Problems with zip content extraction - powershell

I need help figuring out how to extract the contents of several zip folders within a directory. I am having issues with the following script:
get-childitem *zip | expand-archive | foreach {-destinationpath C:\\...genericpathdestination }
The command works, as it successfully creates unzipped versions in the destination path, but the issue is that it creates each new zip folder within each subsequent folder. To clarify, when I run the command to unzip:
Folder 1
Folder 2
Folder 3
The command saves Folder 3 within Folder 2 and its contents, then Folder 2 (which includes Folder 3) within Folder 1.
I have about 40+ folders that I need to work with so you can see how this solutions becomes counter intuitive rather fast.
All relevant input/help is greatly appreciated.

The foreach isn't needed in this case. The -force is to update the destination folder.
Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\*.zip" | Expand-Archive -DestinationPath "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Here is the unzipped stuff" -Force


Listing unwanted files recursively in a directory - Powershell

I am trying to make a Powershell script that will display a list of files and folders in a directory('s) while not displaying a specific folder and a file.
I have a bunch of directories on the C:\ that have a folder "DATA" and a "Setup.ini" file within them.
Every once in a while people go into the data folder and make copies and then place those copies of files and directories right inside of the main directory with the "DATA" and ".ini" files.
Then at the end of each month, I normally need to go through each of these directories and delete anything that is not the "DATA" folder and ".ini" file.
Get-ChildItem -Recurse "C:\TestDir" -Exclude 'Setup.ini' | Where-Object { $_.FullName -notmatch 'Data'}
This seems to sort of work and is what I have been using this month.
It runs really slow. I also noticed that one of the Directories had 2 extra folders and a zip file within it.
The script only showed one of the folders and didn't show the zip file either.
I have tried adding other things to this code, but when I do that it begins showing me data inside of the "DATA" folder which I don't want.
Any idea what I could be doing wrong or ways to make this run quicker?
I think it is taking about 7-10mins to run through 113 directories.
Thank you!
Expand the -Exclude and drop the Where-Object:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse "C:\TestDir" -Exclude 'Setup.ini','Data'

How can I copy certain file types in multiple subfolders and paste them in an empty folder while keeping the file structure of the original folders?

I am trying to copy music lyric files (.lrc) from a folder with many subfolders such as artists and albums and paste them in an empty folder, but I still want to keep the folder structure without having to create each individual folder for those files to be put in. In other words: I want to take certain files from a folder and have it automatically create the folder structure in another folder which the original file was in.
For example: I have 10 lyric files accompanied with other music files in a single folder called "ArtistName" which is a subfolder of a subfolder of a folder called "Music". These lyric files need to be in another folder called "Music2" that is currently empty, but instead of just dumping the files in the root folder, I need to recreate the folder structure in which the original lyric files were in.
Is there any way to do this? Keep in mind, I am not very experienced when it comes to programming but I know some basics. Unfortunately I might need more of an explanation than most people here. Thank you to anyone who can help!
Here's a powershell answer:
Use Copy-Item with the -Container and -Recurse switches to copy the folder structure including files to a new location.
Copy-Item -Path "Old\Path\for\Music" -Recurse -Destination "New\Path\for\Music" -Container
If you only want to copy the lyric files while retaining the folder structure use a -Filter
Copy-Item -Path "Old\Path\for\Music" -Recurse -Filter "*.lrc" -Destination "New\Path\for\Music" -Container
You can do this in CMD
xcopy /s yourFolder\Subfolder\*.pdf destinationFolder\myfolder
powershell, recurse option keeps the folder structure
copy-item c:\\srcFolders\\* f:\\dst -force -recurse -verbose

Moving files and folder structure based on days from one drive to another using powershell

I have requirement as below.
Source : C:\s
Destination: C:\d
files located are more than 255 characters.
Moving files based on last modified or written days(10) and it should copy complete folder structure, if any of the files not modified as per the last modified date it should be available at the source file in the same folder. While the other is modified, it should be created with a new directory with the same folder structure and file to moved in the same location as per the source location path.
I have tried PowerShell script using days, however the files are being copied into and folders are staying at the source itself.
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\s -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-date).AddDays(0)} | Move-Item -destination C:\d
So far the output is giving only files but not the folder structure, if it is empty folder it should be moved to the destination folder.
The issue is that you are getting all the files with Get-ChildItem -Recurse and filtering them, but when those files are piped to Move-Item -Destination you essentially are saying to take all files (regardless of the source) and put them into the single folder C:\d. If you want to preserve the directory structure, you have to pass through and specify the directory structure in the Move-Item -Destination parameter.
#AdminOfThings is correct, an easier way to do the move is to use Robocopy. Experimenting with the various switches should get you what you need. e.g.:
Robocopy.exe C:\s C:\d /move /e /minage:10
/move says to move instead of copy
/e is copy directories including empty ones
/minage:10 is to move files older than 10 days.

Zipping folders in powershell

Hope fellow scripters can help with this one :) Been breaking my head around the problem for few hours now.
I'm trying to zip up certain folders using powershell.
My folder structure is
There are a lot more files and folders in every one of the above but these are the ones I'm mainly interested in.
I am trying to zip it all up using either Write-Zip or Compress-Archive methods in PowerShell but my conditions are.
Only Content, Files, Database folders should be zipped from root
Multibrowser\Legacy\customisation, StudentPortal\Customisation and ParentPortal\customisation folders should also be backed up.
Folder structure should remain the same in the zip file meaning that Root of the zip file should have Content, Files, Database, Multibrowser, ParentPortal and StudentPortal folders. Whilst Content, Files and Database folders should have everything zipped up, Multibrowser, ParentPortal and StudentPortal folders should only have the specified sub directories and all files within them.
$FilesAndInclude = #("Content", "Files", "Database", "Multibrowser\Legacy\customisation",
"StudentPortal\customisation", "ParentPortal\customisation",
$FilesToExclude = #("connectionstrings.config", "inc_dbconn.asp")
Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Folder" -Include $FilesAndInclude -Recurse -Exclude $FilesToExclude|
Compress-Archive -DestinationPath ""
I've tried the above and it doesn't do anything however if I remove the -Include parameter then it zips up everything however doesn't retain folder structure.
Is there any way to complete what I am after within powershell?
Ok, first things first, the reason that you are having a hard time using the -Include parameter is because it is designed to exclusively include only the things you specify. As such, it will look at the name of things (not their path), and check against the list and if it matches something in the list it will include that item. Since you only list folder names it is only including those folders (but not their contents). So you aren't getting any files passed down the pipe this way. To get around that you'll need to build your file list first, then pipe it to the cmdlet to zip things up.
Next issue is that Compress-Archive doesn't store path info, so you'll need to use Write-Zip. I have included what I think you would want for that cmdlet.
$FilesAndInclude = #("Content", "Files", "Database", "Multibrowser\Legacy\customisation",
"StudentPortal\customisation", "ParentPortal\customisation",
$FilesToExclude = #("connectionstrings.config", "inc_dbconn.asp")
[array]$FilesToZip = Get-ChildItem .\* -Exclude $FilesToExclude -File
$FilesToZip += $FilesAndInclude | ForEach{Get-ChildItem .\$_ -Exclude $FilesToExclude -File}
$FilesToZip | Write-Zip -EntryPathRoot $(Resolve-Path .\|Select -Expand Path) -OutputPath

Powershell - Add folder/files to zip while excluding certain folders

I'm trying to feed the results of a Get-ChildItem call through io.compression.zipfile to create a zip file of "E:\Applications_Server_Test", excluding two folders "BACKUP" and "BACKUP2".
However, Powershell seems to be interpreting this as "$items = a string of directories and file names" instead of a recursive collection of directories and files I want to zip. I can find tutorials on using Get-ChildItem to exclude directories and I can find tutorials on how to zip a full directory or zip multiple directories but I can't find anything on zipping directories with exclusions. Can somebody tell me where I'm going wrong?
$source = "E:\Applications_Server_Test"
$destination = "E:\"
$items = Get-ChildItem $source -Recurse | ?{ $_.fullname -notmatch "\\backup\\?" }
Add-Type -assembly ""
[io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($items, $destination)
At the moment you are trying to archive the object $items, not the folder. Unfortunately this is not gonna work.
Try to move the backup folders at the same drive (this will just change records at the drive and not move any data), then to archive the whole "E:\Applications_Server_Test" folder and to move back the backup folders.
Other option is to use ZipArchive.CreateEntry method and to add file by file in to the archive. But this is not so elegant ;)