideally using the VS Runner?

Azure DevOps has support for in-progress view of Test data as soon as its published instead of awaiting completion of session. More details #
To add, Junit / Xunit / NUnit and Ctest formats are supported with Publish test results task.


Run automated tests from Azure Test Plans using a YAML pipeline

Until recently I ran Selenium automated tests from the Azure Test Plans using a YAML pipeline for the Build part and a classic Release Definition for the Release part.
Now, the organization I work in does not allow the use of classic Release Definitions from Azure DevOps.
So I extended my YAML Build Pipeline with stages for running my automated tests on different environments.
But I also want to make use of the Azure Test Plans for running my tests.
My problem is that when I want to run a test from my Test Plan, the only possibility for selecting a Release pipeline is the classic Release Definition I have created.
Is there any possibility to trigger the run of my automated tests from the Azure Test Plans, but to use a YAML pipeline when selecting the Stage.
Thank you!
I tried to edit the settings of my Test Plan, but in order to select a Stage, I have to select a Release Pipeline, and the only options are the ones existing in the Pipelines -> Releases windows of Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps build pipelines fail when another build is already running

When using Azure DevOps I notice that occasionally my pull request builds will fail. After some tracking down I noticed that this is only happening when another build is already running.
It seems that the reason is that the files in the output for the build (exe, dll, note_modules, etc.) will be locked so when another build is started the new build will fail until the currently running one is finished, then I will have to manually re-queue the build again.
I am not very familiar with Azure DevOps pipelines since we recently migrated to this platform and also not sure of the best way to fix this issue. The sln's being built include .NET Framework, .NET Core, TypeScript, and Node.js if that helps at all.
I would love to post the logs and current configuration, but due to company policy I'm not allowed to... :(
Azure DevOps build pipelines fail when another build is already running
You could try to use/add a Capability, like Agent.Name to that two specific build agents then in the build definition you put that capability as a Demands.
As stated here:
How to send TFS build to a specific agent or server
The Capabilities of the agent:
Project Settings->Agent pools->Your agent pool-> Agents->Agent->Capabilities
The Demands of the build pipeline:
Options-> Demands:
In this case, when a pipeline is running in this particular agent, another new build will be in pending state until the current build is completed.

How to do automated integration tests using XUnit (.Net Core 2.1) and AzureDevOps?

I'm using Team Foundation Version Control as a source control for my .NET Core 2.1 project.
AzureDevOps is configured in continuous integration to checkout the code and build it.
We have 3 environments (Staging, PreProd, Prod). The Staging is not isometric with Prod so it is untrustworthy and we have to execute our integration tests on each environment with environmental data.
My build is generated by an agent in AzureDevOps on an OnPremise server which can only reach Prod environment.
I'd like to automate my XUnit integration tests in an AzureDevOps pipeline, however, I don't know where and how to do it. Am I supposed to execute the integration test step after building? or after releasing?
It looks like I need to deploy my binaries first on my environments, then execute the integration tests, and, if they go wrong, rollback the release.
How can unblock this situation?
If you want to run integration tests you need to first deploy your binaries to environment. You can do it as a separate:
after deploying code.
Here it is up to you how you will do it. (To achieve last option you need to use pipeline triggers)
If you follow approach shift left, it means you detect issues as quickly as possible, you should don't worry about breaking them. If it happens on staging I would rather encourage you to fix the issue instead of roll backing code. Especially if it involves data model change.
And on production you can run only smoke tests, which are kind of integration tests which doesn't impact on state. They are like GET in REST - smoke tests should be idempotent, so you can run them without worrying bout changing state.
Since you use TFVC version, you could define a build pipeline to build and test your code, and then to publish artifacts. You also define a release pipeline to consume and deploy those artifacts to deployment targets.
As you have to execute integration tests on each environment with environmental data, you can run your XUnit integration tests in Release pipeline via VSTest task.

Azure Devops: How to add automated integration test during release pipeline

I have a staged release pipeline that deploys to Development and then to Staging.
I want my Integration Test project to run during release pipeline only before deployment to staging. How do I do that? is there a specific test task that I will be able to hook into before the staging deployment? like a pre-deploy task or something?
In order to run Integration Tests in your release pipeline. You should include your Test projects or test assembly dll files in the artifacts published in your build pipeline. So that your Integration test projects are accessible to the test tasks in your release pipeline.
To Include your test files in the artifacts. You can add a second publish build artifacts task in your Build Pipeline. Specify Path to publish to the location of your test files. Fore below example.
I add a another publish build artifacts task to publish all the test files that needed to run the tests.
Then I specify the Path to publish field to folder that contains all the test files.
After the build pipeline completed. You will see the Test folder being added to the build artifacts and published to the azure devops pipeline server.
Now you can run your tests in your release pipeline by adding the VsTest task or other test tasks in your release pipeline. The release pipeline will download your artifacts to
folder $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)(eg. C:\agent_work\r1\a).
For above example you will find the test files in folder $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\artifact_alias\Test and the artifacts to be deployed in $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\artifact_alias\drop.
Then you can either create a new stage with vstest task before deployment stage as #Kontekst mentioned, or just add the vstest task on the top of your deployment stage before your deployment task.
In above screenshot I add the Vstest task before the Azure deployment task and point the Search folder to the Test folder where the test files reside.
You can find the artifacts-alias in the field shown in below screenshot.
The main idea is to publish the test files in the artifacts in build pipeline and then add the test tasks in the release pipeline to run the tests.
I suppose you are using C# unit tests.
Add new stage "Integration tests" right before stage "Deployment to Staging".
Add task installing VSTest Platform. It will be cached in agent folder.
Add to your tests projects proper unit tests adapter NuGet package, so that VSTest Platform will be able to find unit tests in dll assemblies, for example for NUnit tests it will be "NUnit 3 Test Adapter".
Add VSTest task specyfing:
a) Test files -> for example "***IntegrationTests.dll"
b) Test platform version -> "Installed by Tools Installer"
All test results returned by VSTest task will be integrated with Azure DevOps services.
I Love both answers by Levi Lu-MSFT and Kontekst!
My team used to do it like that and it got the job done.
However if you'd like more "fancier" reporting and if like me, you were looking for something out of the box that Microsoft was offering specifically for integration tests or automated tests then Azure DevOps' Test Plan feature might be what you're looking for.
Test Plans really seem to be catering for actual web automated tests but you can basically run any tests that you can fit in a release pipeline.
It integrates well with Visual Studio Test Manager.
Here's the link to the documentation:
And here's some screenshots in case the link fails in the future:

How to use a test plan (it is a manual test) on Azure devops 2019 CI/CD pipeline

Righ now, I am setting a CI/CD pipeline on Azure devops 2019. I have implemented some Autometed test, but I would like to know if there is a way to set a stage in a pipeline with a task that allow me to trigger a manual test created on test plans ?
To do this first we need to Associate automated tests with test cases. Then you can use Visual Studio Test task by selecting tests using Test Plan to run tests from your test plan that have an automated test method associated with it.
A similar question has been answered on the Comments in Azure DevOps Labs.Please refer to it.