Error with a excluded dependency in Spring Boot project: exclusion.artifactId with value '*' does not match a valid id pattern - quartz-scheduler

If I want to build my project with maven package, I get the warning from Maven:
Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for [WARNING]
for org.quartz-scheduler:quartz:jar with value '*' does not match a
valid id pattern. #
line 2619, column 25
I've tried older Spring Boot versions. Version 2.1.5 had the same problem. With 2.1.4 there is no warning.
In line 2619 of the specified file spring-boot-dependencies-2.1.6.RELEASE.pom there is actually the following code:
Since the given code comes from Spring Boot, I can't influence it and have a bad feeling. Will my project be properly built? Do I have to go back to version 2.1.4? Do I have to report the problem to Spring Boot?
What can I do?

It's a maven new feature. Upgrade your maven to some version > 3.2.1.


Conflicting module versions. Module [groovy-xml is loaded in version 4.x.x and you are trying to load version 3.x.x

I am working to setup wiremock for springboot rest api and using rest assured and spring-cloud-starter-contract-stub-runner from spring cloud. when i run the sample integration test i encounter module conflict error
check your dependency tree of pom file. The reason for the error is there were two groovy libs in your class path with different versions and this is causing the conflict
One from rest-assured dependency and other from spring-cloud-starter-contract-stub-runner dependency
Solution is to remove rest assured and replace it with restdocs-api-spec-restassured dependency. This way you can use rest assured with out additional groovy dependency
. your class path will only have 1 groovy from spring-cloud-starter-contract-stub-runner dependency
Found this workaround on Rest Assured's GitHub page. You replace Rest Assured's dependency with this one
<exclusions><!-- -->
Rest Assured's Github Page
1 just manually remove rest-assured dependency from POM file.
2 add to the pom file
3 Maven clean
4 Maven Compile
5 Maven - Reload(refresh)

JDK 11 with JAXB and JAXWS works with Eclipse but not IntelliJ

I am converting an application that uses JAXB and JAX-WS from JDK 8 to JDK 11. The code runs when I use Eclipse IDE but exactly the same code fails with IntelliJ IDEA
I have created a Maven project using both Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA. The problems of finding a working combination of Maven resources has been described in another question. JDK 11 with JAXB and JAXWS problems
The code builds without error in both environments. I have tried creating the IntelliJ IDEA project as a Maven project as well as a standard IDEA project
part of pom.xl
<!-- JAXWS for Java 11 -->
module org.openfx.gustfx {
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.fxml;
requires transitive;
requires java.xml.bind;
requires javax.jws;
opens to javafx.fxml;
opens org.openfx.gustfx to javafx.fxml;
exports org.openfx.gustfx;
When the code is run from Eclipse, there are no errors.
Running the same code from IntelliJ IDE results in this error
Searching through the jar files confirms that ProviderImpl.class is now located in not in This does not cause a problem with eclipse but IDEA reports the ClassNotFoundException
Therefore, my question "How does eclipse resolve this problem while IntelliJ does not ?"
With help from Roman Shevchenko at IntelliJ, I have solved this problem using the following pom.xml
requires java.xml.bind;
requires javax.jws;

Eclipse Java 11 classpath only not working compared to Maven

Migrating an old ERP system to JPMS turned out to be highly problematic (Java 11 Eclipse finds automatic module, Maven does not), so I decided to first try and simply replace Java 8 with Java 11, but keep everything on the classpath by not introducing any files. That actually went quite smoothly; Maven is compiling this without problems, and the resulting application also starts from the command line.
But when I import that Maven project into Eclipse 2019-03 it complains about a.o. java.xml packages, for example this import:
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
This makes sense, because the JRE is modularized, and those classes are in the java.xml module which I am not included. But why is Maven then compiling correctly AND the application starting under J11?
I suspect I need to tell Eclipse to "--add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM" for this project, but I'm not sure where or how. I've tried moving all the JDK/JRE modules in the build-path/libraries from implicit to explicit, but that does not help.
You probably have some redundant xml api jars on the classpath and javac (incorrectly) doesn't complain because of JDK-8215739, but Eclipse already (correctly) does after bug 536928
At runtime, the JVM seems to ignore packages on the classpath that already appear in a named module, so javac's behaviour is actually consistent with that.
To fix your problem: Try "Open Type" to find any copies of javax.xml.namespace.QName in jars on your classpath and exclude those dependencies in your pom.xml
"Try "Open Type" to find any copies of javax.xml.namespace.QName in jars on your classpath and exclude those dependencies in your pom.xml"
This was also the solution for my problem.In my case, I had to exclude "org.apache.axis" from axis and add a separated dependency for javax.xml.rpc
for any poor souls still working with axis 1.3, the group id you need to exclude is just axis

Drools / Java 8 compatibility

I am trying to use Drools for rules validation, and I get an error with Java 8. As per the existing suggestions, I did upgrade to eclipse compiler to 4.4 and see the corresponding ecj-4.4.jar generated in my maven dependencies. However, I am still getting the wrong class format exception:
Caused by: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFormatException.
I tried using different versions of drools including 6.4.0.Final, 5.0.1 as well - but the issue persists.
I get this error when I try using the Stateless kie session but not with the stateful kie session.
Any thoughts?
Best Regards,
If you are using drools compiler dependency then change it below in pom.xml
If you are using drools-spring dependency:
The error you are facing could be because there are multiple version of ecj jar and Java is picking the wrong one.

Maven missing transitive dependency

I have a maven project with a dependency (datanucleus-db4o). This dependency has itself a dependency on db4o (db4o:db4o:jar:
Now maven says:
09.09.10 19:43:09 MESZ: Missing artifact db4o:db4o:jar:
I am new to maven. Is it right that datanucleus-db4o defines its own dependency with a specific version number? Is this a good way? m2eclipse can't download it. I downloaded a newer Version of db4o and added it to the classpath. Maven keeps writing about the missing artifact.
Also I've got NoClassDefFound errors when I launch my application. This leads me to the other question:
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Here is the relevant part of the pom.xml...
and here is the relevant part of the pom.xml of
Is it right that datanucleus-db4o defines its own dependency with a specific version number? Is this a good way?
I'm not sure I understood the question... Anyway, there is indeed something wrong with the db4o:db4o dependency of the datanucleus-db4o artifact: it is not available in Maven central nor in the DataNucleus repository. I don't understand how users are supposed to use the datanucleus-db4o artifact.
I downloaded a newer Version of db4o and added it to the classpath. Maven keeps writing about the missing artifact.
Not sure what you did exactly but maybe the following will work: exclude the dependency that can't be resolved and replace it with some equivalent from the db4o repository.
I have no idea if this will work of course.
Also I've got NoClassDefFound errors when I launch my application. This leads me to the other question:
Can't say since you didn't post the error. But give the above a try.
The required file is not in the maven repositories, but it is in the datanucleus zip file (that one with all dependencies). Look into the /deps folder.
I unpacked it and installed it into the local maven repository with this command:
./mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/home/myUser/Downloads/db4o- -DgroupId=db4o -DartifactId=db4o -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar
After that it is found by maven. Now there are other problems going on. I'll try to solve them myself...
Seems like the JDO or Datanucleus stuff is not well organized at the moment. I think they refactored some classes and now they can't be found at some versions and implementations are incompatible with the api and such stuff.