Spring boot JPA Hibernate default Pool size? - postgresql

I am building multi-tenancy application with multiple database. I am facing few problems with regard to database pool size (database connection exceeds).
With regard to Spring boot Hiberante JPA, what is the default pool size for datasource? How many connection does hibernate creates by default with given database details in property files?


MongoDB database is getting reset randonmly

I have created a instance of mongodb on AWS EC2 Instance.
I have 2 Spring boot/microservices connected to this database. One is just inserting the data and other is fetching data. In my microservices, I dont have any delete operation and no such code is provided atany time so by mistake data getting deleted scenario will not occure.
**But some how mongodb database is getting reset/cleared. All database is getting deleted.**
I have checked the mongodb configuration and I haven't explicitly changed anything.
Mongodb is community edition.
On spring boot microservices, I am directly using the Mongorepository
JPA to insert or fetch the data.
I dont have any constraints in POJOs.
Can someone point out what might be the issue? Does mongodb has any
default setting for resetting the database?

create a connection pool for many DBs on the same DB server (Spring Boot)

I'm looking for a way to create a connection pool for many DBs on the same DB server (PostgreSQL Aurora).
This means that I need the ability of changing the target DB of a connection at run time.
Currently I'm using HikariCP for connection pooling, in a stack of Spring Boot and JHispter.
we need to deploy a multi-tenancy micro-service system with a single DB server (to be specific, a single AWS Aurora PostgreSQL instance)
our solution of multi-tenancy is that each tenant has a DB, in that DB we have many schema for each service. All the DBs are in the same AWS Aurora instance.
Our problem:
with this deployment, we have a connection pool for each (tenant x micro-service instance).
This leads to a huge number of connections.
Ie: with the pool size of 50 connections/pool. We need: 500 tenants x 20 micro-service instances x 50 connections/pool = 500000 connections.
The maximum connections allowed on any Aurora DB is 16000, and actually by default the "max_connections" parameter is typically set to something lower.
So now I'm looking for a way to make our pooling scope larger, so that many tenants can share the same pool. Since we use only 1 Aurora server instance, I think it's possible to create a connection pool that can be shared between many tenants.
Is there any way to have a connection pool that can switch the DB at run time?
Unless Aurora has done some customization on this, you cannot change the database of a connection once it is established in PostgreSQL. You can still use a pooler, but it will effectively be a separate pool for each database. This is pretty fundamental, there is nothing you can do about it.

javers, Spring Boot, PostgreSql

How to configure Javers with Spring Boot 2.x and Postgresql such that javers tables are created in a specific schema (named dbo) rather than the default "public" schema of the database?
I have created the issue for that:
Consider contributing a PR, it's really easy to implement this props.

Maximum (client request) thread pool size in spring

I am developing application server using spring boot app but now I want to know what is the default maximum (client request) thread pool size in spring and how can I customize that value?
Assuming that you're using embedded Tomcat, Spring Boot provides a property to control the size of the client request thread pool. Its default value is zero which leaves Tomcat to use its default of 200. If you're using Spring Boot 2.3 or later, this property is named server.tomcat.threads.max. In earlier versions of Spring Boot, the property is named server.tomcat.max-threads.
To customise the size of this thread pool you should specify a non-zero value for the property in your application.properties or application.yml file.
As server.tomcat.max-threads is deprecated since Springboot 2.3, now use server.tomcat.threads.max in your Spring application.properties. Default is 200.

Autowiring multiple data sources with jpa and non-jpa characteristics using Spring Boot

I have two database configuration javaconfig classes - one for JPA purposes with transactionManager() and entityManagerFactory() #Bean methods and one config class for non-JPA JDBCTemplate based query submission to access data from that database. The overall idea is to read using JDBCTemplate to read data and persist the data, after transformation, into the JPA based datasource. I am using Spring Boot to enable auto configuration. My test fails with:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not an managed type:
I have both spring-boot-starter-jdbc and spring-boot-starter-data-jpa in my build.gradle. My gut feeling is that the two data sources are in collision course with each other. How do I enforce the use of each of these datasources for the two use-cases that I mentioned earlier - one for JPA and another for JDBCTemplate purposes?
Details (Added after Dave's reply):
My service classes have been annotated with #Service and my repository classes have #Repository. Service uses repository objects using #Autowired though there are some services that are JDBCTemplate-based for data retrieval.
More complex depiction of my environment goes as follows (logically): JDBCTemplate(DataSource(Database(DB2)))--> Spring Batch Item Reader;Processors; Writer --> Service(Repository(JPADataSource(Database(H2)))). Spring batch item processors connect to both databases using services. For spring batch, I am using a H2 Job repo database (remote) to hold job execution details. Does this make sense? For Spring batch, I am using de.codecentric:spring-boot-starter-batch-web:1.0.0.RELEASE. After getting past the entityManagerFactory bean not found errors, I want to have control over the wiring of the above components.
I don't think it's anything to do with the data sources. The log says you have a JPA repository for a type that is not an #Entity. Repositories are automatically scanned from the package you define #EnableAutoConfiguration by default. So one way to control it is to move the class that has that annotation to a different package. In Boot 1.1 you can also set "spring.data.jpa.repositories.enabled=false" to switch off the scan if you don't want it. Or you can use #EnableJpaRepositories as normal.