Combining Matern and Periodic kernels in coregionalized regression - gpflow

I am trying to build a multi dimensional GP regression, initially with two outputs f1(x), f2(x).
On one output is somewhat arbitrary, hence I would like to use a Matern kernel here: f1'(x)=K_Matern f1(x). The other output f2(x) shows seasonality where the amplitude is related to the value of f1(x): f2'(x)=K_season(x) f1(x). I have been trying to compose a suitable kernel by combining the two with a Coreg kernel:
K_Matern * Coreg * K_season. As this does not seem to work I was wondering where is the mistake in my thinking.
k1 = gpflow.kernels.Matern32(1, active_dims=[0], lengthscales = 1)
k2 = gpflow.kernels.Periodic(1, active_dims=[1], lengthscales = 1)
coreg = gpflow.kernels.Coregion(1, output_dim=2, rank=1, active_dims=[1])
kern = k1 * coreg * k2
lik = gpflow.likelihoods.SwitchedLikelihood([gpflow.likelihoods.StudentT(), gpflow.likelihoods.StudentT()])
X_augmented = np.vstack((np.hstack((X1, np.zeros_like(X1))), np.hstack((X2, np.ones_like(X2)))))
Y_augmented = np.vstack((np.hstack((Y1, np.zeros_like(X1))), np.hstack((Y2, np.ones_like(X2)))))
m = gpflow.models.VGP(X_augmented, Y_augmented, kern=kern, likelihood=lik, num_latent=1)

Your k2 is operating on the same dimension of X_augmented as coreg (active_dims=[1]) - which is the column that's either 0 or 1 depending on which output it relates to, clearly not what you want! If you want to use different kernels on different outputs, you need to use the multi-output framework, there is a multi-output notebook in the GPflow documentation. Specifically, you probably want a SeparateIndependentMok([Matern32(1), Periodic(1)]). Note that in this framework you need to provide all outputs for each input, and instead of augmenting X with the index-into-output, Y has one column per output (so N x 2 in your example).


Small bug in MATLAB R2017B LogLikelihood after fitnlm?

Background: I am working on a problem similar to the nonlinear logistic regression described in the link [1] (my problem is more complicated, but link [1] is enough for the next sections of this post). Comparing my results with those obtained in parallel with a R package, I got similar results for the coefficients, but (very approximately) an opposite logLikelihood.
Hypothesis: The logLikelihood given by fitnlm in Matlab is in fact the negative LogLikelihood. (Note that this impairs consequently the BIC and AIC computation by Matlab)
Reasonning: in [1], the same problem is solved through two different approaches. ML-approach/ By defining the negative LogLikelihood and making an optimization with fminsearch. GLS-approach/ By using fitnlm.
The negative LogLikelihood after the ML-approach is:380
The negative LogLikelihood after the GLS-approach is:-406
I imagine the second one should be at least multiplied by (-1)?
Questions: Did I miss something? Is the (-1) coefficient enough, or would this simple correction not be enough?
Self-contained code:
%copy-pasting code from [1]
myf = #(beta,x) beta(1)*x./(beta(2) + x);
mymodelfun = #(beta,x) 1./(1 + exp(-myf(beta,x)));
x = linspace(-1,1,200)';
beta = [10;2];
mu = mymodelfun(beta,x);
n = 50;
z = binornd(n,mu);
y = z./n;
%ML Approach
mynegloglik = #(beta) -sum(log(binopdf(z,n,mymodelfun(beta,x))));
opts = optimset('fminsearch');
opts.MaxFunEvals = Inf;
opts.MaxIter = 10000;
betaHatML = fminsearch(mynegloglik,beta0,opts)
neglogLH_MLApproach = mynegloglik(betaHatML);
%GLS Approach
wfun = #(xx) n./(xx.*(1-xx));
nlm = fitnlm(x,y,mymodelfun,beta0,'Weights',wfun)
neglogLH_GLSApproach = - nlm.LogLikelihood;
This answer (now) only details which code is used. Please see Tom Lane's answer below for a substantive answer.
Basically, fitnlm.m is a call to
When opening NonLinearModel.m, one gets in line 1209:
model.LogLikelihood = getlogLikelihood(model);
getlogLikelihood is itself described between lines 1234-1251.
For instance:
function L = getlogLikelihood(model)
L = -(model.DFE + model.NumObservations*log(2*pi) + (...) )/2;
Please also not that this notably impacts ModelCriterion.AIC and ModelCriterion.BIC, as they are computed using model.LogLikelihood ("thinking" it is the logLikelihood).
To get the corresponding formula for BIC/AIC/..., type:
edit classreg.regr.modelutils.modelcriterion
this is Tom from MathWorks. Take another look at the formula quoted:
L = -(model.DFE + model.NumObservations*log(2*pi) + (...) )/2;
Remember the normal distribution has a factor (1/sqrt(2*pi)), so taking logs of that gives us -log(2*pi)/2. So the minus sign comes from that and it is part of the log likelihood. The property value is not the negative log likelihood.
One reason for the difference in the two log likelihood values is that the "ML approach" value is computing something based on the discrete probabilities from the binomial distribution. Those are all between 0 and 1, and they add up to 1. The "GLS approach" is computing something based on the probability density of the continuous normal distribution. In this example, the standard deviation of the residuals is about 0.0462. That leads to density values that are much higher than 1 at the peak. So the two things are not really comparable. You would need to convert the normal values to probabilities on the same discrete intervals that correspond to individual outcomes from the binomial distribution.

Multi-output GP with multi-inputs?

I am trying to implement a multi-output GP in GPFlow with multi-dimensional input data.
I have seen from this issue in GPflow that a multi-dimensional input is possible by 'define a multidimensional base kernel and then apply the coregion on top of that'.
I have written the following code, I know for isotopic data (all outputs are obtained) one can use something alternatively like described in this notebook but here as I need to try ICM so let's continue with the code below.
However, when I try running the following code:
from gpflow.gpr import GPR
import gpflow
import numpy as np
from gpflow.kernels import Coregion
def f(x):
def _y(_x):
function_sum = 0
for i in np.arange(0, len(_x) - 1):
function_sum += (1 - _x[i]) ** 2 + 100 * ((_x[i + 1] - _x[i] ** 2) ** 2)
return function_sum
return np.atleast_2d([_y(_x) for _x in (np.atleast_2d(x))]).T
isotropic_X = np.random.rand(100, 2) * 4 - 2
Y1 = f(isotropic_X)
Y2 = f(isotropic_X) + np.random.normal(loc=2000, size=(100,1))
Y3 = f(isotropic_X) + np.random.normal(loc=-2000, size=(100,1))
# a Coregionalization kernel. The base kernel is Matern, and acts on the first ([0]) data dimension.
# the 'Coregion' kernel indexes the outputs, and actos on the second ([1]) data dimension
k1 = gpflow.kernels.Matern32(2)
coreg = Coregion(1, output_dim=3, rank=1, active_dims=[3]) # gpflow.kernels.Coregion(2, output_dim=2, rank=1)
coreg.W = np.random.rand(3, 1)
kern = k1 * coreg
# Augment the time data with ones or zeros to indicate the required output dimension
X_augmented = np.vstack((np.hstack((isotropic_X, np.zeros(shape=(isotropic_X.shape[0], 1)))),
np.hstack((isotropic_X, np.ones(shape=(isotropic_X.shape[0], 1)))),
np.hstack((isotropic_X, 2 * np.ones(shape=(isotropic_X.shape[0], 1))))))
# Augment the Y data to indicate which likeloihood we should use
Y_augmented = np.vstack((np.hstack((Y1, np.zeros(shape=(Y1.shape[0], 1)))),
np.hstack((Y2, np.ones(shape=(Y2.shape[0], 1)))),
np.hstack((Y3, 2 * np.ones(shape=(Y3.shape[0], 1))))))
# now buld the GP model as normal
m = GPR(X_augmented, Y_augmented, kern=kern)
print(m.predict_f(np.array([[0.2, 0.2, 0], [0.4, 0.4, 0]])))
It returns me something like:
"Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor of unknown shape. "
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Administrator\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\", line 1356, in _do_call
return fn(*args)
File "C:\Users\Administrator\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\", line 1341, in _run_fn
options, feed_dict, fetch_list, target_list, run_metadata)
File "C:\Users\Administrator\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\", line 1429, in _call_tf_sessionrun
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: indices[0] = 3 is not in [0, 3)
[[{{node name.build_likelihood/name.kern.K/name.kern.coregion.K/GatherV2}}]]
So my questions are:
- What is this problem and how to enable multi-output GP with multi-dimension input
- I didn't quite get the workflow of gpflow with coregion, from this multi-output gp slide, The ICM returns output GP from a additive form of a latent process $u$ sampled from a GP parameterized by its weight $W$. But in the gpflow notebook demo I can't see any latent process of that and the notebooks says 'The 'Coregion' kernel indexes the outputs, and acts on the last ([1]) data dimension (indices) of the augmented X values', which is quite different than the slides, I am really confused about these different descriptions, any hint on these?
The issue is simply with your offset indexing: the coregionalisation kernel should be
coreg = Coregion(input_dim=1, output_dim=3, rank=1, active_dims=[2])
Because active_dims=[2] indexes the third column.
Thanks for providing a fully reproducible example! I managed to run your code and succesfully optimize the model using a few steps of AdamOptimizer and then ScipyOptimizer, to a log-likelihood value of -2023.4.

How to perform fuzzy clustering method on Qualitative Bankruptcy dataset

We are required to build a fuzzy system with MATLAB on Qualitative_Bankruptcy Data Set and we were advised to implement Fuzzy Clustering Method on it.
There are 7 attributes (6+1) on the dataset (250 instances) and each independent attribute has 3 possible values, which are Positive, Average, and Negative. Please refer to the dataset for more.
From our understanding, clustering is about grouping instances that exhibit similar properties by calculating the distances between the parameters. So the data could be like this. Picture below is just a dummy data, not relevant to my project.
The question is, how is it possible to implement a cluster analysis on a dataset like this.
Since you asked about fuzzy clustering, you are contradicting yourself.
In fuzzy clustering, every object belongs to every cluster, just to a varying degree (the cluster assignment is "fuzzy").
It's mostly used with numerical data, where you can assume the measurements are not precise either, but come with a fuzzy error, too. So I don't think it makes as much sense on categoricial data.
Now categoricial data tends to cluster really bad beyond counting duplicates. It just has a too coarse resolution. People do all kind of crazy hacks like running k-means on dummy variables, and never seem to question what they actually compute/optimize by doing this. Nor test their result...
Well, let's start from reading your data:
close all;
opts = detectImportOptions('');
opts.DataLine = 1;
opts.MissingRule = 'omitrow';
opts.VariableNamesLine = 0;
opts.VariableNames = {'IR' 'MR' 'FF' 'CR' 'CO' 'OR' 'Class'};
opts.VariableTypes = repmat({'categorical'},1,7);
opts = setvaropts(opts,'Categories',{'P' 'A' 'N'});
opts = setvaropts(opts,'Class','Categories',{'B' 'NB'});
data = readtable('',opts);
data = rmmissing(data);
data_len = height(data);
Now, since the kmeans function (reference here) accepts only numeric values, we need to convert a table of categorical values into a matrix:
x = double(table2array(data));
And finally, we apply the function:
[idx,c] = kmeans(x,number_of_clusters);
Now comes the problem. The k-means clustering can be performed using a wide variety of distance measures together with a wide variety of options. You have to play with those parameters in order to obtain the clustering that better approximates your available output.
Since k-means clustering organizes your data into n clusters, this means that your output defines more than 3 clusters because 46 + 71 + 61 = 178... and since your data contains 250 observations, 72 of them are assigned to one or more clusters that are unknown to me (and maybe to you too).
If you want to replicate that output, or to find the clustering that better approximate your output... you have to find, if available, an algorithm that minimize the error... or alternatively you can try to brute-force it, for example:
% ...
x = double(table2array(data));
cl1_targ = 46;
cl2_targ = 71;
cl3_targ = 61;
dist = {'sqeuclidean' 'cityblock' 'cosine' 'correlation'};
res = cell(16,3);
res_off = 1;
for i = 1:numel(dist)
dist_curr = dist{i};
for j = 3:6
idx = kmeans(x,j,'Distance',dist_curr); % start parameter needed
cl1 = sum(idx == 1);
cl2 = sum(idx == 2);
cl3 = sum(idx == 3);
err = abs(cl1 - cl1_targ) + abs(cl2 - cl2_targ) + abs(cl3 - cl3_targ);
res(res_off,:) = {dist_curr j err};
res_off = res_off + 1;
[min_val,min_idx] = min([res{:,3}]);
best = res(min_idx,1:2);
Don't forget to remember that the kmeans function uses a randomly-chosen starting configuration... so it will end up delivering different solutions for different starting points. Define fixed starting points (means) using the Start parameter, otherwise a different result will be produced every time your run the kmeans function.

How to perform multi-label learning with LSTM using theano?

I have some text data with multiple labels for each document. I want to train a LSTM network using Theano for this dataset. I came across but it only facilitates a binary classification task. If anyone has any suggestions on which method to proceed with, that will be great. I just need an initial feasible direction, I can work on.
1) Change the last layer of the model. I.e.
pred = tensor.nnet.softmax(, tparams['U']) + tparams['b'])
should be replaced by some other layer, e.g. sigmoid:
pred = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(, tparams['U']) + tparams['b'])
2) The cost should also be changed.
cost = -tensor.log(pred[tensor.arange(n_samples), y] + off).mean()
should be replaced by some other cost, e.g. cross-entropy:
one = np.float32(1.0)
pred = T.clip(pred, 0.0001, 0.9999) # don't piss off the log
cost = -T.sum(y * T.log(pred) + (one - y) * T.log(one - pred), axis=1) # Sum over all labels
cost = T.mean(cost, axis=0) # Compute mean over samples
3) In the function build_model(tparams, options), you should replace:
y = tensor.vector('y', dtype='int64')
y = tensor.matrix('y', dtype='int64') # Each row of y is one sample's label e.g. [1 0 0 1 0]. sklearn.preprocessing.MultiLabelBinarizer() may be handy.
4) Change pred_error() so that it supports multilabel (e.g. using some metrics like accuracy or F1 score from scikit-learn).
You can change the last layer of the model. It would have a vector of target where each element is 0 or 1, depending if you have the target or not.

Solving a system of equations using Python/Scipy for a set of measurements

I have an physical instrument of measurement (force platform with load cells) which gives me three values, A, B and C. It happens, though, that these values - that should be orthogonal - actually are somewhat coupled, due to physical characteristics of the measuring device, which causes cross-talk between applied and returned values of force and torque.
Then, it is recommended that a calibration matrix be used to transform the measured values into a better estimate of the actual values, like this:
The problem is that it is necessary to perform a SET of measurements, so that different measured(Fz, Mx, My) and actual(Fz, Mx, My) are least-squared to get some C matrix that works best for the system as a whole.
I can solve Ax = B problems with scipy.linalg.lststq, or even scipy.linalg.solve (giving an exact solution) for ONE measurement, but how should I proceed to consider a set of different measurements, each one with its own equation giving a potentially different 3x3 matrix?
Any help is much appreciated, thanks for reading.
I posted a similar question containing just the mathematical part of this at, and this answer solved the problem:
In case anyone have a similar problem in the future, here is the almost literal Scipy implementation of that answer (first lines are initialization boilerplate code):
import numpy
import scipy.linalg
### Origin of the coordinate system: upper left corner!
| |
| |
platform_width = 600
platform_height = 400
# positions of each load cell (one per corner)
loadcell_positions = numpy.array([[0, 0],
[platform_width, 0],
[platform_width, platform_height],
[0, platform_height]])
platform_origin = numpy.array([platform_width, platform_height]) * 0.5
# applying a known force at known positions and taking the measurements
measurements_per_axis = 5
total_load = 50
results = []
for x in numpy.linspace(0, platform_width, measurements_per_axis):
for y in numpy.linspace(0, platform_height, measurements_per_axis):
position = numpy.array([x,y])
for loadpos in loadcell_positions:
moments = platform_origin-loadpos * total_load
load = numpy.array([total_load])
result = numpy.hstack([load, moments])
results = numpy.array(results)
noise = numpy.random.rand(*results.shape) - 0.5
measurements = results + noise
# now expand ("stuff") the 3x3 matrix to get a linearly independent 3x3 matrix
expands = []
for n in xrange(measurements.shape[0]):
k = results[n,:]
m = measurements[n,:]
expand = numpy.zeros((3,9))
expand[0,0:3] = m
expand[1,3:6] = m
expand[2,6:9] = m
expands = numpy.vstack(expands)
# perform the actual regression
C = scipy.linalg.lstsq(expands, measurements.reshape((-1,1)))
C = numpy.array(C[0]).reshape((3,3))
# the result with pure noise (not actual coupling) should be
# very close to a 3x3 identity matrix (and is!)
print C
Hope this helps someone!